March 17, 2006
An Officer Seen as a Hero Faces a Year Behind Bars
CLOUDCROFT, N.M. — Sgt. Billy Anders knew something was terribly wrong. The fresh blood spots outside the roadside cabin, the hatchback with the open rear door in the driveway and the instincts he had honed as a big-city cop in San Antonio gave him reason to be alarmed.
His gut was right.
What happened in the next few minutes on that freezing night in December 2004 would leave two men dead, a community in shock and Sergeant Anders, a beloved local sheriff's officer nearing retirement, charged with killing a handcuffed prisoner. A video camera in the sergeant's own patrol truck was unblinking witness.
That the victim was a white supremacist ex-convict, Earl Flippen, who had just killed his pregnant girlfriend and Sergeant Anders's partner, sprayed gunfire around the girlfriend's 3-year-old daughter and barely missed shooting Sergeant Anders at point-blank range, was beside the point.
Sergeant Anders, who received a minimal one-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to voluntary manslaughter with a firearm, says he has trouble remembering exactly what happened but recalls that he fired to save himself and the little girl.
"I remember he was moving and I considered him a threat," he said in a rambling interview. "I don't remember shooting him when he was handcuffed."
Still, said Sergeant Anders, who was sentenced on March 3, his 63rd birthday: "I'm a reasonable person; I can't argue with the videotape. If I crossed the line, I have to take responsibility."
The sergeant spoke on March 9 while working his way through Cloudcroft's quaint wooden shopping arcade, enveloped in goodbye embraces from supporters. [He began serving his sentence on March 10.]
The case has devastated this close-knit frontier town nearly 9,000 feet above Alamogordo's atomic-testing desert, where drivers say they have no need to use their turn signals: everyone already knows where everyone else is going.
Many see Sergeant Anders as a hero, and supporters have raised the $50,000 that his legal defense cost.
"As far as I'm concerned, Billy did everyone a favor," said Charliss Randall, who works in the Copper Butterfly gift shop. Mr. Flippen had already killed his girlfriend, Ms. Randall noted, adding, "Who else would he kill?"
The emergency workers who rushed to the cabin that night credit Sergeant Anders with saving their lives. "I'm convinced that had he not eliminated the threat, Flippen would have started picking us off," Grady McCright, a former volunteer fire chief of a neighboring community, said outside the sentencing hearing.
But the district attorney, Scot D. Key, said he had had no choice: "It goes without saying that when you have a videotape that clearly shows a police execution, it's just screaming for prosecution."
If Sergeant Anders had not agreed to plead guilty, Mr. Key said, federal prosecutors, concerned about the possibility of acquittal by a state jury, were prepared to try him under a civil rights statute that could have sent him to prison for life. His guilty plea carried a sentence of up to seven years; the one year the judge gave him was the lightest possible term.
In truth, Sergeant Anders said, he should not have been on duty the night of Dec. 18, 2004. It was his 11th wedding anniversary, and he was fighting off a case of stomach flu. But when a call came in to 911 reporting a quarrel and shots fired 10 miles east of Cloudcroft, he insisted on joining his partner and best friend, Deputy Robert Hedman.
The call took them to a cabin rented by Mr. Flippen, a 38-year-old career criminal whose "white pride" tattoos proclaimed his membership in the Aryan Brotherhood.
Shortly before the deputies pulled up, Mr. Flippen had shot to death his 30-year-old girlfriend, Deborah Rhoudes, then eight months pregnant, and rolled her body into a rug for loading into his waiting hatchback. Ms. Rhoudes's 3-year-old daughter, Victoria, was also there.
In the interview on March 9, which began at the cabin, now sealed off, Sergeant Anders said a shirtless Mr. Flippen, barring the two officers from entering, had explained the bloodstains as coming from a deer he had killed, and had then slammed the door. Sergeant Anders radioed for backup, while Deputy Hedman crept to the back of the house.
When he heard a shot from the back, Sergeant Anders rushed the cabin. But Mr. Flippen, who in the darkness had slipped through the front door unseen with Victoria, popped up from behind the hatchback and fired a shot from his .357 Magnum Peacemaker at the startled sergeant, who was just feet away.
"It felt like a Civil War cannon in my face," Sergeant Anders recalled. "I thought the left side of my head was gone." Actually the bullet had torn through his jacket, searing his left arm.
In 31 years as a law enforcement officer, he said, he had never fired his weapon on duty, but now he pulled the trigger of his Glock semiautomatic four times, striking Mr. Flippen in the forehead and left hand and arm.
At this point, the sergeant's recollections and the videotape diverge. Repeating what he had told investigators, he said he recalled having seen Mr. Flippen squirming on the ground with the Magnum nearby and having shot him again in the body. Afterward, he said, he moved the gun out of reach and handcuffed him.
But the videotape and its audio from the sergeant's body microphone tell a different story. After downing Mr. Flippen, Sergeant Anders handcuffs him as Victoria, whom Mr. Flippen was helping to raise, wails nearby, over and over: "Don't shoot my daddy!"
Sergeant Anders says: "I won't, honey. Back up, honey."
