By Tony Willow
Yet another “Creator” in trouble with the law. Why am I not surprised? Actually, my prediction that Mr. Dufresne would be in front of a judge soon has come true. It’s unfortunate that it's under these circumstances though.
Facts are still coming in but here is what we know so far.
Joel Dufresne, one of my favorite people, was arrested in Orange Park Florida Monday on 21 counts of sexual assault against his ex-girlfriend. He was found with their 14-month-old son whom he was to have no contact with via an order out of Michigan. It’s unclear if charges of kidnapping will be added at this time. The child will stay with relatives until his mother can pick him up.
Details of the assault itself are sketchy but some reports state that Mr. Dufresne tied his girlfriend up and raped her repeatedly. It’s also been reported that she delayed contacting the authorities for fear of her life and the life of her son.
According to Lt. Barry Abramowitz of the Clay County Sheriff’s office, Dufresne had been in Florida for two weeks. If this is the case it should be interesting to see if he attended the recent NSM rally in Orlando, if he didn’t, then why? Fear of arrest? Fear that he knew they would be coming for him? Time will tell, I have feelers out to see if indeed he was or was not there. The “Creativity Movement” has attended many NSM rallies in the past.
We should have known something was up when Joel posted on the www.rahowa.net forum board:
"February 1, 2006 the following: (grammatical errors unchanged)
not sure when but i may be moving it may be within the next couple of weeks so stay tuned."
Joel additionally announced the following recently on their website (grammatical errors unchanged):
"I’m proud to announce that a friend of mine will be taking over the world center mailing address for me for a little while due to some personal things i have to take care of right now. it will be still supervised by me so nothing has changed but please give bro. tony white as much support as you all have shown to me. rev.joel
New mailing information
The creativity movement
po box 893
orange park, florida"
It's interesting that Orange Park is where he was arrested. Did he flee to Florida to show someone “the ropes” so to speak because he knew his ass was in a sling? Could be, we will have to see about that.
So how is this news of yet another racist arrest being circulated in “the movement”? Well of course Bill White of www.overthrow.com got his facts all wrong. He states that Joel was arrested in Orange Park, California and that he is charged with kidnapping, which as I have stated cannot be confirmed at this time. Makes you wonder why all the disinformation. Could it be that he is trying to distance himself from the “Creativity Movement”? Could very well be, especially when he states the following:
“According to Dufresne’s website, he is allied with the faction of the Creativity Movement that has largely reorganized itself as prison gang, along the lines of the Aryan Brotherhood.”
Stay tuned, updates to follow.
UPDATE: With new information coming out all the time we have learned that Dufresne was charged with 20 counts of sexual assault and one count of extortion. For the latest report, go HERE.
Stefan Schmidt said...
ReplyDeleteA crime is a crime regardless of who committed it.
Tell that to the racist right.
ROH why don't you start reporting on all your "Brothas" raping and murdering ?
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you start reporting fairly on "HATE" and include all the non-white Haters out there ?
You're the most one-sided website online because you only report on hate by whites. That's racist.
Even the SPLC and ADL report on the non-white Haters too. You're no one to challenge anyone to report fairly. I challenge you to report on all haters and prove to the entire gamut of activists that you're not as racist and full of hate as those you criticize. Go ahead prove me wrong. Exhibit some journalistic integrity and cover a story not featuring a White perpetrator. Until then don't ask us to take you seriously, you're a racist and a hater of white people. You deserve whatever you get, live by hate, die by hate.
When Joel gets to prison he will have lots of explaining to do, but it will be the White men who are concerned enough to deal with him. The non-whites aren't even about justice for a victim of rape or molestation, they all do it. It's the blacks who are faggots and rapists in prison. The only bit of justice in the place is because of the few real White Men who are there. When someone rapes a kid and goes to jail, is it the blacks they're afraid of or the Whites ?
