Working with someone as dedicated and knowledgeable as Floyd Cochran has long been our pleasure, having the opportunity to actually meet him, see his presentation, and spend quality time together has been our blessing. Nicole Nichols and Tony Willow had the good fortune to do all of those things over the past few days as all three converged in Oklahoma and the end result is heard in this round-table discussion of three of the most committed anti-racists on the hate front today. They discuss everything from Mr. Cochran’s time at Aryan Nations to those miscreants making the news today, as well as some ideas and views on what’s ahead and what communities can do to confront the very real problem of racism in America.
You are correct, EB. Floyd has also been featured on the History Channel and is always called upon by the media as an authority on hate groups. We have "known" each other as far as the internet and the telephone for quite some time, but it was the first time I had actually met him in person. I am greatly impressed. His honest and open approach to all of this is to be admired.
ReplyDeleteNot to my knowledge, Matt. I think he was just making a generalization.
ReplyDeleteI tried once again to listen to the drabble. The lead-in and the commercials were plenty loud, but the show itself was so low that I gacve up listening to it about 5 minutes into it.
ReplyDeleteWell...Steve...we are working on better audio - however, I have listened on four different computers now, and I agree that the music is louder than the show - but have had no trouble adjusting the volume to make it audible. We'll get it right soon, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteI consider my parents and for that matter the ‘average Joe’ as ‘losers.’ Sure, my parents earn a lot of money but what impact do they really have? Who will remember them when they and I die?
ReplyDeleteStefan, your parents aren't "losers." Their impact is their legacy and that legacy is you. As for the "average Joe," they usually leave something behind. At any rate, the comments that Mr. Cochran made about "losers" go straight to the heart of being a "loser" while here on earth - of doing nothing positive and living a life that only brings a blackness of heart and great emotional burdens.
I want my life to matter in some area otherwise why live?
All life "matters," Stefan. Everyone is important. The path you choose determines how significant your life is, for certain. Choosing a path that is positive will have positive results. On the other hand, choosing a path that brings pain and angst to others can have nothing more than a bad ending. I'm a great believer in Karma - and it's a bitch.
From a young age I have always been obsessed with politics while my peers were obsessed with recess and ‘Tonka Trucks.’ I have studied the great leaders of our time that have brought immense change to this world (Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and Napoleon have been of great interest) and from their experiences (and others) I have begun to formulate a plan. A plan I am constantly tweaking to include recent events (9/11 for example).
I hope you also considered people like Ghandi in all of that studying you have done. There are many people who have come before us and who have demonstrated the path that leads to a successful and rewarding life - those you have mentioned, failed miserably.
Logically I am aware that the probability of me succeeding is small but emotionally I can not allow myself to accept these odds.
If you already realize your limited chances of success why would you not "tweak" that plan of yours in a fashion that would be more apt to predict success?
I constantly reassure myself when the enormity of my goals begins to register ‘emotionally’ that most of those revolutionaries I most admire experienced similar feelings of inadequacy and futility.
Stefan, all of that is well and good - but you must see that in the grand scheme of things your admiration is misplaced. What good is having a modicum of success but losing in the end. What good is putting a plan into action that will leave your memory reviled by people around the world?
This ambition is all that I am, Nikki. Will I succeed?
I don't know what you definition of "success" is Stefan. But, to attempt to further goals that can only result in the destruction of others, can't be good Karma.
Give it ten to twenty years, Nikki (after all I do have a plan that I have to stick to). Whether I succeed or not you will undoubtedly hear and see me on the news in the future, Nikki (And that goes for you EB as well).
When I see you on the news I hope and pray that it will be for the good things that you have brought to our world and our society.
I will not accept a life of inconsequence. I can be a methodical individual and as of yet I have never failed at acquiring something I truly desired. Do not count me or the WN movement out yet, Nikki. History has to repeat itself some time…….
Sorry to tell you Stefan - but that part of history is just that - history. It is never to be repeated. You are a very bright and articulate young man - but, you must know that even to make such an assertion is naive at best. This world will NEVER allow such a thing to happen again.
Yes...I'll be here...and I'll be watching...and so will you reap what you sow.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your posts for a while, and you strike me as pretty intelligent. Honestly, your posts today just sort of scare me.
I've seen a lot of young guys in the WP movement who think that they're going to be the next great leader, the one that brings it into the mainstream, the guy who starts and wins the race war, etc. usually these are the guys who end up getting destroyed by the movement itself - either stabbed in the back by their supposed comrades or so disillusioned they commit suicide or drink/drug themselves to death.
EB was right, the movement isn't a plce to make a name for yourself. Even those who are remembered within the movement are soon forgotten, and people won't recognize true leadership anyway. Everybody wants to be a fuhrer, and anyone who stands above this herd of mediocrity is a threat to that. Anyone with leadership potential will be brought down or trash-talked into they are discredited or give up, and the "spotlight" will be cast back on these poor, selfish losers like White, von Blevins, Linder, etc.
You want to leave a lasting accomplishment, then create something. Maybe look into philosophy - take what you can salvage from this joke of a movement and turn it into a workable new worldview or political system, because the old models everyone clings to have failed and will continue to fail.
But seriously, live a little, You'll never lead or create anything wihtout developing your personality, and that takes building self esteem and learning how to establish relationships with other people. Don't be one of those guys who looks back and realize you screwed up royally because you spent most of your "free "years trying to fit some stereotypical mold of a Nietzschian superman or "Aryan warrior", only to overlook basic social development.
Live life a little, finish school, start a career, find a girlfriend. Try the "human experience" for a while, then at least you'll be able to relate to the common masses in some way when you start your plot to rule the world. [Gotta warn you though, the hubby & I are ahead of you on this front - over 30 years combined experience as WNS, & we got eichother.] ;)
I hope you are listening Stefan. :]