He tells Mr. Flippen, "You lay there, buddy," and rushes to the back of the house, shouting: "Bob! Bob!" He finds his partner's body — draped over a railing, a bullet in the head — and gasps, "Oh God, Bob!"
Then he returns to Mr. Flippen, shoos the little girl inside and fires a single shot into his chest.
The next police officer on the scene, Terry Flanigan, said he had found Sergeant Anders all but catatonic, propped up on his truck. He found Ms. Rhoudes's body "stuffed in a closetlike garbage," and the little girl, who had minor wounds from a bullet fragment, crying that her sister was still in the house. Officers later realized she had meant her dead mother's unborn baby.
When investigators played the videotape for Sergeant Anders three days after the shootings, he seemed stunned. He said he had no memory of shooting Mr. Flippen after handcuffing him.
"I remember being afraid," he said, according to transcripts of interviews with the investigators. "I remember being worried for Bob. I remember the little girl screaming and carrying, you know, carrying on, being upset. But, God, I don't remember that."
Later, when Sergeant Anders was indicted and turned himself in, the Otero County sheriff, John Blansett, a mammoth, easygoing man, wept.
Fifteen months after the shooting, the case still bruises Cloudcroft, not simply because of Deputy Hedman's death but also out of concern for Sergeant Anders and an appreciation for the hellish circumstances of that night.
By all accounts at the sentencing hearing, Sergeant Anders was more than a standout officer. He was a model citizen known for a warm demeanor and for using humor to defuse dangerous situations.
"Billy was one of the greatest and most compassionate cops we ever had," said Willie Walker, a former colleague with the San Antonio Police Department, where Sergeant Anders spent 23 years as a patrol officer and SWAT team commander before retiring as a captain and moving to Cloudcroft with his wife in 1998.
As Sergeant Anders made his farewell rounds through Cloudcroft on March 9, residents turned out to wish him well. A man in a cowboy hat clapped him on the shoulder, enfolded him in a crushing embrace and said, "Behind you, brother."
Prison? They're sending him to prison, for this?
ReplyDeleteThey should give this cop a medal.
This guy is a real hero, in my book.
This system really stinks, sometimes...
Stefan - thanks for the laugh! That was pretty funny. Ya know, if one were to only read WN websites they would think that every crime in the world was committed by non-whites.
ReplyDeleteEB - I just don't think that, if everything was the way it was in this story, that I would have been able to convict him. Certainly, shooting the man was criminal - but there is such a thing as temporary insanity.
Dear Nikki,
ReplyDeleteI am very depressed tonight at the state of the human condition. Sometimes words fail me when I stop and consider, exactly, the huge proportion of evil and injustice meted out in this unfair world. So many people have suffered and died for no better reason than someobody thought that they "weren't good enough", or "they didn't matter".
Is it wrong for me to say that sometimes I hate humanity a little? For its cruelties? For its injustices?
Soemtimes I feel like all of the human race should be put on trial for its gross stupidity, its vulgar self-destructiveness, and the fact that so many "real men" go about killing and injuring things that are so much more beautiful and wonderful than they themselves are.
It is times like these that I imagine, quite clearly, beating up the haters, the killers, those that do not respect life and the beauty of a sane, civilized society.
Sometimes I think I come perilously close to being as bad as they are in the way I think, only in reverse.
Nikki, posting messages to this weblog, and discovering this world of anti-racists and hate groups has changed me a little over the past months. I struggle, and have my entire life, with the problem of human evil, suffering, injustice, and what it means in the greater scope of things. Only a few months ago I might of said, "Well, I guess if a bunch of misfits want to dress up in silly costumes and walk the streets praising Hitler, that just proves how free this country is."
No longer.
I don't mind telling you that I fear for the future of the world, as the world is aflame with ethnic hatred at this point, and their are so many fools right now, like Bill White and Hal Turner, doing what they can to turn a buck and fan the fire of resentment and hate. I use to ignore them; at the most, they never really bothered me much.
But I have come to see, in recent weeks, that the world can go to pieces because of discrimination. Literally, some of the most beautiful, intelligent, creative people that have ever lived have been struck down and killed and died horrific deaths because one mad man decided it was his duty to "cleanse the world".
What a farce this life seems to me, at times.
It is amazing, with all the technological marvels and means of communication at our disposal, that there are STILL people that think like Hal and Bill, and Mike Blevins.
It makes me hate the world just a little. Because, really, at this point, mankind should be so much better.
Yet, we're not.
I am rambling now. Good night.
Actually, one final thing.
ReplyDeleteI have to try and change my moods about now, so I can hopefully finally finish this bloody horror novel that has eaten up ten months of my life, off an on...You wouldn't think it, but writing a typical horror-fest actually requires a very good mood on the part of the author. Or at least, I have to be in a good mood when writing hack-work dross like this...
But I am still fairly depressed right now, so, thought i would share with you these lyrics. Best lyrics Pink Floyd ever put to music. It's called The Gunner's Dream:
The Gunner's Dream (Waters)
Floating down through the clouds
Memories come rushing up to meet me now.
In the space between the heavens
and in the corner of some foreign field
I had a dream.
I had a dream.
Good-bye Max.
Good-bye Ma.
