Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Tonight Hal Turner tried to bloody the nose of the internet Nazi's, the cowards, and the cheapskates. He, once again, called it quite in the arena of internet radio. Anyone want to place a bet on how long it will be before he comes back? Here's what he had to say:

Tonight, I terminated Internet operations for lack of support
This evening during my show, I announced that I am terminating the internet portion of my weekly radio show. I will remain on the 69 low-power FM stations who presently carry the program throughout the U.S.

When Denial of Service (DOS) attacks against my web site began on December 20, they impacted very many other clients inside the data center which housed my web site server. On January 24, after about six weeks of attacks, the data center was forced to terminate service to my server, knocking my web sites off-line, knocking out the web sites I hosted for others.

I tried to find another data center to house my server and was completely honest with each potential new provider about the DOS attacks. None of them wanted to accept my server because the attacks would adversely affect their customers too.

While my server was off the net, I made use of this free blogspot site to keep in touch, and utilized a free file hosting service to provide archives of my shows.

During last weeks show, I announced that the DOS attacks had seriously impacted me financially and that I needed listener support to help defray those costs.

One-thousand, three-hundred sixty-four (1,364) people downloaded last weeks show. Out of those 1,364 people. . . . . . . six (6) people made contributions. Six.

As I sat down to do my show tonight, I realized that I have been going out of my way to bring news and talk radio to an internet audience, the majority of whom don't give a shit enough to pull their own weight!

Certainly there are people who have contributed and I am very grateful to them. But over the last two years, maybe two hundred people could be relied upon to donate. With an average internet audience of 800-1,000 people per show - and thousands more who downloaded it, the overwhelming majority did nothing to help financially. They took and took and took and took until there was nothing left for me to give.

Same thing with Jim Wickstrom! He quit his show tonight for lack of support. Most of those devout "Christian Identity" people turned out to be more like cheap jews than the jews themselves! Wickstrom had to cease broadcasting because those people wouldn't help him financially.

I'm in the same boat as Wickstrom, so tonight, I said good riddance to the parasites. The useful idiots and keyboard commandos who think pounding-off on the internet will achieve anything real for white people. As they beat off on their keyboards in places like Stormfront and VNN Forum, they achieve absolutely nothing for our race. Zero.

In fact, they have a very good track record in that regard - years and years and years of nothing. No rallies. No political efforts. No change. They are, in every regard, complete failures.

Tonight I said good bye to those who are too stupid to understand the issues facing our race, too cheap to pull their own weight and too cowardly to join me in public street action. I rid myself of those parasites and the major expenses that have gone to entertain them.

If I bring my server back at all - and I'm not even certain I will-- it will be a very different site. It will be subscription-based. The radio shows and even the news will be a pay service.

People who pay, will get to use the site and hear the shows. Those who don't want to pay can kiss my ass. I don't need them and our movement doesn't need them because in the final analysis, they are useless.

Dave Pringle of White Wire realized this months ago when he had to choose between doing his show and keeping his job. Tom Metzger came to similar conclusions a couple weeks ago when he stopped his show. Jim Wickstrom came to the same place last week when he announced the end of his show and now, I too have cut ties with the bottom-feeders of the movement. Through their failure to help, they have literally ruined very many good, hard-working people.

No more.

Folks can keep in touch with me via my personal e-mail and can check this blogspot occasionally to see if and when I bring a web site back.

Until then, to those who helped the show over the past six years I give a heart felt "THANK YOU!" To those who didn't help: fuck you.

Since those who didn't help are all too cowardly to do anything, I don't have to worry about what I just said to them because not one of them has balls enough to come within arms reach of me to do anything about it! They are, in the factual analysis, complete losers.

-- Hal Turner


  1. Ok, one or two things are going on here.

    One...he is just doing this to get the "channers" off his back for a bit before he comes back.

    Two...this is the same shit he has pulled in the past and its just a "give me money" ploy.

    What do you guys think about this situation?? LOL

  2. Oh shit, I forgot he was a congenital liar.

    Hope he really is gone.

    Can anyone varify that "69 stations" gobbledygook?

  3. Anonymous won this, but Hal help, he trip over his own ego, because he could threaten the Government and nothing happen, he thought he could challenge the power of internet which is Anonymous and in the end Anonymous show him power and spank him hard.

    Time will tell if Hal Turner truly stays off the net as a broadcaster.

    Eye On Hate has a new look and feel - and we have fix some sercurity bugs while we wre down.


