Every damn time I have to write about things like this I cry. How much more will it take before people say they have had enough? How many bodies will it take? How many bodies are enough? How many parents have to bury their young and mourn their passing before we do the right thing? This bullshit has got to end.
Kristofer Guy King was seventeen years old. He played the trumpet in his high school band and had lots of friends. He was at one of those friends' homes night before last when a man wearing a gas mask entered the home and began to stab his friends' mother, Patricia Wells, in the face and hands. That man then turned the knife on Kris. Kristofer fought for his life - and he lost.

Yesterday, police arrested 20 year-old John A. Ditullio, on charges other than the stabbings. From an incident last month, Ditullio was sought and arrested on a probable cause warrant for aggravated Domestic Battery, assault, and witness tampering. He has now become a suspect in a first degree murder case and his bail has been set at one-million dollars.

The person they believe to be the actual perpetrator, however, is another Nazi by the name of Shawn A, Plott who fit the description given by Ms. Wells. Plott has a long record and is known to have been next door to Ms. Wells last night. When the search began, the police believed Plott to be armed and dangerous but the arrest took place without incident.

School officials spent the day counseling with the kids and many of the children made posters that they placed on the fence surrounding the neo-Nazi trailer. Because of the hate and the venom that begets this sort of violence not only has a precious young life been subtracted from us, not only has an innocent woman who works as a housekeeper been victimized, not only is a family mourning their loss - a whole community has been traumatized. Children who should be excitedly looking forward to their upcoming prom and graduation are instead dealing with the terror and the grief that has been the calling card of hatemongers for all too long.
The media is in a frenzy and the immediate community is outraged - but for how long? When the swastikas are removed from the neo-Nazi's trailer, when Kristofer is laid to rest, and when all of the TV stations go back to their usual programming - that outrage will fade and eventually it will be business as usual. Hence, I ask - when is enough ever reached?
The legacy of this so called "movement" is nothing more than hate, destruction, blood, and death. Therefore, whenever someone screams about the "violence" of the anti's they need to show me how many of them have been killed by one of us - they need to show me just how much of their blood has been spilled by anti-racists. And...when someone asks me why I do what I do - I think I'll just pull out my list of victims and shove it right in their face.
Yes...I'm pissed tonight. I'm also very sad. And I will say, one more time...if Kristofer died at the hands of one of you Nazi's...if his death was caused by your hate...then each and every one of you should stand trial - because you are ALL to blame. As far as I am concerned - if these two people were attacked by one of you - your day in court is just around the corner.
You got it totally right. The nazi's and likeminded types like Hal Turner are all about spreading hate, violence, and death. They care less about their own.
ReplyDeleteI've said this before but if they really care about the white race, they wuold be a lot more worried about white on white crime, which is by far the majority of all crime on white people. That's just one example.
I think I am more moved by this post than any you have ever written, Nikki.
ReplyDeleteI have been studying Nazis non-stop for months, and I understand (I hope) how you feel.
We are in a real mess in this situation--too many young people HAVE NOT been properly educated about the evil of the "movement"--and racism and ethnic hatred is growing more out in the open and widespread these days.
Long live Hal Turner. Open those wallets White man, and support the free speech & Jungle Bunny truths as told by no other than the Great Hal Turner...
ReplyDeleteSteve - have you absolutely no sense at all? This is a story about a boy of 17 being killed and you pull this shit in here? WTF is up with that? You truly are everything that everyone keeps telling me you are! I am sick to death of you and your idiotic posts!
We really have to educate our youth and the rest of America - this shit is happening way too often. It is no longer an "isolated incident" and I don't care how "fringe" these people are - they are out there and they are killing, maiming, and inciting. No damned more!
Oh me, now who can't take a little heat & opposition?
ReplyDeleteOle Schwartzo keeps lying about the crime stats. FBI stats plainly state that Jungle Bunnies commit more crimes than Whites.
Stevo - you are an absolute idiot. A 17 year old boy is dead - show some respect.
ReplyDeleteYes it's bad for anyone to be killed. This would've all been avoided if the races would stay with their own. God seperated the races in Genesis for a reason. This further proves that the melting pot of society just does not work.
ReplyDeleteBreTard if I want anything out of you; I'll knock it the Fuck out of it you.
ReplyDeleteSo shut the Fuck up and Fuck off...
Yeah Nigger Lover BreTard, you wish I was in a Fucking Wheelchair.
ReplyDeleteI don't have to surf Porn anymore. I'm happily married to a good racially aware wman.
The latest, for those who care...
