Bill, however, claims that other than the core group of about 40 NSM members, at least 150 members of "other groups and the general public" have contacted them for a meetup in the parking lot. Of course, he is laying the ground work to be able to whine and complain about how so many of their people were detained, derailed, or otherwise impeded from making the march. He says he is worried that "police may lock the parking lot down." Well...Bill - life's just not always fair is it.
As to the rest of Mr. White's lamentations - he needs to be bitch slapped into next week. As to this little gem:
"It also appears that the cops are ready to squash any sort of nigger insurrection that might occur -- they have shoot to kill orders on anyone with a gun and I think we may get a show of these guys showing the blacks who owns the streets. Maybe we'll get to see the homeless shelters burn. LOL Honestly, it would be good for the neighborhood."
I have this to say:
If anything burns in Orlando there are a number of people who know precisely where the blame should be placed. As far as police orders are concerned - I think he had better not flatter himself into thinking that the Orlando Police Department like him or the NSM. That would be a huge mistake on White's part.
Good luck NSM. Thanks for the stand for our great White race.
ReplyDeleteI hope the Nigger Savage Beasts once again show thier true color. Shit brown/black that is.
anothor TV station reported 25 members
ReplyDeletepeople have to learn to ignore these clowns and the will go away
an eyewitness is reporting on NIM Busters that only 20 Nazis showed up and vonblvuens was not one of them
ReplyDeleteSorry Stefan - I just got here - a little too late to make a prediction. I would have predicted 70-100 Nazi's, however. The turnout is almost laughable especially, as you have stated, with so many in the area.
ReplyDeleteIn another turn of events, Bill White was to appear on the John Kaisch Show tonight (FOX) as well as Floyd Cochran. Earlier today, the production crew announced that White claimed to be "too busy" to do the show. Yet, on his blog White says that he was never contacted. Now, that's just funny - because his side-kick "VonBlowhard" announced White's appearance as well. I just love it when these people demonstrate for us just how slick they aren't. And it wouldn't be the first time Bill White ducked out of something when he knew there would be opposition and someone to keep him honest. As far as I know, Mr. Cochran will still appear.
A NOTE ON THE VIOLENCE: I don't have any particulars on what happened yet - but I really hate the fact that there was any violence. I will await the definitive word before making any further comment other than violence is not the answer.
Blevins didn't show?????
ReplyDeleteFirst Pics Here:
And here:
I wonder if Schoep was there.
ReplyDeleteBill claims to have bronchitis. However, I think that was also Mark Martin shouting.
ReplyDeleteI have been scouring the pictures - there aren't very many of the actual Nazi's - but don't see Schoep. Also - Doc is supposedly there - but no VB?
Yes - he was on briefly. I do wish that Bill White would have had the balls to be there.
ReplyDeletestefan Schmidt said...
ReplyDeleteFunny, liberals are more violent than NAZIS! : D
Who said they were liberals ?
Liberal are more violent than Nazis.
ReplyDeleteWho said they were nazis?
I'm just thinking of how terrible it would be if someone posted Stefan Schmidt's name and address where certain people could locate him...
ReplyDeleteHow can you asswipes snip at once another while thousands of greasers are coming over our borders each and everyday?
ReplyDeleteInteresting to contrast the 33,000 French who marched against racism with the 22 NSM supporters that White was able to get to commit to march for racism in the Orlando rally.
That is pathetic even by the NSM's low standards. I bet I could get 22 people on a week's notice to protest local weed control or something equally mundane.
Grow up Historykike, you know that your "friends" would only show if you promised them free weed.
ReplyDeleteThe knee jerk faggot liberals you hang out with aren't even real people. The 60's are over loser. Grow up.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"I'm just thinking of how terrible it would be if someone posted Stefan Schmidt's name and address where certain people could locate him..."
Now that's real "class". What's the matter - don't have guts to go after Bill White? You know that Bill White could sniff you out a block away.
Stefan Schmidt comes over here, engages in civil discussion, doesn't flame, conducts himself respectably, and you threaten him? Some of you "antifa" have no class.
Take some lessons on class and dignity from History Mike.
Sieg Heil!
Yes - Bill White has an imposter - and he is here - again.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said:
I'm just thinking of how terrible it would be if someone posted Stefan Schmidt's name and address where certain people could locate him...
Now just why might these "certain people" wish to locate young Stefan?
I don't know who you are or why you are trying to intimidate Stefan, but I have to agree with Alaska here. Stefan has opposing views, yes - but he represents himself with a great deal of dignity and class on this blog - there is no reason to threaten him.
While I might vehemently disagree with Mr. Schmidt ideologically, I respect the hell out of the fact that he is conversing civily and without personal attacks which is much more than I can say for some others.
Yes, that is the "imposter" Bill White (or Bill White posing as an imposter posing as himself - who really knows...)
ReplyDeleteAs far as the 1960s - I was way too young to remember much about them.
With regard to weed - I don't drink, smoke, or drug. Can't help anyone there.
As to my friends - they run the gamut from bleeding heart liberal to heartless conservative. My own politics tend toward the center; on some issues I take a traditionally leftist position (say, on a woman's right to choose), while on others I am on the right (eg: I support gun ownership by citizens).
Thanks for the kudos, alaskawingnut.
tell Me what would a 17 year old kid know about the 60's..............Zilch
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI'm just thinking of how terrible it would be if someone posted Stefan Schmidt's name and address where certain people could locate him...
I'm just thinking how cowardly it would be to do that. What courage it must take to threaten a minor over the internet, anonymous at that. Posting info online proves you would rather some deranged lunatic confront him where as you lack the testicular fortitude to do it yourself.
Public Service Announcement: Stefan may be a young wolf, but he's still part of the pack.
"We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children."
I never take any threat made on the internet lightly. While this person may be all blow and no go - you just never know.
ReplyDeleteI need to make a couple of things clear. 1) Neither I nor Citizens Against Hate condone or advocate violence. 2) I am not above violence if I believe myself or my loved ones immediately threatened. Self defense is always justified in my opinion.
That being said, the threat toward Stefan was totally uncalled for and, to my knowledge, unprovoked. Unless something has happened elsewhere that I know nothing about, Stefan has conducted himself in a fine manner on this blog. While I don't agree with his ideology, and we happen to be on opposite ends of the political spectrum in most areas - I find him bright, civil, articulate, and someone who would be a great asset to any group or cause. (I wish he were on our side).
The only answer in all of this - in my opinion - is finding common ground. Discourse in a manner that is productive is far too alien in most instances, yet when found should be nurtured and encouraged. For, only through such discourse will any answers be found and commonalities be determined.
Like EB - I too believe that something will transpire that will require us all to come together as members of the human race.
has anyone checked out the physical deformity on Bill's skull?
Hitler would have gassed him.
Try this short link instead.
Bill White really is physically deformed.
Just curious Stefan, had Hitler won the war in Europe, how do you think Europe would be today?
ReplyDeleteSorry I haven't been around, been very busy.