John A. Ditullio has been tanken into custody on charges unrelated to the stabbings of Patricia Wells and Kristofer Guy King. Ditullio is pictured at the Orlando rally held a few weeks ago by the National Socialist Movement. Apparently, there has been an ongoing feud between Patricia Wells and the neo-Nazi's who hang out at Ditullio's trailer in New Port Richey, Florida.
Ms. Wells claims that it was one of those Nazi's who stabbed her and a 17-year-old friend of her son even though the perpetrator was wearing a gas mask. Wells and Kristofer King, who remains in critical condition, were both stabbed multiple times. Wells believes that the crime took place because of the neo-Nazi's anger over the fact that she is dating an African-American man. Here is the story:
Pasco man taken into custody after stabbings
Published March 23, 2006
NEW PORT RICHEY - The man who stabbed Patricia Wells in the face and hands early Thursday wore a gas mask, but she thinks she knows who did it - one of the neo-Nazis next door.
And the white, 45-year-old housekeeper says she knows why: because she dates a black man.
"I know who it was," she told a throng of reporters gathered at the scene Thursday, a long gash on her face and bandages on both hands. "I don't believe there's anyone else it could have been."
More than 13 hours after the masked man stabbed Wells and a 17-year-old family friend, a Pasco sheriff's SWAT team took a 20-year-old man into custody from a neighboring mobile home, where four swastikas and a Confederate flag flew out front. Sheriff's deputies described the single-wide home at 9321 Teak St. as a neo-Nazi hangout.
John A. Ditullio, 20, offered no resistance but had three guns and several knives nearby when SWAT officers entered the home, Pasco sheriff's spokesman Doug Tobin said.
Late Thursday, detective arrested Ditullio on unrelated charges of aggravated domestic battery, witness tampering and assault. Details on those charges were not available. He had not been charged in Thursday's attack as of 9 p.m., Tobin said.
Ditullio smiled as he was led to a patrol car Thursday afternoon.
"Some of the evidence we collected at the (stabbing) scene did lead up to the trailer where we served the search warrant this afternoon," Tobin said. "Fortunately, it ended peacefully."
Wells was released from the hospital Thursday. The other victim, 17-year-old Kristofer Guy King of Hudson, remained in critical condition late Thursday, Tobin said. King is a friend of Wells' 18-year-old son, who was not home at the time of the attack.
Tobin said it will be up to prosecutors to decide if the attack is a hate crime.
Authorities said the masked man knocked on Wells' door at 9325 Teak St. about 12:30 a.m. and moments later began stabbing her.
"I didn't know at that time what to do, if I should lie down and play dead or if I should get up and run," Wells told reporters. "My instincts told me if I had laid down and tried to play dead he definitely would have killed me.
"I was cornered between the futon and the dresser and he was stabbing me," she continued, "and he finished stabbing me and went after the boy."
Wells escaped and called for help.
The SWAT team arrived at 8:30 a.m. They obtained a search warrant but did not go into the mobile home next door until 1:45 p.m. About twelve blocks were cordoned off around the home during the standoff.
According to sheriff's reports, Wells and her neo-Nazi neighbors have been feuding since January.
Last week, both Wells and 34-year-old Christine Cristinzo, who lives next door, filed conflicting reports about men making threats with guns after trading words about Wells' black friend. Both reports were vague and no charges were filed.
On March 7, Wells told deputies several people next door yelled, "We're going to get you now. You're dead!" and smashed her front door with a chair. Her 18-year-old son said he heard a racial epithet.
"(Wells) advised she has had problems in the past with her next door neighbors due the to the fact she is dating an African-American male and the next door neighbors are neo-Nazis," a deputy wrote. He referred the case to detectives.
In January, Wells accused her neighbors of breaking several windows, but a deputy found insufficient evidence to file charges.
It is difficult to get a clear picture of how residents in Griffin Park feel about the neo-Nazis in their neighborhood. Several residents who were reluctant to give their names said the group frequently menaces the neighborhood with baseball bats.
Others shrugged off the swastikas.
"Hey, it's America. I don't agree with 'em, but I've seen worse," said Bo Coggins, who has lived in the neighborhood for 35 years. "I talked to them Nazis. They don't mess with nobody around here, to tell you the truth."
Times staff photographer Brenda Fitterer and Times researcher Lea Iadarola contributed to this report.
