It has been noticed that when agent provocateur, Bill White, is needing attention his writings become more virulent and strident. When there is a lull in the action that catapults him into the forefront of things, we can witness the degeneration of any form of civility into nothing more than the decadent ravings of one who lives only on the edge of sanity. Further, when his need for attention isn’t being met as his narcissistic personality demands, and as he believes he is entitled, often a tantrum ensues. One can almost visualize the man throwing himself on the floor, kicking and screaming, and demanding that others recognize him as the superior being that he believes himself to be.
Recently, Bill gave an interview to “Distorted Intellect,” which he claims is an anarchist zine. He also says that initially their claim was that they were white nationalists. If that is true then bravo for DI as it just goes to show how limited that 150+ IQ is. Some of the statements made by White in this “interview,” are so outlandish that they need no commentary or correction, but there are a few that I would like to address.
Interview With An Anarchist
{Just think – you used to be one – sort of}
An anarchist zine called "Distorted Intellect" decided to interview us, and set up this elaborate BS front claiming to be "white nationalist". As you can see from their questions, they can't even hold themselves together long enough to complete the interview.
In any case, my responses are below. Read on:
Mr "Scaldini":
Before we begin, I did check out you and your credentials and you are obviously a fake. I have no trouble answering your questions, but please cut the bullshit when you ask them:
{Forgive me Bill, but you calling someone else a “fake” is just pretty damned funny now. Maybe you just have more experience at being fraudulent than they do. But, of course, you have no trouble answering their questions – it’s just another opportunity for you to bolster your insatiable ego.}
First, the NSA is the National Security Agency, an agency of the federal government. I represent the National Socialist Movement, also known as the NSM.
{Not only do you “represent” it, Bill…you own it. Let’s face it, you hijacked the NSM and its’ members and left Jeff Schoep at the altar. Schoep, like a jilted bride, now spends his time licking his wounds and thinking about what might have been. Now, I don’t particularly have a problem with that as Schoep deserves everything he got – but I really think you ought to come clean.}
>1. Why have you chosen Olympia to host your demonstration?
We have three growing an active units in the Seattle, Washington area, along with a growing and active Portland area unit, and those groups decided they wanted to bring our issues to the attention of the Washington state government, hence a rally in Washington's state capital.
{You have a handful of members in that area whose collective IQ’s don’t even approximate the average. The legislators and powers that be in the State of Washington will not even begin to give this paltry little display put on by a dozen or so wanna-be Nazi’s a second thought. I am always amazed at how you attempt to sound as if anyone really takes you seriously. No one listens to the Sieg Heiler’s, they just walk around you and laugh at the fact that something like this exists.}
>2.To you, what is the most imminent danger facing our nation today?
There is really one root cause of all the dangers facing our people today, and that is the Jew. Jews are a race of evil demons who exist only to harm mankind and destroy man's works. The other problems of modern society -- war, poverty, famine, crime, and probably most importantly, the sense of void and lack of purpose, meaning or direction faced by many -- are primarily the symptoms of Jewish influence.
{Evil? No Bill – you’ve got it all wrong. Evil incarnate lies with those who promote ethnic cleansing, forced separation, fascism, governmental overthrow, and civil unrest all for their own personal, distorted agendas. Evil lies within the hearts of those who attempt to camouflage their hatred with platitudes and euphemisms such as “White Preservation, White Pride, or White Separatist.” Genocidal maniacs are evil. As to the problems of the world – that is not what you are concerned with – so why don’t YOU cut the bullshit. Actually, you aren’t really concerned about what you call “Jewish influence.” It’s pretty obvious after all this time that your true motivation is promoting Bill White. }
>3. What do you hope to gain from the march in Olympia?
Whenever we hold events of this nature, we gain wide exposure for our ideas. This translates into new members and into more money for our cause, which, in turn, strengthens our organization and makes us better able to advocate for our ideas.
{What it translates to, Bill, is that the citizenry gets a chance to see you people for what you really are – freaks, geeks, clowns, and idiots. And, William Luther Pierce was right about one thing – your group helps to siphon off all of the rejects from the other groups. The only “strengthening” that occurs is in the few who see you as something they can fit into (which isn’t saying much). The one or two members that you may pick up after one of these things are nothing but more of the same – quantity does not equate to quality.”}
>4. Explain how you view a hypothetical working
> class black family struggling to survive like many
> Americans, as a threat?
Well, if you wanted to show that you were lying about being a white nationalist, you just did a good job of it. Blacks don't have to be "threats" to not belong here.
