The last person who pissed me off this much is now serving forty years in a maximum security prison. Rarely do I ever feel the need to engage in flagellation of anyone and equally as rarely does anyone send my temper right off the charts. However, a certain slum-lord, sleazebag has seemed to have that effect on me.
Yesterday I listened to a “radio program,” that William A. White did on Hal Turner’s network. The piss-poor quality aside, I, once again, realized that Mr. White is nothing more than a pseudo-intellectual trying to make a name for himself in whatever venue happens to be available to him. In so doing, he makes a horse’s ass out of himself and speaks volumes about the lack of character, integrity, and moral fiber of those practicing racists that make up his cadre.
When the story broke about eighteen-year-old Jacob Robida using an axe and a gun on the patrons of a gay bar in New Bedford, Bill White was quickly referring to young Jacob as a “normal” white man who had had enough. As despicable as that sounds…it gets worse.
Robida, it was discovered, had a fascination with a cultish rap group known as “Insane Clown Posse.” He also had a penchant for swastikas and racist/anti-Semitic literature. Some of his closest friends characterized him as considerably racist.
After leaving New Bedford, Robida picked up a thirty-three year old girlfriend who might not have gone willingly and ended up in Arkansas where he killed a police officer, the girlfriend, and himself in an insane chain of events.

As most of the racists were attempting to deny any sort of connection between Robida and the racist movement, Bill White’s glaring referral to Jake as a “normal” individual was casting even more aspersions than there already were on White’s claimed “Nazism.” In what had to be the back-peddle of the month, White began to lambaste the young murderer. If it were not for the fact that there were so many people touched by Robida’s insanity, it would have been comical to watch White attempt to extricate his foot from his over-zealous mouth.
Bill White now claimed, “It is clear the immediate cause of Robida's behavior was his consumption of the music produced by the Insane Clown Posse, a horror-rap group that openly advocates mass murder with an axe. Having reviewed his MySpace.com profile -- http://www.myspace.com/jakejekyll, I do not see any 'National Socialist' symbols or material posted -- but I do see the lyrics of Insane Clown Posse raps posted prominently throughout the site, as well as pictures of Robida in Insane Clown makeup. I also see numerous calls of support from other followers of the group.”
We guess that Bill overlooked the Seig Hiel and the 14/88 that started the page. But then if you are feverishly attempting to cover up a previous blunder – you just bull-shit your way through it. The next thing that needs to be done is to find someway to refocus the blame – a way that all the racists would accept. Hence:
"This kind of nihilism is much more closely associated to militant anti- racism and to Jewish modernism than it is to National Socialism. There is no question that youth who engage in this kind of behavior often look at National Socialism, either, a) in an effort to find a sense of identity and lift themselves out of their nihilism, or b) because they have watched too much Jewish television and come to believe that National Socialism is somehow linked to their nihilistic fantasies.”
So, now this ignorant buffoon wants to blame anti-racists and the Jews. This should not have been too shocking or surprising – and it wasn’t. It’s pretty much Bill White’s schtick and I dealt with it. It wasn’t until Bill took to the cyber waves with his horseshit that I totally wanted to reach through my computer and…well, you can imagine.
Under deplorable audio, I found myself trying to make sense of what this maniac was trying to convey. As he ranted about Insane Clown Posse and the influence this had on Jacob Robida ( because, according to Bill – if he says it, it’s gospel) I found myself thinking about the influence that music often has on the young. True enough, ICP is a despicable group and their lyrics are pretty disgusting. I wouldn’t allow it to be played in my house. Hal Turner obliged Bill by playing a clip of an ICP song that was pretty indicative of the duo and their lack of talent. But to hear Bill White tell it – the lyrics whipped Jacob Robida into a killing frenzy and just sent him over the edge.
The one word that I just kept repeating throughout all of this was “bullshit.” And I kept wondering what he would have had young Jacob listen to. Of course I already knew the answer to that:
Run Nigger Run
By Vaginal Jesus
Run- I've got a chainsaw
Run- I've got david duke's phone number
Run- My father owns a rope factory
Run- My uncle's the grand dragon
Run, Nigger-nigger, run, nigger-nigger, run! run! (3x)
Run, Nigger-nigger, run, nigger-nigger, run!
Run- I've got a bucket of tar
Run- And it looks like you
Run- My friend has some feathers
Run- You're gonna fucking die
Run, Nigger-nigger, run, nigger-nigger, run! run! (3x)
Run, Nigger-nigger, run, nigger-nigger, run!
Racially Debased
By Angry Aryans
The mud brown child that's been given birth
The beating of your life is what it is worth
To satisfy your lust, well, you never did care
Your baby was born a mongrel, with African hair!
