Sunday, September 03, 2006

Gettysbrug Non-Event

The Ku Klux Klan rally at Gettysburg this weekend was another non-event. Perhaps the best part of the whole thing was when Hal Turner didn't show and Bill White did. This led us to Turner's broadcast schedule where we found that World Knights of the KKK leader had been removed from the line-up.

On the other hand, the Community Unity event for that day drew a crowd of over 600 in spite of the rain. After our own Floyd Cochran of One People's Radiospent the entire week prior to the event speaking to thousands of Gettysburg residents, they decided that ignoring the group and celebrating their diversity was the way to spend the day. For excellent coverage of both events, please check out


  1. Did Bill speak at the rally? With the nazis only able to bring out 2 dozen to rallies now, it might be time to worry about more serious issues.

  2. Bill gave a brief speech. He didn't get much in the way of accolades and there certainly weren't "hundreds" shouting "White Power" as he wants everyone to think.

  3. Justin Boyer Quits NSM

    Justin "The Steamroller" Boyer requested I pass along this message. Since he is a friend of mine I have chosen to oblige him:

    "August 2, 2006

    As the date of this letter I officially resign from the NSM. First there was the Satanism and I chose to try to help the NSM by sticking by them. Then I witnessed the abuse of long time comrades and the continual backstabbing. I have had it with the NSM. They are not worthy of any sort of loyalty since they are not loyal to any of us members. They may think they kicked me out but I am writing this to inform the NSM that I officially quit. And, no, I am not giving the NSM dipshits the current contacts that I have.

    I suggest to other NSM members that are being threatened or mistreated to be follow my example and leave the organization.


    Justin Boyer"

  4. And it continues - the fallout and the shockwaves. Amazing, absolutely amazing.


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