{What about citizens, Bill? They are American citizens, hence they belong in America. They work, they pay taxes, they have families, they vote, they contribute to American society and they are just as American as you or I. Yet, you determine that they do not “belong.”}
The saintly black working class family you hypothesize for the most part does not exist. Blacks are disproportionately criminal and unemployed, and the typical black family consists, to varying degrees, of unemployed criminals, not working class people. Crime statistics show that, in some cities, one out of four black males are in the criminal justice system. Given the inefficiencies of the criminal justice system, this probably under-represents the proportion of blacks actually involved in crime.
{There are “inefficiencies” within the criminal justice system, for certain, Bill – but not quite the way you spin it. The disproportionate number of African-Americans currently in prison has little to do with crime rate and much more to do with economics and affluence. You know that but you choose to spin statistics and reality to further your own ideology.}
More importantly, the "black community" as a whole has created a social-cultural system that endorses and protects crime, and sees any enforcement of law and order as both "white" and "alien".
{Historically, enforcement of the law HAS been both white and alien to the African-American. They haven’t “created a social-cultural system,” Bill. White people have done that for them through centuries of injustices and brutality. That’s why we fight. That’s why we do what we do. That’s why we will never step down or step back as long as there are those like you and your “people” who are too afraid of losing control to allow equality to flourish.}
In part, this is because Jewish organizations have set up black organizations, from the NAACP (founded by Jewish communists and run by Jews exclusively through the 1970s, when some blacks were allowed leadership positions) to the Black Panthers (also set up, financed, and to a large degree run by Jewish communists, such as David Horowitz) that have created and encouraged this pathological, anti-social subculture.
{This has nothing to do with “Jewish organizations” and everything to do with a system that allowed inequalities and injustice to prevail. It has to do with good ole boys and redneck goombah’s who have perpetuated a climate of hate and racism. It has everything to do with people like you being so afraid of losing the power to oppress others. Fear – that’s what it is really all about - the fear of the white man, based in ignorance.
And since you mention a “pathological, anti-social subculture,” I would say that is something that you know a good deal about since you have lived in one for a good portion of your life. The fear that drives the white supremacist appears more and more to be pathological in nature and the “sub-cultures” that crop up around that fear can only be considered, from a sociological perspective, to be a symptom of an unfounded psychosis bordering on phobia.}
However, socially acceptable crime has roots among black cultures in Africa. The primarily divide among Africans, ethnically, is into the Negro and Bantu groupings, with certain prominent tribes that are technically Bantu -- such as the Zulu and the Baganda -- defying the typical type of that ethnicity. The tribes of both cultural groupings have histories that show, in the case of the Negro, culturally enforced laziness in what you would call a "male supremacist" environment -- the women are essentially slaves to the men, who do not work -- combined with regular and ritual cruelty and murder, whereas the Bantu, particularly the tribes of the Congo jungle, have created a social system that actually endorses lying, theft and murder, while punishing innovation and invention with death.
{Once again, in an attempt to appear superior and scholarly you make generalizations and radical sweeps that are intended to cast grave aspersions on an entire race of people. With no considerations given to environmental factors or cultural differences within environments, you attempt to draw comparisons. You do this largely because you have little to no evidence that your thesis is, indeed, correct. You do this largely because your egocentric nature demands that you appear knowledgeable when all that you appear to be is really a buffoon.}
The greatest symptom of this racial divide is the low black IQ. Blacks in America tend to have an IQ about one sigma below the norm -- 85 -- whereas blacks in Africa can average as low as 60. To understand what this means, Koko the gorilla, was once given an IQ test and compared to twenty blacks. Fifteen of them scored lower than Koko. The blacks then complained about racial bias.
{Narcissistic dementia is, indeed, a pitiful affliction, Bill. The study that you reference was neither scientific nor of any probative value. It has been debunked time and again. But because it suits your need to assuage your need to be right, you claim it as evidence of your premise.}
What I'm getting at is that the average black is actually less intelligent then some monkeys, gorillas, and apes. This translates into less emotional control and less refined moral sense. Blacks are literally too stupid, for the most part, to understand right from wrong.
As such, the average black cannot exist successfully in white society.
{I would venture to say that if you are a good example of those within our society endowed with elevated IQ’s (didn’t you claim to be among the 7000 smartest people in the country?) then the generalization could be made that these people cannot effectively function in ANY society because they want to lead people who dress up like Nazi’s, start riots, advocate genocide, and just don’t understand the common practices of society at large. Using your rationale and propensity for generalizations, I could probably make a pretty good case for locking up all people with IQ’s over 140 because they lack the ability to be part of mainstream society.
