Latest Audios - And Something To Tickle Your Funny Bone
NEWYou won't want to miss Tony Willow's latest contribution - "We're All On Drugs!" This is just too funny! Sure makes you wonder!
In the latest "Backlash," Nikki tackles VonBluvens on terrorism.
VB - You Are A Terrorist!
In the latest "ColdShot" Nikki discusses Frazier Glenn Miller running for Congress.
Missouri - You Have a Problem!
And in this absolutley hilarious parody - Hitler gets jiggy with it!
These idiots are always running for something, James Wickstrom ran for President in 2004. The Democratic party refused to allowed Glenn Miller to run on their ticket in Missouri.
ReplyDeleteYou continue to glorify Vonbluvens Nikki. While I hate that bastard with all get out, he's a 80 pound weakling compared to Bill White or Hal Turner. Bill White totally controls Vonbluvens and Ken Schneider in very way possible. It's a power trip with White, and in this case, I don't mind White completely being in control of Blevins and Schneider.
The NSM claims to have a PAC in Washington but there is no evidence of this.
Bill White ran for an obsure office finishing pretty low despite almost none of the voters knowing who the candidates were (board of education, incumbents almost always win). White also ran when he was a pro-gay communist.
Speaking of Bill White, interesting he would help the antifa by spreading the names and addresses of National Alliance members.
Hal Turner ran for office in North Bergen with the backing of Jewish Murray Sabrin before Hal became a so called white supremacist. Hal finished in last place in the republican primary.
I wouldn't lose sweat on Miller. He's not going to be elected to anything.
I'll listen to the shows this weekend.
Blevins really is lame, huh? I agree, EB. When Bill White turned "Nazi" I used to ask all the time if he was really working for us. He WILL devastate the NSM - and it's rapidly approaching that time.
ReplyDeleteDear Nikki,
ReplyDeleteYou must read this blog post. It is hilarious!
It is about Bill White, about the fifth post down, right after a post about Hunter S. Thompson.
ROFLMAO! That is just a riot! I remember when he first posted about that Thor statue - we were all wondering what in the world that had to do with Roanoke. Then we just blew it off as another one of Bill's demented brain-farts. I used to wonder what went on in that mind of his - but I really don't think I want to know. That might just be too weird - even for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that link - great find!
Listen to the Filthy Assed Hook KIKE Schwartzo run his hole about the White man. He is a Savage trouble making Nigger trapped in a White body.
ReplyDeleteI really feel sorry for Schwartzo. He would give a million dollars if he could've been born a Nasty Smelly Buck Nigger with a Brillo pad for hair. He hates being White.
The location is being kept a secret?
ReplyDeleteJust go to www.roanoke.gov, look at the GIS section and you'll see all of White's properties, nearly all of which are mortgaged to the max.
About half are in his name and half are in the name of White Homes & Land. You'll be able to see all his properties. He's far, far from being a millionaire considering the mortgages he carries. Even if he owned all the properties free & clear, they aren't worth a million combined.
When White tried to buy a single property in Missouri a few years ago, his daddy had to co-sign the loan. I suspect this is the case now.
The pedophilia of Steve Holsten
They canned that underaged yahoo group he was spamming because it had child porn on it. And he posted on alt.sex.young LOOKING FOR THE YOUNGER GIRLS, read it yourself at the link above.
And remember Steevo thinks age of consent laws should be lowered and allowed his 13 year old to date a 22 year old man. Think about that one.
He's lower than Bill White. He's complete scum.
Blevins, you are one to talk about anti-American sentiments, you fat Nazi traitor.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you explain to all of us why the last name "Blevins" keeps ending up on Jewish genealogy websites?
Keep cheering the cause of Islamic militants--believe me, in reality they hate you all as much as everyone else does.
PS: Please leave MY country. Maybe you could seek asylum in Iran, before we blow the shit of it.
