Thursday, February 21, 2008

Is Domestic Violence Ever Justified ?

Feb 21 Eye On Hate Radio Network
Eye On Hate Radio LIVE Tonight Thursday Feb. 21 at 9pm est !
Is Domestic Violence Ever Justified ?
(Meet Deborah Leshkevich: teacher assistant, parent and wife.
Deborah Leshkevich was beaten and killed by hate,
this is her story)
Other Stories we will be talking about:
Gathering Storm in Roanoke,Virginia(DLJ from One Peoples Project will be joining us);
Why Eye On Hate Radio Took A Break For Two Months;
Nikki's Thoughts.
During the live broadcast you can leave comments @ questions hereNiksNestBlog

Live show here: click on the winamp icon


  1. daryl, are u coming to the hot dog eating contest?

  2. Tribute page to Deb Leshkevich

    Tribute page to Deb Leshkevich

    This is what white supremacist did to all those children in that area, nearly all of them white.

    But yet white supremacist praise murder and spousal abuse. That's they are the scum of the earth, worse than pedophiles.

  3. The interesting thing is that a surprising number of so called "White Nationals" are Pedophiles. Kevin Storm and Steve Holsten just to name a few. They are unstable people who should be watched and jailed.

  4. I'm crying. See, Yankee Jim will never have that kind of tribute. He will never experience that kind of love. While the racist try to make him a martyr - he will always be known as a person filled with hate and a murderer. Sad.

    Jim Leshkevich robbed his children of their mother and the children of Woodstock Elementary of their teacher, their mentor, and their security. Yet - they praise him. Demented.

  5. Thanks anonymous, that "tribute" page was a good laugh.

    It is extra nice knowing that it made Nikki cry.

    And there are HUGE numbers of tributes all over for Yankee Jim, you are just too stupid to see them. Or you don't want to.

  6. I've seen the tributes to Yankee Jim - what I said was that he would never have THAT KIND of tribute. And he won't.

    What is there to honor? Did he touch the heart of a child? By all accounts, his own children hated him and now even more. Did he make a difference? Hardly. Pulling together a hate rally where people could spew racism and venom and demean themselves is hardly anything that anyone other than the ignorant and/or demented would remember or revere.

    He proved this in the end - he was a very troubled and sick individual who was too cowardly to face life head-on and too much into himself and a depraved ideology to allow his wife to go on without him. He was a murderer - period. What's to honor?

  7. You anti-racists are the most disingenuous people I've ever seen.

    There's no question that what Jim Leshkevich did was heinous, unjustified and unforgivable. However, the only reason any of you are addressing this issue is because he was a high profile "racist."

    In the meantime, countless others have been injured, and some even killed as a result of domestic violence. I guess they don't matter since "racism" wasn't an issue.

    You can spin this any way you like, but most of us know that under normal circumstances you wouldn't address the issue of domestic violence -- something we can all agree is wrong and completely unjustified -- unless it involved "racism."

  8. When will OPP be in Roanoke? I will do anything to help take Bill White down.

  9. Bill would stomp your effeminate Pussy Ass.

  10. steve, why do you pretend to be anti jewish? you own so much jewish made porn; that you`ve supported and aided in building two new jewish temples. stop being a racist, steve. i'm jewish and you love our porn. i bet right now you're watching "girls gone wild".

  11. Bob - Over the last 15yrs, I have spoken about domestic violence in many venues radio,tv ,lectures at colleges and universities.

    I believe that Nikki has experienced domectic violence.

    Bob - as a male I was taught "domestic violence" by a male dominated society, a society we are trying to change.

    I hope this helps

  12. To Bob...

    I guess you haven't done your homework - but that's okay. I speak about domestic violence often. I know Floyd has as well. Consequently, I guess it's fair to say you don't know what you are talking about.

    As a matter of fact, I have experienced domestic violence, hence it is a real bone of contention with me - regardless of the ideology of the perpetrator.

    The statistics that I gave on the radio show demonstrate just what an epidemic this is in this country.

  13. I'm not disagreeing with either of you on the issue of domestic violence, in that it's unjustifiable.

    Mr. Cochran, I disagree that we live in a male-dominated society. After the Civil Rights movement, everybody was considered equal under the law. Men have no more rights, privileges or opportunities than women.

    I believe there are a number of problems that you're not factoring into the equation in terms of what causes domestic violence, all of which vary from case-to-case.

    Ms. Nichols, with regard to me being uninformed, please understand that I only listen to your show sporadically. If you're not focusing on the personal beliefs of the perpetrators of domestic violence, then I apologize for being presumptuous.

    However, based on what I have heard, I see attempts to portray racially conscious whites as thugs and social misfits etc. While there is certainly some truth to that, it can also be said that the majority of racially conscious whites are law abiding citizens.

    I'm quite sure you wouldn't appreciate me putting you in a league with the Anti-Racist Action (ARA) -- an organization well-known for violence.


  14. racism is mean very mean. u guys need to learn love love is love and love is good..

    be nice and hug others its nice to be nice to all colors

  15. Deb was a tramp and treated Jim like shit. She got what she deserved, like a lot of anti women should be treated.


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