The culprit of producing a maleficient race
We will soon dispose of your shameless disgrace
Your villainous contempt is really well understood
Your futile cries of mercy will do ya no good!
You had to be sexually explored by countless black men
You continue to abide by this horrible trend
Fear strickened eyes are drenched with tears
Your feeble pleas will only fall upon deaf ears
My Hands are around your neck
Your error is mine to correct
The air slowly dwindles away
Your defiled body, on the ground it lays.
Splatterday, Nigger Day
By Grinded Nig
Drive around in my van
We want to kill a nigger
They are in the city
Follow one into the alley
We all attack the nigger
He has seen his last day
Beat his face from black to red
Cut off his cock, shove it in his mouth
No more racemixing, spreading your seed
Splatter day, Nigger Day
We must stop the decay
Splatterday, Nigger Day
Niggers are in the Whiteman?s way
Slice open an ape throat, pull out the esophagus
Mutilate the nigger face with a sharp instrument
Flesh & Meat splattered on my hands and the wall
Fuck the Hip-Hop community
We will kill minorities
Now, I’m certain that the calming and melodic melodies provided by this hatecore would have had a soothing effect on the tortured mind of one so young as Jacob Robida. And I am certain that had Mr. Robida elected to listen to such enrichment he would have been a much better white man and people would still be alive.
In the grand scheme of things, Bill White might be nothing more than an amoebic drivel but in the context of the events surrounding this troubled child he has become more than just an infected pus-sac. He has become the quintessential asshole and a lying sack of manure.
Jacob Robida was a very trouble young man and we may never know what tripped his trigger. It is doubtful that it was one thing over another. It was, more than likely, a combination of experiences and influences. And try as Bill White may, he cannot negate the fact that one of those influences was the neo-Nazi ideology of hate and bigotry. No matter how much he wants others to think that it was the Jews and the anti-racists, no matter how much spin he tries to place on this crime, the bottom line is – the kid’s room was lined with swastika flags and anti-Semitic writing. That was one of the influences – and had neo-Nazism not been in existence, perhaps that fragile mind wouldn’t have snapped.
The lyrics of ICP are hateful. The tenets of National Socialism and Nazism are hateful. To an already distressed and youthful mind, the two can be reconciled. Jacob Robida is a prime example of that. And the demented and convoluted spewing of Bill White can’t change that. He can’t spin it any other way. How is it that this man believes himself to be an authority in such things?
He rails against violence – and claims to not advocate violence against anyone. This is the same man who said, “It is justified to rape and murder an individual involved in an organization such as “One People’s Project,” there is no question that if one of the individuals associated with them is raped and murdered, it is well deserved and there is no crime insofar as the pain inflicted on the victim is concerned.”
I am of the opinion that Bill White is a pitiful excuse for what we know as human. It is also my opinion that Bill White needs a padded room and a huge dose of Thorazine. Until the day arrives when those needs are met, I can only hope that someone keeps the bastard on a very short leash.
Anyone like Nikki who is a Nigger Lover and advocates the rights of Faggots are the ones who are wrong and need to be on the leash. The Faggots are the ones who spread AIDS to the human race back in the early 80's by screwing Apes in Africa.
ReplyDeleteThe FBI's own crine statistics show the Niggers are the real trouble in our scociety.
Stefan - you have overcome a lot and I commend you for what you have done. I know that it hasn't been easy.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Bill White is concerned - I have no patience, tolerance, or sympathy for him at this juncture. He is a grown man and has created a lot of grief for many people - not the least of which is his own family. And he continues his destructive behaviors.
But I do think you are pretty close to the mark in your analysis, Stefan.
VB - or whoever in the hell you are - the thing that doesn't sit well with me is that this racist buffoon with the over-inflated ego is running around cyberspace posting names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. like he had good sense. He has a history of posting erroneous "personal information," and is likely to get some very innocent folks hurt.
On top of that, he lies and distorts every bit of truth that crosses his path just so it will fit into his agenda. And if any of you bozo's think that you are part of his agenda - think again. The only part in any of this that you have is Bill trying to figure out how to move your asses out of the way because there isn't room for anyone else in his world.
Stefan outclasses Bill White all to hell...but then he isn't a narcissistic maniac, is he? The only good thing that I can say about Bill White right now is that he will take the NSM right down the toilet with him. Other than that, he is a blight on humanity.
Michael Blevins is indeed on seroquel, lithium and probably a host of other drugs. Since he is social security mental disability, Medicare part-D is probably paying for his meds now.
ReplyDeleteBlevins is also a dead beat father who isn't even allowed to see his two biological children. His ex-wife Suzanne had to seek court orders against Blevins.
Michael Blevins also praised the 911 attacks on the World Trade Center just as Bill White praised the Columbine shootings.
