Bill White just isn't satisfied with being numero uno Nazi, he has to be a protector of virtue, defender of white morality, and music critic. How absolutely big of him.
Now, I'm not a big country music fan, although every once in awhile a song crosses over on the charts and I find myself humming it as I go about my daily routine. Frankly, I didn't even know who Trace Adkins was until Bill went off the charts on him. I watched the video that incited him so, and just didn't see it the same way he did.
I found that the song "Hony Tonk Bodonkadonk" is a cute little country song that has topped the dance charts in country music for weeks. The video itself is rife with a lot of T & A and, in my opinion, can't be faulted for much other than it exploits women as "sex-objects," but that isn't unusal any more - women do it to themselves. I kind of like the song and see no reason for the reaction that White had. I really think he needs to get some sort of life for himself.
That being said, I decided to have a little bit of fun with this - and this was the result:
Somehow or other, Bill White being the last word on what is moral and acceptable just cracks me up. And those who hang on his every word have to be the dumbest people of the lot. Who could ever take Bill White's critique seriously? Who could ever consider him to be a decent, moral, upstanding individual? Well...yeah, the NSM clowns.
With Nikki coming up with a joke like this; it proves that Bill, Von and the NSM is really speading good words and good news.
ReplyDeleteHopefully they'll keep up the good work. Their show comes on tonight at 8:00 Eastern on the great Hal Turner Network
Steve, you're smarter than that.
ReplyDeleteListen here, you lying Assed Drunk Sot bum. If you going to tell something, then tell the the truth. Yes, I did ask for younger shaved ones in the false advertised way Porn is posted. They use gals in their low 20's for what they call teens and gals up in late 20's for college girls. In no way was I ever asking for underage girls. But Fuckwads like you are too stupid to understand.
ReplyDeleteDo you really honestly think I would throw myself myself out in the lime light if I was involved in such a serious crime? Hell, I'd want to lay so low that nobody knew I existed.
Just stop and think; if that is possible for you.
I take back my previous assessment of Steve Holsten. I guess I just want to find the best in everyone.
ReplyDeleteActually, VB, if you would have looked you would have seen that a new show was just posted - with Floyd Cochran. If I remember correctly, your name came up a time or two.
ReplyDeleteThe activities of Bill White have generated considerable discussion within the White Nationalist community in general, but nowhere is this debate more intense than at the Vanguard News Network.
ReplyDeleteBill White is obviously an intelligent and innovative personality who brings a fresh approach to the NSM and to the cause as a whole. The NSM-led rallies at Kingston and twice at Toledo not only generated valuable nationwide publicity for the NSM, but energized and empowered politically persecuted mainstream whites everywhere. They confronted a clear-cut enemy; unkempt ARA thugs and OPP scum equipped with rocks and bags of human waste to throw.
However, Bill White's gonzo protest in Washington, D.C. was a mistake; the "enemy" there was clean-cut Minutemen working towards immigration reform. While not racially-conscious, the Minutemen are prospective allies and should not be treated like ARA and OPP types. His activities in D.C. can only serve to drive a bigger wedge between WNs and "neo-kahns". Now Jared Taylor has cancelled his arrangement for Hal Turner to cover the upcoming AR conference. Is this really smart?
Bill White has a very volatile past. Unlike other controversial leaders like Glenn Miller, who's been unreservedly pro-white since his awakening during the 1970s, Bill White's changed his politics more often than I've changed my underwear. He could be the next George Lincoln Rockwell, or....the next Jacques Pluss. The NSM needs to watch their backs.
Hey Sot, do you ever have anything good to say about anyone?
ReplyDeleteIt's stupid as Hell to have laws against saying some event did or did not occur. Big freaking deal either way. No person should have to go to jail for it.
ReplyDeleteI used to be a full Jew supporter till I stepped upon the pile of Shit named Harry Schwartzo. If they're all lying Assed Schemes like him; then I must agree with Hal. 6,000,000 more!!!!!!
everrets brevard wrote: "Well, I am happy to say that at least ONE crypto-Nazi was handed his comeuppance today--Holocaust-demier David Irving was sentenced to three years in Austria."
Do you realize the implications of that statement? You've just endorsed the incarceration of a law-abiding man simply because he believes differently about the "Holocaust" than the establishment and has expressed those beliefs. You have endorsed political censorship, and, by implication, totalitarianism.
Supposing it were the other way around and we had a National Socialist government in America. Would you be willing to go to jail for three years because of what you just posted? Of course not. You don't put productive, law-abiding pillars of the community in jail merely for expressing different beliefs than yours. You don't criminalize dissent.
You endorse this abuse of state power, and yet you condemn Elmer Frazier for saying "six million more". What a dichotomy! I spent 22 years in the military not only in defense of YOUR right to post your disagreeable but lawful opinion on this website, but the right of people like David Irving to dispute the Official Authorized Version of the Holocaust.
UF ~~~ LOL! Crystal clear!
ReplyDeleteNikki said...
ReplyDeleteSteve, you're smarter than that
No he isn't
I wonder who this Imposter is. Tunes hasn't been around in years.
