By Nicole Nichols
Larry Darby is running for Attorney General in the state of Alabama. Darby is the founder and one-time president of the Atheist Law Center. He believes that marijuana should be treated as alcohol and limited as such.1
As an attorney, Darby specializes in juvenile law and he has expressed a desire to "break the cycle of teenagers having babies and being trapped in a life of poverty, which is then repeated by the next generation."2 When there were protests over Chief Justice Roy Moore's Ten Commandment monument in the state judicial building, Darby led them. He also opposes a recently proposed constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriages as he says it is writing "religious doctrine into the Constitution."
All of this may sound pretty good to some - or at the very least, innocuous depending upon your political persuasion. However, Darby is now catering to another group of individuals with an agenda more noxious than anything he has proffered to date. That group is the white nationalists and supremacists who deny the Holocaust and promote an agenda for an all white America.
Larry Darby gave an interview to The Associated Press where he claimed that "no more than 140,000 Jewish people died in Europe during World War II, and most of them succumbed to typhus.3
He said that he realized that his views were somewhat radical but they should help him win wide support among Alabama voters as he tries to "reawaken white racial awareness" with his campaign against Mobile County District Attorney John Tyson."4
With that report the racist right was ecstatic. Finally they had a candidate that was viable, and who would support white America. The Democratic Party, however, was a little less enthusiastic about this admission. Shocked, they reported that they were deciding what to do about his candidacy. "Any type of hatred toward groups of people, especially for political gain, is completely unacceptable in the Alabama Democratic Party," said Joe Turnham the State Democratic Chairman.
Given that Darby has no money and no backing, it is a pretty safe bet that his comments and convictions came about for the "political gain" that the Chairman was speaking of. To add insult to injury, On May 13, 2006, Larry went outside the Alabama borders to secure support from the white supremacist group known as National Vanguard, of which he was a member. Attending the National Vanguard Conference in New Jersey, Darby mapped out his plan:
"Darby would use de-federalized National Guard troops and possibly state defense forces, he said, along with a citizen constabulary under the direction of local sheriffs, to stop the non-White influx and return the invaders to their countries of origin. According to Darby, Alabama have had state defense forces for some time, though they have not been used and garner little publicity.
"Mr. Darby, who is a prominent pro-free speech attorney, said that state officials need to recognize that the incursion from Central America is an actual invasion and that the invaders need to be captured and -- until they are deported -- humanely treated just as prisoners of war would be treated.
"Mr. Darby also indicated that he would seek the help of adjacent states -- and would in turn cooperate with them in what he called a "confederation" -- to ensure that invaders did not leave Alabama only to remain in other U.S. states. During the question and answer session after his address, Mr. Darby said that a period of martial law would be necessary to end the invasion, but only for a short time. He also stated that there was precedent for the broad outlines of his plan in earlier American deportations of non-White invaders."5
Never mind that Darby's motives are very transparent and should be recognized by anyone with a scintilla of common sense - it gets better. As accolades were being sung by the racist right over the fact that they now had someone to endorse, there were a few who wanted to look a little deeper into Darby's background and they came up with a real winner. It seems that for all of his glib political talk about "racial awareness," and such, Mr. Darby has two daughters by a Chinese wife. That's right - for all practical purposes, Larry Darby is one of the most hated, a "race traitor."
Now, if you aren't already loving it - it gets better. The real proof of how strongly convicted the racist right is in their ideology surrounds the support or non-support of Larry Darby. Given the fact that to the white supremacist race mixing is the ultimate sin, it has been interesting to watch the reaction of those who embrace the Nazi mindset. It has also been interesting to see just how desperate some on the racist right are to have a candidate elected - they really hunger for some crumb that will validate their belief system.
When Wesley Sitton broke the news of Darby's miscegenation on Stormfront the debate took off like a wildfire. A number of posters were absolutely outraged and began their posturing for the forum standing firm on the movement's dislike of "race traitors." Patriot T from Jacksonville, Florida had this to offer, "I couldn't agree more. We have got to stop making excuses or lowering the bar, just because we agree with some of a persons views. To me it is same as AmRen allowing jew members.