Further, your assertion that African-Americans “cannot exist successfully in white society” is testament to your limited grasp on reality. This is not a “white society.” This is an American society – something that just seems to get buried under all of that intelligence you lay claim to.}
Now take your hypothetical working class black family. Such a family would be the exception to the rule, but do exist. How do we address them?
First, they produce children of low intellect and poor emotional control who are likely to slip away from being working class and into being state-supported criminals. Thus, do we want their offspring in America? No.
{Again, your distorted views belie your intellect. How inane is this? If you were advocating eugenics, you would then say that two people of average to above average intellect, with good value systems would not only produce children of average to above average intellect, but would raise them to be productive members of society. When, however, you are not proffering the theory of eugenics, and you are seeking to disparage a particular group you claim the opposite. In short – you really don’t know who you are or what you believe – you just spew whatever works for you at the moment.
This just furthers my claim that you really aren’t about anything other than your own aggrandizement.}
Second, even if they weren't, they are not part of the cultural whole of white society, and thus should not be part of the same nation.
{Well Bill, for most of us, we kind of like this nation. It has a special place in our hearts. We pledge allegiance to it. We fly its’ flag. We have fought for it and many have died for it. You see…it’s our country. And, we like it just the way it is. We don’t consider our society “white.” We consider our society as American.
Additionally, most of us really don’t take too kindly to those who want to change our form of government or to those who wave swastikas and parade down our streets holding themselves up to be the bearers of truth and light. We tend to see them as the antithesis of what America is all about and thank God that they are only the fringe. I would venture to say that the one thing that won’t ever happen is a race war – but a war against the un-American actions of such people as you favor would be 1) fought in record time; and 2) would take no prisoners.}
Racial differences go beyond the individual or the biological.
Individuals do not have meaningful existences except as part of larger wholes. The individual exists, does a few things for a short while, then does not exist. Their meaning and importance derives from the context of their existence -- how they impact the future, and how they relate to their past. The individual exists only as part of the larger social-cultural, and, really, racial, whole.
{While I agree with the majority of this sans the “racial” aspect, I think you still miss the whole concept. The “whole” for most of us constitutes our society. Certainly, we affiliate ourselves with a variety of groups through work and personal interests. However, we largely measure our impact by what effect our deeds have on society. Since, once again, this is an American society, gauging our impact is done within that frame of reference. Generally speaking, people do not center their reality around race or, as you say, a “racial whole.”}
Thus individual life has meaning only when it contributes to the development of the larger whole of which it is part. The individual who exists divorced from such a whole becomes separated and alienated from society and ceases to find meaning or purpose in life.
{Bill White knows about being alienated and separated from society – he has spent his entire life there. Also, if finding meaning or purpose in life requires applauding those who go on shooting rampages, martyrizing those who take innocent lives, associating with a group that advocates nothing more than social upheaval and genocide, then Bill should be quite content. But he isn’t – are you Bill? He can’t be because the pathology of his affliction necessitates a mood of discontent.}
The Jew recognizes this, which is why we have an entire cultural industry designed to produce alienation.
Putting my low opinion of their abilities aside, blacks should, like all people, devote themselves to the development of their people in their land. If they want this land, they can try to conquer it. Otherwise, they should return -- or be returned, forcefully -- to their place of origin and focus on developing their people there, rather than spend their life as alienated and unhappy contributors to a white society which is alien to them.
{Black Americans, Bill, belong here. There is no “their land” other than this land. Where anyone ever got the idea that only white people are American I don’t know and don’t much care. Additionally, the only “unhappy contributors” that I see are those who are so self-absorbed that they fail to understand that humanity, in its’ finest form, embraces humanity.}
>5. What kind, if any, opposition are you expecting in Olympia?
Little of significance.
Some angry kids will charge at the police with clubs, get beaten up and arrested, and then scream about how "the state", which, ironically, they are a radical manifestation of, is "Nazi" and "fascist."
{While this event will, undoubtedly, be another non-event, the fact still remains that the swastika-waving and racial-slurs will leave yet another very bad taste in the mouths of those who witness it. It will serve but two purposes; 1) it will result in angering the onlookers; and 2) providing the Nazi’s with more negative publicity. A side result of this event will be the fact that, once again, the Nazi’s will prove our point.}
Some other people, who won't be reported except as a number by the local press, will hold a counter rally that gets no attention except as a footnote to our demonstration.
And all the counter demonstrating will profit us and do little to advance their cause.
{Actually, there is no “profit.” Most people recognize precisely what these clowns are. White would like to believe that there are millions of people out there either cheering them on or silently wishing them well when, in fact, the Nazi’s will be reduced to nothing more than a sound bite, a head-shake, and chuckle.}
Bill White lacks both the acumen and the common sensibility necessary to speak about American society and the people who comprise the same. While claiming elevated intelligence, his rhetoric affirms his lack of human understanding as well as integrity.
As noted at the beginning, Bill’s verbiage becomes more and more virulent after periods of little to no attention. It appears that the period of time that he is able to wait for that craved attention is becoming shorter and shorter. Perhaps this is the harbinger of his decline into that downward spiral that it is inevitable with someone like White. One thing for certain, however, is that Bill White’s message may reach a few scroungey racist misfits out there – but as far as having any lasting impact on society, he’ll only be remembered as someone who failed miserably and publicly at being human.
Nikki's obsession of Bill continues. You'd think she wants to go to bed with him.
ReplyDeleteBy that logic, Stefan, then none of us are "Americans" other than those who are native to this land.
ReplyDeleteWhy haven't you ever heard anyone refer to "them" as Americans? What else would they be?
Steve - in case you hadn't noticed, there are some excellent discussions taking place on this blog and you are certainly welcome to join right in on them. This continued effort on your part, however, to sidetrack these conversations or to malign me are more than just a little irritating.
Now...I have not been attacking you and I have made attempts at being civil and even kind in our dealings - but that may all soon come to an end if you cannot show me the same courtesy and decency.
I'm sorry, but it makes no sense for you to attack people like you do. You're almost as bad as Schwartzo. I get on him because he's always screwing with me.
ReplyDeleteMind you, the Libertarian Party had no problem accepting Irv Rubin and the JDL into their fold.
ReplyDeleteOne standard for the Chosen...
ReplyDeleteAre you sure you're not the bastard son of Yasser Arafat?
Perhaps your mother was Cindy Sheehan. Godfather: Michael Moore.
ReplyDeleteYes, you love all those websites where ALL the problems EVER experienced by mankind are blamed, entirely, on "Da Jooz".
How radical! How cutting-edge! Why the racist right, the Hate America left, and the radical militants of Islam are all, finally, finding some common ground in their collective detestation of "Da Jooz". Oh, also--how did you phrase it?-- " The yid-worshipping Evengelical/Pentecostal 'rapture bunnies'"
Here's a hint, man: if you want respect, you have to respect others. Most of us scrupulously AVOID placing any group culpability when it comes to the terrorism inflicted by militant Islamics. I will thank you to, at least, be as civil in debate as those you despise.
Seriously dude, get fucked.
ReplyDeleteYou're salivating over a potential war with Iran, fantasizing about "blowing the shit out of" people I know and love and you're telling me to be to civil to you.
Fuck you and the ugly, inbred whore that shit you out of her polluted womb. How's that for "civil"?
Maybe I could "expand my mind" and learn the ABC's of civil discourse if you provided me with some links that could open my mind.
Lemme guess, FrontPageMag.com, NRO, the Weekly Standard, Little Green Footballs, JihadWatch, etc.
Okey dokey. Not even worthy of a response.
ReplyDeleteSince hatred and invective is, obviously, all that you understand, there is little point in arguing with you.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I have no proof that you are anything more than a foul-mouthed cretinous brat. When you learn some bloody manners, come back and we'll talk. Until then, you don't win any cookies for being the MOST OBNOXIOUS BLOGGER THAT HAS EVER POSTED HERE.
Tell the guys at the NSM I said, "Howdy".
Just shows... most white-supremacists' parents grew up in the same household.
ReplyDeleteWell, come on junior, let's have a flippant comeback! Some more insults to clutter up your half-baked, loony, racism...
ReplyDeleteI am fed to the teeth with people that think like you.
I have no patience or energy for that tonight, either. We'll see what he says later.
ReplyDeleteOne thing you can bank on. The harassment from this blog and the so called "Nimblog" will cease. Count on
ReplyDeletehaving your plug pulled.
Promises, promises...
ReplyDeleteThe ARA should hold a rally in Roanoke right on Chapman and Patterson Ave and there isn't a thing Bill White can do about it. Just notify the cops ahead of time.
ReplyDeleteIf one is organized, I'll come up there.
shhh...Harry - it's gonna happen! It might not be the ARA - but something is in the works - will let you know when I know.
ReplyDeleteI will say this, Dariush...you can really turn a bloody phrase!
ReplyDeleteDad always said try to find the good in people....
Anyway, this site here is alot of fun: http://www.thepeoplescube.com/
Uh...VB - wrong again! I could give a rats ass about how many people post here. In actuality, this blog was initially just a place for me to put some thoughts about a lot of different things. I had no idea what would happen with it.
ReplyDeleteUnlike you and some of your friends I am not driven by "hits" or # of posts. I measure success in other ways and am secure enough in the information that I am presenting and in the things that I do to fight against this craziness that I really don't have to worry about numbers.
ReplyDeleteAs someone as pointed out, it's not the quanity but the quality. Look at how many respones you get to each post. Then look at overthrow.com and look at the number of responses he gets, which is almost zero on every single one of them. Bill White claims to get 20,000 hits a day but not a single comment on his messsage board.
Bill White puts out junk.
Nikki puts out quality.
That's the difference.
ReplyDeleteis the url for Bill's message board. Almost no comments for any of his articles. You figure someone getting 20,000 hits a day would get a few responses.
I bet the web counter he uses is bogus also. Probably counts each visit like 20 times or some weird formula like that knowing Bill.
Jeez! Who let the dogs out? Dariush...do I know you? Who wants to blow up Iran? I guess this is what happens when you arrive late to the party - everyone knows what's going on but you.
ReplyDeleteStefan...Stefan...Stefan! You asked:
why should immigrants be acknowledged as American?
Germany (was) is a hodgepodge of Germanic peoples--- America (was) is a hodgepodge (of Northern White Europeans).
America wasn't built only by white Europeans - it was built by a hodgepodge of people and those people came from every ethnicity, race, religion, and walk of life. Because white Europeans were in power doesn't mean that they are the only contributors to this society. Nor does it mean that they can lay claim to being the architects of western civilization.
Your question, "why should immigrants be acknowledged as Americans" leaves me with my mouth agape - we're all products of immigration, Stefan. That's my point. To not consider black Americans truly American is ridiculous just as the idea of sending them all "back" to Africa.
The huge majority of blacks in this country have NEVER been to Africa and most don't even know anyone who has.
They are just as American as you or I - maybe more so. Through generations of backbreaking work, hideous oppression, sacrifice, etc., they helped build this country as well - now you want to say they aren't part of it? How many black men have died fighting for this country - fighting our wars?
Nobody "wants" to blow up anyone, Nikki. "Dariush" took an angry statement I made to VB, twisted it out of all proportion, and has now turned me into some Hitlerian monster hellbent on war and genocide.
ReplyDeleteAnd he's been a right bastard every step of the way tonight, as well.
Now--he has mysteriously disappeared...
Mister Sardonicus
I have to tell you that Bill's latest rant on the web commentary that was posted is priceless. If there is anyone who has never witnessed Bill White in a fit of psychotic proportions - you really need to read this. That lady tripped his trigger big time!
ReplyDeleteNobody "wants" to blow up anyone, Nikki. "Dariush" took an angry statement I made to VB, twisted it out of all proportion, and has now turned me into some Hitlerian monster hellbent on war and genocide.
ReplyDeleteUh...you could never be considered anything like that! I'll have to go back and read the posts because that just doesn't sound right.
Also...weren't there some very anti-Semitic remarks made?
Absolutely. Dariush is something of a hypocrite.
ReplyDeleteNow, I am going to go hide from the world. The WHOLE world...
I am going to hide from the Left!
I am going to hide from the Right!
I am going to hide from the Nazis!
I am going to hide from the Anti-Nazis!
I am going to hide from liberals, conservatives, commies, Jews, Islamicists, Hindus, Anti-Vivisectionists, Stephan Schmidt, Nimbusters, Bill White, and everyone else in the HUMAN RACE...
...sometimes there is just no pleasing anyone...
Take care! I liked this particular commentary very much, Nikki! Keep up the good work!
130 years ago, Americans hated the Irish immigrants as much as they hate the hispanic immigrants of today.
ReplyDeleteThink about it.
EB - no need to "hide" just ride the damned horse. :p
ReplyDeleteDid Hal Turner have another mental breakdown or what today?
Did you see where he was begging for skinheads/nazis to come to his house fully armed to protect because his car got vandalized? Hal has taken it down but I thought that was funny. He tries to pull that one every couple of months.
Just think, 7 years ago, you had people with PH.D's running the WP scene like Richard Butler and William Pierce and Matt Hale. Now you got Bill White, HSD (high school dropout) Hal Turner, FM (fake marine) and obvious semite Alex Linder as leaders. The mix in all the paranoids and mentally ill freaks like Vonbluvens.
20 years ago, the klan could get over a 1,000 supporters on the streets, today the NSM can get about 30.
10 years ago, The Aryan Nations had a compound with a church and acres of land. The NA had a large compound. Today the Aryan Nations compound is gone and destroyed and the NA is all but fallen off the face of the earth. VNN is run out of the section 8 apartment of Alex Linder and Hal Turner runs his show out of the bedroom of his small condo.
Bill White is only a racist because it gets him attention. But in the long run, he'll be an asset to antifa. It's also a power trip with him as he has complete control of Vonbluvens and Doc. Total and complete control Bill White has over them.
Just some venting... I've got a bunch of probate to file tomorrow.
Just one more thought.
ReplyDeleteYou know how the racists are always pointing to John 8:44. But they ignore the rest of the bible like John 4:22 Here is the quote, and this is Christ speaking
You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.
Maybe Vonbluvens and Doc Schneider should read the entire bible and not just John 8:44
Here is another
Romans 1:16
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
1 Cor 12:13
For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
one more thing - the racists like to claim that the jews killed Jesus but at anytime, Jesus could have chosen to save himself. Jesus knew he had to die because if he doesn't die, no man would be saved.
"Harry F Schwartz said...
ReplyDeleteJust think, 7 years ago, you had people with PH.D's running the WP scene like Richard Butler and William Pierce and Matt Hale. Now you got Bill White, HSD (high school dropout) Hal Turner, FM (fake marine) and obvious semite Alex Linder as leaders. The mix in all the paranoids and mentally ill freaks like Vonbluvens.
20 years ago, the klan could get over a 1,000 supporters on the streets, today the NSM can get about 30.
10 years ago, The Aryan Nations had a compound with a church and acres of land. The NA had a large compound. Today the Aryan Nations compound is gone and destroyed and the NA is all but fallen off the face of the earth. VNN is run out of the section 8 apartment of Alex Linder and Hal Turner runs his show out of the bedroom of his small condo.
Bill White is only a racist because it gets him attention. But in the long run, he'll be an asset to antifa. It's also a power trip with him as he has complete control of Vonbluvens and Doc. Total and complete control Bill White has over them. "
If this is the case what is it you're "fighting" with that keeps you all angry at Whites ?
I dare say the real threat to the jews is in the unseen. This is what they fear most, for good reason. The invisible exists, it's only beyond your ability to see it and corrupt it. Whites are busy, and preparing, and laying low because of this crazy war going on.
Aware Whites are sitting out the war with Iraq, you should be glad for their cease-fire and not harass them. If they wanted to turn up the furnace a little they could launch attacks in the states anytime. Then what would you tough jews do with a war in the middle east and in the backstreets of American cities? You couldn't even mount a defense and we know it.
There are more leaders and members now than when Pastor Butler was alive. There are more splinter cells and lone wolves than you can imagine, or speculate on. No one knows, not even the white leaders. My best guess is 100,000 solid fighters armed to the teeth right now, and millions of supporters who would join after a major offensive began. That's only in America, not counting our brethren around the world who will join us for Ragnarok.
Americans live in fear of sleeper cells sent by Alqaeda but the most deadly of all are Aryan soldiers who rest with one eye open. Where will you be standing when the Hammer falls?
Some "anti's" have already made deals, some federal agents have too, and many military officers are more than willing.
Some say now is the time while the armies are overseas. No, says Odin because soldiers coming home will join us in legions of battle hardened warriors. History itself proves he is right. So we must wait and defend until the appointed time.
After every war in American history it has been followed by a surge in tribalism and that's what we are, an Aryan tribe. Once the war born fighters have returned and told the people with their own voices, once they have shown their scars, the White nation will not tolerate this anymore. Legions will take up arms and come to those who waited and say Odin Bless you kinsmen for not stealing our chance at glory, Yahweh bless you for allowing us to return to the fold as true Aryans. This will be the Victory, when white men open their arms and take back those men who were sent far away to die for a jew. While we sit up all night praying for their return the jew sleeps in peace bought with Aryan blood.
Whites will redefine vengeance and punish you for every kinsmen who has fallen in vain for jewish security, and then there will be no security ever again until every Aryan is free and reunited with their folk, on folkish land.
Once again, Schwartzo the KIKE shows his Faggot desires fot the WN...
ReplyDeleteEB: "Are you sure you're not the bastard son of Yasser Arafat? ... Perhaps your mother was Cindy Sheehan. Godfather: Michael Moore ... blamed, entirely, on 'Da Jooz' ... collective detestation of 'Da Jooz'"
ReplyDeleteWow consistently riding to the defense of "Da Jooz" over the slightest insult or accusation. Ceaseless kvetching over Arafat, Sheehan, Moore and other Booga Boogas in the pantheon of "Evildoers". Getting a hard-on over "blowing the shit out of" Iranians, Syrians, Palestinians, Libyans, Sudanese, etc.
If you were trying to turn this place into a mini-version of FreeRepublic.com or Little Green Footballs, all I can say is (ahem) "Mission Accomplished."
Man, I seriously hope that you're not carrying all this water entirely for free. I mean, at least Cal Thomas is handsomely compensated for being a professional shabbos goy. But a volunteer water boy for the USraeli empire? Good luck with that.
Oh, but now I see that widdle EB has gotten mad and decided to take his toys and go home. Come on, little guy. When things are at their darkest, just remember what that bumper sticker on your car says:
WWMMD - What Would Michelle Malkin Do?
I believe the label ‘African-Americans’ is a very accurate considering the unique history that Blacks had on this continent.
ReplyDeleteOn a personal level, I don't believe labeling is in anyone's best interest. We need to get rid of the damned boxes.
I also have never suggested that Blacks should be sent to Africa--- As of this point I believe that we must have stringent policies on procreation— policies that will rid all the races of their ‘trouble-makers.’
Actually, I was referring to the comments made in the interview Bill White did. However, I am interested in what kind of "procreation policies" you would like to see imposed. I will assume that you are referring to keeping the race white. So...would you punish those who inter-marry? What would you do with the children born to mixed marriages? And...how would your proposed policy "rid all the races of their trouble makers?"
However, immigration should be ‘curtailed’ (and restricted to only the most ‘productive’ of applicants).
How would you determine potential "productivity?" Who would you let in and keep out? What would the criteria be?
They are definitely a part of ‘it’-- but their ‘role’ (or contribution if you will) is more along the lines of a mule or cattle.
They were property whether we like it or not and thus their contribution is should be viewed in that context.
First, let me say that you are only viewing their contributions during the time of a slave economy. There is a lot of history that transpired after the slaves were supposedly freed.
Also Stefan...the contributions of people are not always measured in tangibles. Hopefully, we have all gained much insight into what brutality man is capable of - and will have the necessary fortitude to make certain that history does not repeat itself.
To relegate the contributions of blacks to American society to the notion that they were only acting as mules or cattle is to, once more, place them in bondage of a different nature.
Keep in mind that most people (at least on a subconscious level) think like me otherwise there would be no need for the specific label ‘African-American’.
Well, I will just have to disagree with you on this statement. "Most people" do not think like you on any level, Stefan. Maybe in your immediate circle you have found those who share your distorted truths...but not in mainstream America.
As to the African-American label - that is something that black people put on themselves in an effort to establish an identity that would not have the negative connotations of the past.
This label has been an annoyance for many people because, as you say, other groups are not so delineated. However, the phrases Hispanic-American, and Asian-American have gained wide-spread use as well. For most it is simply a way of stating that you are an American of a specific descent. Even among those who think like you the coinage of European-American has been gaining in popularity.
My only problem with such labels is that it just further divides us.
"Wow consistently riding to the defense of "Da Jooz" over the slightest insult or accusation. Ceaseless kvetching over Arafat, Sheehan, Moore and other Booga Boogas in the pantheon of "Evildoers". Getting a hard-on over "blowing the shit out of" Iranians, Syrians, Palestinians, Libyans, Sudanese, etc."--Dariush
No sweetykums, I only get a hard-on with I think of you.
"If you were trying to turn this place into a mini-version of FreeRepublic.com or Little Green Footballs, all I can say is (ahem) "Mission Accomplished."--Dariush
I'm not trying to turn it into anything. It is what it is. Also, do you spend 99.9% of your waking hours surfing websites looking for "Zionist Conspiracies"? Maybe you should get out more, meet some of the other Nazis...
"Man, I seriously hope that you're not carrying all this water entirely for free. I mean, at least Cal Thomas is handsomely compensated for being a professional shabbos goy. But a volunteer water boy for the USraeli empire? Good luck with that."--dariush
Actually I have a Swiss bank account that the Mossad secretly deposits all my checks in.
"Oh, but now I see that widdle EB has gotten mad and decided to take his toys and go home. Come on, little guy. When things are at their darkest, just remember what that bumper sticker on your car says:
Actually I had to work today so I just got back. I have computer access at work, of course, but it is a little hard to sit and post to a blog when you have a roomfull of screaming teenager brats to attend to.
Unlike certain moonbats , my life consists of more than surfing "progressive" websites and fighting the International Jewish Conspiracy. When you manage to detach your lips from Justin Raimondo's cock, let me know. I hear Bill White has been a lonely little anti-Zionist crusader lately.
"WWMMD - What Would Michelle Malkin Do?"--Dariush
Almost certainly not YOU.
ReplyDeleteIt's just html code for hyperlinks. No big secret or anything. Hang on a second.
Okay click on this.
That code that you see under the heading "ABSOLUTE". That's an accurate template for html hyperlink codes. In my case, for example, where you see "Home" is where I had "Mission Accomplished" -- and, obviously, the URL was different.
Try it out in preview.
quote from Stefan
ReplyDeleteHarry, can you imagine America having the same demographic content as Mexico. Do you want that to transpire?
end quote
I respond:
It's not going to happen but it wouldn't bother me. There are more white people in America than anytime in history. The white race isn't disappearing and even Bill White has confirmed this to be true. (one time Bill White was correct)
Mexico has one of the highest GNP in the world and is much more successful than so called white countries like Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia.
Undocumented workers provide a huge service to America in taking jobs no one else can take in America. If not for white owned farms and such hiring these hispanics, the businesses would disappear in America and would even import more from overseas markets.
In the county I currently have some property in, immigrant workers are a huge part of the economy while a handful of white owners get rich off them.
Greasy Mexicans come across the border work in the USA, don't learn the lanuage and send most of their money back to Mexico. It is time for us to make a stand. Shoot a few of the beaners I say.
ReplyDeleteStefan Said:
ReplyDeleteThis is not about the White race becoming extinct in America but rather America becoming a non-White country.
At 66% America is more ‘brown’ than during most of the 1800’s and 1900’s.
You were aware that most of the South was non-white until the 1930s and later. South Carolina had an 80 percent african-american population during the 1800s. The black population has not increased that much by percentage as WP types like to believe.
And to this point, America was originally brown as it was a collection of native-american countries, all of which were non-white. America only became white when white people came over and overthrew the native-american nations by force.
I'm too lazy also to dig up statistics, maybe some other time. There's no doubt wages in America are higher than in Mexico but that was what brought over so many Irish, Italians and other European groups to America 100+ years ago. And WN hate to hear this but most Mexicans and other hispanics work their asses off here. They aren't lazy like Vonbluvens likes to brand them. On the other hand, Vonbluvens doesn't even work.
To Minuteman:
I've noticed the avatars of white supremacist often involve sexual acts like yours. I've also noticed how often white supremacist love to talk about sex and the male penis. Steve Holsten is a prime example.
Stefan is an exception. He debates rather well. If all WN acted like Stefan, they would actually be a viable movement.
The Short Little Man whines again!:
Reflections on my Birthday
Our race is in trouble; our Parents and Grandparents allowed it to happen and we are the ones who must clean up their mess.
In any endeavor of this type, a two-pronged approach is needed; a "Velvet Glove" and an "Iron Fist."
Neither one alone will suffice.
It sounds great that some want to rely solely on "awakening" and "educating" others, but a lot of folks have been trying that approach for twenty or thirty years. It is NOT enough. It has not worked. Want proof? Just look around. Things keep getting worse.
Illegal Aliens are swarming into our land. We are losing our freedoms to a phony "war on terrorism." Politicians simply ignore the Will of The People. The media deliberately lies and heaps images. music and information upon the public which is destroying our civilization and race. Our money system is on the verge of collapse and our People are merrily whistling past the graveyard as they "embrace diversity" and "celebrate multiculturalism."
Since the "Velvet Glove" of "awakening and educating" isn't working, something else must be done. It is time for the Iron Fist.
Using the Iron Fist may get a lot of us in the dungeon. But remember, the path to the Palace is through the dungeon.
There isn't enough time left for just talk. The time for action is here. I'm ready. I will no longer just talk. I will "do."
This year, the Velvet Glove comes off this year; the Iron Fist revealed. Are you with me? Choose carefully because once you opt in, there is no opting out."--Hal Turner
I just wished the Great Hal a happy birthday. I wish all Whites were more racially aware & etc, like he & I.
ReplyDeleteI also see once again that KIKE Schwartzo's Faggot desires for me are running rampant...
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ReplyDeleteOh yes Steve the world would be so much a better place if everyone had traits like you and Hal. In this imaginary world of "be like Steve and Hal" we would all be cocaine using pedophiles who blamed all our troubles on the black and Jewish races because everyone knows that our closet homosexuality makes us fear and hate them oh so much. In our world of "be like Steve and Hal" we could use the internet to beg for bucks and find the under aged
ReplyDelete"young shaved ones". In a world of "be like Steve and Hal" we could all steal DirecTV because we shouldn't have to pay for it. In a world of "be like Steve and Hal" we could let our 14 year old daughters have sex with a 24 year old man and take pictures of it. In a world of "be like Steve and Hal" we'd all be short fat little unhappy men with nothing positive to contribute to the world. