Never mind that I don't like Bill White. Never mind that I find him one of the most repugnant individuals to ever walk the face of this earth. And...never mind that he is almost always in my radar these days. This is something that even the toughest of individuals find detestable.
Bill, attempting to endear himself to his cohorts, characterized this seventeen-year-old boy as the black teenage lover of 44 year-old Patricia Wells. He went on to spin this whole case into the land of the totally unrecognizable. Of course, this is White's stock in trade and the way that he goes about trying to do damage control.
In an attempt to besmirch and denigrate the memory of a high-school student, Bill White reached what might very well be his all time lowest point in that gutter he calls a mind. After reading an interview in the St. Petersburgh times with one of the Nazi's involved in this case, White took gross liberties with the result. Claiming that Kristofer was black and involved with Ms. Wells he also accused him of pointing a gun at Christine Cristinzio, the accused perpetrators girl-friend. The story that he read recounted an incident in which an African-American boyfriend of Ms. Wells had supposedly pointed a gun and told Christine not to call him any more racial epithets.
Bill White is the epitome of those who I spoke about earlier - those who count on the misfits in the "movement" to act on the words and ideologies proffered by so-called leaders. While this piece of human detritus attempts to make something tawdry and debase out of the life of this innocent, he simply serves to show the rest of the world why we do what we do.
ReplyDeleteDon't know if you are aware of this blog, but there is some anti-Bill White stuff on here you may have not caught.
It's an older blog, but still a good one. Just click the profile link to Marduk's Babylonian Musings.
Oops, must not have taken.
ReplyDeleteBill White is a sociopath. Here are the signs of it. Bill White matches almost EVERYONE OF THEM.
ReplyDeletefailure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
He's done all that before. Especially when he was younger.
deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
Right on cue, Bill enjoys watching people suffer.
impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
He's definately impulsive and ran off to Missouri on impulse just to be with a woman.
irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
He's been arrested for that before. Likes to only pick fights with women.
reckless disregard for safety of self or others
Well he does have a reckless disregard for the safety of others. I'm sure he would kill his own mother if it meant saving his own skin.
consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain steady work or honor financial obligations
Bill's been in Virginia court for not making financial payments. There's no evidence he has ever held a steady job. He's parents took care of him too well
lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another
Fits Bill 100%
The manual lists the following additional necessary criteria:
The individual is at least age 18 years.
Bill was born 5.29.77 (it's public information)
There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
Bill's admitted to this.
The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode.
Would be interesting to read all the psych visit Bill blanked out on that typed form he produced.
Damn, when will Schwartzo the KIKE ever get over his obsessions & Faggot desires for good Whites? The Mother Fucker is sic & demented.
ReplyDeleteHe's just generally Fucked up in the head...
This could have been a careless error by Bill White---one cannot be too quick to judge.
ReplyDeleteAlso, assigning blame to Bill does no one any good. Bill was not involved in the actual crime and being a bad journalist does not make him a bad human being.
Hold up there for a minute, Stefan. A careless error? Stating that a white 17 year old boy who has just been killed was the black lover of a 44 year-old woman and that he pulled a gun on another person - is NOT a "careless error." The news reports are very clear. This is but Bill's attempt to cast aspersions on the victims in the name of damage control - something that he has been doing for years.
As far as writing it off as "bad journalism" - uh...uh. Mr. White knows precisely what he is doing. Additionally, Bill White is no more a journalist than he is a Nazi. He's a self-promoting, narcissistic son-of-a-bitch who has caused more grief for everyone involved with him than ever should have happened. You mark our words, Stefan - he will be the demise of all that he touches.
As far as him not being a "bad person," surely you aren't that damned naive.
I'm doing just fine. Been downloading a few old songs. I just jumped back over here and seen where sicko Schwartzo is still running his hole.
ReplyDeleteI'll be going to bed real soon...
That "anti-idiotarian" blog that EB links to above is hilarious, although not in the way that its author intends.
ReplyDeleteWhat was the URL again? www.yiddishkeit.com ?
It never ceases to amaze me, the depths people will sink to prostrate themselves before the throne of earthly power.
da1A42h A2 a c4F3.
ReplyDeleteThat "anti-idiotarian" blog that EB links to above is hilarious, it makes me want to run on home, don a yarmulke, dance a seder, and pretend I'm a Hassidic Rabbi.
ReplyDeleteWhat was the URL again? www.adolphhitler.org ?
It never ceases to amaze me, the depths people will sink to prostrate themselves before the porcelain throne, especially after they have seen me in speedos.
Yes, Bill White has never been one to let facts get in the way of a post.
ReplyDeleteSometimes he just puts a little spin on a tale, which would put him in the category of editorialist.
And then there are times like this when Bill just pulls things straight out of his rectum, and there is little relationship between his post and the truth.
Nikki correctly notes, though, that Bill has something of a following, and some of his readers are of the first-generation-walking-upright variety.
Consequently, while most of us laugh at, gripe about, or (best of all) ignore his most outrageous lies, there are a handful of people who believe every word he says.
It is these benighted dolts who we should be worried about, not Bill. They are the ones who will act on the delusional ramblings of Mr. White.
EB: "That "anti-idiotarian" blog that EB links to above is hilarious, it makes me want to run on home, don a yarmulke, dance a seder, and pretend I'm a Hassidic Rabbi.
ReplyDelete"What was the URL again? www.adolphhitler.org ?
"It never ceases to amaze me, the depths people will sink to prostrate themselves before the porcelain throne, especially after they have seen me in speedos."
Yes, yes, EB. That's all well and good, but you forgot about how I'm a smelly doodie-head and you're going to get your big brother to beat me up.
Ah...Christ. Today's youth, such good hands they are in.
Also, while I don't begrudge anybody their sexual fantasies, even if they center around men with "large, womanly asses", I really wish you'd leave me, my speedos and my hairy gams out of yours. :)
ReplyDeleteThere isn't single human being who believes everything Bill White says including Vonbluvens and the NSM. But since Bill now runs the NSM, they will simply ride his coattails until Bill gets bored again.
ReplyDeleteVery well. You're a smelly doodie-head and I am going to get my big-brother (b. 1968-d.1970) to beat you up.
Isn't there a bus somewhere you could be self-immolating on?
Really, I hear Tel-Aviv is quite nice this time of year.
"Also, while I don't begrudge anybody their sexual fantasies, even if they center around men with "large, womanly asses", I really wish you'd leave me, my speedos and my hairy gams out of yours."--Kiki
I think you're being coy with me, lovey-dovey.
What say we get together around noon tomorrow for a bit of a nosh?
Now, Dari dearie, I have a little special audio message in the works just for you, complete with music and sound effects. Projected completion date is sometime around the end of next week, or first of following.
ReplyDeleteI know your on pins and needles, baby.
So am I.
So check back often, dearest love. And remember:
"A bird in the hand, is worth two in you sister's sn**ch."
Or some such outlandishness.
A Salaam Alaikum!
From Hal Turner Show website:
ReplyDelete"APRIL 10 "IT" BEGINS
Let April 10, 2006 go down in history as the day Americans took up arms against tens of thousands of third-world-savages who invaded our land.
Clean your guns. Have plenty of ammunition. April 10 is the day we fight. DON'T TELL ANYONE WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO; JUST DO IT.
April 10 is the day. Wherever thousands of illegal aliens gather is the place. This is the perfect scenario, opportunity and obligation for LONE WOLF action.
Find out where the largest gatherings of illegal aliens will be near you. Go to the area well in advance, scope out several places to position yourself then do what has to be done. Make certain you familiarize yourself with the area and have several exit options.
Since the government will not secure our land from these invaders, We The People must. Our ancestors fought and DIED to secure this land for us. We cannot stand idly-by while our land is over-run by foreigners who are turning vast portions of it into the third-world cesspools they came from. We owe it to our ancestors and to our children to confront these invaders and repel them.
I think it would be correct for Military members to fly strafing runs against the assembled hordes. They wouldn't have to worry about being Court Martialed and sentenced to death; the U.S. Military hasn't executed a member since April 13, 1961! In fact, there are nine guys still on military death row, many of them for decades! The military death penalty is a joke; just like the civilian death penalty.
I would love to see private pilots come in low, dump their fuel over the crowds and someone near the crowds throw a flare to ignite the fuel! If they cover their plane ID with tape and shut off their transponder; they probably won't even be caught.
If this was done right, we could fix in one day, what the federal government has failed to fix for twenty years. It is our DUTY to take action.
