Thursday, May 26, 2011

Old Habits Die Hard

A blast from the past, it seems that 41 months in a Federal prison didn't make a big enough impression on this 71-year-old Aryan Nations benefactor.

Richard Bertollini made the down-payment on Richard Butler's old Aryan Nation's compound in Hayden Lake, Idaho years ago. An ordained Christian Identity minister, Bertollini played a major role in Butler's group.

After three-and-half years in prison on a firearm's charge, he decided to get a fresh start - sort of.

Wave Bye-Bye, Ron

The halls of justice may not be perfect - but karma is! After his Klan group severely beat a Latino teen at a county fair in 2006, Ron Edwards was ordered to pay $2.5 million in damages only to have the judgement overturned and the case hanging in the breeze. But, there will be no such luck on the the four year sentence just handed down today.

Of course, according to Edwards, he's just being persecuted because he's a racist lunatic who just so happened to get caught trafficking methamphetamine. No one really understands him, right? Oh, well, a prison diet and a few years in a cage will fix him right up! Not!

Nothing Changes But Scenery

And the wheels on the bus continue to go round and round...

After taking a much needed sabbatical from the abyss known as the "hate movement," I am being greeted with notion that nothing much has changed but the scenery. As one after another of my nemeses have been neutered or caged, there will, evidently, always be others to take their place - sort of.

It seems that Travis Ricci, the cocky little Vinlander who featured himself as some kind of ethnic cleansing badass will be finding out just how badassed he isn't.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The People of Wisconsin Fight For Our Rights Too!

The People of Wisconsin Fight For Our Rights, Too!

by Les Aaron on Friday, March 11, 2011 at 8:58am

The people of Wisconsin have struggled hard to acquire their rights in a marketplace slanted
against the worker.

Up through the other day, Wisconsin people had one of the most liberating programs of benefits
that should be a model for most of America, the richest country in the world where no one should have
to worry about who is going to take care of them if they get ill so that they wouldn't be a burden to others,
and that they will be able to look forward to a level of security in their old age.

Now, a consortium of right wing interests has effectively unraveled these hard-earned rights virtually overnight by taking action without proper notification of all government officials and democrats on the Executive Boards, in violation of the Law, to limit worker rights to organize a planned decision by special interests to erode worker benefits into the future at a time of increasing uncertainty and job loss.

We are the people of Wisconsin.

If they lose their rights, as surely as night follows day, so will the rest of us.

For this is a concerted action to end Unions in America so that only the corporations and the powerful will set the rules that will eventually impact ever living American worker.

We must see that this doesn't happen because if the Unions are destroyed, there will be no counter-weight to the Republican Hard-liners who will be able to employ Citizen United monies to run rough-shod over any attempts at fair play and balance in future elections.

They will acquire the power to do as they like, maintain the status quo, pollute the airs and water, and neglect the infrastructure while building their own power bases. Eventually, it will prove impossible for any American to live under such rule and we will all revolt or surrender to slavery, which is not in the American character! But we can head off this eventuality by coming together now to support the American labor unions and the rights of every American.

We must not adapt Chamberlain's policies that assume everything will work itself out. It will not! We need to step up to the plate now and declare our support for everything that Wisconsin stands for to keep America democratic and serving the best interests of its people.

In Solidarity, we cannot forget the abuses of March 9th.

And we must go forward together and in solidarity to do what needs to be done to maintain our democracy and the rights of people intact to preserve our great system.

Together, brothers and sisters, to forge the next hundred years of peace and security and protection for all!

Please spread this message around.

And let's not forget Wisconsin!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

U.S. Asks to Destroy Guns Owned by Blogger in Prison for Threats to Judges

Some people just never learn anything from their experiences. I don't believe that you can't teach an old dog new tricks - but, in this case, there may be some credence to the adage. Hal Turner --- still blowin' and goin'.

Federal prosecutors told a judge they want to destroy four firearms, including a Mossberg 12- gauge shotgun, owned by Hal Turner, the Internet radio host and blogger sentenced to 33 months in prison for threatening the lives of three U.S. appeals-court judges.

U.S. District Judge Donald E. Walter Brooklyn, New York, ordered the weapons returned to someone of Turner’s “designation who is licensed to have them” when he imposed the sentence Dec. 21. Turner asked that they go to his mother.

In a court filing today, prosecutors asked Walter to reconsider his order, in part because e-mails show it appears Turner plans to pursue judicial and law-enforcement officials after he’s released from prison.

