In a special edition of "Coldshot," I try to convey not only what really happened but precisely what's on my mind as well. You can hear that audio HERE.
Additionally, Floyd Cochran gave his perspective on One People's Radio and you can hear what he has to say,HERE
I agree. The audio was plenty loud this time.
ReplyDeleteI doubt if "brokeback" Bill was supposed to appear as a guest on Fox News,he's just making it up. He pulled that stunt during the last rally also claiming the canceled him out at the last moment and giving him a sound bite.
ReplyDeleteIf Fox news would only take 10 minutes to look at archive.org, you'll see his very close connection to Luke Kuhn when "brokeback" Bill was a pro-gay communist trying to legalize open gay behavior at Rock Creek Park.
But at least "brokeback" Bill has found a way to get attention. It's so obvious Hitler would have killed a "mongrel" like Bill White.
ReplyDeleteI think you are wrong. It's real easy for them to get a nazi on the air anytime they want to. They had the barely 5 and a half foot Hal Turner on once.
Mind you, Brokeback Bill is only a nazi because it gets him attention. He grew up in a jewish neighborhood and his parents continue live in the jewish neighborhood of Derwood. His parents refuse to accept phone calls regarding Bill's behavior. It must tear them apart.
Maybe Brokeback Bill will write a book when it is all said and done.
I doubt if "brokeback" Bill was supposed to appear as a guest on Fox News,he's just making it up. He pulled that stunt during the last rally also claiming the canceled him out at the last moment and giving him a sound bite.
ReplyDeleteOh - he was scheduled all right - he just chose to "party" with Rick Spring of Aryan Nations instead.
Mind you, Brokeback Bill is only a nazi because it gets him attention.
And truer words were never spoken.
The bottom line in all of this is that Bill WAS scheduled - VB announced it all over the place. He later called the show and told them that he was "too busy" to do the show. The next thing that happens is that he claims on his website that he never heard from FOX.
Vonblvuens you are a coward for not showing up
ReplyDeleteThe real Nazis would have sterilized or gassed half of you NSM clowns
23people.............what a Joke
White supremacist in custody on sex assault...this is Joel Dufresne. In Clay County, Fla.
ReplyDeleteQuote from Orlando Weekly:
ReplyDeleteOther Nazis wave their signs – "We don't have white guilt" – at the crowd of people. Bill White is jumping up and down. "Beat those commies! Beat those fuckers! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!"
end quote
Can you imagine this!!! Bill White jumping up and down saying that. ROTFL!!!! He's 28 and still acting like a 5 year old child who can't do what he wants.
It's so damn funny.
I bet Brokeback Bill checks for Commies under his bed at night.
Vonbluvens also praised the attacks on 911 along with Billy Roper. Vonbluvens explained this by saying overthrowing the jew run US government was a good thing.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why antifa get violent at rallies just in order to get arrested. You figure they would just show up at some nazi's house and get violent there. That would make more sense.
Speaking of Michael Schneider, here his picture, he is the one in the center. Looks like his face is rotting off and whats that thing between his nose and mustache?
Looks like he hasn't showered in a year either.
What I find interesting that out of nearly 2,000,000+ who live within a 3 hours drive of Orlando, the NSM could only get 25 to march with them.
ReplyDeleteWhat is that, like 1 out of 80,000?
79,999 out of 80,000 didn't bother to show up to walk with the NSM.
life is good.......
"On what grounds are you making this assertion…"
ReplyDeleteLaw for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases and T-4 program
read the law