Death Follows New Bedford Teen
By Nicole Nichols
Eighteen-year-old Jacob Robida is in custody but not before he took the life of a police officer and his companion and got himself shot twice in the head. Three people maimed, two dead, and one waiting at death’s door…why? That’s a question Jacob might not even be able to answer.
Jacob had been on the run since Thursday night when he entered a gay bar in New Bedford, Massachusetts pulled a hatchet and a gun and wounded three patrons. Police later found Nazi regalia and anti-Semitic writing on his bedroom wall.
Earlier today, Jacob was seen in Gassville, Arkansas. When officer Jim Sell approached Jacob’s vehicle, Robida shot him twice and sped away. About twenty-five miles away police laid spike strips across the highway just before he arrived but that didn’t stop him. Jacob continued forward on two rims into the town of Norfork where he lost control and ran into other vehicles that were parked. He immediately began firing at police officers with a 9mm. Before the officers shot him, Robida turned the gun on his 33 year-old female companion and killed her. Jacob was taken to a hospital in Springfield, Missouri where his condition appears to be grave.
Across the internet last night, neo-Nazi’s were speaking out against Robida’s actions and bemoaning the waste of such a fine young white man. A few were defending him, claiming that he might have entered the bar not knowing that it was a gay establishment and then was accosted. Of course, we all know that eighteen-year-old kids all go into bars armed with a machete, an axe, and a 9mm – just in case.
In all of this, no one really knows a lot about young Jacob other than he had some very racist leanings, and evidently a real dislike of homosexuals. His web presence on Myspace.com yields a little insight not only into his troubled mind but into the minds of his internet friends as well. In reading much of what is said there and the adoration that a few have for Jacob, one realizes that there is a very dark underbelly to what should be the happiest of ages.
As much as the racists would love to distance themselves from this, and as much as Bill White would like to portray Jacob as a “normal,” red-blooded, American white man, they must share in the responsibility for this tragedy and they must realize that there is nothing “normal” about any of this.
Hate and the ideology that promotes racism, bigotry, and rage against homosexuals is a violent emotion which is only exacerbated by the neo-Nazi rhetoric and mindset. I don’t care if Jacob was or wasn’t a member of any particular hate group or if he sympathized or identified with any of them. The fact that he even knew enough to put “14/88” and “Seig Hiel” on his website and adorn his room with swastikas and anti-Semitic writings, tells me that every, single person who is part of that movement shares in the shame of this young man’s deeds.
You can say he was disturbed. You can claim that he was insane. That still does not absolve the racist right. They know that there are disturbed people out there. They know the consequences of one of those “insane” people falling prey to their spew of racial, ethnic, and sexual hate. They know because it has been written in blood across this country by others just as disturbed as Jacob Robida. And every damned one of them shares the guilt in the injuries and deaths that occurred over the last three days. Whether they believe it or not, there is a saying that we all have to serve somebody – and when their day of reckoning is upon them they will be required to face the one that they served.
Our prayers are with the victims and their families tonight. We are mourning the losses and hoping that those responsible for so much pain will be brought to a swift and righteous justice.
Well, Stefan...his website was a contradiction, that is for certain. As far as not holding NS responsible for the act of one deranged individual...yes I can. I can because it isn't just ONE individual. The list is a long one and getting longer. As I said, it makes no difference whether he was affiliated with a particular group - just that he was exposed to such hatred of others is enough.
ReplyDeleteNew information released claims that his room was rife with Nazi literature and posters slurring gays, blacks and Jews. Regardless of the reason he had these things, the fact is if they didn't exist at least that influence would not have been present to warp his psyche even further.
Here is a little more information:
Massachusetts gay bar shooting suspect dies 46 minutes ago
The teenager involved in a bloody attack on three men in a Massachusetts gay bar died early on Sunday morning from wounds sustained in a gun battle with Arkansas police, a police spokesman said.
"Jacob Robida died at 3:38 Central Time (0938 GMT)," Arkansas State Police spokesman Bill Sadler told Reuters. "His body will now be released to the state crime lab."
Robida, who had fled 1,500 miles to the Ozark Mountains, was shot twice in the head by police shortly after he crashed his car following a 16-mile (26-km) chase, police said.
The 18-year-old, who had become the subject of a nationwide manhunt after he was accused of wounding three people with a gun and a hatchet in a New Bedford, Massachusetts, gay bar late on Wednesday, shot and killed a police officer in Gassville, Arkansas who had pulled the Pontiac over for a routine traffic stop, police said.
