The neighboring trailer is surrounded by a fence and flanked with four swastika flags as well as a Confederate banner. The single-wide trailer is generally referred to as a “club-house” and is a hang-out for several of Florida’s numerous neo-Nazi’s. Drinking and planning and raising hell seems to be the norm for the group – that and intimidating and menacing others who live in the Griffin Park Trailer Park.
When the Nazi’s saw that Patricia’s boyfriend was African-American, they were outraged and took every opportunity to let her know that. Last week, according to one of the group, the arguments heated up and Patricia’s boyfriend had had enough.
Christine Cristinzio, is Shawn Plott’s girlfriend and Shawn is head Nazi in Griffin Park. According to Christine, on March 14, Ms. Wells boyfriend pointed a gun at her and told her that he would shoot her if she called him a racial epithet one more time. Now, it is agreed that this was not a very good way to handle the situation as violence never solves anything. However, the reports of vandalism and harassment previously filed by Wells tell the story of how serious things were becoming.
On Thursday morning, March 23, someone wearing what is reported as a gas mask, entered Ms. Wells trailer while she was sleeping and cornered her. He began stabbing and slashing at her wounding her in the face, hands, and arms. Kristofer Guy King, a friend Patricia’s son, was awakened by the screams and commotion. The assailant then turned the knife on him. Kristofer died the next day.
As news accounts surfaced, it was reported that one of the Nazi’s was holed up inside the trailer and might be armed. When the Nazi was arrested without incident, there were firearms in the trailer. John Ditullio, 20, could be seen smiling and smirking while the SWAT team took him into custody. He was wearing a red T-shirt reading “Blood, Honor, Loyalty.
After questioning Ditullio, the police put out an APB on Shawn Plott, the Nazi who actually lived in the trailer. According to an interview, published by the St. Petersburg Times, Ditullio says that he “encountered Plott early Thursday spitting and grinding his teeth,” at which time Plott reportedly told him “I’ve taken care of them forever.”
Plott was arrested on Friday, March 24, and is believed to be the assailant.
In his interview with the Times, John Ditullio tells us that he had only been a member of the group, who claim to be “American Nazi’s,” for a couple of weeks yet he has a swastika tattooed on his chest that he is proud enough of to show to reporters. Claiming that he is “proud of his race,” he went on to explain that joining the group seemed like “…the right thing to do. I felt like I loved them and that they really had my back, that they cared for me. To belong. That was it. Just to belong.”
Well, the need to belong has gotten more than one young person into something that is way beyond anything they had ever dreamed of. Yet, there are parts of John’s “story” that seem almost unbelievable. That he ended up being a patsy for the rest is not disputed. However, the naiveté that must have been present in events that led up to the stabbings seem almost incredulous for someone twenty years old, and apparently “well-seasoned.”
According to John, the night before the stabbings was an occasion of “celebration.” Supposedly the “President” of the “club” was coming home from a trip and his buddies were drinking in honor of that. Ditullio also reported that this was not an unusual thing as they drank “almost everyday.”
He then goes on to tell us that a common initiation practice was to put Xanax into the whiskey of new recruits and this is exactly what they did to him. He claims that he fell asleep and didn’t hear Plott leaving but did hear his return and that he was acting “all strange.” That’s when Plott said “I have taken care of them forever.”
John further reports that the Vice President of the “club” said “Something’s going down, man” and he then gave Ditullio three guns and ordered him to “hold down the fort,” and “shoot at the cops if they came.” Everyone left.
This is pretty much where it all falls apart for me. Having only been a member for a couple of weeks and knowing that something major just happened would certainly have raised the antenna on most sane or rational people’s radar. Regardless of the drinking and the drug, you would think that the sight of the guns and the order to shoot at the cops would have sobered most people up pretty fast. Instead, Ditullio claims that he went back to sleep and when he woke up the trailer was surrounded by police officers who had their guns trained on the clubhouse. What did John do? He claims he was scared so he took four more Xanax, smoked a doobie, and then passed out.
The SWAT team stayed outside during this and the medias cameras rolled telling the public of the standoff in Griffin Park. When the police finally stormed the trailer, Ditullio had the following reaction, “It was funny. You’ve got all these cops for little old me. I didn’t do nothing, man.”
According to reports, those other than Plott were pointing the finger at Ditullio as the stabber, but he didn’t fit the description. To this Ditullio said “They betrayed the Brotherhood.” But, he remained undaunted by all of this claiming that he still believes in his race and that he still respected Plott for “doing what he believed in.”
While John Ditullio is respecting Shawn Plott and believing in his race, a seventeen-year-old child who played in the high school band and had everything to look forward to is about to be buried. While John Ditullio and Shawn Plott and the rest of the members of this “club” are attempting to justify their actions, Patricia Wells is scarred and scared wondering if she will ever be safe again. While John Ditullio and Shawn Plott spin their tales for the police and the media, a family is in mourning and a community is hemorrhaging.
All of this is not only about a vicious attack, a maiming, or a murder. It’s also about a mindset and an ideology that is so aberrant, so despicable, and so vile that it not only offends but assaults the very sensibilities of the sane. To give further credibility to that claim, one has to only read the response of an anonymous poster on my blog:
“Nikki said...
Kristofer Guy King is dead.