Here's how to do it legally: Attend the rally and burn a Mexican Flag. This wil cause them to attack. When they attack, defend yourself. In most states it is lawful for you to use immediate lethal force if you are attacked by two or more attackers - EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT ARMED! They're taken care of and you have no legal liability"--Hal Turner
You really have to be concerned when a Yid-worshipping, war-mongering, neokahn meth-head like EB is left in charge of children.
ReplyDeleteIf I were in charge of children, I would get my fellow anti-Zionist Steve Holsten to teach me the particularities of why men our age appreciate the aesthetic appeal of "young shaved ones".
EB, the Zio-Nazi buttgoy brigadier writes again! My gawd you are a pathetic slobbering, Kike-worshipping, yenta-shtupping, self-aggrandizing delusional fruitloop!
ReplyDeleteWhat, dear boy, don't you understand about the phrase: enough is enough?
I mean, it isn't as if you haven't already proved that your marginal mental efforts only result in the most callow, insignificant, asinine retorts.
A comparative analysis of our respective entries should prove, to anyone that has progressed beyond knuckle-dragger, that you are a) completely batshit, b) teetering on the brink of some major scizophrenic breakdown. Tell us, EB, are you in possession of any automatic weapons?
Not even close, EB. Your paltry attempt at imitation is beneath even you.
ReplyDeleteYou really are a piece of work. I find it simply amazing that the staff at Mass. Mental Health allow you the personal time and computer access to make an ass out of yourself in front of actual, thinking human beings.
You're my toy, Eb. I wind you up like a little puppet, and watch you spin. And then I sit back and laugh and laugh and laugh...
As trite as it may seem, the phrase "get a life" seems very appropriate here.
ReplyDeleteOf course, miracles don't happen overnight.
One step at a time.
And in this case, EB, the first step is for you to move out of mommy's basement and get out into the real world.
"As trite as it may seem, the phrase "get a life" seems very appropriate here."--Tony Robbins
Can I have yours?
Nice try, EB, but just because you register a profile under my name doesn't mean that anyone is going to be fooled by your charade.
ReplyDeleteA person of your limited intellect and obvious mental handicap probably couldn't manage to keep it up for very long, anyway.
Unless, of course, the voices in your head happen to trigger some sort of psychogenic fugue in which you find yourself literally believing that you are, in fact, me.
In which case, I would have, finally, managed to make some improvements in your overall personal gestalt.
I'll be back soon to wind you up again.
Bill is a coward, a complete and total coward. Nothing more and likely a lot less. This is a tragic story that he is spinning in his own personal sick sociopathic way. Call me violent or whatever but I just want 5 minutes alone with that tub of goo.
Stefan: "You guys are hopeless"
ReplyDeleteActually, now I see what he was talking about when he made his big drama queen exit from the board last week. His last words were something along the lines "and if anyone posts using my name, it's not me."
Clearly he was worried that somebody else would ape his own MO.
What a zero.
EB, I find your hysteria and shrillness to be perfectly rational and understandable given present-day events and the path that lays before humanity now. In fact, I'm seeing an increase in this same shrillness and hysteria from your camp, all over. Whether it be the reaction of the Doishowitzim of the "Left" or the Horowitzim of the "Right" to the findings of the Harvard study; the reaction of the Freepers, LGF-ers and "anti-idiotarians" to the ever-deteriorating "liberation" of Iraq; or the increasing brutality of the USraeli occupiers; or the reaction to the increasing skepticism of the public toward the official 9/11 account; the frustration, anger and impotence on your side of the world conflict is becoming evident for all to see.
ReplyDeleteThe blowback is happening not just in the Middle East, but in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, China, Eastern Europe, Spain, Greece, the Philippines and (perhaps most importantly) in our own backyard.
And while Kikestan, its domestic amen corner (including the administration and folks like yourself) and the usual suspects might be slavering at the prospect of mass murdering Iranians and destroying the country's infrastructure, reality, harsh mistress that it is, seems to be standing in the way of these plans. After all, the current military situation is so precarious that you couldn't even invade Tijuana.
A few thousand "insurgents", representing no more than 20% of the population of a relatively small country, devastated by more than a quarter century of war, sanctions and economic depradation, have fought USrael to a standstill. Bill Lind was right after all.
Over two-thirds of Americans now believe that the Iraq war was wrong from the get-go and want the troops home right now. Bush's approval rating is barely topping 30% and Cheney's is under 20% -- not even O.J. and Wacko Jacko are this hated.