March 25, 2006
Hate Crime by a Neo-Nazi Is Suspected in Stabbings
By The New York Times
NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla., March 24 — In what the authorities described as a possible Nazi hate crime, a man wearing a gas mask broke into a woman's mobile home in this Tampa suburb early Thursday morning, slashed her face and arms, and fatally wounded a friend of her son by stabbing him in the neck.
The 45-year-old woman, Patricia Wells, who is white, told officers that she had been attacked because she dates a black man, the police said. A small compound occupied by neo-Nazis is next door to Ms. Wells's home, and she said members of the group had previously threatened to kill her and her boyfriend.
A former member of the group, David Dirolf, 21, said in an interview that he had heard members threaten Ms. Wells and her son on several occasions. Ms. Wells's son was a target because he is gay, Mr. Dirolf said, adding that he thought the 17-year-old boy who was stabbed had been mistaken for the son, who was not home.
That victim, Kristofer Guy King, died Friday afternoon. Ms. Wells was treated at a hospital and released.
Two men have been taken into custody in the wake of the attack, though neither has been charged in connection with it. One, John A. Ditullio, 20, was arrested early Thursday on unrelated charges of domestic battery but is also being questioned about the stabbings, the authorities said. The other, Shawn Plott, 33, described as "affiliated" with the group, was arrested Friday on an outstanding warrant for parole violations.
God didn't seperate the races in Genesis Steevo, stop listening to James Wickstrom & actually read the Bible.
ReplyDeleteI would call you an idiot but retarded is a much better word.
This event also brings memories the actions of the World Church of the Creator and Benajmin Smith.
ReplyDeleteSteevo is too stupid to figure things out for himself and requires the gutter elements like Hal Turner & James Wickstrom to do it for him.
Schwartzo, I know what the Bible says. It said that God seperated the tribes and gave them different tounges. That's why the Jigaboos can't talk as good as us Whites. The best they can do is Ebonics.
ReplyDeleteOne again, ole Schwartzo is showing his Faggot desires for me, Hal & Wickstrom.
ReplyDeleteEB: "We are in a real mess in this situation--too many young people HAVE NOT been properly educated about the evil of the "movement"--and racism and ethnic hatred is growing more out in the open and widespread these days."
ReplyDeleteEB, paragon of morality and virtue that he is, absolutely hates and detests "racism and ethnic hatred."
However, he has absolutely no problem with, among other things:
--Israel and the Slimy Weaselsall Center building a "Museum of Tolerance" on top of a desecrated Muslim graveyard.
--Israeli "soldiers" receiving what are essentially bounties for the killing of Palestinian children.
--American "soldiers" executing wounded Iraqi men who are writhing in pain on the ground, and making trophy videos of the spectacle.
--Limey mercs randomly shooting Iraqi civilians from the back of a truck... to the tune of an Elvis song.
--American "soldiers" executing a family of 11 in "retaliation" for the death of one soldier via an IED.
One can go on, but really, there's no limit to what a philosemitic neokahn who pitches a tent in his shorts at the thought of "bombing the shit out of" Evildoer Nation X is capable of supporting.
The murder of one man? Horrible racist evil itz.
The murder of well over 100,000 men, women and children? "Yay America, we can do it!"
However, should any "Anti-American" "lefty", "jihadist" or "nazi" raise a dissenting voice in reponse to any of this, Our Hero will be right there voicing his moral outrage against "traitors", "terrorists" and "appeasers".
Good ole' bleeding heart, bloody-fanged EB. Such a mensch he is.
Beautiful and thought-provoking essay, Nikki.
ReplyDeleteWhile I don't subscribe to much of CI theology, I think Elmer's right about Genesis. Genesis 4:15 states "...and the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any that find him shall kill him."
ReplyDeleteGod set a mark upon Cain so that Adam and his family, if they sought revenge, wouldn't kill someone else mistakenly. He apparently didn't want Cain killed because he intended for Cain to be the common ancestor of all those whose destiny it was to be born black. However, this verse also implies that God did not want Cain and his descendants mixing with Adam and his other descendants. The black skin is the only "mark" that could be readily seen from a safe distance.
Now, back on topic. No Nikki, we do NOT all share in this. Most WNs are responsible people who abhor this sort of behavior. The so-called "neo-Nazis" who did this wrap themselves in the swastika out of personal ego, dishonoring themselves and that timeless banner in the process. In NS Germany, these punks would have been promptly tried and executed. White revolution has not taken place; therefore, it is not up to WNs to take the law into their own hands.
Stefan: "If the WN movement were to be pro-Jew you would probably shrug and say: they got their rights."