I watched some of the videos last night and was just appalled that the young man being arrested was smiling and laughing. No one knows for certain who committed this attack - and shouldn't rush to judgement. However, the fact still remains that this woman was obviously brutalized beyond belief and a seventeen-year-old kid is fighting for his life.
ReplyDeleteI just don't get it.
Thank you, Stefan - you are wise beyond your years.
ReplyDeleteUh, no Nikki. Those that admit to admiring Hitler are NOT "wise beyond their years".
ReplyDeleteHe is old enough to know better. He needs to be held accountable for comments and opinions that, it appears, he really does fully believe in.
So you admire Hitler, eh lad? Do you admire the MILLIONS of children he killed? How about all those women and children that he GASSED in the chambers at Auschwitz? Are you too STUPID to do the research?--Or maybe you like to gloss through Revisionist websites and pick out a few rotten-eggs to lob.
Don't ever let your arrogance overpower your idiocy. Hitler-admirers aren't exactly winning any lifetime achievement awards these days.
I may be a little strange, seem a little "off"--but you're a sick asshole.
Don't believe me? Go out into the fucking streets with an "I Love Adolph Hitler" tee-shirt, and see how far you can get before someone thumps you.
You wouldn't last ten minutes at our local highschool, you Nazi sympathizer.
The Anti's Idiotcy never ceases to amaze me. Today's Nazi Youth could give a flying Fuck less one way or the other about Hitler. They are only trying to stand up & fight for our race.
ReplyDeleteStefan, the kid or whoever did this did step over the line in this attack, but who knows what kind of attitudes & etc those people had. They might've been pushing their Beastality & other agendas in everyone's face.
Beastiality, huh? Holsten, AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE HUMAN BEINGS. Many of them are better human beings, in fact, than YOU will ever hope to be.
ReplyDeleteNow toddle off and spam NIM with dick gifs!
As for the "unquiet mind" that perpetrated this assault, there is a highly-alarming resurgence of racial and ethnic hatred at this moment that MUST be countered for the good of all.
BTW, if yoy don't think white power fucks worship sHitler, you're on another fucking planet, mate! Take Schmidt, for instance. He slobbers all over Der Fuhrer.
Kristofer Guy King is dead.
ReplyDelete"I just don't get it."--Nikki
What's not to get? These people are sick. Sure, we laugh at them, taunt eachother, and it all seems like fun and games when we "flame-at-will" and carry-on on the internet. But hate has consequences, and those who spread hate, maliciously, no matter what their personal agenda and viewpoint, do so to the detriment of society in general.
Hence, the need for "anti-Nazi" laws. And "anti-Holocaust Revisionist" laws.
I dream of a day when Nazism is hounded OUT of existence entirely in the United States. And, well, the momentum of history is on MY side.
Good evening.
Hmmm, now Ditullio is a Nazi AND a MURDERER...Gee, there's a first in history.
ReplyDelete"Nor do I pass any moral judgments on Hitler--- What had to be done was done. "--Schmidt
And if I ever held out any hope that you actually HAD some genuine moral understanding hiding in that heart of yours, you've just erased it.
Yeah, they had to shoot babies to win the war, didn't they? Had to deport thousands upon thousands of human beings in miserable conditions not fit for a beast and then slaughter them like they were nothing more than animals. They had to send whole families up the krema at Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Bitburg, Treblinka, Buna, Majdanek--yes these millions of murders were so neccessary to win the war, weren't they? You sick, deluded fool.
Had to kill Anne Frank, didn't they? She was stopping Hitler from winning the war. Had to kill her whole family, too? Had to kill the entire family of author Franz Kafka? I mean, after all, there was a war to win.
Do you even UNDERSTAND history? Do you understand what it took for this planet to defeat that misearble, pus-ridden sonofabitch? He's no hero; he was a lying, demented fucking coward that shot himself in a hole in the earth. His only purpose was to expose to the world just how utterly degraded the human spirit can become.
I have only ever met ONE Holocaust survivor in my life (ironically, a Dutchman--not a Jew--who worked for the Underground as a teen in Holland. He hid from the Nazis in a hog trough one night, and when they caught him they sent him to a camp.)that I am aware of. But your words spit in the face of the dead, the survivors, OUR soldiers, the soldiers of our Allies and everyone else who died to defeat that sonofabitch.
Let me clue you in on something: The Nazis murdered because they WANTED to--not out of neccessity. 50,000 women and girls died at Bergen-Belsen of typhus and starvation while the Nazis were hoarding food and medicine nearby. They didn't fucking care. And neither would YOU have, apparently.