After the service when you're walking slowly to the car
And the silver in her hair shines in the cold November air
You hear the tolling bell
And touch the silk in your lapel
And as the tear drops rise to meet the comfort of the band
You take her frail hand
And hold on to the dream.
A place to stay
Enough to eat
Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud
About your doubts and fears
And what's more no-one ever disappears
You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door.
You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law
And no-one kills the children anymore.
And no one kills the children anymore.
Night after night
Going round and round my brain
His dream is driving me insane.
In the corner of some foreign field
The gunner sleeps tonight.
What's done is done.
We cannot just write off his final scene.
Take heed of his dream.
Take heed.
Keep up the fight, Nikki. You're one of my heros.
Mr.Bill's latest nonsense:
ReplyDelete"Book Review -- A prostitute who dated American Front activist Boyd Rice and had a kid with him has published a book."--Overthrow.com
Boyd Rice is an American industrial/ noise musician and cultural archivist. An unapologetic eccentric with a taste for provocation, he has completely disavowed any "Nazisistic leanings" he might have ever evidenced, and was NEVER a member of the American Front or any other neo-Nazi organization. Many of his close friends and creative partners, such as Adam Parfrey, Tiny Tim, Anton LaVey--are, bluntly, Jews. Interested parties are advised to research him at the F.A.Q. on www.boydrice.com.
"Lisa Crystal Carver, a self-described "white trash" scumbag who now works as a columnist website nerve.com has published Drugs are Nice: A Post-Punk Memoir, about her life as a scumbag. This a follow up to her previous book, Dancing Queen."--Overthrow.com
Bill White calling someone else a "scumbag" is, if you will forgive me, a bit much.
Carver is a nihilistic dirtball who slummed around the punk scene and dated or married various "extreme" figures such G. G. Allin, of GG Allin and the Scumfucs, a band that made bad music and tried to get attention by saying stupid but extreme sounding things, and Jean Louis Costes, a "performance artists" who uses "art" as an excuse to play with his own feces. --Overthrow.com
G.G.Allin was a performance artist who played with dozens of bands. His last band, The Murder Junkies, is still going despite his death. Yes, G.G.was gruesome and terrible. I've met his brother and bass-player personally, and he is a much nicer sort.
Bill obviously doesn't realize that The Scumfucs were one of G.G.'s FIRST bands.
"Carter herself is just another nobody showing symptoms of the disease of modernism, but is somewhat of interest because Boyd Rice reportedly dealt with Tom Metzger and his White Aryan Resistance in the early 1990s and is a Church of Satan member who hangs out on the artistic fringe of white nationalism. Carver is reportedly also a Church of Satan member. The Church of Satan was fonded (sic) by Jew Anton LaVey and generally adheres to a pretty kosher Jewish political line, demanding war againt Islam and other nonsense."--Overthrow.com
As far as I know , Church of Satan has no official position on Islam, Judaism, or anything of the sort. Boyd has repeatedly said in interviews that he credits Anton LaVey and Tiny Tim , both Jews, as being his "mentors"--some WN.
This piece slanders both Boyd Rice, as well as Crystal Carver.
Now, I defend Boyd because he has been a big influence on my own music--the music I record. Those that try to label him as "hate music" fail to realize that, for the most part,ALL OF BOYD'S RECORDINGS, AS "NON", ARE COMPLETELY INSTRUMENTAL. No vocals--and what vocals there are, are poetic, and ambiguous.
"On her other website for her zine Rollerderby, she says she and Boyd Rice's kid Wolfgang are converting to Judaism."--Overthrow.com
I wish both of them all the best.
I wouldn't be so quick to defend Boyd, who has, admittedly, done some shitty things that I find objectionable, were it not that his recordings gave me the impetus to start recording music myself. There may be no defending Wagner either, but I'll be damned if I ever stop appreciating Tannhauser.
Talk to ya later--EB
White nationalism shouldn't even be a player is this case. The cop was being fired upon, he fired back, and, in the heat of battle, reacted instinctively. It is quite possible he doesn't remember shooting the guy after he was cuffed. A shooting situation is extremely stressful. He does not belong in jail.
ReplyDeleteWhat's really disgusting is the conduct of the Federal scum. According to your post, the Feds were threatening to jail this cop for life on "civil rights" charges, not because he deserved it, but because they were afraid a state jury would have let him off the hook. So Federal justice is not based on culpability, but expediency and politics. This is the same crap prosecutors used to railroad Chester Doles into jail. Quite frankly, I have more respect for al-Qaeda than I do for the Feds. At least al-Qaeda doesn't pretend not to be our enemy.
We need to impeach Bush! Now!
EB - "I just don't think that, if everything was the way it was in this story, that I would have been able to convict him. Certainly, shooting the man was criminal - but there is such a thing as temporary insanity."
ReplyDeleteHe should have plead insanity if that's the case. He did not, he Plead GUILTY because he executed a man in handcuffs.
It shows me he's an idiot to shoot this guy in front of the camera, and in handcuffs. Couldn't he have even taken them off after the fact and shown some sign of intelligence? I watch the Shield and those cops are good at setting people up, killing them, and getting away with hit. Last night they pissed all over this black gangbanger who was running his mouth. That was awesome. He threw the guy on the car and was frisking him, the black said "suck my dick" so the cop steps back and kicks the guy right in the balls. He threw him on the grond and took a piss in his face.
alaskawingnut said...