  4. I wouldn't shed a tear if those Faggot Chans were beat to death. I do hope Hal comes back with a subscription based site. I'll be one of the first to subscribe.

  5. "One...he is just doing this to get the "channers" off his back for a bit before he comes back."


    That wouldn't really work as several channers would notice very fast that he is back and it would start all over again.

  6. 1. Agreed, Willow, that Hal has "quit" so many times as to make his latest "retirement" highly suspect. This is Hal's bread and butter, and he likes the cash he rakes in from his 200 hard core supporters.

    2. Agreed also that this is connected to current and future funding requests.

    3. Agreed with Borg that Hal tells some notorious whoppers. The funniest was his claim to have beaten a member of Anonymous, only to have Hal get outed as nothing more than a Google Image hoaxer.

    4. I'll bet that Hal finally wised up and figured out that the Channers get their kicks out of jerking his chain. I suspect he'll be back in another form within 4 weeks.

  7. Hal will be back.

    He has no low-power FM radio network of 70+ plus stations either. Think about it, wouldn't he have published the frequencies by now? He mentioned one, 95.1 out of NYC but the only station who transmits there is a black radio station who doesn't carry his show.

    Hal knows the subscription to listen only thing is a failure, he's tried it many times before, and always just ends up taking the money and making the shows public.

    But like a incurable cancer, Harold will be back. Until then, we get a vacation.

    But the fat lady can sing and Anonymous can pop the cork on the champagne.

  8. Mike,

    If you think that was Hal's biggest whoppers, try some of these from him.

    1) His fake heart attack at the end of a show

    2) His fake "aryan invasion" of his house at the end of a show. A few of his listeners actually called the North Bergen police, they came to Hal's house, and found out it was a radio stunt.

    3) He needed $6,000 for his son to get an operation in Connecticut.

    4) And the infamous hour by hour update that he was dying on his website and his fever as up to 106.7. 24 hours later, he was totally cured.

    There are many others. Little Harold could make a living doing comedy.

  9. (laughing)

    How about the time Hal claimed he was near death in the New Jersey snow?

  10. Harold faking his own death on usenet and VNN under the nym of Aryan Insider but he forgot to use a proxy which revealed his own ip address being the source.

    And when he was having a near death experience, he handed over control of his website to another person called secret12.... which of course was himself!!

    Harold would make a great stand-up comic.

    But like Floyd said, Anonymous is the one to thank for all of this.

    I guess Steve Holsten will have to go back to traditional ways to bring him "pleasure" now that Harold is gone.

  11. Schwartzo is still showing his Faggot desires for Hal by calling him "Little Harold"

    Hal updated his blog today with this good news.

    ---- Update Feb. 8, 2007 10:02 AM

    I have ordered the shut off of the VoIP phone numbers for the radio show (201-484-7809) as well as my personal cellular telephone number and my cable modem accounts which will end the e-mail address mentioned above. I want a clean and complete break with the internet parasite infestation.

    I will broadcast the new call-in phone number during my radio show so that the radio audience can make use of it.

    -- Hal Turner

  12. I have always been struck by the fact that so many of these people don't work and want to live off of their "members." That's pretty parasitic.

    I was thinking about that very thing on the way home from work today, and as I ran down the list of people who I know that are active anti-racists, I was struck by the fact that every single one of us have jobs. We get up and go to work and do this work on the side. And...I don't know of ANY who browbeat others for money.

    The things that Hal said about his listeners should have sent every one of them into a rage. But, he has said similar before and they just tuck their tails in and dig deeper in their pockets like good little Nazi's. Amazing...absolutely amazing.

  13. Hal thanked the ones like me who have donated over the years, and told off the ones who have mooched from his site without giving a penny. He did not put us donators down.

    Hal has a job selling Real Estate. He has put mucho amounts of his own money into his endeavers.

  14. Lest it be forgotten, Hal-9000's biggest whopper EVER was the time he claimed he was jumped by six Mexican gang-bangers inside his garage, fought them all off with his bare-knuckled fists until he managed to reach a handgun inside his car's glove compartment, then whipped around like James Bond, twisting and turning, rolling and firing, leaping and lunging, all the while firing savage, gut-ripping, brain-blowing bullets - here, there, and everywhere - until he'd killed all six of the Mexicans.

    Later, according to Hal-9000, he and an unnamed friend took all six bodies far out into the bay and fed them to the sharks.