Would you have laughed int he face of the dying, Schmidt? After all, not as if they were actual human beings, were they? Maybe you would have enjoyed seeing a few thousand little kids sicken and die, filthy and dirty, like they were beasts in the mud. Maybe that would make you feel like a "man".
Your ignorance is nothing short of shameful. Your moral indifference is sickening.
I am afraid I can no longer speak with you. Good night!
Steevo is actually stupid enough to believe that nazi's care about their race. There is so much evidence otherwise.
ReplyDeleteJust shows that Steevo's retardation continues to decline.
Stefan, I can clearly see the points you were making, but there is no way that BreTard can understand anything sensible. He is warped amongst having other issues. You are fighting a losing battle with this Idiot.
ReplyDeleteSicher ist der Jude auch ein Mann, aber der Floh ist auch ein Tier.
ReplyDelete(Secure is the jew as a man, however the flea is ALSO an animal)
Rough translation, I'm afraid, but I get the point.
Mmmm...comparing human beings to vermin. Sigh.
You are a sick individual, Schmidt, and I have no respect left for you.
But let me ask you this: have you ever tried to put the shoe on the other foot? Ever stopped to consider what another human being feels? Or, maybe we've simply bred a generation that finds this impossible to do, to our detriment.
Well, you will reap what you sow. Don't be surprised. What goes around, as they say...
Now I have some more writing to do, if you will excuse me...
Also, your question about "stabbing" is totally erroneous; efficiency in mass-murder demands shooting and gassing, and my German cousins are nothing but models of efficiency.
ReplyDeleteEven then, some soldiers would become unnerved, and psychopathic. But the impersonal aspect of gunfire sanitizes death to the point that most can assure themselves, for never having gotten any gore on them, that they are comitting "executions", instead of murders.
Easy to answer. Do the research.
Frazier your fucking opinion is without any educated merit. You are a complete and utter failure, top to bottom,and are in no position at all to pass judgement on ANYONE ELSE.
ReplyDeletePiss off.
Oh no, here's another Turd who has those well known Faggot desires for me.
ReplyDeleteEB: "But let me ask you this: have you ever tried to put the shoe on the other foot? Ever stopped to consider what another human being feels? Or, maybe we've simply bred a generation that finds this impossible to do, to our detriment."
ReplyDeleteEB: "Maybe you should seek asylum in Iran, before we bomb the shit out of it."
EB, your preening moralism might be a little more effective if you weren't such an extremely hypocritical, bloodthirsty, war-worshipper yourself.
EB: "Well, you will reap what you sow. Don't be surprised. What goes around, as they say..."
That's some good advice, EB. You might want to look into that, yourself.
That is, if you can stop sucking David Horowitz's cock long enough to come up for air.
EB: "Now I have some more writing to do, if you will excuse me..."
LO friggin' L. Yes, and now I've just received a call telling me I'm needed in Paris to perform emergency brain surgery on a very wealthy client.
E.B. - as usual, you distort facts. How can Adolf Hitler be the greatest mass murderer in history when Stalin and Mao each were responsible for far more deaths?
ReplyDeleteYour emotional Hitler-bashing further demeans you. The fact is, former Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott was absolutely right. Hitler started out good. He quite literally picked Germany up off the deck, planted it on its feet, and shoved it back amongst the front rank of nations. When you look at pictures of classical NS rallies, you see Germans with sparkling eyes and rapt joy inscribed upon their faces. This cannot be faked, as it was in Communist countries.
Unfortunately, Hitler replaced strong, independent-minded advisers like Heinz Guderian with lickspittles like Keitel and Jodl. The NS government began to lose its moral compass when they grabbed Bohemia six months after Munich. Had they patiently waited, Bohemia would have fell into its hands like an overripe plum.
Regarding these so-called "neo-Nazis", had they pulled this crap in NS Germany, they would have been tried and executed. These individuals are punks who wrapped themselves in the swastika for kicks, dishonoring themselves and that timeless symbol. However, to put intelligent, articulate WN like Jared Taylor, David Duke, Alex Linder, Shaun Walker, and Kevin Alfred Strom in that category would be ridiculous. And Glenn Miller? He's doing it the old-fashioned, time-honored way, winning hearts and minds daily out on the Missouri campaign trail. Those are REAL white nationalists!