March 24, 2006 8:04 PM
“His mother should have considered the risks of being a nigger-fucker when she continuously picked fights with the trailer full of nazis next door. What did she think was going to happen?
“Maybe they should have sent her a nice pecan pie and welcomed her anti-white attacks against them, or held a peaceful protest against her. This is unfortunate all the way around, but when an idiot picks a fight with a gang and tries to get them evicted they must weigh the consequences.
“Some people think they're superheroes and everyone's supposed to bow down before them because they claim the moral highground or it's political correctness they're preaching. Reality steps in and lets them know it doesn't always matter that you were right or wrong, or that some politician agrees with you, it matters who holds the power and will to use force. Just because she felt she was right, does not stop her from getting beaten up or killed by those with opposing views. Even now after her face is all cut up she continues to preach this bullshit about racism and her right to fuck niggers, she still doesn't realize it doesn't matter what rights you say you have unless you can defend them. She should be glad to be alive and shut up if she had any sense, but we all know she will only be more of a bitch and try to spin this into some political issue. I predict she wants to become the Cindy Sheehan of race politics and leave her trailer park life for the political tour circuit to show off her "battle scars' of fighting racism. She's a psycho out looking for attention and approval for her beastiality lifestyle. Just as gays want aproval and make public spectacles of themselves, so to do these sick women who want to have sex with animals.”
Taking this message to the next level, I guess we are to assume that any of us who do not agree with hate and racism, or who choose to live our lives in accordance with our own beliefs rather than those of the neo-Nazi, can and should expect to be beaten or killed for doing so. Additionally, should we be fortunate enough to live after such a beating, and if we know what is good for us, we will change our evil ways and shut the hell up. I guess we should all also assume that if a “gang” of Nazi thugs moves into our neighborhood and attempts to intimidate and terrorize us with baseball bats and sheer brute force that we are to throw up our hands and acquiesce as they have the “power.” Bullshit.
These are the same people who cloak themselves in the free speech mantra while exercising their First Amendment rights. I find that quite interesting. These are the people who erect websites, spew their anti-Semitic and racist venom, and hide behind the First Amendment while abrogating the rights of everyone else who happen to disagree with them.
This latest violence is not an isolated incident. Far too often, lately, I find myself writing about the blood trail and violence that seems to follow the neo-Nazi’s around. Just as often, one of them will step up and say “this is not what we are really all about,” or, “we don’t condone these actions.” Well…bullshit. This is precisely what they are about. They are about hating everything that is non-white and doesn’t fit into their idea of a “White Utopia.” They are about a “White Revolution” and the dissolution of America as we know it. They are terrorists of the domestic variety.
Certainly there are those within the “movement” who would never kill anyone – maybe not even assault anyone. But those same few still send in their dues, still disseminate hate propaganda, and still work toward the stated agenda. That agenda is one that propagates hatred and bigotry and fosters violence in those who have the propensity for such activities. The “movement” itself attracts misfits and criminals, and those who would never engage in such acts know precisely that. As a matter of fact, they depend on that. Armed with that knowledge they cannot be absolved of any guilt for any of the mayhem perpetrated by their puppets.
As long as the American public remains virtually oblivious to the disease that these rodents are spreading, that disease will continue to flourish and spread. The bright side of all of this is that those who are enlightened to what is happening out there are rapidly becoming avid anti-racists. Given the fact that these bilious hate mongers whine and cry about young ARA members and “antis” being so violent toward them, I have but what thing to say – show me how many of you have been killed, or maimed, by an anti. Show me how many communities have been terrorized by anti-racists.
Young Kristofer Guy King has been taken from us because he dared to befriend those who were considered “race traitors.” Patricia Wells has been brutally scarred because of a life-choice to date outside of her race. The Griffin Park Trailer Park community has been traumatized. The students at the local high school have been brought face to face with the ugliest form that hate takes. When do we say “enough is enough?” When do we step up to the plate and say, “Not in our town, not in our community, not in our country, not in our world.” I think the time is now.
Quote from article:
ReplyDeleteAfter questioning Ditullio, the police put out an APB on Shawn Plott, the Nazi who actually lived in the trailer. According to an interview, published by the St. Petersburg Times, Ditullio says that he “encountered Plott early Thursday spitting and grinding his teeth,” at which time Plott reportedly told him “I’ve taken care of them forever.”
They always rat out on their own (like Hal Turner has done several times) in the end. I'm sure Bill White's organization or VNN will welcome this nazi with open arms once he gets out of prison.
ReplyDeleteI can't seem to find any threads over at VNN condemning this. Nor is Bill White condemning it. Hal Turner calls for things like this to happen all the time although Hal doesn't have the balls to do anything but hide behind the blinds of his cheap condo.
Nazism and white supremacist is not based on love, it's based on pure hate of other races and in most cases, hatred of other white people.
"Are their people in the NSM movement that hate minorities and possibly other White people---possibly, but most do not."
Ya know, Stefan - I really don't care whether or not this crime was one having to do with anger management or racial issues. None of this would have happened had it not been for the fact that these racist assholes could not allow Patricia Wells to live her life as she saw fit. Period.
ReplyDeleteBecause she chose to date and African-American man, they chose to give her and him problems. That's the long and the short of it.
Had it not been for their ideology - this child would be alive today.
EB - the kid never pulled a gun on anyone - that is Bill White's spin and we all know how that works.