“The government requests permission to destroy the firearms, rather than turn them over to Turner’s mother, and to compensate Turner for their fair market value,” prosecutors wrote in the filing.

Turner, 48, was convicted in August of threatening the judges because of their ruling upholding a gun ban. A jury found him guilty of a single count of threatening in Internet postings to assault and murder the three Chicago-based appeals judges. That was the only count he faced. Two previous trials ended in hung juries. Turner has appealed his conviction.

Semiautomatic Handguns

In addition to the shotgun, the government seized three semiautomatic handguns: a Sig Sauer Model P-229.40, a Star Firestar 9mm and a Walther PPK .380, according to the court filing.

Ronald G. Russo, a lawyer for Turner at Schlam Stone & Dolan LLP in Manhattan, didn’t immediately return a call for comment.

Turner told his mother in a Feb. 2 e-mail, written from prison, that “when I get out, I’m gonna go after some ‘problems’ and take care of them in a manner that will be horrific,” according to the filing. He made similar threats to his mother and an unidentified family member in other e-mails, prosecutors said.

In another Feb. 2 e-mail, Turner asked two unidentified family members to send him the personal information such as home addresses on “all the key members in my case,” including prosecutors and other judicial and law-enforcement officials, he had bought from an Internet site called Intelius, according to the court filing.

‘Law-Enforcement Individuals’

“Turner has expressed his plans for the future, some of which appear to be violent, in e-mails to his mother -- the very person whom Turner has designated to receive the firearms, and Turner has taken steps to receive personal information about the judicial and law-enforcement individuals involved in his case,” prosecutors wrote.

Lawyers from U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s office in Chicago prosecuted Turner, with Assistant U.S. Attorneys Diane MacArthur and William Ridgway handling the trial. MacArthur signed today’s court filing.

Turner’s case was moved from Illinois to Brooklyn to ensure a fair trial. Two earlier trials in Brooklyn ended with hung juries in March 2010 and December 2009. Walter is a senior judge in federal court in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Prosecutors said Turner, of North Bergen, New Jersey, threatened judges Frank Easterbrook, Richard Posner and William Bauer because of their June 2009 ruling upholding handgun bans in Chicago and Oak Park, Illinois. A lower court previously dismissed a legal challenge to the ordinances by the National Rifle Association. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the handgun bans on June 28.

‘Tree of Liberty’

“Let me be the first to say this plainly: These judges deserve to be killed,” Turner wrote in a Web posting. “Their blood will replenish the tree of liberty. A small price to pay to assure freedom for millions.” Turner also posted the judges’ names, photographs and work addresses, and a map of their courthouse.

Turner has already served about 13 months of his sentence, before and after being convicted.

The case is U.S. v. Turner, 09-cr-00650, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn), and Turner’s appeal is U.S. v. Turner, 11-196, Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (Manhattan).

To contact the reporter on this story: Thom Weidlich in Brooklyn, New York, federal court at

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Declaration of Human Rights
by Lee Burkett on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 12:31pm

It is time for us, the People of Earth, without benefit of government or sovereigns, to declare our right to live on Earth, in peace, with abundance for all, in accordance with the following declaration of Human rights.

It is a Human right to live in a clean environment, to expect that the air, the water and the land is free from poisons, toxins and substances that are known to cause harm to living beings, and to have free access to same.

It is a Human right to have food, to expect that this most basic of human needs is available to all, and that it be unadulterated, free from substances or alterations that may cause harm to living beings, and to have free access to same.

It is a Human right to have shelter from the elements, and to have free access to same.

It is Human right to have benefit of medicine and health care, and to have free access to same.

It is a Human right to work, as a means of providing a living, and to expect that such work creates a livable wage, and to have free access to same.

It is Human right to believe and to worship in any way, so long as that belief or worship does not infringe on the Human rights of another, and to have free access to same.

It is Human right to live without fear of being killed by Armies foreign or Domestic.

It is a Human right to expect justice, and to expect that any and all laws reflect the equality of all Humans, and to have free access to same.

It is a Human right to love another Human being, and to express that love in any way so long as that love or it's expression does not infringe on the Human rights of another, and to have freedom to do so.

It is Human right to live without fear of being killed by Armies foreign or Domestic.

We, the People of Earth, do so declare.