We are now in the majority and the cynics are beginning to feel the breeze of fear as they desperately cling to ignorant dogmas spoon fed to them by an empire in descent, while in the back of their mind and in their soul knowing that they have sided with the wrong side of history.
As Charley Reese (who, through his position as columnist for the Orlando Sentinel was instrumental in winning Florida for Dubya) says in his latest column:
"Now President Bush has let the cat out of the bag. After all this jabber about listening to the officers on the ground, he said the other day at a press conference that 'future presidents' will likely make the decision to bring the troops home from Iraq. So he's talking at least four years, if not eight. If they're really going to stay until Iraq develops into a Western-style democracy, try 30 years.
"But they won't stay anywhere near that long. The American people's patience with foreign wars — provided the casualties aren't too heavy and there is no cost to those at home — is about five years. The president has about two years left before he will have to brand whatever corrupt authoritarian regime that emerges in Iraq as 'a great victory.' A man who lies us into war will not hesitate to lie us out of one.
"Then Americans will have to face the costs. After all the thousands of America's finest have been buried, after all those artificial limbs have been attached, all those mutilated faces reconstructed, all those blind given Seeing Eye dogs, all those mental cases put on a drug regimen, all those billions of dollars added to the $8 trillion American debt, then comes the question, the important question everybody is ignoring right now: What will we have bought for this terrible price?"
"We certainly will not have purchased a safer America. At the end of this sorry episode, America will be weaker and more hated than it is today.
"What we are witnessing is the beginning of the end of Euro-American domination of the planet. When the emperors start being idiots, the empire is on the way to the ash heap of history. If you have any grandchildren, you might suggest that they study Chinese."
So please, continue with your feces-flinging antics, your girlish hysterics, and your repeated forgeries. You really are quite amusing to watch.
If I needed any further evidence to convince me that you absolutely despise this country, which absorbed you with open arms at the tender age of nine years (or so you claim), you have managed with this latest, lugubrious (albeit well-written)screed to assuage that need.
ReplyDeleteThat you persist in denying any wrongdoing on the part of our adversaries is part and parcel of your own, incredibly-biased. anti-American outlook. That you cluster a few convenient pieces of information together, and then surround them with opinion and invective tells me that you are full-aware of the propagandist's stock-in-trade.
I would imagine that you are either a newspaper columnist, or professional dissident. You obviously bear a HUGE grudge against a society that has seen fit to educate, provide you with the opportunity for advancement, and generally cater to whims that, most likely, would not have been developed or satisfied in a less-democratized, more thoroughly radicalized Islamic environment.
I am NOT a newspaper columnist, nor do I claim to be a political pundit or analyst.
I am a novelist.
Therefore, I spend a HUGE amount of time examining the way in which various individuals and authors express themselves. When confronted with your witty, urbane, and highly-derisive style, I found the temptation to practice forgery too great.
They say God looks after drunks, small children and pranksters.
Your style requires FAR too much energy on my part to keep it up for very long. You are, indeed, highly polished.
Dariush, for all I know, you may be correct in many of you assessments concerning the state of world affairs. I refuse to simply lay down and die in anticipation of World War 3, nor have I engaged in the sordid business of blanket, or group culpability, concerning who may be responsible for the present political climate in our own small area of the globe. As an American, I feel it is my duty to remain loyal to my country, and in the interest of self-preservation, if there MUST be a war against Islamic militancy, than by Jove, I do not wish for us to lose it.
Now, I admit to having an explosive temper. As an individual, I am capable of gigantic love, compassion, forgiveness, and warmth. I am capable of gigantic hatred, too.
I can assure you, that many times during this sordid exchange, were it not for the fact that we are communicating across electronic lines, I would have put your dentist into a higher tax-bracket.
But you win. I’m all gussied-out, as they say. If you wish to continue posting information to support your own, particular viewpoint, I promise: no matter how distasteful I happen to find it, I won’t impersonate or sabotage your efforts, again.
Now, I really need to get a bloody shower, so if you will excuse me….
Your Humble Servant,
PS: I am calling a cease-fire. However, if you violate the terms of this particular armistice, I can in no way promise you that I will not “take up the gauntlet again”. I am a patient, tolerant, forgiving person. I am also, as you might have gleaned, a bit of a psychopath.
db said...