ReplyDelete"White nationalism shouldn't even be a player is this case."
You're right, the race connection is only relevant in Nicoles world where demonizing White people is the norm.
To bad this cop wasn't the one who arrested Mumia Abu Jamal, Dookie Tookie, or OJ Simpson. He would have saved the tax payers a millions of dollars.
ReplyDeleteWell, believe it or not, I posted this story not because of his racist leanings but because I thought that the cop had been wronged. A friend sent the story to me and the first thing I thought when I read it was that I could understand how in the heat of all that was going on, when he found his partner shot - he just reacted. I would have felt that way regardless of the race of anyone involved.
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, there are people in this world who don't break everything down along racial lines. There are those who never really think about race - just people.
ReplyDelete"...history will always repeat since it is we that do not change."--Stephan Schmidt
You're a fool. Mankind has already changed considerably in the past few decades. All it would take is one unifying spiritual movement, and we could save so much of the world, and many more lives in the process.
You spelled "cord" incorrectly.
It's absolutely incredible to me that I have anything in common with a meth-head, addle-minded, bloodthirsty, yid-worshipping neokahn like EB.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, here we are. I too have apprecited the music of Non and Boyd's writings in various zines like Dagobert's Revenge, The Black Flame and Answer Me.
How one with such tastes can also be such a dutiful cheerleader of total war on all of Israel's enemies is totally beyond me, however.
From Boyd Rice to David Horowitz?
From Michael Moynihan to Jonah Goldberg?
From Ragnar Redbeard to Joe Farah?
Sorry, just doesn't add up.
"All it would take is one unifying spiritual movement, and we could save so much of the world, and many more lives in the process"
Oh, I get it. Someone done had themsevles a "spiritual awakening" and wuz "reborn in Christ" and what have you. Do tell. Did my comment about "yid-worshipping Evangelical/Pentecostal Rapture-bunnies" hit a little too close to home, EB?
More and more I'm becoming convinced that the only Christians worthy of the name are those of the Orthodox Church and Traditionalist Catholics who reject the "modernist" teachings of Vatican II.
Fuck you, your meth whore of a mother and whatever snake-handling, war-worshipping cult you belong to, EB.
Dear Dariush,
ReplyDeleteYou spelled "appreciate" incorrectly.
"How one with such tastes can also be such a dutiful cheerleader of total war on all of Israel's enemies is totally beyond me, however."--Dariush
Well, don't you want...Total War?
To throw out Christ, and bring back Thor?
To smite your foes--that they may die;
To splatter blood across the sky?
So you hate Christians as much as Jews?--Ah, I see. Well, four marks Mr. Intolerance, you may win the Bigot of the Year Award yet!
ReplyDeleteGot your brownshirt ready for the Big One in Lansing?
Remember, Dari old bean, if you need uniform tips,you can always get them from SS Mann Mark Martin.
ReplyDeleteSent in your twenty-dollars yet, Adolph?
I don't buy it. All that "in the heat of a battle", "stress in a gun fight" crap is no excuse.
ReplyDeleteIf you shoot a man who is already handcuffed it's an execution no matter how you sum up the pieces leading to it.
If a cop snaps under pressure than he should suffer the same consequences as anyone else(period)
The man killed his partner and he executed the man on the spot.
If we as a society allow this than we might as well do away with the entire justice system and institute martial law.
Also, Michael Moynihan is really peripheral as a musician. His book Lords of Chaos was a smashing read, though.
ReplyDeleteI am really only interested in NON, and specifically NON...Particularly Easy Listening for Iron Youth and God and Beast. Personal favorites include "Embers" , "Defenestration", "Total War", and "Between Venus and Mars". Also really dig the Baptism by Fire live CD/DVD set, and highly recommend this one if you haven't had a chance to see it.
Other personal favorites among noise/electronica include Merzbow, Throbbing Gristle, Nurse With Wound, and a very old record by Mort Garson called Black Mass Lucifer .
Now, I've seen Ministry live, met Al Jourgenson during "meet n' greet", and also like Godflesh abit, although this is more along the lines of "industrial metal". Use to really love Nine Inch Nails, and Marilyn Manson actually put out a good record with Antichrist Superstar. Also, I've seen Zeni Geva live.
Like The Boredoms abit, too.
Answer Me! qualifies as one of the most repugnant zines I've ever come across, but Jim Goad is a real hoot. I like the old Murder Can Be Fun put out by Johnny Marr abit better, but then zines always gain abit by gritty production values in my estimation.
But really, I've read several interviews with Boyd where he as much praised our decision to invade Iraq. Surely, you're not going to suggest Boyd is some sort of "leftist pacifist"? Most of these interviews, I think, are archived at www.boydrice.com.
Now, Dariush, I won't be answering you personally again, as I think you are a foul-mouthed moronic loser who foams and insults instead of debates. Rage away. It's all the same to me.
You have just been appointed "House Masochist".
Also, are you quite sure you are what you claim to be? I rather think not, and even if you are, you shan't be able to prove it, so don't bother. Nor do I particularly care, nor does it give you any special right to be so obnoxious...
God bless!
Christians are one thing, EB. Evangelicals and Pentecostals something else entirely.
ReplyDeleteAnd btw, old bean, Boyd is very much a racist -- although he tailors it to suit whatever environment he happens to be in, who he's talking to, who's around him, etc.
Friend of mine got to hang out with him a little bit after this show in New York a few years back. All Boyd did was make racist and Satanic comments, and try to "look menacing". When his tough guy/racist/satanist act elicited not the desired fanboy oohs and aahs but derisive, mocking laughter, he bacame angry and flustered and stomped away like a prissy little bitch.
Also, I am now absolutely CONVINCED that Dariush is, in fact, really BilL White.
ReplyDeleteTalk to ya later, Bitch Tits!
Dariush, I could really CARE LESS about Boyd Rice and what he believes--I listen to some of his music, none of which (at least what I listen too) is even mildly, really racist. Personally, he could be the biggest asshole in the world, and that's fine...Our relationship, really, ends at the CD player, mate.
ReplyDeleteIf I caught him trying to hurt a little kid or something, I'd kill him...talented musician or no. If he was wearing an NSM uniform at a rally, and I was a protestor, I'd throw rocks and cuss at him. Is he still a musical genius in some respects? Well, sure...But talent and ability only make up so much of a complete person.
"Friend of mine got to hang out with him a little bit after this show in New York a few years back."--Dariush
Was this friend's name--BILL WHITE!?
"But really, I've read several interviews with Boyd where he as much praised our decision to invade Iraq. Surely, you're not going to suggest Boyd is some sort of "leftist pacifist"?"
ReplyDeleteSome of my best friends are "leftist pacifists". Boyd, most definitely, is not. But I was not aware of any public stance of his on Iraq. Although I did read an interview where he had positive things to say about Dubya.
I don't doubt what you say above. Seems entirely in character for him. Also, the entirety of the upper echelon of the CoS, Peter Gilmore especially, seems to be fully on board the whole "Clash of Civilizations" thing.
Adam Parfrey, oddly enough, is one of the few dissenters.
I don't know if you're the one claiming that I'm Bill White, but, even though you're a total knobjob, I would hope you'd still have more common sense than that.
I haven't lied about my background, and I'm not Bill White nor any other booga booga figure that you think I might be.
"I am not sure as to the sect that EB subscribes to--- in fact I am pretty sure he made his own up--- but he has used Christianity to justify his love for the Jews."--Stephan Schmidt
I am, in fact, a Christian Spiritualist. Some of my good friends are Wiccan, pagan, Asatru--all non-racist; most very liberal.
I would say I am fairly socially conservative--but "art" is inviolable, in most respects.
I am not awaiting the "End Times" specifically, but I respect the Jewish people (not worship), and have, currently, immersed myself in the reading of Judaica in anticipation of writing a new book
Getting past my "juvenile period" has been difficult, but writing,
as much as anything, is a growth process.
Now, why you ALL hate the Jews so very much, is what I would like to know. Don't turn the microscope on me, unless you Nazis are prepared to fess-up yourselves.
As far as Christian Spiritualism, surf the internet...It's all there, and is an intellectual and sensory feast, man!
Now toddle off, click your heels, grumble at "da jooz", yell a hearty "siegheil!", and leave Granpa in peace. He has to get some bloody sleep, sometimes.
Anti-Semitism is,like, soooooo 1933!
BTW Bill "Dariush" White: what do you think I expected but a denial? How many bloody Iranian guys who write perfect English and JUST HAPPEN to be NON fans are there out there? Well, one supposes that anything is possible, but...Bill, I gotta tell you, we would get farther along in this business if you would just cut the bloody charade.
Bill. Hope all those rumors about your bumps being cancerous are, well, true.
"...but he has used Christianity to justify his love for the Jews."--Stephan Schmidt
And what do you use, pray tell, to justify your HATRED of them? Just curious.
Man, I am getting sleepy! Yawn! So many Zionist conspiracies to hatch; so little time...
Now you know who I am listening to right now? John Denver. There's a good chap!
ReplyDeleteNo controversy about him at all!
I am listening to him on vinyl, no less! Maybe before I go to sleep I will play that wonderful liturgical record I have by Cantor Malavsky, while I pop open the Talmud and contemplate the best ways to go about subverting the Goyim to further the aims set forth in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
(Heavy clap of thunder!)
Ariel Sharon says I only have to perform two more "special assignments" before I get my wings and tail. *
* Note to Bill "Dariush" White: The preceeding has all been sarcasm. Everyone knows Jews don't really have devil wings or forked tails.
Only cloven hoofs.
If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him--
Hmmm, looks like Granpa talked the kiddies under the table again!
ReplyDeleteWell, I'll catch up on all your threats and invective on the morrow.
No hard feelings, mates!
('Cept for you, Bill.)
"Believe it or not, there are people in this world who don't break everything down along racial lines. There are those who never really think about race - just people"--Nikki
I certainly try hard not to, and will try harder in the future.
Also, I am going to start signing in again to post, as some of these "Anonymous" comments don't belong to me, at all.
"BTW Bill "Dariush" White: what do you think I expected but a denial? How many bloody Iranian guys who write perfect English and JUST HAPPEN to be NON fans are there out there?"
ReplyDeleteOne, at least.
And I hadn't noticed that Bill White writes perfect English.
I mean, come on. How many Iranians are drummers for famous NYHC bands?
How many Iranians are professional tennis players?
How many Iranians fronted classic 70's-era rock bands?
How many EB's does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You're quick to jump all over everyone else's supposed racism and bigotry, but your own racism and bigotry shines like a bright beacon of hypocrisy on this forum.
"I mean, come on. How many Iranians are drummers for famous NYHC bands?"--Bill White
I fucking hate that band. Worse than Warzone, they are.
"How many Iranians are professional tennis players?"--Bill White
I fucking hate tennis.
"How many Iranians fronted classic 70's-era rock bands?"--Bill White
Only Ted Nugent
"How many EB's does it take to screw in a light bulb?"--William A. White, of Roanoke, Iran.
I dunno, Dari dearie, but it only took one to screw your mother in the ass.
"You're quick to jump all over everyone else's supposed racism and bigotry, but your own racism and bigotry shines like a bright beacon of hypocrisy on this forum."--Bill White
What was that Himmler? Something about greasy Yids, filthy Christians, and racial purity? What, you're fresh out of Zyclon B? Here, try this new batch straight in from White Lands, LLC. I hear they're under new management. Some Iranian bloke.
PS: Never fuck with a German. We're ALL crazy and fucking mean as Hel.
Dude, you're a moron.
ReplyDeleteIf you've actually convinced yourself that I'm Bill White, there's really nothing I can do or say that will convince you otherwise. So I'll stop trying.
P.S. - I never said word one about "racial purity" or "greasy" anything.
And I also haven't said anything negative about any actual Christians, either.
But keep knocking down those strawmen as fast as you build them up.
I sincerely hope that if in the coming months the fate that you wished on Iran comes to pass, that you, your family and everything you love gets a taste of the very same.
Roh said...
ReplyDeleteI don't buy it. All that "in the heat of a battle", "stress in a gun fight" crap is no excuse.
If you shoot a man who is already handcuffed it's an execution no matter how you sum up the pieces leading to it.
If a cop snaps under pressure than he should suffer the same consequences as anyone else(period)
The man killed his partner and he executed the man on the spot.
If we as a society allow this than we might as well do away with the entire justice system and institute martial law.
March 19, 2006 2:18 AM
Good golly miss molly, I have seen a spark of hope in you. I never would have bet on your being the one on this blog to go beyond the usual suspects and reach the place we call logic.
Welcome to the mountian top of reality where few dare to sit. Now that you've been here your future writing will have a point of measure to refer to.
Now I have to run outside and see if everythings freezing over in this living hell.
Actually, Stefan, I was born in Tehran.
ReplyDeleteMoved here with my family when I was nine.
And I'm not that Iranian For Aryans guy, either.
I liked some of the pieces he contributed to VNN a few years back, as well as some of the letters he wrote to Iranian.com (in fact, frequently he would submit the letters he wrote to Iranian.com as "columns" for VNN)
But, judging by his blog, his writing style has just taken a nosedive into the gutter and stayed there.
Plus, I don't share his belief in superiority of certain groups of people or the inferiority of others.
Oh and staying on topic, for once... I'm totally in agreement with what Roh says here:
ReplyDelete"If you shoot a man who is already handcuffed it's an execution no matter how you sum up the pieces leading to it.
If a cop snaps under pressure than he should suffer the same consequences as anyone else(period)
The man killed his partner and he executed the man on the spot.
If we as a society allow this than we might as well do away with the entire justice system and institute martial law."
Which means, I guess, that I also agree with the anonymous poster above -- here's hoping it's not EB, the laptop bombardier.
"Dude, you're a moron."--Dariush White.
Dude, you're a Nazi!
And stop calling me "dude". This isn't 1987 and we're not in the mosh pit at a fucking Megadeth concert.
"P.S. - I never said word one about "racial purity" or "greasy" anything."--Bill White, Tehranian Expatriate
Go back and re-read some of your posts, Einstein. They're full of anti-Jewish and anti-Christian slurs and defamation, you putrid two-faced hypocrite.
"And I also haven't said anything negative about any actual Christians, either."--Dariush Benedict Bill White Lying Two-Faced Hypocrital Arnold Traitorus Dog, a.k.a. the Iranian Bloke.
Herr Dariushitler stated, " yid-worshipping Evangelical/Pentecostal Rapture-bunnies".
Again, fuck you, you hypocritical bastard.
"I sincerely hope that if in the coming months the fate that you wished on Iran comes to pass, that you, your family and everything you love gets a taste of the very same."---Obersturmfuhrer Dariush
Assuming that I have family, or love anything, is very presumptuous of you.
For all you know I'm a cold-blooded sociopath with a well-stocked graveyard in the crawlspace.
Sniffle...sniffle...Big mean Dariush hurt my widdle feewings...