There is no such thing as a little bit pregnant. You are either 100% with us, or you're not."
BaltNA88 says:
"There is no excuse to race mix. There are mistakes that people make that are unforgivable. Race mixing is one of them."
And later adds…
"It's very simple. Larry Darby is a filthy race traitor. He should be shunned not condoned for his treasonous behaivor."
Vajo jr weighed in quickly:
"I'm going to make it as plain as I can, without a whole bunch of talking, because those of you who are working for our cause, know just what I'm about, and what I mean when I say; your either with us, or your against us in this fight. There isn't any in between here folks. You don't have non-white children, and then go about saying that there is only one true race, and that is the white race. Think about it folks."
Not all, however, were willing to write Darby off their support list which demonstrates how fickle, hypocritical, and utterly desperate they are. We have been saying for a very long time that the racist right spews a lot of altruistic righteousness about their beliefs and their dogma, but few live within the parameters of those tenets. The racist movement is filled with needy people. They need recognition, they need validation, they need acceptance and they are desperately accepting of any bone that is thrown their way. Larry Darby is just another bone.
"White men with Chinese wives is a lesson to us about how feminism has created a hostile environment for men who want to be married to a woman that will stay home to raise her children and treat him like the head of the household. Unfortunatly [sic] many White men choose Asian wives with the hopes that they will get a wife who is not a materialistic feminist ballbasher like so many White women have become these days."
Further, April seems to believe that such mistakes as race-mixing can be atoned for:
"I am not making excuses for Darby or for my friend. It was a huge error and it was a disaster for us that these two highly intelligent men didn't [sic] find White women to create intelligent White children. But these are reasons why it happened that shouldn't[sic] be forgotton [sic] or ignored. And I see no reason now that they cannot make up for thier [sic]mistakes by working for our cause."
This is the same woman who, in an interview, claimed that should her daughters go outside of their race they would be disowned - she would never want to see them again.
April continued through several pages of forum debate to stand up for Larry Darby and she wasn't alone. Wolfsnarl, from Boston, had the following to offer:
"He's still far better than any other candidate out there, the kids he had were from a long time ago and I don't think Chinese is anywhere near as bad as blacks. He has said he opposes illegal immigration, the 'holocaust' propaganda, and anti-white discrimination, it appears all of these claims are true, I think this greatly outweighs anything in his past background that might be less than ideal."
So, which is it…zero tolerance on "race traitors" or "it depends?" Some indicated that they had no problem with "using" Darby to further their message but they wouldn't support him financially. Others vociferously opposed any alignment with the likes of someone so devoid of moral character as to mix with a "mud."
As the debate continues, the racist right continues to demonstrate their "needy" nature and their hypocritical actions. While it seems to be agreed that Darby doesn't have a ghost of a chance of being elected, there are those who will support him because he "says" the right things. Don Black was eely enough to not take a stand one way or the other. He attempted to change the focus by telling his minions that since Darby couldn't win they should look to the Lieutenant Governor's race as there was a viable candidate on the ballot. That candidate is none other than George Wallace, Jr. Wallace is an active member of the Council of Conservative Citizens, and we all know his lineage.
It's clear - they don't know what they believe or what is acceptable or not acceptable in their own ideology. It's also clear that they can accept anything as long as they see a modicum of benefit to their "cause." And, they really don't even know what that cause is.
1. WPMI (NBC 15) Report (
2. Ibid
3. Montgomery Advertiser, Jay Reeves (The Associated Press) May, 2006
4. Ibid
5. National Vanguard Conference Report ( May 17, 2006
Stefan Schmidt you are suffering from a serious problem. Your brain is defective, and you do not percieve facts in a proper manner. Very soon you and other racists will be able to get help with therapy, narcotics, electrick shock therapy, and surgical means to help you overcome your disease. Racism will soon be classified as just another form of metal illness.