ReplyDeleteThis, in fact, is precisely the attitude that Jewkahn Central (better known as FrontPageMag.com) has taken with regards to the Semitically Correct WN Jared Taylor.
Alaska said...White revolution has not taken place; therefore, it is not up to WNs to take the law into their own hands.
ReplyDeleteBy promoting and seeking "White Revolution - you and yours attract the derelicts and dregs of society who have no conscience and who will act on that which is advocated by your "leaders." Rogue lone wolves and small cell groups have sprung up all over the place - and many of these people are nothing more than sociopaths who are hell-bent on starting that "revolution." In the process, innocent lives are lost.
Bullshit, Alaska - the blood of that boy and all of the others is on your hands and everyone else who promotes this hate.
Nikki wrote, "...the blood of that boy and all of the others is on your hands and everyone else who promotes this hate."
By this statement, you promote the Marxist concept of collective guilt, a concept which Stalin took to such extremes that it may have cost 10 million Soviet lives in his insane purges. Mao's purges in China took an estimated 50 million lives. And yes, a number of Jews in NS Germany also paid a price for "collective guilt". Throughout human history, too many people have paid a high price for "collective guilt".
Christ, EB.
ReplyDeleteMaybe its time to take your meds, wipe the spittle (or whatever it is) off your monitor and pull out your Yanni CDs.
If this keeps up, you'll be appearing in the news sooner rather than later... marched out of the local supermarket in handcuffs, wild-eyed, screaming something about rave reviews for your "book", how all the chicks find you irresistable, and how you just had to go Columbine on all those shoppers in order to "fight hatred" or whatever.
You really a piece of work, man. A legend in your mind. Awfully big place to be a legend though. Awfully big and awfully empty.
New York Cop "Gets It"
ReplyDeleteWrites Essay about "Filthy Nigger Beasts" for Publication On This Web Site
Admits "Hal Turner's "Velvet Glove / Iron Fist"
Approach is needed!
By: New York Police Officer
Hello White People:
I live in NY City and have a right of center newspaper, the NY Post, delivered to my house, on a daily basis. The newsstand price is a quarter, if you live within the confines of NY City, and today, I got my money’s worth.. As I look at today’s paper, I see a murderer on the front page, a chestnut nigger glaring into the camera and the picture of a misbegotten white (or part-white) girl on the front page. This filthy, nigger-beast tied up and raped, then murdered the white girl. He pretended to be a federal marshal. In reality, he gained the trust of this white girl by lying the lie that liberals want you to hear. That lie is that blacks are just like everyone else-that they are just misunderstood victims of society who need special understanding because of the history of slavery blah blah blah.
I see it differently. I see it for what it is, that this filthy, no-good, nigger saw an opportunity to rape and kill a white woman and could not resist his animal urges. Is the victim partly to blame. Yes, in that she was college educated and had the capability to understand that the nigger is a beast. She failed, unfortunately, to perceive that reality, because the government has determined that telling the truth about savage Negro beasts is not allowed. It is not politically correct to teach a white woman that if she gets involved with filthy niggers she might become victim of a violent crime at a much higher rate than that of a white woman staying within her race. Unfortunately, the nigger was assisted in his quest by some very stupid white people that wanted to make a buck and were too lazy to do a background check for $100 to verify that the nigger was not a criminal, when in fact he was.
Now we see the results of this willful blindness and greed. Ordinary white people burying their heads in the sand helped create the conditions that cost this poor girl her life. That made her last moments on this earth subject to the whims of a dirty, filthy, nigger beast who has no more right to live than a wolf killing off the sheep of a poor sheep farmer with a loaded shotgun and the beast in his sights. The question is, will people learn the error of their ways and disassociate themselves from worthless, empty nigger culture?
The white nationalist may be optimistic, thinking that this time is different, that white people will finally wake up and reject nigger influence in their lives. That belief is misguided, because it underestimates the psychological draw of free-wheeling drinking, drug use and easy sex that apply to the base instincts of the lower level dregs of society. Being in a nowhere job, uneducated and deprived of a proper education showing the positive elements of white people in history can lead the white working-class person to become disconnected from their roots. To engage in a form of self-hatred that, commonly referred to as white guilt, leads to white people putting nigger culture on a pedestal while denying the beauty and greatness of their own culture. This process must stop.