ReplyDeleteIs this the same Creator Joel who writes all the crazy shit to Nikki ?
ReplyDeleteIs this the same Creator Joel who writes all the crazy shit to Nikki ?
ReplyDeleteThat would be the same one. We have been expecting something out of Joel for awhile now - I just hate that it took this form. Of course, we haven't heard all sides yet.
Joel is lost - always has been and probably always will be. It's really very sad.
Well, Stefan - when you get to "know" some of these people it's pretty easy to determine when they are getting "antsy" or getting ready to blow. Joel has been running on high octane for several months now. His emails and his comments have been more and more bizzare and we just felt that he would do just that in some fashion.
ReplyDeleteNow, I wouldn't have thought he would have gone the sexual assualt route necessarily - but given his criminal past and his penchant for crude and often crass discussion, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.
It worried me when he tried so hard to get Tony to meet him in Texas. He was trying every approach - I'm certainly glad that she didn't.
As to the beheading videos - I saw the Daniel Perle video - and that was enough to last me for a lifetime. Ya know - that's the one that so many of the racists were spreading around and applauding.
ReplyDeleteShow me one sign of a WN holding up a sign opposing white on white rape.
You were aware that over 80 percent of rapes of white women are done by white men?
But yet WN don't care, they only care when a black man rapes a white woman.
When you show me a picket sign of a WN complaining of white on white rape, let me know.
He told his sister and her Husband that he had custody of his son and wanted to start a new life..get a job yada yada. He has been here for 2 weeks. His son went back to Michigan today to the girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteSo Stefan,
ReplyDeleteIt's the same argument. Because you can find some black racists, it's okay for everyone else to be one also.
That argument doesn't fly around here. And Sharpton doesn't carry the swatiska or praise Adolf Hitler does he?
Again, if you and WN cared about your white women, you would be most worried about the group who rapes and beats them the most, the white males.
The signs carried by the NSM only addressed black on white rape, which again, is only a small fraction of all rapes.
You get rid of all black crime and the percentage of white women being raped only drops a little bit. You get rid of white on white rape and and rate drops by over 80 percent.
Stefan, you're wasting your time trying to debate the KIKE Schwartzo. He's too much of a Nigger Lover to have good sense when it comes to the White race.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHe told his sister and her Husband that he had custody of his son and wanted to start a new life..get a job yada yada. He has been here for 2 weeks. His son went back to Michigan today to the girlfriend.
Are you the person who sent me that email this morning?
Yes I am.
ReplyDeleteStefan the propaganda value of the video is in making someone personalize the violence. To wonder what had it been them, and what would they do differently.
ReplyDeleteIt works because there is nothing anyone could do. That examples the power of the terrorists and the powerlessness of the victim. The value, that those who watch feel powerless against the terrorists.
In think the point that a white man watching sees is that there is no power for the terrorists doing this. It shows a strength in our race that we look beyond death and to the way we die being as important as the why. Even when bound and about to be killed the real Aryan sees that it's not about what they do to us, but how we face it and dying with honor is our way of overcoming any power they might gain by killing us.Our willingness to sacrifice for the better good of the folk.
Many times in battles the losing side was bound and then killed, avoiding slavery, but there are examples where the first man killed did not cry out. His killers saw this as a strength about him, even in death. The same with the next man. Finally after realizing it only empowered the remaining wariors the killers gave up and released them with their freedom.
This is something I've never seen in any other race. A Japanese performing seppuku is about the most calm and relaxed death I have watched. I wonder at times if there is a link between Aryans and Japanese that is forged in honor. Maybe that is why they fought side by side with Germans til the end. The last battle for Berlin had many samurai who fought, and they went down to the last man. Later in Tibet 8,000 monks fought off over 80,000 communist chinese in the worlds last mounted cavalry charge. All were killed, but in honor they live on through every true warrior since, and forever.