ReplyDeleteKris was a friend of mine. I don't know who Bill White is but he is an idiot. Why would you say anything about a situation you know nothing about. What if it was a loved one of his that was stabbed for saving someone's life? How do you think it makes Kris's mom Charlene feel if she heard this stuff? She just had to do the most painful thing in her life that was buring her baby. Kris was a hero. Just because his friends mom was dating a black guy was no reason at all for him to get stabbed. She lives because of Kris. Kris did not desevere this at all. R.I.P. KRIS We love you and will miss you.
db - you almost got lost in the fray that is taking place here. First, let me say that we, at Citizens Against Hate, are all very sorry and upset about what happened to Kris and Patricia. Our deepest sympathies are sent to Kris' family and friends.
You are right - no one deserves this kind of attack - period. And I will do my level best to make sure that no one ever forgets Kristofer Guy King.
"it has rubbed off on us only after we began to publicly support Israel and become militarily involved in that region (possible reasons: communism/oil/Israel)."--Stephan Schmidt
Steph, Sharhia Islamic law dictates that the world is to be "purged" of infidels.
The ability to implement a wide-spread genocide of non-believers rests with any civilization that manages to aquire nuclear/biological/chemical weapon capabilities.
The situation would have blossomed to a point of conflict, I believe, despite the formation of the modern State of Israel.That so many are quick to "slobber on our foes, and spit at our friends" is a result, IMHO, of a deep-rooted, self-destructive pathology present in the philosophical outlook of the extreme, anti-Semitic Left.
Islam, a religion that encompasses several different interpretations and sub-sects, is not the problem. The problem is the uncompromising, militant faction which seeks to halt the advancement of Western Civilization and return the bloody planet to the same backwards, theocratic nightmare we left behind several hundred years ago.
God help all of us if they manage to launch a nuclear exchange; we'll have histories biggest "suicide bombing".
So, barring direct confrontation, I fail to see what other recourse Western Democracies can take to secure their existence and liberty in the face of a fanatical, religiously-inspired assault.
It isn't as if we can lay down, throw flowers, and implore them to , "Please like us! Really, we really, really want you to like us!"
That attitude would have doomed modern civilization several wars ago.
Hmmm, just got done with dinner.
ReplyDeleteTurkey with gravy and stuffing, mashed potatos, corn, and Arp Cola.
An observation.
Dariush, as obviously hyper-intelligent as you are, is it really neccessary to continue to use demeaning slurs such as:"Kikestan"?
Don't you think you could find a wider audience and more acceptance if you were, perhaps, just a tad less abrasive?
Just a thought.
The gentleman in question is named William A. White, and he lives and works in Roanoke, West Virgina. I have seen his address posted at the N.I.M board. i could probably hunt it down and post it here for you.
If you would like to write him a letter, or something.
William A. White is a former communist, anarchist, and now a neo-Nazi. He has a BAD reputation.
You didn't hear it from me.
Incidentally, this page offers some interesting information concerning the increasing ties between neo-Nazi activism and militant Islam.
Staying on topic about Nazi garbage.
ReplyDeleteCheck out those photo's Bill put up from the Orlando Rally.
Notice the trash piled up in front of that nazi's cheap trailer.
Notice the number of nazi's that were there.
And Bill White traveled 700 miles for that? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
EB: "If you wish to continue posting information to support your own, particular viewpoint, I promise: no matter how distasteful I happen to find it, I won’t impersonate or sabotage your efforts, again."
ReplyDeleteI guess I'll have to take your word for it, although it is a bit of a leap of faith, since I haven't been here long enough to determine the worth of your word.
EB: "As an American, I feel it is my duty to remain loyal to my country, and in the interest of self-preservation, if there MUST be a war against Islamic militancy, than by Jove, I do not wish for us to lose it."
What is it that men willingly fight and die for? They fight for the sacred soil of their homeland. The soil that has been sanctified by the blood of their ancestors who died in battle to preserve their nation, their civilization and their progeny for all time. They fight for the faith that has been handed down to them from their ancestors, they fight for its temples and sacred sites, they fight for their God or Gods.
There has never been a time in history when the concept of sacrifice in battle or "patriotism" has been connected to abstract ideologies like "democracy" or blatant childish lies like "they hate us for our freedom" or abstract, rootless, cosmopolitan concepts of nationality such as "Americanism".