Well, well; the Fucking KIKE Schwartzo is running his hole about Von again. His Faggot urges for Mike run wild at times.
ReplyDeleteSchwartz is 90% accurate on Blevins
ReplyDeleteyou used to talk about the drugs you were on all the time on SSMAN'S forum
It is funny watching mikey try to cover his past. Sorry Mike you left to many tracks and to much stuff is public records
LOL! Well, EB! I guess the cat is out of the bag! And all this time I thought you were Hal Turner! ROFLMAO!
ReplyDeleteLet's look at this for a minute. We'll play a little game here. Who said:
ReplyDelete"I don't fenerally get involved with groups or movemens; when I do it is either because the group seems fnctional and it seems that we can mutually provide for each other, or it is because some usurper within the group is ready to take it over and has asked for my assistance."
And...whose words are these:
"The loyalty of the common people can be bought much easier than it can be earned, and it is of the same quality in either case, as common people will only follow you insofar as you are successful, whether your money or your reputation was the original motivator.
"I don't see white nationalist groups or any movement group organizing themselves for serious revolutionary activity."
Maybe someone here can identify this person:
"I will not be joining any groups or define myself as parts of movements when those movements have nothing to offer me."
Maybe you have heard these words when the speaker was asked if he was a racialist:
"I try to avoid being part of any "ism." "Isms" are very constraining, and they encompass much more than just a political philosophy, but also imply certain cultural or personal social traits, or a certain approach to life and living."
How about this one:
""...there is no actual revolution being waged on either side. Neither group tries to mobilize the masses; neither group ever even speaks to the masses. They sit around at the local co-op, or out in their paramilitary base wherever, speaking to themselves and sometimes even publishing vanity newspapers and magazines for themselves - and fantazizing about the "revolution" that is just around the corner.
"I'm not a part of fantasy politics. I'm not a National Alliance member because I don't want to play at being a neo-Nazi, and I have no time to subject myself organizationally to people who aren't competent to judge me....I don't have time to be dragged into the behavior patterns of people who have proven themselves failures."
This one just might jog your mind:
"The reason I make you so angry is because I am above you, and I am mocking you because you are incompetent. I'm not on the other team. I'm more of the sports caster commentating except that unlike the sports casters on TV, I hate both teams, and the reason people tune in is to listen to me rag on both of you.
"Just like there are people who's sport is football, my sport is fringe politics.
"Welcome to my arena, but don't ever make the mistake of thinking I'm playing in your games."
Ok - so, how well do you know your racists? Who said this?
"White nationalism is held back by the freaks, defectives, and political ignoramouses that make up not just its leadership, but much of its rank and file."
And...which racist considered Hal Turner untrustworthy?
EB - I was just playing with you! I can vouch for the fact that EB is none of those people. He is a most accomplished person - and we are very happy to count him as one of us.
ReplyDeleteIt is good to express yourself. Wether it be in a rant. In some form of personal identity.
ReplyDeleteThis was much more then a rant. It is a warning .. The songs written in this post make me stomach actualy sick.
Bill White is not a man. Monsters like Mr. White and Turner get taken down by the reality of life sooner or later.
Leaving thier wall of hating and spite crumbling in the face of truth and realism. Missed your blog a bit nikki. I hope things are well.
Hiya Toni! I have been wondering about you. I hope things have setlled down in your life. I miss your posts and your insight. Hang tough!
Does anyone know why "Jim Ramm" (Matthew Ramsey) is growling at me? Does he make animal noises a lot?
ReplyDeleteLOL! I got home today and had several emails telling me about his "show." I laughed so hard I almost couldn't stand it. I never really got past the growling, snarling and Sieg Heiling. How ridiculous!
ReplyDeleteHere's the deal with Ramm who is really Matthew Ramsey. Sometime in 2004 I did a whole layout on him and his website nukeisrael.com. It's a pretty despicable place that gets shut down a lot. I particularly took issue with his recruiting young people.
He was not too happy and issued a response. After a couple of rounds we moved on. A couple of months ago I got an email from him telling me all of the things that he had been doing in his area and asking why I hadn't written about him lately. Honestly, there was just so much other stuff going on that even mentioning Jim Ramm was of any interest to any of us. Well...I guess this was his way of trying to get a little publicity about his "accomplishments."
Notice how he kept mentioning what was going on there and how things were going to be "different" in July. Hell...they haven't been able to put more than 10 Nazi's in the street anywhere up there. The bottom line, I think, is that this little fish wants to play with the big boys and really isn't doing well.
At any rate...I just kind of wondered if that growling and snarling was a permanent affliction. Also wonder if he's had his shots.
Sorry - the link didn't work.
Sorry - the link didn't work.