ReplyDeleteI am a lover of free speech. So jailing Holocaust deniers was a big dilemma for me. Is it OK to imprison someone because you dont agree with them? The answer is NO.
But, I came up with a brilliant solution. Libel. We have libel suits protecting individuals from false allegations. What if we changed libel laws to include religious or ethnic groups? We get imprisoned revisionists without any threat to free speech! Problem solved. Right now you can make a false allegation against a man and go to jail, but making a false accusation against a race and its free speech. Baloney.
Libel laws and mental illness related laws are the future. We can muzzle racists in either jails or mental institutions and still have an absolutist position on free speech.
As I said, your brain is just not working correctly. You will get help.
It should be noted that Stefan Schmidt is a dumbass.
ReplyDeleteMy God April Gaede is one nasty looking whore.
It is also noted that you are a penis sucker. She looks better than yo' mama.
ReplyDeleteIt will be interesting to see how many votes Larry Darby gets in Alabama.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that the Gaede family is all fake blondes. And I wonder who funded their trip from California to New Jersey?
Today, Al Sharpton is asking to get Darby off the ballot.
According to the latest poll, Darby is getting 12 percent of the vote there.
It will be interesting.
Usually just getting a name on a ballot will give you quite a few percentage just based on either voter ignorance or people who vote against the recumbent no matter what.
ReplyDeleteAnd Stefan, what do you think of Dolby having two children through a chinese mother? That makes him a race mixer and a traitor doesn't it?
And I wonder what the percentage of white supremacist who have seen the inside of a prison cell? I'd bet if they could keep stats, it is above 33 percent.
Herein lies the problem, Harry. So many people vote the party ticket without checking out any of the candidates. And this man got on the Democratic ticket - how in the hell did that happen?
ReplyDeleteI would like to know Stefan's views on Darby's miscegnation as well.
Stefan Schmidt said...
ReplyDelete"The various prison gangs that claim to be white supremacists don’t really count. Everyone knows that their commitment to any cause extends only to their personal gratification."
I'm sorry, Stefan, but I am afraid that your counterparts would not agree with this statement. Look at all of the recruiting that is done in the prisons.
Also - when voting in a major election with several different seats up for grabs - the ballot will often allow you to do straight party voting rather than voting for each candidate individually. That is what I was referring to. I realize that you probably haven't had that opportunity yet.
So, where do you stand on the "race mixing" issue?
And of course while Stefan is worrying so much about black crime...
ReplyDeleteNearly all murders and rapes of white people are done by white people themselves. Well over 80% of all murders and all rapes of white people are done by white people. In fact when it comes to murder, it's close to 90%.
So Stefan, if you have a daughter, you shouldn't worry about the black man. You should worry about the white man. If all the blacks disappeared tomorrow, the odds of your future daughter being raped would only go down slightly.
As far as the CoCC and Amren, they don't "name the jew" as you call it. The CoCC got press here in South Carolina when they were fighting to keep the confederate flag on top the state house. They failed but the idiot governor at the time decided to put it on a flag pole in front of the state house in even a more seeable position.
That governor lost his re-election bid.
And I'm sure the voters of Alabama will do the right thing and vote 80 to 90% against Mr. Darby in the democratic primary.
Not this voter...
ReplyDeleteI am gonna vote for Darby and Roy Moore!
stefan schmidt said, " dumb..."
So...Stefan. You are a white nationalist who hopes to eventually see the day when a white America will be a reality yet you are a "libertarian" on race mixing? Um...okay, how does that work?
ReplyDeleteOkay, fair enough Stefan - so what are you? You frequently defend the positions of the racist right, and you clearly do not believe in equality of the races. So...what are you and what is your opinion of the groups that are currently part of the "movement." (And I do use that term loosely.
ReplyDeleteFACT: Whites are much more violent toward other whites than blacks are toward whites.
FACT: Blacks rarely attack other whites. The majority of crime is white on white.