What God does the New World Order/Judeo-American Empire (or whatever one wishes to call it) fight for? Certainly not the Nazarene Christ. Many of the Mujaheddin are under the mistaken assumption that this is a renewal of the Crusades. That these Americans, Britons and Australians are not just Israeli proxies and dupes but are, in actuality, carrying on the legacy of Cour de Leon. Nothing could be further from the truth. Having read Robert Kaplan and others, I have no trouble accepting the fact that many, if not most, of the grunts from the Bible-Belt, raised on a diet of slick-haired, snake oil salesmen and false prophets who preach a doctrine of premillenial dispensationalism that places Israel at the center of all things, truly believe that they're "doing God's work" and "fighting Satan" in Iraq. This, however, does not make them "crusaders". In fact it means that they have transcended the categories of mere "proxy" and "dupe" to become full-fledged useful idiots. Or as Nathan Perlmutter, the former head of the ADL, would say, "Praise God and pass the amunition."
Far from seeking to "Christianize" the Islamic World, the New World Order has actually pretty well succeeded in de-Christianizing the West. In fact, the only religion it promotes on the world stage is the worship of Mammon. What are the "values" that the Mammonites exalt and seek to export to the four corners of the world? Filth, perversion and cultural degradation.
I got sidetracked here a little bit so back to the original point I was trying to make.
As a German (not an American) and as a man of the West, can you honestly look at the carnage of Dresden, at the hideous remnants of the faces of these men, women and children who were sacrificed on the altar of the rulers of our world and say, "good, they had it coming"? Or "that's what you get when you mess with America?" Can you? Are you truly that deracinated?
EB: "That attitude would have doomed modern civilization several wars ago."
I'm afraid that ship has already sailed. George Eric Hawthorne put it best years ago (the Spring '96 issue of Ohm Clock to be exact) so I'll just quote him here:
"I am afraid that Spengler was indeed correct, for the sun has already crept behind the earth and Western civilization is dead ... it died a slow death of insane mirth and morbid self-loathing. All that is left is the shell, for a cryptic parasite has gored out the heart of what once was splendid and worthy of the beauty it projected. All that is left now is to weep for the great passion and glory that has been lost. All that is left now is to shed a tear of remembrance for what once was, and to lament in beautiful song for what could have been ... Like melancholy pallbearers in a bizarre funeral march of the damned, we shuffle along in agonized whispers, carrying within each of us a great sorrow that transcends the ages.
"Since the dawn of our kind men like us have been cursed to watch aghast as foolish souls wandered aimlessly through the labyrinth of life. We could not help them find the truth, we could not speak to them of their folly, for their ears could not hear the boundless majesty of our words, nor taste the salted, worthy wickedness of our wisdom. We see the world for what it is, and it is men like us who give life and truth and meaning to the world, and the all-too-human who march senselessly into their own doom rather than admit they were wrong ... And so I build, and so they tear me down. But I am bold in spite of their numbers, for my heart is pure and my spirit afire ..."
Stefan: "Who are you addressing to and with what motive?"
ReplyDeleteHe's addressing "db", who said something about how he doesn't know who Bill White is but he does know that he's an idiot for the stuff he's been saying about the murder of his friend.
Motive can't easily be determined. Probably just a desire to share information with someone who doesn't have much info on White. My take on db's post was that he didn't particularly care who White was, he just wished that he'd shut up about his murdered friend.
Yeah, that's the guy.
ReplyDeleteReal name's Burdi.
This particular interview was conducted when Resistance Records was still in its infancy.
They (Resistance Rec) had a lot of promo ads for their label in Pit magazine and had successfully roused my curiosity. So I was going through the magazine rack at one of the nearby Tower Records and saw them on the cover of "Ohm Clock" and picked it up.
Great underground magazine, although only one more issue would be published before the editor decided to pack it in. He plays bass for various industrial/techno/noise and "apocalyptic folk" outfits now.
Ha. I just remembered that Hawthorne/Burdi was also interviewed in an issue of The Black Flame that appeared right around the same time; said interview conducted by none other than Mike Moynihan. That one's in storage though, so I'm not likely to be transcribing any portion of it any time soon.
ReplyDelete"Muqawama" means "resistance" in Arabic.
ReplyDeleteAlternate English spelling is also "moqawama".
That is all.
EB: "1) I have read several books from various viewpoints concerning the so-called "New World Order", including books by Icke, Cooper, J.C. Church, Jim Marrs, Pat Robertson, and various and sundry self-published authors of varying degrees of reliability and scholarship."