Henceforth, any government, sovereign, corporate interest, private interest, group or individual guilty of with holding, delaying or denying Human rights to any nation, group or individual shall be guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, and subject to justice in a Court of Humanity, to face punishment as the People of Earth deem appropriate.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Arizona and The neo-Nazi's Breeding Domestic Terrorists

Bombs, bullets, and insanity really don't mix well, but it seems that Arizona and the neo-Nazi element both have more than their share of all three. Breeding domestic terrorists appears to come easy these days.

Neo-Nazi Indicted for Bombs is Son of Movement Stalwart

Posted By Evelyn Schlatter On January 28, 2011 @ 4:24 pm In Neo-Nazi

A federal grand jury Wednesday indicted Jeffrey Harbin, 28, of Apache Junction, Ariz., on three counts of possessing explosive devices. Harbin, who has ties to the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement [1] (NSM) and was formerly a member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, had in his possession 12 grenade-like improvised explosive devices. They were built with PVC pipe and filled with black powder, ball bearings, and an improvised fusing system.

The indictment alleges that Harbin unlawfully transported one of the devices. He was pulled over by law enforcement while driving his pickup truck on January 14 in Apache Junction. Dennis K. Burke, U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona, told ABC15 News that “Jeffrey Harbin built these IEDs in such a away as to maximize human carnage.” If found guilty, Harbin faces up to 10 years in prison for each count and the possibility of a $250,000 fine.

Neo-Nazi sympathizer and former NSM member J.T. Ready [2], currently one of Arizona’s most visible self-appointed border patrollers, claimed that he personally recruited Harbin into the NSM, but that he himself is no longer a member of the group. When asked by ABC15 News in Phoenix if he knew what Harbin was planning to do with the bombs, Ready replied that things are still under investigation, and that the reporter “would have to talk to the feds and see what their official statement is…but I will say that domestic terrorism is real.” An NSM spokesman contacted ABC15 News reporter Christopher Sign and informed him that Jeffrey Harbin was “no longer with” the NSM.

Jeffrey isn’t the only Harbin to be involved in the neo-Nazi movement. Jeffrey Harbin is the son of Jerry Harbin [3], who has been active in white nationalist causes for years. In 1999, the senior Harbin was listed as the Phoenix contact for a new chapter of the racist Council of Conservative Citizens [4] in the Citizen Informer, the group’s newspaper. The CofCC, which evolved directly from the pro-segregation White Citizens Councils of the Jim Crow South, has referred to African Americans as “a retrograde species of humanity.”

In 2001, Jerry Harbin became the coordinator for the Phoenix chapter of the National Alliance [5] (NA), at that time one of the most dangerous and best-organized neo-Nazi groups in the country. Harbin’s chapter was active through 2005, when it switched to a chapter of National Vanguard (NV). In 2006, Harbin showed up [6] at the neo-Nazi Winterfest in Phoenix, which was hosted by the wife of Jesse Curnow, Arizona Coordinator for the white supremacist Nationalist Coalition [7]. By 2007, Harbin was no longer with NV, and instead turned his attention to other, perhaps more benign activities, like being the adjutant and choir director of the Phoenix camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans [8].

Repeated calls to Jerry Harbin for comment were not answered.

Insanity Begets Insanity

And the insanity continues. This just goes to prove that in the neo-Nazi realm there is no loyalty...but, there is lots of insanity. Timothy Bland turned own his own and threatened not only the wife of a comrade - but their child. Insanity begets insanity and the insane attract others who are mad.

Man gets probation for threats to Va. neo-Nazi's wife

Posted to: Crime News Virginia

The Roanoke Times

© January 19, 2011

By Mike Gangloff

Timothy Bland, who pleaded guilty last year to threatening the wife of jailed neo-Nazi leader Bill White, was sentenced today to five years' probation.

Bland, 46, a Baltimore resident whose lawyer said he was a mentally ill follower of Bill White's online racist rants, told U.S. District Judge James Turk he was unaware of his actions when he phoned Meghan White.

"I feel terrible about what I did," Bland said. "I allowed someone to push me and prod me over a 2 1/2-year period until I lost control."

Defense lawyer Jim Crawford of Baltimore said Bland has a long history of mental illness and has been diagnosed as bipolar.

Federal sentencing guidelines suggested at least a year in prison. Crawford asked for probation, noting that Bland's mother, who financially supports him, has stage 4 breast cancer. Assistant U.S. Attorney Pat Hogeboom said he didn't object as long as strict controls were placed on Bland's activities.