When the high-speed chase ended and police approached the car, Robida traded fire with police who then shot him through the window, police said. A 33-year-old woman from West Virginia, who police said knew the teenager, was found dead in the car after Robida was shot, police said.
Robida died at CoxHealth Hospital in Springfield, Missouri, where he was taken in critical condition on Saturday after being captured, police said.
Last week Robida went on a rampage after walking into Puzzles Lounge in New Bedford, ordering two drinks and asking the bartender "Is this a gay bar?"
After being told it was, the teenager moved to a back area, pulled a hatchet out of his coat and lunged at several men, striking two in the face. He then drew a gun and began firing, witnesses and police said.
By Sunday morning, as news of his death spread through the once-prosperous whaling town on the state's southern coast, police said they were not surprised that the high school dropout died after a shootout.
"We had a feeling he would either commit suicide or try to commit suicide by cop," New Bedford police captain Robert Spirlet said. "Those who commit suicide by cop want to have a shootout with police and know they are going to be killed."
At Robida's grandmother's house the telephone was picked up and immediately placed down again. His mother could not be reached for comment.
Robida's room, searched earlier in the week by police, was filled with neo-Nazi literature and posters slurring gays, Jews and blacks, plus a makeshift coffin.
The mood in New Bedford on Sunday ranged from relief that Robida will not be back to fear that someone else might try to finish what the teenager had planned in the only U.S. state where gay marriage is legal.
"When people use words that are hateful and mean-spirited, people are empowered to act violently," said John Vasconcellos, a local gay activist.
The shootout was about 100 miles west of here. He was in the hospital in Springfield Mo. Now that's too close to home.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things that stands out to me after going through his website is that many of the "friends" that posted there were 22 and 23 years old. Also, several of the people listed their sexual orientation as "bi." I don't know if that is significant in the grand scheme of things, but I think it is an aspect that needs to be examined if we are ever able to make sense of any of this.
ReplyDeleteI agree, EB, his taste in music has nothing to do with his political ideology.
As far as 14/88 and Sieg Heil being common knowledge among our youth of today, Stefan - I don't know where you're from, but around here that is simply not true. Most adults don't know what the 14/88 stands for and the kids certainly don't.
Additionally, a cursory view of the myspace blogs set up by his buddies garnered no Nazi leanings or 14/88's etc.
Sorry - but I wanted to mention that the woman who was traveling with him was 33 years-old. What's up with that? If anyone finds any info about her, please pass it on.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why he killed her. Was she in a panic or what?
ReplyDeleteI wondered the same thing, Steve. The only thing that I can think is that she was panicked and screaming at him to stop and he just did her. The other thing is that this kid was shooting at the cops and they were shooting back. It's possible that she got hit by a cops bullet. I read somewhere that they were going to do a ballistics test.
ReplyDeleteWiggers are not part of our Cause, nor are Satanists.
ReplyDeleteIf you can understand that then you will understand why Bill White is defending this guys behavior and no one else is.
Forgive me, Warren, but you sound just about as confused as Bill White himeslef. First of all, most of those in "your cause" will take whatever in the hell they can get. How fast you forget people like Hardy Lloyd, Patrick Langan and Benjamin Smith.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, Bill white was defending the kids actions calling him a "normal American." Now, he is just a crazed Juggalo. And White is just as out of his mind as always.
Thirdly, you came in here spinning some tale about how this kid just wandered into some gay bar and was hit on and acted in self defense. A couple of us remarked - yeah - he also just happened to be carrying a machete, a hatchet, and a 9mm. Yet you haven't responded to that.
Quite frankly, I am really sick of having to write these kinds of stories about people being killed and young me dying because of the bullshit that "your cause" puts into people's heads. And I can't help but wonder how anyone can attempt to justify what this kid did - or Bill White, for that matter. Neither have any justification for their actions.
Additionally, this Craig Cobb over on VNN is just about as nutty as Bill Whie, Michael Blevins, and Hal Turner put together. He is suggesting that racists infiltrate Jacob's site on myspace and try to recruit some of his friends.
Somewhere, somehow, someday...this bullshit has to come to a screeching halt.
Jacob inundated himself with violent music and racist messages. This, along with what appears to be a very disturbed mind is a recipe for disaster.
ReplyDeleteThe only NS statements on Jacob Robidas website are from an online survey he took and the answers he gave to the questions resulted in the computer telling him he might be a Nazi. I believe it was on his website as a way of mocking computer surveys rather than any admission of White Supremacists beliefs.