ReplyDeleteI've read articles posted on Icke's sites (generally directed there by other sites). He (or whoever edits his websites) does a good job of compiling various articles that appear in mainstream media outlets but quickly fly into the memory hole. I've never read any of his books. Shape-shifting serpent people make for an interesting allegory, although as a representation of "evil" they only make sense in the context of the Abrahamic faiths, not in the context of Primordial Tradition.
If by Cooper you mean the late William Cooper I read his magnum opus "Behold a Pale Horse" six or seven years ago and thought it an interesting hodge-podge of conjecture, speculation and fact -- difficult to tell which is which since you have to wade through so much bullshit with this guy.
J.C. Church is a name that I'm not familiar with at all.
The Only thing of Marrs' that I've read is his 9/11 book, "Inside Job", although "Rule by Secrecy" is on my to read list.
As for Pat Robertson, I'd rather sever my right hand than even so much as touch anything he's written.
"How do YOU define the "New World Order"?"
The prevailing world order which seeks to destroy all individual national, ethnic, religious and cultural identity melt the human race into an amorphous pulp to be remolded according to its specifications. With the ultimate goal being the transformation of the majority of the world's populace into economic serfs who toil in conditions no different than the Mexican workers in the maquiladora zone along the US border or Filipino workers in sweatshops making shoes and clothes bound for stores... well, here.
"2)Would you consider yourself "anti-Jewish", in the sense that you feel that a Jew is either "subhuman", or is, in a religious sense, the "Spawn of Satan"?"
I'm an anti-Semite. "Subhumanity" is not a doctrine I subscribe to as it pretty much implies that this or that group of people, as a whole, is genetically or mentally inferior to this other group of people. As for why I'm an anti-Semite, Mikhail Bakunin sums it up well in his "Polemique contre les Juifs":
"It is thus that we may observe in connection with the modern Jews that their nature lends itself little to frank Socialism. Their history, long before the Christian era, implanted in them an essentially mercantile and bourgeois tendency, with the result that, considered as a nation, they are par excellence the exploiters of other men's work, and they have a natural horror and fear of the popular masses, whom they despise, moreover, whether openly or in secret. The habit of exploitation, whilst developing the intelligence of the exploiters, gives it an exclusive and disastrous bent and quite contrary to the interests as well as to the instincts of the proletariat."
"3) You evidence a mixture of Extreme Left/Right beliefs. Do you consider yourself a "Third Positionist"?"
Yes. Very much so. Going back to about '97 or '98 when I discovered that I wasn't the only one who thought this way.
"4) Are you arriving at a belief in the "New World Order from some sort of religious ideal? Or do you feel that a secular conspiracy is behind what many believe has been a global, ages-long movement toward centralized control and world unification?"
I grew up in a secular household, so no to the first part of your question. The second part isn't quite right, but I just don't have time to get into it right now.
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ReplyDeleteEB: "Now I am a little less confused.
ReplyDeleteIf I am not mistaken, this "Third Positionist" stance is adopted almost EXCLUSIVELY by neo-Nazis. Correct?"
False. It actually is a very broad-based movement consisting of people who were (in some cases still are) on the "Left", and were (in some cases still are) on the "Right". Anarchists, socialists, and nationalists of all stripes are included.
EB: "Well, it must be VERY hard being the only Iranian bloke in the NSM, Dariush. You have my sympathies."
I'm not in the NSM. Couldn't be, even if that's what I desired. I haven't been involved with an organization of any sort for over two years now.
You have a tendency of lumping all ideological opponents into one camp.
Regarding "anti-Semite", I'm going by the original definition of that term -- not the original definition of "Semite", but "anti-Semite", which was used (beginning in the mid to late 19th century) to describe a philosophy or movement with hostility to Jewry/Modernity at its very core.
ReplyDeleteSemantically, "Anti-Jewish" is probably more correct, but people know right away that when one is called (or chooses to call himself) an anti-Semite, he doesn't have an irreconcilable hostility against Arabs, Assyrians or Ethiopians.
Persians are not Semites, that's true, but I'm not into Persian chauvinism either so I don't get as upset as some do when others equate me (or Persians in general with Arabs). Although, if that person is someone who I have more than a passing acquaintance I might (given the time and inclination) try to teach them the difference between Iranians (Persians, Kurds, Tajiks, Pashtun, Baloch, Ossetians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Cimmerians, etc.) and Arabs.