EB: "I'm gonna go put down a whole page, Dari Dearie"
ReplyDeleteYeah, you go do that, Chuckles. I'm sure before long I'll be seeing you in the NY Times Book Review. :)
Then, meybe, when you're on Book TV you can bring your ethnicially diverse harem along with you, and they'll all verify just how devastatingly handsome you are, and how you can "throw down" in the sack with the best of 'em. :)
LOL! God alfuckinmighty you're such a delusional fruit loop.
I just can't believe that they've got DSL internet connection at St. Elizabeth's now. I suppose, letting you guys devise elaborate fantasy lives online is preferrable to keeping all that stuff bottled in your lil' ole heads.
EB: "Whoa! Your a Brain Surgeon AND a Fuckhead! Did you have to join two different unions?"
Fuckhead? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. See, it's that kind of sparkling wordplay that's gonna win you the Pulitzer.
This is so fuckin' funny.
ReplyDeleteI just push a few buttons, pull on a couple of wires and watch you make an ass of yourself, while I just kick back and laugh and laugh and laugh...
Morons make for the best toys. Especially morons with delusions of grandeur.
"PS: Drop the fucking H at the end of your name , luv. It sounds like your dad was popping valium when he named ya."
ReplyDeleteWell now, I'm just shocked, SHOCKED I TELLS YA!, that someone as worldly, wise and knowledgable as yourself has no knowledge of Persian names.
Come on, dude. You score all that third-world poontang and you still can't familiarize yourself with a few fairly common names?
Tsk, tsk. The selection committee isn't going to look highly on this.
EB: "Seek solace in the arms of a loving "daddy-bear" and let nature take its course."
ReplyDeleteWill do, Little Lord Fauntleroy. Tell me, since you have more experience than me in this department, is it proper etiquette to first compliment him on his "large, womanly ass" or no?
EB: "I'm not the homophobe, so I have all this already figured out."
ReplyDeleteNow, now, dear boy. You're being far too modest, aren't you?
I haven't been here very long, but already I've seen you wheel out your arsenal of gay-baiting weaponry on more than one occassion in response to your ideological opponents.
And some of those comments have been ... rather ... shall we say "colorful"? Or perhaps "exquisitely detailed" is more appropriate?
In any case, it seems as though Tom Cruise will have to make some more room in that closet of his.
Isn't that right, old bean? (wink)
EB: "BTW, does George W. Bush REALLY shape-shift into a reptillian bloodsucker? I mean David Icke says so...Just been kinda curious.
ReplyDelete"I figured you'd know. I mean, after all, you read John Kaminski."
Oh, gee, I don't know.
BTW, was there really a Muslim Brotherhood document discovered in Switzerland which advertises a conspiracy to take over Europe, and thence the whole world? I mean that shrill limey hymie Melanie Phillips says so...Just been kinda curious.
I figured you'd know. I mean, after all, you do read Lowell Ponte and FrontPageMag.com
Nikki said...
ReplyDeleteKristofer Guy King is dead.
March 24, 2006 8:04 PM
His mother should have considered the risks of being a nigger-fucker when she continuously picked fights with the trailer full of nazis next door. What did she think was going to happen?
Maybe they should have sent her a nice pecan pie and welcomed her anti-white attacks against them, or held a peaceful protest against her. This is unfortunate all the way around, but when an idiot picks a fight with a gang and tries to get them evicted they must weigh the consequences.
Some people think they're superheroes and everyone's supposed to bow down before them because they claim the moral highground or it's political correctness they're preaching. Reality steps in and lets them know it doesn't always matter that you were right or wrong, or that some politician agrees with you, it matters who holds the power and will to use force. Just because she felt she was right, does not stop her from getting beaten up or killed by those with opposing views. Even now after her face is all cut up she continues to preach this bullshit about racism and her right to fuck niggers, she still doesn't realize it doesn't matter what rights you say you have unless you can defend them. She should be glad to be alive and shut up if she had any sense, but we all know she will only be more of a bitch and try to spin this into some political issue. I predict she wants to become the Cindy Sheehan of race politics and leave her trailer park life for the political tour circuit to show off her "battle scars' of fighting racism. She's a psycho out looking for attention and approval for her beastiality lifestyle. Just as gays want aproval and make public spectacles of themselves, so to do these sick women who want to have sex with animals.
Anonymous- I don't know where to begin but I'm going to do something that most of you don't. GET THE FACTS before I speak, I'll have more later. TRUST ME.