FACT: According to the link I posted, 69 percent of all violent crimes are done by whites and over 90% of the victims in those cases are other whites.
FACT: Therefore, the majority of violent crime is white on white in America. Not black on white or black on black.
So Stefan as a white man, the odds are much greater than a white person will commit a crime against you and your family.
But yet you worry about black crime being the problem for white people.
That's not logical.
Lloyd Davies aka pizza delivery boy in his mid 30s,
I know you would vote for the racist candidates considering you are one yourself. Maybe it's time I send out those envelopes to your black neighbors in that cheap apartment complex you live at. Once they learn about your racism, I bet that will educate you somewhat.
Stefan said
ReplyDeleteblacks actually commit more violent crime against whites than blacks.
That's a flat out lie Stefan.
And I don't argue with if..... The truth is, nearly all crime committed against whites are done by whites. There is no if....
Stefan said:
Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes.
But there were 95,000 reported rapes in 2004. SourceWhich means 80,000 of them were not black on white or white on black. That's like 82% of all rapes were intraracial not interacial.
And considering the source you are quoting, I don't know if the 15,000 figure is valid or not.
And here is another table for you to examine Stefan. Go to table 43a
FBI Stats by race
And to show everyone what a fruitcake Lloyd Davies, Timelord is, here is a picture of himself that he posted himself.
ReplyDeleteLloyd's pic
What kind of a man in his mid 30s post pictures of himself doing this unless there is some sort of mental disorder?? That's Lloyd Davies.
No I am not comparing apples to oranges, I am comparing apples to apples.
ReplyDeleteWhites to whites.
Blacks to Blacks.
You are the one comparing apples to oranges with your comparisons.
Black on white.
Think about it for a minute.
Now back to what you said.
However, Whites that live amongst Blacks are disproportionately targeted.
And your evidence for this is???????
You also said
Most Whites do not live amongst Blacks. To obtain the true picture one must compare interracial crime rates
Wrong, to compare the true picture have you to consider the facts. Since most whites do not live with blacks, you can't spectulate a "what if" since the "what if" doesn't exist.
Again, you want to play if... or pretend scenrios.... But I suggest you stick with the facts.
The fact Stefan can't stand is most crimes are done by whites and most crimes are white on white, not black on white.
Stefan wants to believe otherwise because he needs something to rationalize his hatred toward blacks.
And again, you are getting your crime stats from hate sites that are quoting bogus statistics.
Why don't you use the real crime stats at and at ???
Because it will prove sites like VDARE lie.
ReplyDeleteagain I quote stats from the FBI and USDOJ
you quote stats from a hate site
Harry, I must say you know how to go toe to toe with this stuff. I especially love this:
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't argue with if..... The truth is, nearly all crime committed against whites are done by whites. There is no if....
Stefan Schmidt,
ReplyDeleteBravo! The way you've been holding your own against these liberals, who can only call names and refuse to back up their arguments with hard references has been magnificent!
Harry and Nikki, either post where you get your "facts" (website, bbok or article using APA or MLA format), or kindly shut up. I'm tired of people like you constantly harping on "studies show" or "statistics prove" without citing a reference.
Oh, and Harry: I've got an MBA. Every paper I had to write needed a MINIMUM of TEN references. I also had to do the statistics. Can you do a statistical hypothesis using a 95% or 99% probability? Do you know what the mean, mode, and median is? No? Then kindly shut your fat, high school dropout piehole. In short, produce the evidence or shut up. And, don't hide behind the First Amendment there Harry, it's only a shield for fools like you.
Oh, and Harry,
ReplyDeleteI've also read the FBI statistics, and it seems that their study is fallacious in that they lump Caucasians and Latinos together. You do know how to read, don't you Harry?
Anonymous coward wrote:
ReplyDeleteOh, and Harry: I've got an MBA. Every paper I had to write needed a MINIMUM of TEN references.