If a White Power man was captured I'm sure he would display the proper dislike for jewry and perhaps this would deter him from being killed, atleast in this style. I'm not sure what happens to a white man who is captured and provides proof that he is also an enemy of the jew. I speculate he would be freed, but I also understand that there is no reason for us to be in Iraq. So if a White man comprehends the war as a war for israel, why would he be in Iraq ? I think the reason this theory is not yet proven one way or another is because our guys are not slaughtering Iraqis for Israel, we stayed home like good people should.
Actually, stephan, there have been several times where racists have condoned, and even praised or threatened rape of white women, usually of racist women who left the movement or thier man or didn't "toe the line" with them.
ReplyDeleteElisha Strom and Elena Haskins have both had WNs tell them they deserved to be raped, because they don't push this barefoot-in-the-kitchen nonsense for racist women. I know at least 2 antiracist women who left the racist movement after rape or sexual assualts from their fellow skinheads, and I believe I read some allegations about another creator doing or threatening this within the last year or so.
Then again, you have all those "deserved to be raped because she hung out with niggers" comments that show up on WN sites. Those girls are white too, irregardless of who they date or are friends with.
Stefan, there are those in the racist movement who condone rape and even advocate it in some instances. I can attest to that personally.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, I think the point is that crime is crime regardless of the color of the perpetrator. I understand that WN's like to play the race card when it comes to crime - and that is part of the problem. The issue isn't white on white, white on black, etc. The issue is - a woman isn't any less violated if the rapist is white - she is still raped. The victim isn't any less dead if the murderer is of another race. Crime is certainly a problem here in America - but to protest on the basis of race is ludicrous and quite myopic to most of us.
ReplyDeleteThe Faces of Death videos are a clever mixture of recreated scenes and archive footage.
If you are interested, I would advise you to pick up a copy of Death Scenes, a book by Sean Tejaratchi. It is basically a collection of crime scene photos put together by L.A.P.D. Detective John Huddleston, who served from (I believe) the mid-twenties through the early nineteen-fifties. Essentially, it documents the "noir" period.
It can be obtained here: www.feralhouse.com
Happy hunting!
Completely off the subject, but I just couldn't resist - it seems our "guerilla photographer" was not just at the Orlando rally but is recognized and counted as one of the "marchers."
ReplyDeleteDo we have any doubts now?
Ya know what Isis, if I had a sugar daddy that paid my way I'd go to all these events too!
ReplyDeleteI DO go out in the field Isis, do your homework before you make stupid comments like that. Actually, ask your buddy Bill about that. I seem to recall he made comments on his site that the people who went to Matthew Hale's trial should be killed, directing that at me and other anti-racists who attended. I've also attended rallies but since I've moved down to Texas there hasn't been any to go to and, again, if I had a sugar daddy...
Isis, can I suck your sweet shemale dick?
ReplyDeleteSentencing was last year as a matter of fact. And unlike you, I take nobody's money.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm off on a road trip, will check back here in a few days as I'm sure there will be more babbling posts to deal with.
Cheers all!
Dear Isis,
ReplyDeleteI've recently found a blog that might interest you. It features some great photos, showing firsthand the handiwork of these wonderful Nazi types.
But hey, we all know it was really just a hoax, right?
Quote Isis:
ReplyDeleteNice try, Willow, but Toledo 2 was my kid's Christmas money and this last trip was arranged with a call to the bank to hold off on the mortgage for this month
End Quote:
Bingo says:
If this is true, then you need to get your priorties straight. If you are taking your kids Christmas money and holding off mortages so you can take pictures of nazis, that's not rational. That's fucked up. Really fucked up.
Isis said...
ReplyDeleteFuck you, wicked bitch of the midwest
Sorry Isis - wrong gender.
And...yes you do get awesome shots - so?
I don't intend to get into a flame war with you either. I just have a couple of remarks and then I will shut up - maybe.