ReplyDeleteI offer the original Myspace Jake Jekyll website as evidence below.
ICP, the Insane Clown Posse advocates the use of an AXE in murdering people, they also call for the killing of White people, skinheads, and southerners in general. Anti-Racist indoctrination is prevalent and apparent to anyone who reads it. A sampling of ICP Anti-White lyrics can be viewed at this URL...
Robida was an Anti-Racist. How long should we hold our breaths for Nikki to admit the truth and claim her share of the blame now that "Ms. Holier than thou" has told everyone else they're responsible and share in this tragedy ?
Note to Stefan: Bill White never wrote for the real Pravda, he wrote for a pseudo-Pravda website that started around 1999 as an outlet of the Russian Communist Party. Bill White might like people to believe it was so long ago he held communist beliefs and it was his youthful past but it hasn't been very long ago at all.
Check the dates on these articles and notice they are his first contributions to the communist journal.
In this link you will see that the knowledge of a "Red Brown" alliance was something Bill White was aware of when he began writing for Pravda and his joining the NSM is only a continuation of that role as communist agitator.
Finally Bill was fired from Pravda because he was using the name solely to promote himself as some political leader where there was no following. Another fraud that even the commie paper became tired of assisting him in and dumped him on the curb. Below is the message sent to fire Bill from Pravda. I believe he is a 100% phony and consider him an enemy.
Inna Novikova Pravda Russian Communist Party Editor:
Dear Bill,
I have to ask you not to write any more articles about your political activity in USA for PRAVDA.Ru. We prefer you to write us about events in USA as our correspondent whose position is balanced and objective. We do not want PRAVDA.Ru to be mentioned in your discussions about with your friends and opponents. We are a foreign newspaper and it looks extremely strange that we have so radical position on the questions of domestic political movements in your country. It is your position, not ours. We do not support your position on the problem and we do not want to be involved in your struggle. It is very sad that our newspaper became to attract other extreme politicians. At the same time some of our old correspondents decided that we had changed our position and stopped to write for us. (By the way, I do not mean Eric Garis). We are losing not only our authors, but readers as well. Unfortunately, you use PRAVDA.Ru as the tribune for your political activity inside your country. You are our correspondent, but you do not represent our political position in USA. I ask you not to act on PRAVDA.Ru's behalf. If you are ready to inform us about ALL WIDE POLITICAL life in USA and present ALL points of view, ALL positions as a balanced journalist, you are welcome. If you want to use PRAVDA.Ru as a tribune for your ideas, we can not afford to lose our image and to post your articles any more. Best regards, Inna Novikova
I hope this will shed some light on Bill White for you Stefan and that it will merely be a beginning to your overall growth as a pro-white activist as well as a starting point to find out the true degenerates behind the name of Bill White.
Copy and paste this into your browser and you can read over some other Bill White pseudo-pravda nonsense.
ReplyDeleteThe phenomenon of being "sent over from the left to lead the right" is not new. The remarkable thing is how impudent the imposters can be, coupled with how gullible their suckers can be. The leading fiasco was probably when Barry Goldwater, the Jewish department-store owner from Phoenix, finagled the 1964 Republican presidential nomination stemming from his appeal in voting against the Civil Rights Bill. He overwhelmingly carried Mississippi, after which it was revealed that he had been a life-member of the NAACP, all along. What is notable is that Goldwater was built up by the various "attacks" against him by leading leftists, played up by the news media, supposedly endearing him to the masses. The best-known barb was the report by a psychiatrist who diagnosed Goldwater, on the basis of news reports, as being "crazy."
Another example was the staggering media attention accorded to Andrew Greenbaum, a South Carolina college student, in 1999, who had touted himself dressed up like Hitler over the Internet. Greenbaum was said to be the "leader" of the Nationalist movement throughout the country. His group, which he called the American Nationalist Party, was said to be the "fastest-growing," "most-active" and "most-powerful" of all, when all the 22-year-old dorm-resident had was a computer and some Hudzpah. Nonetheless, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League characterized Greenbaum as "the most-dangerous man" in the country, at one point. But when investigative reporters ferreted out Greenbaum's birth-certificate, confirming that the upstart was, actually, a Jew and Nationalists were preparing to sue, the charade ended and Greenbaum disappeared. According to Salon, he now promotes "penis-enlargement pills -- and a host of other dodgy products, including human growth hormone, free government grants, inkjet-printer refills, extended car warranties, 'eBay secrets' -- marketed via spam e-mail campaigns." Greenbaum also calls himself a "Libertarian." (Continued at the link below)