Then why don't you hold white supremacist to the same standard like Stefan hummmm?? Like I have always said, white supremacist hold themselves to a much lower & stupid standard then everyone else.
And I am not writing a college paper.
an you do a statistical hypothesis using a 95% or 99% probability? Do you know what the mean, mode, and median is?
Yes I do. It's basic business statistics in a 100 or 200 level college class.
Number set: 2 3 4 6 7 4 2 1 1 1 1
The mode is 1
The median is 2
The mean is 32 divided by 11
Figuring out standard deviations is pretty simple also.
Anyhow I don't have time to play too many low level math games, I've got to rest in order to drive up Maryland tonight.
Harry Schwartz once again shows his colours by name calling. Now, did I do that? No, I merely pointed out how his arguments are flawed.
ReplyDeleteHarry, proving your arguments with backup is not "writing a college paper." As a liberal, you choose to "shoot from the lip." In other words, you hope to win by the louder you scream.
As far as holding up Stefan to the same level, Stefan backed his up with persons who did the studies (although he also should have given names of websites, books, periodicals, and so on for independent reasearch). On the other hand Harry, you provide NOTHING.
Oh and Harry, name-calling only shows the measure of the person you are. You call these "white superemecists" "low-level & stupid:" what does that make you with a crack like "anonymous coward?"
Oh, and by the way Harry, what is YOUR education level? And, what do YOU do for a living?
Stefan Schmidt,
ReplyDeleteBravo, you're using statistics correctly!
Schwartz, on the other hand, is not. For one, the FBI report lumps Caucasians and Latinos together, which makes "white on white" crime a fallacious argument. The first thing you learn in statistics (something I learned as an undergraduate, and then again as a graduate student), is that data could be flawed. Unfortunately, way too many people (including Schwartz), go by the assumption that data is correct. Now, if you've actually worked in data collection, such as taking surveys (something I had to do when working my way through university), then sooner or later it's going to dawn on you that some respondents will lie. Now, you can either work with that data, which will skew the results, or you can collect fresh data, and hope that your new respondents will be truthful.
Now, when I used statistical data in my papers in graduate school, I would always add (in parens), "Provided data is correct and respondents were truthful." That way, it tells my reader(s) to take such studies with a grain of salt.
The same can be done with the FBI "study." Since the FBI lumps Caucasians and Latinos togehter, one cannot point and say, "Look at the high number of white-on-white crime." That is because there will be white-on-Latino crime, as Latino-on-white crime, and Latino-on-Latino crime. You might as well through the whole thing out, and redo it with Latinos in their own category to get a truer picture.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't (like Harry) read the statistics, then kindly don't quote it, okay? The FBI "report" lumps Caucasians and Latinos together, making the "white-on-white" section useless.
ReplyDeleteWhat was that again you said on NIMbusters? "You say what you are." Are you an anonymous coward there Harry? Hiding behind a keyboard, ruining lives with your baseless "facts?" Harry, are you using your employer's facilities to "get after" others? Should I contact your employer there Harry and have you fired for misappropriation and theft of company property?
ReplyDeleteGlad to help out against a bunch of bullies.
White on White murders.... 3123
ReplyDeleteBlack on White murders.... 522
Mr. Schmidt claims there is more black on white murders.
I always thought 3123 was greater than 522.
Must be the new White Power math.
LOL @~~~ Unit9.
ReplyDeleteIs that new math what leads to the "opening of a new unit of one" equates to a huge upsurge in membership?
ReplyDeleteUnit 9 and Nikki,
ReplyDeleteEver hear of "proportionate?"
Benjamin Netanyahu on Fox News claimed recently that, during a spate of terror attacks, Israel suffered more in these attacks than the U.S. did on 9/11. But then, Natanyahu was using proportionate math, that is, because of Israel's smaller population, Israel was suffering larger casualties because it had a smaller population or, given the American population, Israel would be suffering close to 9,000 casualties.