You seem to think that you know a lot about me - how is that? How do you know where I have been or where I go? You have not once met me, and have no idea what I look like. You have no idea whether you have seen me or not. I might have been a lot closer to you than you ever realized.
You see, Isis, it isn't necessary for me to tell everyone where I have been - and it wouldn't be very smart on my part. That is, of course, unless I was a Nazi groupie looking for love in all the wrong places.
Additionally, if you know "quite a bit about the Holocaust" then I am very surprised that shooting swastika-waving Nazi's doesn't move you.
As for you spending the kids Christmas money - I guess we all have our priorities - and it's really sad how skewed some of them can get, huh?
Personally, I don't really care who you take pictures of or what you do in your personal life. I just really don't care much for people who claim to be something they aren't or who attempt to enter the arena with the intent of playing two ends against the middle.
You call it "journalism" I call it back-stabbing.
Stefan - have a great Spring Break!
Isis was able to infiltrate the NSM rally but yet Bill White knows who she is. That should ring bells right there that something is fucked up.
ReplyDeleteSo why would Bill White allow a known anti to infiltrate their rally? Because he isn't an anti, she's pro-nazi.
Isis is a nazi groupie who enjoys hanging with neo-nazis. She even marches with them. She also hanged around them during the Toledo rally.
Anyone who would delay a mortgage payment to attend a nazi rally to shoot photos is fucked up in the head. Totally fucked up. Did I say that's totally fucked up?
I figured she would be in Orlando since she enjoys this so much. But, when Gletty from the NSM posted his thanks to all involved in helping "pull this thing together" and her name was there, as well as the fact that she had been counted in the numbers who marched - yes, I have a problem with that.
ReplyDeleteBut, when Gletty from the NSM posted his thanks to all involved in helping "pull this thing together" and her name
where is this posted ?
The Nazis let me *in* because I give them dibs on the shots I take, and let them use them.
ReplyDeleteTheir own photographers, like Halloway, have not such generous offers.
Well, they say that everyone has their price. Personally, I don't like bartering with the devil.
If you get off on picturing me as a Nazi, heck feel free. I don't care.
All I care about are getting the shots, getting good shots and leaving them to history
I think that is pretty obvious from your previous posts regarding your finances.
As I said before, I don't care who you affiliate yourself with and I don't really care what you do. I see you as a very talented photographer who has fallen into the status of Nazi groupie - and that is a sad, sad thing. In the process of all of this you have alienated some people and jacked-up a couple of friends.
But...as you say - you don't care about anything other than the "shots." And you have the audacity to call others unscrupulous?
Also...you're right that in 100 years we will all be gone - but what kind of world will we leave behind, Isis? What is our legacy to be? What will our great-grandchildren inherit from those who don't care about anything other than "getting the shot?"
ReplyDeleteCertainly Joel Dufresne is newsworthy. But while you're preoccupied discussing Dufresne, Glenn Miller has announced his candidacy for Congress from SW Missouri. You might find that of interest. His campaign website:
Thanks Alaska - I am working on that right now.
ReplyDeleteI guess dickin children out of Christmas and making a dead beat move on the morgage just to take a little picture taking trip is the price one has to pay for living in a "350,000 dollar house".
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how lies and stupidity has a way of coming back to bite one in the *ss.
Another worthless racist rotting in jail, a burden on the taxpayers. The creativity remnants should be charged with feeding that animal for the next decade.
ReplyDeleteIsisDC said...
ReplyDeleteThis is called "Jouralism".
You can't even spell Journalism. You're a spy, both sides know it. So is your sponsor, both sides know that too. I think it's funny, maybe they'll give you a desk job now, and a dictionary.
IsisDC said...
ReplyDeleteI shoot the news and you, who never leaves her keyboard, are the level of the National Inquirer.
That's National ENQUIRER, not to be confused with your sponsors website, "Nationalist Enquirer".
Everyone should have a goal in life, just don't put others down because you believe you're already completing yours, you're far from being a journalist. Hack.