    Hal Turner needs to be put behind prison bars, and this is not coming from an "anti", but from Ward Kendall, internationally published pro-white novelist. You and all Nazis like you need to go, Hal-9000. Handcuffed, shackled, and shuffled off to the most black-infested prison New Jersey has. Then let "nature" take its course.

    What fools like you seem to be completely unaware of is that this isn't a war between pro-racists and anti-racists, but a war between pro-Nazis and white preservationists like myself, who every bit want to see you and your kind buried just as much, if not more so, than the "Jews".


    Ward Kendall
    author of "Hold Back This Day" and its Swedish published edition, "Skymning Over Tellus".

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Just posted on Hal Turner's Blog -I wonder if we could take bets on how long it will be before hal announces he will be back on the internet airways ? - Floyd

    $680 Came in Today
    Much to my surprise, $680 in listener support arrived in the mail today, February 8, 2007.

    That was from ten separate donors, on top of the six other contributions totaling $140. As it stands now, I have received $820 since Wednesday, January 31.

    This will help to get a server back online for a subscription-based site. Naturally, contributors will get credit toward their subscriptions for a portion or all of their donations since the whole thing wouldn't be possible without their help.

    I am very surprised and happy about this. Maybe there is some hope after all.

    -- Hal Turner
    posted by at 6:38 PM

  17. Now what had I just said about Hal's followers? They are eunuchs with mush for brains!

  18. Nikki, you are so right. I can't think of a single anti who has ever hit me up for money. What we do is out of our own pocket and willingly so.

  19. Of course, its all about the money with Hal. It always has been. Is anyone really surprised. He's like a little kid crying saying he's taking his ball and going home only to come back 5 minutes later. Like a cancer, that's what he is really.

  20. Lest it be forgotten, Hal-9000's biggest whopper EVER was the time he claimed he was jumped by six Mexican gang-bangers inside his garage, fought them all off with his bare-knuckled fists until he managed to reach a handgun inside his car's glove compartment, then whipped around like James Bond, twisting and turning, rolling and firing, leaping and lunging, all the while firing savage, gut-ripping, brain-blowing bullets - here, there, and everywhere - until he'd killed all six of the Mexicans.

    Later, according to Hal-9000, he and an unnamed friend took all six bodies far out into the bay and fed them to the sharks.

    Hal Turner needs to be put behind prison bars, and this is not coming from an "anti", but from Ward Kendall, internationally published pro-white novelist. You and all Nazis like you need to go, Hal-9000. Handcuffed, shackled, and shuffled off to the most black-infested prison New Jersey has. Then let "nature" take its course.

    What fools like you seem to be completely unaware of is that this isn't a war between pro-racists and anti-racists, but a war between pro-Nazis and white preservationists like myself, who every bit want to see you and your kind buried just as much, if not more so, than the "Jews".


    Ward Kendall
    author of "Hold Back This Day" and its Swedish published edition, "Skymning Over Tellus".

  21. Lest it be forgotten, Hal-9000's biggest whopper EVER was the time he claimed he was jumped by six Mexican gang-bangers inside his garage, fought them all off with his bare-knuckled fists until he managed to reach a handgun inside his car's glove compartment, then whipped around like James Bond, twisting and turning, rolling and firing, leaping and lunging, all the while firing savage, gut-ripping, brain-blowing bullets - here, there, and everywhere - until he'd killed all six of the Mexicans.

    Later, according to Hal-9000, he and an unnamed friend took all six bodies far out into the bay and fed them to the sharks.

    Hal Turner needs to be put behind prison bars, and this is not coming from an "anti", but from Ward Kendall, internationally published pro-white novelist. You and all Nazis like you need to go, Hal-9000. Handcuffed, shackled, and shuffled off to the most black-infested prison New Jersey has. Then let "nature" take its course.

    What fools like you seem to be completely unaware of is that this isn't a war between pro-racists and anti-racists, but a war between pro-Nazis and white preservationists like myself, who every bit want to see you and your kind buried just as much, if not more so, than the "Jews".


    Ward Kendall
    author of "Hold Back This Day" and its Swedish published edition, "Skymning Over Tellus".

  22. Jim West,

    That was perhaps his biggest whopper, the 5 dead Mexicans thing.

    And to the person who asked on NIM Busters

    Little Harold will be back and the subscription only stuff he's done a dozen or so times only for it to fail each time. Any how, even if he goes subscription only, that will keep innocent children and others from listening to his show. And isn't it amazing how fast the mail works in North Bergen????