I very much doubt Mr. Natanyahu is a "white supremecist" practicing "white supremecist math." Also, I suggest you two try looking up proportionate math on the web, and do the practice problems for yourself.
Actually, anon - I really don't care enough to "do the math." You see, I really don't think any of this matters - at all. Are you any more dead if shot by a black man?
ReplyDeleteI have absolutely no inclination to get involved in a circular argument that leads nowhere. The problem is violent crime - not what color the perpetrator is.
Mr. Natanyahu = White Supremist
ReplyDeleteHe murdered Rabin and destroyed all of his peace efforts by promoting an extremist Zionist policy within the state of Israel which had brought them into the condition it is in today.
Mr. Natanyahu is the same as any hate group leader out there only he has done more harm to Jews and the people of Israel than any dress up SCA style Nazis of today.
Stefan, are you familiar with the works of Phillipe Rushton? If so, what do you think of his findings?
ReplyDeleteMr. Schmidt,
ReplyDeleteShould really quit;
His opinions are a pile of shit.
He rants and raves,
And misbehaves,
And moans awhile to cover it.
He hates the blacks,
And hates the Jews,
(This really isn't any news).
He'll piss and moan,
And sit alone,
And demand that we accept his
Oh Stefan Schmidt,
Oh Stefan Schmidt,
You're giving all of us a fit.
Oh Stefan Schmidt,
Oh Stefan Schmidt,
I thought last month that you were "quit"?
Oh Stefan Schmidt,
You've got a name,
That doesn't rhyme with "tame" or "game".
It rhymes with "shit",
And "fit",
And "quit",
(And "lackadaisical half-wit").
Oh Stefan Schmidt,
You wunderkind,
You grey goose-stepping friend o' mine.
I'll let you ramble on with it,
And get a laugh from...
...Stefan Schmidt.
--Count Borg Mesphistopheles
Here's an update on Larry Darby. The Natallnews website has just posted an interview with him. Regarding the "race-mixing" issue, this is how he responded:
"Some supporters of White nationalism, in their capacities as cyberspace activists, are working against me because they "discovered" that 20 years ago I had a Chinese wife, whom I divorced in 1993. Some things are being grossly distorted or misrepresented, as anytime emotion-based gossip reigns over clarity of thought".
Click here for the full story.
So if he was a race-mixer before he got his head straight and became pro-white, he cannot be condemned for it. However, he retains responsibility for any children from that union until they reach the age of majority. That's not only the right thing to do, it's the "white" thing to do.
"I am sorry that evolution is so painful to hear—go back to fascinating about the Jews and those ‘pesky’ Muslims. Your opinions are trite and uneducated."--Asshole
And your prose has all the appeal of babyshit brown wallpaper. Pick up some "word-building" exercises.
"Quite simply, I had to go to several universities across the United States and thus posting would be impossible."--Walter Mitty
That's a lie, jagoff. Every university on earth has the internet now, and don't tell me a spoiled kid like yourself doesn't ALSO own a portable laptop.
Second, every public library in America has a computer lab with internet access. It's become as common as the fucking T.V.
What, you think we all live in fucking caves?
Now, what the bloody hell do you do at these "multiple institutions" then? Run around a giant hamster wheel?
Do they give you cheese?
"I want the ‘gallery’ to be aware that EB’s best job to date was a substitute teacher of the mentally retarded."--Arsehole
Actually, I work grades K-12, Spec. Ed, as well as Alternative School, and regular classes.
I doubt you could handle it. I mean, after all, you have confessed to being a COWARD.
Now, say you got some big black dude in front of you, and you and him have to get along right-as-dodgers day in, day out--for a whole week. Whaddya do?
You sure as hell don't pop up with any of your ignormaus snot-nosed drivel about the "natural" inferiority of one race as compared to another.
And, all in all, you might be surprised. Some of the BEST behaved kids are black kids. And some of the most serious tudents, as well.
So, stop talking out the ass about subjects you , really, are not qualified to expound upon, Teenybopper.
Amazing, 78 comments about nothing.