Bill White said she was Hot,
ReplyDeleteMy source said she was Not.
Not even for Schnapps or free Vodka Shots.
Just got back from my LONG road trip. You all are going to have to wait until tomorrow for all I have to say!! And there is A LOT I plan on saying here but I'm a wee bit tired from a 3 1/2 hour drive a 6 hour concert and another 3 1/2 hour drive home. All for my daughter who deserves every bit of it! Cheers all!
ReplyDeleteI shoot a lot of Nazis because, well, I see them as really growing and very active.
methinks you have listened to Bill White too long
They aware no bigger that Rockwells group, and they will never get any larger. Unlike you people know what the Nazis did and what the Nazis stand for
The best way to fight Nazis is ignore them, quarantine them as Rockwell was quarantined
Here is a nice, family-friendly homily straight from the fetid crevice of the net known as the Hal Turner Show:
ReplyDelete"The jews are always screaming about the blood. Let us give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar and let them drown in their own blood! I dream of the day when the last rabbi is strangled on the guts of the last zionist."--Hal Turner, neo-Nazi
Hey, Isis, isn't Hal one of YOUR friends? Just curious.
Those pictures that you "give them dibs on, and let them use" are used to further themselves. Perhaps before all is said and done you will be able to leave some shots like these behind for your grandchildren:
Hey, anny, I know quite a bit about the Holocaust. Have you actually ever been into The Holocaust Museum in DC?--"Isis"
What the hell does it matter if I have, or not? I'm not the one cosying-up to neo-Nazis. You are.
But for your information , I have seen many artifacts and displays of Holocaust memoribillia in several military museums, as well as at a predominantly Jewish university.
Also, NOBODY is impressed that you know fucking Cindy Sheehan--I could really give a damn. Cindy and the rest of the "Hate and Blame America and Israel First" crowd are ever so willing to take up for Islamic fanatics who would wage war and terrorism against the world with no compunctions at all.
Isis, you and Cindy really are two of a kind--strong-willed women with more venom than logic.
Ok, all the Nazi shit aside, I have a MAJOR beef with you Isis. You claim you are so into the D.C. "scene" and you do "minor lobbying" and that this government is corrupt. Excuse me but when you tell a 17-year-old to:
ReplyDelete"Get drunk, high, laid and a really tacky tattoo that you don't remember how it got there!"
It is YOU is what is wrong with this country Isis. How the hell can you think that this is ok? BTW where are your OWN children when you do these little jaunts of yours? Out getting drunk, high and laid??? I highly doubt your friend "Cindy" would agree with that sort of parenting!
Wow, your more of a nut than I thought. Now I can see why the racists like you so much. They too encourge illegal activities!
ReplyDeleteGot a question for you. Do you supply your own kids with "party supplies"?
Damn Isis, now I know where all your brain cells went. How the hell do you get being against illegal drugs to being racist??? Drugs are illegal plain and simple. You really ought to lay off of them for awhile, but sad to say, those brain cells don't come back once they are gone so there is little hope for you getting this through your hazy brain.
ReplyDeleteWhatever Isis, go roll another one and go to bed. You are one sad sad individual you really are. Thank god you don't live here in Texas.
ReplyDeleteThat's not what I meant.
ReplyDeleteIsn't D.C. the home of the one person you blame for everything? Bush! LOL your really stretching now. Ok, try this on for size, I also lived in California, Illinois, Nevada...what are you going to say to that? LOL. What I meant was that if you DID live here I would have to make it VERY known your views on how teenagers should live. Parents don't like having kids corrupted by people like you, or better yet the possibility that you would provide such substances to their kids.
ReplyDeleteGo to bed Isis, your just digging yourself a big hole.
ReplyDeleteI have seen what drugs do to people and how it effects families. I have first hand knowledge of it. I'm the youngest of 4 and the only one who has not been in and out of jail for using them. I saw what it did to them and is STILL doing to them. And guess what? We are white. It's not a black and white issue Isis.