Turk prohibited Bland from drinking alcohol and said he will be monitored by the federal probation office for five years.

Bland phoned Meghan White in December 2009, two days after a federal jury in Roanoke found Bill White guilty of four charges related to threatening people.

Bland told Meghan White he was coming to Roanoke to kill her and her infant daughter. He called back several times to say he was getting closer to the city, and finally that he had arrived and was getting a motel room. Bland also text messaged his victim a picture of his genitals, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office said.

The calls terrified Meghan White, who soon took her daughter and moved in with relatives. She said she didn't know Bland and didn't think her husband did either.

Crawford said Bland was "prime game" to be recruited by Bill White and followed White's racist proclamations online. Hogeboom said that in Bill White's trial, Bland was summoned as a prosecution witness to testify that he was willing to act on White's threats against minorities.

Bland was never actually called to the stand in White's trial. Meghan White was a potential defense witness. She also wasn't called to testify.

It was after Bland returned from the trial to Baltimore that he telephoned Meghan White.

Crawford said Bland feared retribution from Bill White or members of the American National Socialist Workers Party, the group White claimed to command.

After Bill White's trial, Bland told his lawyer he received phone calls from people connected to the group. He began drinking heavily, Crawford said, and when he called Meghan White, he was "clearly inebriated, clearly psychotic in many ways, clearly delusional."

The same night he threatened Meghan White, he called police in Baltimore to say that he was a former member of a Nazi group and that people were trying to kill him.

"Bland's vile, hateful threats directly caused the victim in this case real distress," U.S. Attorney Tim Heaphy said today in a statement. "Anyone who tries to intimidate or frighten another person by using the telephone, the internet, the U.S. mail, or any other instrumentality of interstate commerce will be prosecuted in this district."

Another neo-Nazi Circus Clown Bite The Dust...

For the next few articles - let's talk insanity in the racist realm. I mean...look at this nutjob. Some of us remember him from his earlier NSM days when they paraded him around as some sort of rare find that would draw intelligent and articulate individuals into their neo-Nazi circus.

Neo-Nazi leader from Ridgewood charged with threatening New York Anti-Defamation League director

Wednesday, 26 January 2011 20:52 Jerry DeMarco

UPDATE: A former neo-Nazi leader from Ridgewood -- who won a court challenge to his posting Third Reich flags outside his home, made national headlines when he was dismissed as an adjunct from FDU, and keeps a swastika in his window -- was arrested this morning following a SWAT team raid on his apartment.

Jacques PlussHe is charged with threatening the director of the New York regional office of the Anti-Defamation League.

The New Jersey State Police Central Security Unit began investigating Jacques Pluss, 57, of Heights Road, after the ADL turned over emailed threats to Abraham Foxman, Acting NJSP Major Gerald Lewis told CLIFFVIEW PILOT.

The unit investigates threats against politicians, judges and other public figures.

“As part of our investigation, we found that he has ties to neo-Nazi organizations, and that he frequently visited neo-Nazi websites,“ Lewis told CLIFFVIEW PILOT.

At 6:30 a.m., the Troop B SWAT team -- armed with a search warrant -- descended on the apartment, along with detectives from the CSU, cyber crimes and K9 units, investigators from the Division of Criminal Justice, and Ridgewood police.

As Pluss was being arrested on charges of bias intimidation and harassment, a search turned up three rifles, Lewis told CLIFFVIEW PILOT.

His wife was taken into

Jacques Pluss (courtesy NJSP)custody “for investigative purposes pertaining to possible weapons offenses,” Lewis said. Continued here...

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Another Chapter Finished...

You can't just DO what you want. You can't just SAY anything. With rights comes responsibility. Bill White gave up some very precious moments with his wife and daughter proving that being an irresponsible asshole is costly. Being a Nazi has consequences.

Neo-Nazi William A. White convicted in Chicago for Web posts

Just two weeks before his scheduled release, William A. White was convicted of soliciting violence.

By Laurence Hammack

Jan. 2: Neo-Nazi leader may face more time in prison

U.S. v. William White

Read complete coverage from the December 2009 trial in Roanoke, as well as previous William White coverage

A neo-Nazi whose online rants struck fear in Roanoke and across the country was convicted of using his website to solicit violence Wednesday, just two weeks before his scheduled release from prison.

William A. White was found guilty of encouraging harm to the foreman of a Chicago jury that convicted a fellow white supremacist in 2004. The verdict came on the third day of a trial in U.S. District Court in Chicago.