    Get a control of your sexuality. Little Harold will soon be bringing you "pleasure" again.

  23. Hal isn't going anywhere, this is just another money making stunt. He's already said he is going to give out his new phone number on his next show.

    Keep up the good job anonymous.

  24. This is the best news that I've heard in awhile. Hal will be back.

    Schwartzo KIKE, my sexuality is in full control. I'm not the one using effeminate names for another man like you are Hal; as you normally lust after his body.

    This Ward Kendall Bastard needs someone to hand him a good old fashioned Ass stomping.

    I still wouldn't shed a tear if those delinquent Chan Faggots were beat to Fucking death.

  25. The only around here who calls men effeminate names around here is you.

    Calling Harold little is simply telling the truth. He is very short physically and very short mentally.

    Poor Steve, he sees homosexuality everywhere but it's his own erotica that he keeps thinking of.

  26. When the Fuck have you ever saw me call any man by an effeminate name?

  27. myself for one.

    It's okay, I'm comfortable in my heterosexuality so I have nothing to fear from your types.

  28. Schwartzo is not effeminate. It is making fun of your KIKE name. You keep your Faggot feelings going towards others. I don't want them.

    I remember well when Hal posted your fantasy email to him. You told Hal that you dreamed about being locked in a prison cell with him and him violently raping you everyday.

  29. To ward kendall - Ward email me at - I have an idea would like to bounce off you - thanks Floyd

  30. More good news from Hal today.

    Friday, February 09, 2007
    $415 Came in today
    Friday February 9 saw $415 in Listener support from eight separate contributors.

    This brings the total of contributions to $1,235 from twenty listeners since Wednesday, January 31.

    One-thousand Four-Hundred (1,400) people downloaded my show each week, yet only Twenty (20) people chose to contribute.

    If the show sucked, why did the other 1380 people keep downloading it every week?

    This isn't a case of "the free market" repudiating my show, it is a group of parasites taking and taking and taking without pulling their own weight. Leeches!

    Those who wish to have the shows brought back, should mail cash checks or money orders to:

    Hal Turner
    1906 Paterson Plank Road
    North Bergen, NJ 07047-1900

    -- Thank you

  31. Just like cult leaders rape money from their followers, Hal Turner does the same thing to his followers.

  32. ROFLMAO! Ya can't help but get a kick out of a con man - but even funnier are his marks.

  33. Well, old Hal has posted on Vnn about Bill White and even he thinks Bill's coo-coo for coco puffs! LOL

    This is too funny to let pass. Yes, Bill and I spoke and yes, Bill offered 10,000 to buy into the network when I was bringing it back.

    That was not long after Bill "parted ways" with Alex Linder. I watched that debacle unfold and did not feel that Bill could be trusted.

    So my failure to supply Bill with a business plan had nothing to do with not being able to put one together, it had everything to do with me not trusting Bill. Keeping Bill out of any ownership position with my network turned out to be a very wise move on my part.

    As we all know, Bill has a problem accepting personal responsibility for things. When confronted with his bad behavior, he makes up -- and publishes -- wild stories that make false accusation and unsupported claims.

    It happened with Bill and Alex Linder. It happened with Bill and NSM. It happened with Bill and me: His fraudulent claim to have mailed a $3000 check to me; his fraudulent claims about me demanding money from NSM for their radio time; his fraudulent claims about 7chan and me being cahoots when the Denial of Service attacks against my site started.

    None of these things was a "mistake." None of it was a "mis-understanding." All of these things were deliberate lie after deliberate lie after deliberate lie.

    Based upon my personal experience with Bill White, I have come to the conclusion that he is a sociopath.

    I believe Bill has deep psychiatric issues and if given the chance, he will lie about and smear each of you the way he has lied about and smeared very many others.

  34. Oh!!! YOU GO HAL!!! ROFLMAO!!! More popcorn! I may have to sleep in my computer room - this just keeps getting better and better!

  35. Hal Turner worte this about Bill White "his fraudulent claims about me demanding money from NSM for their radio time"

    Nikki do you have a copy of Hal's Contract he had people and organizations sign to pay him for airtime on his network ?

    I am not a defender of Bill White - but seems maybe Bill is right in this regards that Hal wanted money from NSM to air thier shows.