ReplyDeleteWell Stefan, one quote from one indivuald does not represent a entire people. Pat Robertson says the they same stuff so why don't you rant on the white man for what Robertson has said
ReplyDeleteSo who was jailed for accurately stating history ?
Gee, I hate to interrupt such a good discussion, but...did anyone else notice that Bill White put what is supposedly his phone call to Trace Adkins up on VB's site? Now...remember he said this:
ReplyDeleteWant To Call Trace Adkins At Home And Tell Him He's A Nigger?
Warning: He responds badly when you do, though.
We don't even know if that was the real singer that he called - because all he got was a damned answering machine! So...how does he "respond badly?"
The lies just keep coming...the hype just doesn't stop...the look at me Nazi is never satisfied. And there are those who actually believe this egomaniac.
Incidentally, Horrible Hal has been on bragging about his ability to score with skinhead girls at white power events.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm gonna puke now...
The only person that I can think of who that little man could score with would be Mona "The Jews Ate Jesus" Montgomery. That might be a match made in heaven.
Personally I like the Donkey Kong song, but it was not to my liking that the video was exploiting women. Other than that it's very catchy and sticks in my head everytime I hear it.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I felt the video had a good idea by mocking the negro hip hop pimp style, and that there were not a bunch of nigress women in it. I can't stand the negro pimp crap in videos, I boycott rap for that reason, bling bling is out of style.
Some mulatto girl was in the last segment but that was a token so the rest could be for pretty looking coutnry girls. I'm southern and the shorts on those girls in the video is nothing compared to the gas station girls in my hometown. Smoking Hot isn't even close to describing the beauty in our southern white belles.
Bill Whites a yankee, he just doesn't get it. The Donkey Kong song is like rock music to us, it's edgy compared to Merle Haggard and the youth love it. Besides the girls were cool.
Trace Adkins worked his way up in the Honky Tonk circuit, if anyone knows those girls line dancing are sexy it's him. He put inhis dues before he ever had a big contract, a working mans country star, he worked for it and is the real country badass.
He's our country bad boy, no wonder the yankees don't like him, that's fine though I bet Trace doesn't like Bill White either.
P.S. we have a little surprise for you in Orlando Bill, no whites have your back there, you're last performance is going to be martyrdom. Remember Toledo, that was mild compared to what our niggers in Orlando are going to do to you. It's miles of traffic to get to the I-4 from Church Street, and like I said it's open season for Anti's. None of the real White Power Men around are going to retaliate if anything should happen to the NSM.
I ain't got nuthin' against Niggers, my great great grandpappy used to own a few but I feel that we need to keep the greasers out of the country.
ReplyDeleteBill White would do best to stay in yankee land because if he comes down to Texas we'll beat his faggy little ass. Mind your own damn business Yank.
A White gal is pure White in her heart had rather bed down with Hal before she'd go to bed with a Jungle Bunny Nigger Ape.
ReplyDeleteYa gotta be kidding right buddy? Just about anyone outside of Texas is a damn yank. Still I don't have much problem with Yanks these days.
ReplyDeleteIt's those damn greased-back wetbacks that come across the border taking American jobs and then sending the money they make in America down to wetbackeco.
You don't need no big damn fence, just let some of the good 'ole boys waste a few of the beaners as they start coming over the fence. Problem solved. No one greasers coming over da fence.
Gee...and all this time I was led to believe that Minutemen weren't racists.
ReplyDeleteWhatever your feelings on wetback greasers the problem remains. Not only
ReplyDeletedo we have American money and jobs going back over that fence but we have to worry about terrorists coming over it as well. The United States needs secure borders.
I am just rolling here! Now Hal Turner claims that Cheroff never got the letter that the FBI came to see him about. This just gets funnier and funnier. I love watching Hal and White and Blevins running around and trying to do damage control!
ReplyDeleteThis could only mean a couple of things:
1)The address that Bill White claimed he gave to Hal Turner for Chertoff was bogus. This wouldn't be the first time White had made up personal information on people - he is famous for that.
2)Hal never got a visit from the FBI - now he is trying to pawn it off like they are just stupid.
And they wonder why I call them clowns.
Bill White said:
ReplyDeleteI give Hal Turner Michael Chertoff's address:
and he goes and gets himself in trouble.
Typical Hal:
Now...I wonder if the FBI even showed up at Hal's or is he just trying to make himself look important again. I swear - they are two of a kind.
Thanks for that post Stefan - I just find all of this hilarious. And now White and the Noxious Nazi's are going to infest Orlando. I can't imagine what kind of people would want to be represented by this crew.
I wonder if any NSM member has ever been an ‘extra’ in a WW2 movie. Maybe they could stage WW2 reenactments like the Civil War buffs….
ReplyDeleteHell, I believe even you would pay to see that! ; )
George Hutchins of NIM has been in severel Tv dramas playing a Nazi.
Hutchins is the one vonbluvens informed on
Hutchins tells me that the incident between he and Blevins never happened that way.