Dear lord your off your rocker tonight! LOL
ReplyDeleteDrugs are bad
Isis thinks they are good
WOW now there is news for ya!
We have been accused of a lot of things but I must say that's a first! LOL
I have still yet to see my paycheck from the ADL, SPLC, and now who should I add to that list? The Republican party. Damn I should be rich by now.
Your dulusions just keep getting bigger and bigger Isis. I do beleive that's a side effect of too much DRUG USE! LOL. Man, get off of your political high horse already its really getting old. You know nothing of my political beliefs nor will you because you couldn't handle them if you did. Go babble to whomever you think will listen that we are on some covert mission to bring the world to its knees or some shit like that. Hey, didn't you make that threat before? Hmmmm....LOL your too funny.
ReplyDeleteIsis, you have no clue, which is your problem. You read into what I right with a warped take on things.
ReplyDeleteDrugs are illegal. Right?
Drugs ruin peoples lives. Right?
You telling kids its ok to use drugs. WRONG
Your the one that threw in a bunch of crap that I never responded too because you are so dead set on being on that "high" horse.
hell- I'll quote the first post on here from Stefan-
ReplyDelete"A crime is a crime regardless of who committed it."
But drugs are illegal. And the people who use them know that and they know the risks. Plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteMy beef with YOU was that you encourge the use to minors Isis. This is what this conversation is about. Your the one who decided to go on this tangent about how peoples lives were being ruined and how I'm a prude for stating the fact that they are bad. You have major issues Isis, get help and get help soon. I on the other hand am going to bed because I would like to get a few winks in before church. Oh no! I go to church, I'm such a bad person now huh? Heaven forbid I believe in God!
Night dear, I'll say a prayer for you later.
Wow! I guess I missed the show-down last night! That's okay though, I'll bet I had more fun than you guys!
ReplyDeletePersonally, Isis I don't care if you are going to meet with Sheehan or St. Peter. And...you should know that, unlike Willow, I detest the Shrub and everything that he stands for. I detest this war and want nothing more than to see all of these fundamentalist out of the White House and out of our lives.
Additionally, I would vote for the legalization of marijuana in a heartbeat. While I choose not to partake in the smoking of this, I see 1)the medicinal value; 2)the tax-dollar value; and 3)the elimination of an archaic law that can't be enforced period.
I believe that the incarceration of people for drug use and no other crime is ridiculous. And...I am against the death penalty.
So...as you can see, Willow and I are often on the opposite sides of the polictical spectrum.
That being said...the issue here, as I see it, is not marijuana, or liberalism vs conservatism - it's the fact that you encouraged a minor to engage in activities that, by law, are generally reserved for adults. I find that pretty repugnant, as well.
Isis - even if marijuana were to be legalized or decriminalized, there would, undoubetedly, be age limits.
Teen-agers need guidance just as much as ever. They also need limits - and the knowledge that someone cares enough to set them. When these needs aren't met, often their experimental nature gets them into a lot of trouble. Parents who don't meet these needs are not only doing a terrible disservice to their children, but doing nothing more than taking the easy way out.
I too believe in letting children grow and experience many things - that doesn't include getting drunk or high or being sexually promiscuous, however. It's something called "values," Isis. Not religious values, but moral values. It's also called common sense.
So...while you are out playing footsies with the Nazi's and trying to play both ends against the middle - some of us are taking care of our families.
Gee, that's funny that Isis claims to have spent "her kids' Christmas money" on Toledo 2.
ReplyDeleteI recall very clearly a conversation we had about our favorite Charlie Brown movies.
Isis said that hers was "The Great Pumpkin," while I argued that "Charlie Brown Christmas" was waaaay better.
The friendly argument continued until she pointed out a fact that I had forgotten: "A Charlie Brown Christmas" meant very little to her, because she grew up Jewish and celebrated Hanukkah.