White, 33, the leader of a Roanoke-based white supremacy group, has been serving a 2½-year sentence following his convictions last year in Roanoke of threatening a bank employee in Missouri, a university administrator in Delaware and a group of apartment tenants in Virginia Beach.

Instead of a scheduled Jan. 18 release date, White now faces up to 10 more years in prison.

Defense attorneys had argued that even as bellicose bigot, White was entitled to free-speech protection.

But the all-white jury, which was granted anonymity to protect its members from possible harm or harassment by neo-Nazi sympathizers, rejected that argument after three hours of deliberation.

"While freedom of speech is among our most cherished rights, the First Amendment does not protect anyone who intends to induce others to kill or injure," U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said after the verdict.

White -- once described as one of the loudest voices in America's neo-Nazi movement -- was charged with soliciting violence with an online post to, a website that served as the megaphone for his racist views.

Mark Hoffman, the foreman of a Chicago jury that convicted white supremacist Matthew Hale in an unrelated case in 2004, testified this week that he was dismayed to learn, four years later, that White had posted his name, address and telephone number to the website.

The post identified Hoffman as the "gay anti-racist" juror who played a key role in convicting Hale of soliciting the murder of a Chicago judge who ruled against him in a civil case. Hale is serving a 40-year prison sentence.

Hoffman testified that within minutes, be began to receive hateful text and phone messages, some of them including racial and ethnic slurs.

"They were coming in every two seconds, so many that they killed the battery" on his cellphone, Assistant U.S. Attorney William Hogan said.

Neither the post nor the responses it generated contained direct threats. Prosecutors argued that White's words amounted to an invitation to harm the juror -- especially when taken in context with other missives that appeared on

The jury was told of numerous posts: White's call to lynch six black youths at the center of a civil rights demonstration in Jena, La.; his delight over the slayings of two family members of a Chicago judge; his opinion that a Canadian civil rights lawyer should "be drug out into the street and shot;" and his own growing urges to "kill, kill, kill."

Defense attorney Nishay Sanan said prosecutors succeeded in scaring the jury into convicting his client.

In fact, jurors asked that all spectators and reporters be removed from the courtroom before they delivered the verdict. They also asked to be allowed to leave from an alternate courthouse exit. Judge Lynn Adelman declined to clear the courtroom, but ordered that jurors be escorted safely from the building.

"The verdict was based on fear and not the law," Sanan said. "This is a sad day for the First Amendment."

Prosecutors said there was more to the case than just inflammatory rhetoric. They cited the testimony of two former members of White's organization, the American National Socialists Workers Party.

Mike Burks and Phil Anderson told the jury about letters they received from White within days of his arrest in October 2008, which came shortly after his post targeting the Chicago juror.

White instructed Burks and Anderson to make sure no harm came to the juror at the hands of white supremacists. Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Ferrara, who prosecuted the case with Hogan, said the letters suggested a plan had already been set in motion.

"Why would he want to ask these people to stand down if they were not asked to stand up in the first place?" Ferrara said.

As in his previous cases, White did not testify or present evidence.

White, who moved to Roanoke seven years ago to start a rental home business, has been called "possibly the loudest and most obnoxious neo-Nazi leader in America" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups.

Both White's business and his hate group have dissolved since his arrest.

No sentencing date has been scheduled. Although the maximum punishment is 10 years, sentencing guidelines will likely call for a lesser term. Sanan said he will ask that White be released on bond after Jan. 18, the end of his sentence on the Roanoke charges.

A bond hearing would give prosecutors another chance to argue that White is a danger, a theme they have sounded consistently.

White's writings may well have encouraged violence by at least one of his followers in a case cited by the indictment, which takes 12 pages to recount some of his diatribes.

In 2007, Eric Hunt -- identified by White on as "a fan of this website" -- was convicted of assaulting Elie Wiesel, an internationally known Holocaust survivor, author and Nobel laureate.

In commenting about the case, White included Wiesel's address "in case anyone was looking for him."

In another post two weeks later, White wrote that he had received a call from The Associated Press about the incident. According to the indictment, White made the following statement to the news outlet:

"Insofar as my views may have played a role in motivating Mr. Hunt, I can only say that I hope to inspire a hundred more white young people to sacrifice themselves for our collective racial whole. The only thing more noble than sacrifice is victory.

"Heil Hitler."