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ReplyDeleteOh, Stefan - I thought it was funny too! It was hysterical in a rather, as you put it, "base way." There just isn't any limit to what some people will do to get attention. Ramm is nothing more than a street thug with microphone right now. And sometimes he can be really funny - in a very "base way."
ReplyDeleteYou're right, EB - "pedestrian."
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ReplyDeleteListen up Steve - this is getting pretty ridiculous - go play somewhere else - this isn't your litter box. If you can't or won't discuss anything then stay off the board.
ReplyDeleteFuckTard Brevard Spews Shit:
ReplyDeleteMr. Holsten,
Why do you insist on spending your time here?
If Nikki can run her hole about others; then I can run mine about her. Fair is fair...
You seem to forget, Steve - this is my house. Now either stop or I will report you - period.
ReplyDeleteAmen, EB.
ReplyDeleteStefan, you're dealing with a bunch of Nigger Lovers here. They have no rational thinking.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, Its A Lie is not much different from the way Germany was. Hal showed the pics of all those dead Palestinian babies & etc.
Everrets Brevard, have you ever heard of a guy named Johnny Angel ?
ReplyDeleteA wrestler, former Klansmen, turned Anti-Racist and
judeo-christian preacher sell-out ?
Just curious
If being a Racist is so insane and you have proof that Mike Blevins aka VonBluvens is certifiably mentally ill, then doesn't it make you the ass for picking on a disabled guy? Come on now, admit it, you enjoy mentally abusing a disabled man and publicly criticize him for being on disability. If he's really mentally disabled then it's like picking a fight with a guy who has no arms.
ReplyDeleteYou've made every negative comment under the sun to ruin his ability to support himself and then slander him further for being disabled and on social security.
You're a piece of shit. Leave the handicapped alone, even if they are rediculous and pretending to be racists. It's wrong to criticize him on the basis of being mentally ill. If you can't find an example of merit among his comments to slam him on you should leave him alone, especially because the Americans with Disabilities Act protects his rights. He can sue all your asses if he is really disabled, and he would win. If this is the only line of shit you have to defeat his racists stance he must be pretty damned good at it. Also if this keeps up then I'll contact Blevins and help him deal with you idiots (not savants they're cool with me). Seriously, this is way out of line over here. Free speech doesn't protect slander and defamation against handicapped people, you're wrong.
If everytime I wanted to beat the crap out of a wormy jew bastard he were to jump up and kick a nigger that isn't going to make me decide to make an ally of the jew bastard at all.
ReplyDeleteThe Arabs are getting revenge for all the anti-semitism the turkish khazarians (jews) have perpetrated against them. Afterall the Arabs are semites not the khazars or negroids who converted to judaism.
Being semetic is biolgoical not religious. The jews are the biggest anti-semites of all time.
I pray that the Palestinians are free of tyranny and fear from jewish terror, and that they get their land back. One day I want a land for every race to live in peace, but most of all for my own people to be free and have a homeland of our own.
Stefan Schmidt said...
ReplyDeleteThe NAZIS had no intention to exterminate the Jews. Lack of supplies and food (due to Allied blockades) resulted in malnutrition and disease to sweep through these camps. The NAZIS tried to stop the spread of disease by burning infected bodies and using gas chambers to fumigate diseased clothing.
Looks like Schmidt is ignorant of the Eisatzgruppen among other things. http://www.adolfhitler.ws/lib/genocide/jaegerReport.html
"He was clearly a disturbed individual EB. If the NAZIS were such genocidal maniacs then they would have never placed this man in a mental ward for indiscriminately shooting Jews."
ReplyDeleteThe nazis did not put him in a sanitarium for shooting jews. He was arrested by the SS for corruption and stealing from the Reich
The holocasuet is the most documented event in history. There are thousand upon thousadn of wyeswitned of every nationality. Thousand of german soilders have openly admitted to the holocaust
The holocaust is one of the most documented events in history. There are thousands upon thousands of eyewitnesses of every nationality. Thousands of German soldiers have openly admitted to partaking in or witnessing these events.
"The things I saw beggar description...the visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations to propaganda.
~Dwight D. Eisenhower
Ohrdruf April 15, 1945
Ask yourself if what you just typed makes sense. The NAZIS do not put thieves in sanitariums. Mainstream history books will point to mental illness as the ultimate reason for this institutionalization but as usual this is misrepresentation.
Yes it makes sense, he was not put in the sanitarium for shooting or mistreating Jews. No such charges were ever brought up. The SS doctors claimed he was suffering from mental illness.
In all likelihood they put him in there to cover their own asses in the corruption charges, many in the SS took brides,especailly after the war turned against them.
He is a minor footnote in the holocaust, the facts still overwhelming support the holocaust