Oh, why can't I be a fount of sensitivity, compassion, and wisdom like he is?! Sniffle!...
"Actually, Stefan, I was born in Tehran."--Reichsmarschall Von Dariush, Gaulieter of Tehran.
Considering that you,obviously, hate the United States, I really wish you'd fucking go back there.
Have a nice day!
Stefan Schmidt said...
ReplyDeleteOh and staying on topic, for once... I'm totally in agreement with what Roh says here:----Dariush
I am not for several reasons:
As EB brought up somewhere: a cop with a mental acumen above the level of a chimpanzee would know that executing a man in handcuffs in front of a video camera would result in jail time.
So---I believe the cop accidentally squeezed the trigger as the suspect began to move--- after all, such a shoot out would do wonders on anyone’s nerves.
On purpose means murder, accidentally means manslaughter.
I was actually quite curious on ROH’s take on this mess--- for one, he is a black male and thus has deep rooted suspicions of the police but on the other, the victim was an avowed WN.
That's one heck of an assumption based on the color of my skin. But it's understandable coming from a person who judges all things based on race stereotypes and other imaginings.
It seems ROH’s paranoia concerning the police won out in the end.
You need to stop projecting your own phobias on other folks.
Is it me or is it just plain weird to be writing articles about other men's dick size.
ReplyDeleteI'll be willing to bet he looks at every mans crouch he mets to try an determine if his own measures up or not.
EB: "As for me being 'enigmatic', as you phrased it, Stephan--well, don't worry mate: one of these days you, and everyone else here, will know who I really am."
ReplyDeleteStefan: "What do you mean by this: one of these days you, and everyone else here, will know who I really am.
What are you planning EB?"
Yeah, Stefan. The Professor here's gonna be the next Stephen King, dontcha know?
My mishpucha, such noches he gives me.
Pompous dipshit wannabe-author: "Dude, you're a Nazi!
ReplyDeleteAnd stop calling me "dude". This isn't 1987 and we're not in the mosh pit at a fucking Megadeth concert."
Dude, you're a moron. Were you actually in a mosh pit at a Megadeth concert in 1987, dude? If so, we might have actually crossed paths, dude. Did I accidentally elbow you in the face or something, dude? If I remember right, Warlock and Sanctuary were the opening bands. ... dude. :)
Professor/author/glory hole veteran: "Go back and re-read some of your posts, Einstein. They're full of anti-Jewish and anti-Christian slurs and defamation, you putrid two-faced hypocrite."
Hey, hey. I may be anti-Jewish, putrid and two-faced, but again (what is it now, the fourth or fifth time I'm saying this) snake-handlers, dispensationalists, evangelicals and pentecostals are not Christian.
And you still haven't pointed one instance of me even remotely hinting at "racial purity."
Wanna-be Limey/Wanna-be Hymie: "Dariush Benedict Bill White Lying Two-Faced Hypocrital Arnold Traitorus Dog, a.k.a. the Iranian Bloke"
What's with all the "traitor" talk, "bloke"? Big fan of Ann Coulter's, I take it?
Proud member of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders: "Considering that you,obviously, hate the United States, I really wish you'd fucking go back there."
My, my. First of all I can't possibly be a real Iranian since my command of the English language extends beyond "Iran number vahn, America phtooey!", and I prefer Non to disco/house/pop.
Now it's "love it or leave it."
Such noble "anti-racist" sentiment itz.
I don't "hate" the United States and never have. What I hate is Jew War III and the System/Government -- sentiments that are shared with millions of other Americans.
I mean, I realize that these are both things that you absolutely love, hence your desire to conflate and equate them with America, period.
Ramsey Campbell he ain't: "I, uh, won't be back here for awhile--if ever--as I think this hobby brings out the worst in me.
It is also a drain of valuable time best spent on other, creative pursuits."
Oh, who are you kiddin'? This is the second time in how many days you've done a big song and dance about leaving this place for good? Then off you go, with a flap of your cape, only to return hours later.
God, what a big fucking drama queen.
stefan said...
ReplyDeleteYeah, it was an assumption but is it wrong? Most Black people I have met have some sort of skepticism regarding the police.
Yes and no. I'm skeptical of everybody at least until I get to know 'em personally.
I don't think that EB was "scared" off, Stefan. I know from personal experience that things like this tend to take up an inordinate amount of time and can also be emotionally draining. Sometimes we just have to back away for a few days and clear our minds of all the garbage.
ReplyDeleteA dollar to a doughnut says that BreTard will be back sooner than later. He's too much like Schwartzo. He likes to stir Shit too much to be gone very long.
ReplyDeleteStefan: "I was actually quite curious on ROH's take on this mess--- for one, he is a black male and thus has deep rooted suspicions of the police but on the other, the victim was an avowed WN."
ReplyDelete"It seems ROH's paranoia concerning the police won out in the end."
It's not paranoia if it's rooted in fact and experience. Personally (assuming this is an accurate reflection of Roh's thoughts on the matter) I go further than mere suspicion and view "police officers" with scorn, disdain and contempt -- front-line soldiers and enforcers for the State is what they are, and increasingly militarized at that. When was the last time you actually met a "peace officer"?