Now the KIKE Schwartzo has a new name for my Dick. He now calls it "scum" in his dreams of it.
ReplyDeleteThere is no further need for me to discount the KIKE's spewed Shit about me. It's his way of being sorry & complaining that he wasn't born a stinky Nigger. Putting down the White man just like a Nigger is what he does best. Schwartzo is so jealous of my Greatness.
A Nigger Said: PS: Please leave MY country. Maybe you could seek asylum in Iran, before we blow the shit of it.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather see Schwartzo go...
there is no
got another url
www.roanokegov.com - click on GIS real estate.
ReplyDeleteVonbluvens does indeed cheer Islamic terrorism and praised the 911 attacks at the time as an attack on ZOG. He also believes in siding with Islamic terrorists as long as they attack the United States and Israel, which he claims are one in the same.
My question to Vonbluvens is why is he afraid to witness Jesus Christ to Bill White? Seems Vonbluvens is so afraid of Bill White that he sells out Jesus Christ just to have a "friend". Bill White believes Himmler is a patron saint. Seems Vonbluvens and Doc Schneider sell out Christ all the time.
Yea, Bill White is such a good friend, he's the one who gave us Doc's real name and the Sarasota address.
And if the pedophile yahoo group Steve HOlsten was spamming was legal, why did Yahoo groups can it?? Because it violated child porn laws. And has anyone noticed how Steve is talking about the male penis when talking to other men?
Well KIKE, how can I keep from talking about my Dick when your Faggot desires for it are shining brightly.
ReplyDeleteYahoo Shit canned all adult groups that contained the word "teen" even though the 18 & 19 yr olds are/were legal. There is nothing you can say to justify your Shit spewed lies about me.
VB - in actuality, you are nothing more than a gnat in the grand scheme of things so don't get too excited over the little bit of attention that I gave you. It would behoove you to just shut the hell up.
ReplyDeleteAs to anti-American sentiments - let's get something real clear. I'm not the one advocating the overthrow of the American governmental system. I'm not the one attempting to hold local governments hostage or to bankrupt cities.
And while I am at it - I don't much like being "represented" by self-appointed leaders of hate movements. Let's just face it Blevins - no one likes you. No want likes Bill White. No one wants to be associated with your kind.
Oh yes, lots of good Whites appeciate groups like the NSM who stand tall for our race. Somebody needs to do it. The Great White race is being darkened & Mongrelized far too much thanks to Nigger Loving MTV and the likes.
ReplyDeleteSteve Holsten can lie all he wants but he is a fat filthy little gimp prevert
ReplyDeletewho molests or wishes to molest young girls. When he is locked away in prison geting regular anal "injections" I will laugh my butt off and send him pink undies with a target painted on the back.
Vonnie is owned by Bill White and Turner. Since being thrown out by his fat ugly wife that he sponged from Von has to suck up to Bill and Hal and get back on the Welfare tit. He is nothing, less than nothing.
ReplyDeleteHe is court ordered to stay away from his own children. The only good thing you can say about him is unlike Steve Holsten he doesn't take liberties with young children.
That is correct. Michael Blevins is not allowed to see his two biological children.
ReplyDeleteAnd he is the one who wants to overthrow the United States government. He praised the 911 attacks when it happened, only to change his mind when he read that Bill White opposed them. Vonbluvens hates America yet doesn't mind getting a mental disability check from Social Security each month.
And it sure made his day on VNN when Nikki called him a terrorist. He got so excited, he spammed VNN telling everyone about it there. But the thing is, almost everyone hates him at VNN also and Stormfront.
And Steve Holsten seems to be embracing neo-nazism by the day.
Afronation - I have a request. Could you please change your avatar as, believe it or not, there are some Jr. High and High School kids who read this blog. Thanks in advance.
Also - Steve - no more "N's" or "K's" here, please.
ReplyDeleteSorry Nikki the only pictures I have of myself are from my web page. I'll edit a little. Hows this?