Rather than try to compete with these filthy animals in how much we can debase our women, forget our past and live a life filled with self-centered, narcissistic beliefs provided by the jewish elite and designed to disenfranchise white Christians from their proper place of leadership in this country, we need to focus more on the message that the nigger is a beast who must not be associated with. That this beast is pumped up to destroy white America by these same Jews just like in Germany where they recently spread false information about Christians planning to kill Muslims and Muslims desiring to kill Christians. We need to focus on enlightening the white community about who their real enemies are and what steps need to be taken to move against this enemy. This is where Hal’s iron fist/velvet glove philosophy becomes important. It is not in our best interests to be Christian and forgive Jews and Niggers who trespass against us. That is a perversion of scripture. It is incumbent upon all of us, however, to seek out and destroy the strongholds of the enemy who try to brainwash us and convince us that to understand degenerate nigger culture is desirable. All this I got for 25 cents!
Truly Yours
New York Police Officer
The link to PrisonPlanet.com was quite useful because a) it provided a downloadable wmv file of the video in question b) some useful analysis to go along with the video and c) links at the bottom of the page to about half-a-dozen other similar videos.
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
But I liked how you worked MIB, microchips, black helicopters, UFO Bases, Satanic rituals, tinfoil hats, Roswell, reptillian shape-shifters, Bohemian Grove, Druids, Illuminati, grey aliens, X-Files, FEMA, Art Bell and Jeff Rense all into one post.
Generally, whenever one of you guys seeks to smear or discredit an opponent as a nutjob conspiracy theorist, they only pull out a handful of these old stand-bys at a time... for fear of overkill and seeming more than a bit nutty themselves.
Good to see that you've transcended those bounds and limitations.
As far as our respective stability in the cranial area goes, I think, Jeeves, that a comparison of our posts speaks for itself.
Oh and when I say "one of you guys" I'm referring to something that is obvious to all but, apparently, yourself.
You, dear boy, are nothing special, nothing unique, nothing out of the ordinary and nothing to even bother getting worked up about... your own incessant protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.
There's not even a whisper of a difference between yourself and the average Freeper or LGFer.
The same twitchy-fingered, sweaty-browed, red-eyed keyboard "paytriots" who are always on the lookout for traitorous comments directed at Dear Leader, at the sacrosanct official historical narrative (set in stone and preserved by Court Historians), at the even more sacrosanct "DA JOOZ!!!", or at the Glorious War to Preserve and Extend Western Civilization.
EB, you're nothing. And when you're gone no one will even know that you ever existed.
"Again,you proffer nothing more than your sordid, humorless, arrogant opinion. Your presumtuous and condescending attitude bespeaks an individual whose life is a study in emptiness, failure, and hostility. You project onto me, what you despise in yourself."
ReplyDeleteWere you staring at your own "handsome" visage in a mirror while typing this post or something? :)
See, here's the thing EB (and I'm actually surprised that a super genius such as yourself doesn't get it).
There's two kinds of folks on the internet.
The first kind, let's call this Group A, post under their own name, and are quite open about their lives, careers, friends, etc. More or less, their lives are an open book. Nicole, for example (since this is her blog, after all) fits into this category. As does Bill White, Daryle Lamont Jenkins and thousands upon thousands of others who have no connection whatsoever to this page and the tiny sliver of the universe which it concerns itself with.
Then there's the second, far more populous, group; Group B. You and I both belong to this group. This group consists of folks who post around anonymously or pseudonymously (?). (And yeah, posting under your first name only is still posting anonymously.)
Since the second group values anonymity above transparency, it's absolutely ludicrous, and oftentimes (as with you) hilarious to post anonymously about how great, awesome, wonderful and unique of an individual one is; how gifted a musician and author he is; how he's so devastatingly handsome that girls toss their panties at him everytime he walks down the street; or how "come on, admit it, you've never met anyone like me in your life, have you"?
Umm, see where I'm going with this EB? Do I really have to draw you a picture? What do you think my "Gotto go, I'm wanted in Paris for emergency brain surgery" comment was about, hmmm? Who do you think I'm talking about in the previous paragraph?
Do you understand that braggadocio and anonymity combined make the braggart look like a complete imbecile and a clown?
Read that paragraph I quoted from you again. Who's really the deserving target of that?
I'm satisfied with my life, even though I'm not at all wealthy or famous and will never be. Clearly only one of us can say that.
But hey, look on the bright side kiddo. At the least you're the king of this little slice of the universe. And over here, in the magical land of make believe, you can be anything you want to be.
Sleep tight now.
"You have made a permanent enemy, and though it may take some time, I promise you: I will have the last laugh.
Gasp! EB's gonna round up a posse of "anti-idiotarian" buttgoy bloggers to burn a cross on my lawn on something.
Oh woe is me. Whatever shall I do?
Not a cross.