    Floyd - Eye On Hate

  36. I found it - I knew I had saved it - here is the contract that Hal had people sign if they wanted to broadcast a show on Turner's site - Floyd


    This CONTRACT is by and between:

    Hal Turner ____________________________

    D/B/A Turner Radio Network AND:

    1906 Paterson Plank Road ____________________________

    North Bergen, NJ 07047
    201-484-7809 ____________________________

    Hereafter referred to as “TRN”

    Tel: ________________________

    Hereafter referred to as “Client”

    WHEREAS TRN owns a sophisticated Internet Streaming Audio system capable of
    Transmission of internet audio ("radio") programs to thousands of simultaneous listeners, AND;

    Whereas Client is desirous of airing an internet broadcast of news or opinions or music to the
    general public, the parties above do hereby CONTRACT as follows:

    1) TRN will allot time on its streaming audio system to broadcast Client’s program
    _________ hour(s) per week, every __________________ evening
    from __________ to _______ ___M eastern U.S. time; and make an electronic
    archive of such program, for the term of ___________ Months,

    Beginning on ____________________, automatically renewing each calendar month thereafter until cancelled as outlined later.

    2)Client agrees to pay, in advance, monthly, the fee of
    ___________________________________ ($ ) per program to be aired, as compensation to TRN for providing such service. Payment shall be made to:
    Hal Turner and sent to 1906 Paterson Plank Road, North Bergen, NJ 07047

    3)CLIENT is solely responsible for the content of their program;

    4)Client agrees the content of their program will conform to all federal and state
    laws of the United States of America;

    5)Client agrees to tell the truth and will not liable, slander or defame any person or corporation with the content of their program;

    6)Client agrees to hold Hal Turner, Turner Radio Network and all its Owners, heirs,
    assigns and agents harmless for the content of any program aired and will pay all
    legal costs of TRN to defend against lawsuits or other legal action arising out of
    the content of their program.

    7) In the event Client is unable to supply content for a particular time slot, Client may
    request that an archive of an older program be aired in that time period in lieu of
    a live program, and TRN will make its best effort to accommodate such request,
    but Client will not receive a refund or credit for unused broadcast time unless failure
    to broadcast was the fault of TRN.

    8) Client agrees TRN shall enjoy perpetual joint COPYRIGHT of all programs
    aired by Client.

    9) This CONTRACT is subject to the laws of the State of New Jersey and disputes
    arising between parties to this CONTRACT will be adjudicated in the Superior Court
    of New Jersey, 595 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey,. With the prevailing
    party reimbursing the losing party’s reasonable legal fees.

    10) This CONTRACT may be cancelled by either party for cause, or no cause, upon
    thirty (30) days written notice sent via CERTIFIED U.S. Mail.

    11) While TRN does not monitor programs for content, TRN shall have the ability to
    immediately halt Clients program if, in the sole judgment of TRN, the program
    violates any U.S. law or commits libel, slander or defamation. Any failure of
    TRN to immediately halt any such program does not constitute TRN liability for
    Client’s utterances during program.

    This CONTRACT contains all terms of the agreement. There are no verbal
    terms to this CONTRACT and any changes to this agreement must be made
    in writing and signed by both parties.

    Dated this _______ day of __________________ 20______ by:

    For TRN: Client:

    ________________________________ ____________________________

    Hal Turner Signature


  37. and the hits keep rolling in,
    Seems is back on the net
    check it out here:

  38. Just another reason that those delinquet Faggot Chans need a good Ass stomping. How dare they Fuck with the good Hal Turner name.

  39. Poor Hal, his site now directs to!!!!!!!!!

  40. Goodmorning - I found this in the news this morning (Monday) in the opinion section of the Dallas Morning News - Floyd

    Revenge of the nerds

    Re: "Hate-talk radio host down in mouth – White supremacist goes to court to fight cyber foes hurting business," Wednesday news story.

    I never thought I'd be singing the praises of computer hackers, but with the news of hate-talk radio host Hal Turner being targeted by "cyber-warriors" all I can say is, "You go, geeks!"

    With Ku Klux Klan membership increasing more than military recruitment – according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, it's up 63 percent from 2000 to 2005 as a result of illegal immigration hysteria – we need more people speaking out against hate.

    Stephen Matthews, Bedford


All comments must remain civil. No threats, racist epithets, or personal attacks will be tolerated. Rational debate, discourse, and even disagreement are all acceptable as long as they remain on point and within the realm of civility.