Isis now says that she is a pagan, which is fine. But why would a Jewish pagan want to celebrate a Christian holiday?
Unless, of course, Isis is not what she tells people.
LOL! Thanks Mike - and all that I have to say is "BINGO!"
ReplyDeleteNikki said-
So...as you can see, Willow and I are often on the opposite sides of the polictical spectrum.
I'll admit I like Bush, not totally mind you. EVERYONE has their faults as do I. BUT I don't let our differences get in the way of our common goal. Fighting hate.
That being said...the issue here, as I see it, is not marijuana, or liberalism vs conservatism - it's the fact that you encouraged a minor to engage in activities that, by law, are generally reserved for adults. I find that pretty repugnant, as well.
Yes Nikki, this was my whole point but of course Isis can't see that.
Filthy bastard Bill White just had this amusing tidbit posted to Overthrow today-- Thooght it nelonged in this thread, as it is slightly related:
ReplyDeleteChicago, Illinois -- An adherent of the Creativity Movement, previously known as the World Church of the Creator, has been arrested and charged with a hate crime for allegedly beating and spitting on a 54-year old Jewish man in a fight over a radio, according to Chicago news reports and a bulletin issue by the ADL.
Michael Eisenhauer is said to have punched the man, spat on him, and called him a "fucking Jew" after arguing with the man over the volume on a radio.
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith is demanding that the book be thrown as Eisenhauer, and has used the case to headline a new press release they issued chronicling an "uptick in anti-Semitic incidents" in the Chicago area.--www.overthrow.com
Also, Mr. Bill is now claiming that NSM is attracting twenty new members a day, an assertion that some of us will be forgiven for viewing with a tad bit of skepticism.
Mr. Bill neglected to say that the
ReplyDelete"Creator" was also in possession of narcotics and he got mad because the elderly man asked him to turn his radio down. I haven't seen the ADL press release so I cannot comment on that.
Twenty new members a day is just too funny - Bill just loves to lie. That whole story that was up about the riot in San Bernadino was so skewed that it was screwed.
I am now listening to Komrade VonBlubber, and some Nazi from Georgia--they are a very belligerent duo.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Von has been skipping his meds again.
You know, with this presentation and attitude, I think we can safely close the drawer on the NSM; they aren't going to EVER attract anyone except the bitter "hardluck" contingent.
No brains. No real growth. Their only threat is street violence, and that is NOTHING, in the long run.
They put me more in the mind of a "Hells Angels"-type organized gang, than a "political party".
ReplyDeleteThe incredible thing is that they actually believe they are GOING TO WIN THE WHITEHOUSE IN 2008!!!LOL!
Oh - I couldn't agree with you more! For all of their bluster they still remain nothing more than a quirky little gang of clowns. That guy from Georgia must be Chris Drake.
ReplyDeleteIf they are picking up 20 members a year they are doing something. The problem for them is that the ones they are picking up lack substance and quality.
Hal Turner can, obviously, not run a mixing board; I can barely hear the Georgia guy. They are both cussing their heads off, like a couple of mean, keyed-up hicks.
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing reeks of seediness.
"If they are picking up 20 members a year they are doing something. The problem for them is that the ones they are picking up lack substance and quality."
ReplyDeleteI feel this is the situation with the whole "highly visible" part of the WN movement. The real danger lies in the "suit and tie" crowd of crypto-Nazis, like David Duke and Jared Taylor.
Those guys DO know something about "presentation".
Agreed, EB.
ReplyDeleteWhere have we heard this kind of "numbers" talk before? Matthew Hale loved to play the numbers game, now his is up. LOL.
ReplyDeleteUmmm...guys, didn't Isis say she was going to meet with Cindy Sheehan tomorrow? Well guess that might not happen as Sheehan was arrested today. Don't know if she is out or not.