ReplyDeleteIt really pisses Stevo off to see white women and black men together. Still I'm confused about Steve. Does he think he is white? I have more aryan genes than Stevo.
Thanks Afro - I like that a lot better anyway.
ReplyDeleteI don't think stevo really knows what he is. But, you guys seem to keep telling him. He's just a slow learner, I guess.
No, I don't like too see women with Apes. It is pure Beastality.
ReplyDeleteWrong FuckTard. I'm about the most intelligent one here.
ReplyDeleteYou must understand that ones like Harry Schwartzo & the Whigger Afro Wannabee have Faggot desires for me, and that doesn't make a Sodomite Faggot
"Keep cheering the cause of Islamic militants--believe me, in reality they hate you all as much as everyone else does.
ReplyDeletePS: Please leave MY country. Maybe you could seek asylum in Iran, before we blow the shit of it."
Is that you Andrew?
My, my. A militant philosemite with an unquenchable bloodthirst. Who would've thunk it?
I'd tell you to put your money where your mouth is and move to Kikestan, but then, when it comes to the question of citizenship in "the only democwacy in the Middle East", there's a strict zhids-only rule.
So unless you're married to a whiney shop-until-she-drops yenta from the Upper West Side or Palm Beach, you're SOL.
My my, a militant Iranian who hates Jews--who would of thunk it?
ReplyDeletePerhaps you've missed your calling. I understand the NSM is losing members right and left. I'm sure they are always on the lookout for enterprising, intelligent young BIGOTS to help bolster their ranks.
You might look awfully good in a brownshirt and an armband, Dariush. I mean, after all, birds of a feather...
Dariush, I have just one thing to say to you:
ReplyDeleteI would NEVER even dream of referring to an Arab or Muslim person as a "raghead" or "sandnigger" or any of the other disgusting epithets proffered by the racist right. One of my best friends in college, Dr. Abdullah Mohammed al-Watban from Saudi Arabia is an individual I still hold in the HIGHEST esteem, although I have not seen him for a few years.
Nobody wants a "religious war" with Islam and the West; I would like nothing better than to see all sides agree to peace and mutual benevolent relations, but it seems the militants in the Islamic world don't want it that way.
Despite what you may think, I hold the life of EVERY human being to be valuable, Arab, Christian, or Jew, and wish only the best for all people.
So, while I can understand you feel you have grievances with the Israelis, what I cannot condone is your overall hatred and condemnation of a group of people who are not ALL responsible for the actions of the State of Israel. I would NEVER dream of condemning every Arab or Muslim because of the actions of Bin Laden.
That said, take care.
Actually, Andrew, if you were the same anonymous poster who made that comment above, I'd rather you at least be honest be with yourself and others and sprinkle terms like raghead and sandnigger liberally in your writings.
ReplyDeleteI'd hate to think you were one of those Nick Cohen/David Aaronovitch types who does a big song and dance about wanting to "blow the shit out of" Iran, "for our own good."
I mean, Tim LaHaye and Hal Lindsey never pussyfoot around when it comes to why they are shabbos goyim and what they think of "Amalek" or whatever.
ReplyDeleteI've been aware of that blog almost from its inception, since its proprietor regularly writes in to Iranian.com and always attaches a link or URL to his blog at the end of his letters.
If memory serves, he also used to contribute regularly to VNN circa 2003 and '04.
"Actually, Andrew, if you were the same anonymous poster who made that comment above, I'd rather you at least be honest be with yourself and others and sprinkle terms like raghead and sandnigger liberally in your writings."--Dariush
It seems hatred and bitterness are integral aspects of your worldview.
"I'd hate to think you were one of those Nick Cohen/David Aaronovitch types who does a big song and dance about wanting to "blow the shit out of" Iran, "for our own good."--Dariush
I neither advocated for or against an attack on Iran--simply addressed the probability as an imminent fact.
"I mean, Tim LaHaye and Hal Lindsey never pussyfoot around when it comes to why they are shabbos goyim and what they think of "Amalek" or whatever."--Dariush
As I am neither one of these authors, I fail to see the relevance of this statement.
You really are a VERY angry individual inside, aren't you?
"Yes, EB, those Islamic fundamentalists just love being the aggressors by committing suicide. These actions are indicative of individuals who are desperate--not ‘bullies’ or ‘assailants.’"--Stephan Schmidt
Are you certain you remember September 11th? Think real hard, now. What happened that day?
"Can you blame him? He probably has family in Iran and you just gloated over the possibility of Iran being bombed."--Stephan Schmidt
I was not advocating for or against an attack on Iran. I simply stated that it was, more than likely, an imminent fact of existence.
"If Israel is allowed nuclear weapons then Iran deserves nothing less."--Stephan Schmidt
You might feel differently if they decide to eventually use them against the "Great Satan"--America. You are, I take it, an American citizen, correct Shmidt?
"...you are completely unprejudiced then why choose sides?"--Stephan Schmidt
How could I support a group that wants me dead because I am an "infidel"? Your rather tenuous grasp of circumstances never ceases to amaze me.
"Why make a big deal about the Holocaust when 50 million other people perished during WW2?"--Stephan Schmidt
Your inability to differentiate the morality of one set of actions and circumstances, as opposed to another, is troubling.
"What about the NAZIS? You condemned all of them yet only a fraction patrolled the camps (and if I were to agree with you--- gassed Jews in chambers) while the rest simply fought for their country just like US soldiers."--Stephan Schmidt
Nazism is not a race; it is a philosophical creed. And a damn destructive one.
We tolerate, at all costs what we can. But nobody wants to throw out the baby with the bath water.
Sometimes it really is neccessary to go to war, although that should be the last resort.
Now I am very tired, tonight. Good evening.
"It seems hatred and bitterness are integral aspects of your worldview."
ReplyDeleteNowhere near as much as hypocrisy, dissemblance and bloodthirstiness form integral aspects of yours. I guess you want to lovingly "blow the shit out of" my friends and relatives, eh?
"I neither advocated for or against an attack on Iran -- simply addressed the probability as an imminent fact."
You can regurgitate yiddishkeit at will, and ad nauseam, but you still can't lie your way out of a wet paper bag. That wasn't the statement of an objective analyst, but of someone rubbing his hands together and salivating in gleeful anticipation of mass bloodshed and death.
"As I am neither one of these authors, I fail to see the relevance of this statement."
You mean you're not one of those yid-worshipping Evangelical/Pentecostal Rapture bunnies? You're not the one who lovingly posted that statement from some Evangelical head-honcho about the necessity of an Israel-First foreign policy in the comments section of that other post?
"You really are a VERY angry individual inside, aren't you?"
Oy, molested as a child I was. Speaking of yiddishkeit, dimestore psychobabble isn't as effective a weapon as it once was for you and your kind. You should learn a new trick.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason I highly doubt the veracity of many of your claims...I think you are a fucking snotty little punk that likes to stir up trouble.
If you are an Iranian, and hate America, go to Iran...I'm not stopping you.
Or better yet, join the fucking American Nazi Party, and be the only Iranian Unit Leader! Then, during the next "rally" you selfless "patriots" have, you can have your racist ass handed to you by Antifa. Until then, you're nothing but another fucking BIGOT, no matter WHAT your ethnicity happens to be.
In all probablity though, you're real name is Bill White.
You're a paranoid moron, EB
ReplyDeleteNot everyone who has fundamental disagreements with you is Bill White in disguise.
Hey I'm not the Iranian Nazi blaming "Da Jooz" for every single fucking thing that's wrong with the world.
ReplyDeleteYOU wanna call ME a paranoid moron?
The largest population of jews in the middle east outside of Israel live in Iran.