Personally, I'm in full agreement with Henry Rollins: "If all the police in the world realized what they really were, they would do one of two things. They would quit or they would blow their brains out with their service revolvers."
I've never really understood the extreme deference, often venturing into outright hero worship, that those on the right-wing or (even more baffling) the revolutionary or "far" right have for street-level, doughnut-chomping, "ass-kicking" pigs. Many of these same folks, quite rightly, have very low opinions of federal law enforcement officers -- or at least they did during the murderous, anti-Constitutional reign of Reno and Freeh.
(Of course, a change of party affiliations in the executive branch is apparently enough for most of these folks to completely ignore even greater depredations and assaults on the Constitution during the reign of Ashcroft and Gonzalez)
Michael Peirce wrote a pretty good critique of the "cop-worship" mentality among the right wing, a few years back during the last year of Clinton's reign.
Roh said...
ReplyDeleteIs it me or is it just plain weird to be writing articles about other men's dick size.
I'll be willing to bet he looks at every mans crouch he mets to try an determine if his own measures up or not.
March 19, 2006 8:54 PM
ROH is on a ROHL...
Stefan the reason blacks are suspicious of the Police is because they have a history of getting beaten up by them. It's a sort of Rattlesnake effect. If you keep getting hit with sticks everytime you a cop comes near you then you might be stand-offish too.
I'm not saying most of them don't deserve it but it is reality, blacks get beaten by cops. Whites get beaten up by cops too, and especially White Power. I hate to see a cop coming for anything. They get behind me in traffic and everything is legal and I still get nervous. Just getting pulled over is enough to get them to harass and/or beat you. Sometimes they pull me over for no reason. I've done nothing wrong and it pisses them off so they start making shit up to get a reaction so they can beat me up.
As to ROH's comment on Bill White :
Bill White is a homo, of course he stares at cocks, he knows all about them, he's obcessed with cock. That's part of his psychosis, cock on the brain. If Bill White falls and cracks his head open, Isis will have photos of a gang of little cocks marching out in brownshirts.
Oh! Now ya have to know that I just had a hilarious visual on that!
ReplyDelete"I admire Hitler for the same reason"--wolfboy
ReplyDeleteI admire him because he had one nut, syphilis, had sex with his niece, and blew his brains out!
But what I like most about Hitler was his large, womanly ass. he had these sloping shoulders and this skinny waist and these big, full hips and meaty thighs.
ReplyDeleteScrumptios, break me off a piece of that shnitzel, biotch!
wonder if he ever got it on with ernst rhoem? How would you like to see him, hitler, and goebbels in a hot three-way all-man sex-a-thon?
were talking major shower-nozzel masturbation fantasies here!
“Europe’s crimes against the Jews provide a clear moral justification for Israel’s right to exist,” acknowledge Mearsheimer and Walt. “But Israel’s survival is not in doubt – even if some Islamic extremists make outrageous and unrealistic references to ‘wiping it off the map’ – and the tragic history of the Jewish people does not obligate the United States to help Israel….”
ReplyDeleteNow let’s see: One out of every three Jews on planet Earth was systematically exterminated by genocide during the past 60 years, murdered just for being Jews. Israel stopped Saddam Hussein from acquiring the means to make nuclear weapons in 1981, and had Israel not acted, Iraq would have possessed such weapons by 1990, in time for its annexation of Kuwait. Hussein was paying $25,000 to each family of a suicide bomber who killed Israelis. Iran, led by a madman who funds and arms Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists and who believes an apocalypse two years from now will herald Islam’s takeover of the world, is rushing to acquire its own means to atomic weapons. And Mearsheimer and Walt, using rhetoric that echoes eerily of anti-Semitism, blithely proclaim, “Israel’s survival is not in doubt.”--Lowell Ponte
ReplyDelete"The Count" is none other than EB.
He was responding to one of my links.
And his own handle links to the Church of Satan's webpage -- a topic of our, eh, "discussions".
That Magen David brand on his tuchus has gotten the better of him. He just couldn't stay away, as I predicted.
Plus the other guy, the anonymous commentator whose posts are just above that of "the Count's" is also EB.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell, because "anon" feels no shame about letting his various psychosexual fixations out in the open for all to see. Males who have "large, womanly asses" and what have you.
Or, to put it in a linguistic frame which I'm sure he understands.
"Oy my glavin, vit the repressed homosexuality, nice lady!"
"You can tell, because "anon" feels no shame about letting his various psychosexual fixations out in the open for all to see. Males who have "large, womanly asses" and what have you.
ReplyDeleteOr, to put it in a linguistic frame which I'm sure he understands.
"Oy my glavin, vit the repressed homosexuality, nice lady!"--Ramsay Yousef
Oh, so you're a HOMOPHOBE, as well as a JUDEOPHOBE. You're really racking them up, skippy.
Ever do public relations for the S.S.? Ever go bowling with Mengele?
Mr. Schmidt,
ReplyDeleteI do not view myself as a Nordic, although I do have Nordic blood. I am an Iranian by blood and I probably have mongook in me. Oh well, "c'est la vie" as they say in Israel.
Thanks for the kind words concerning my blog.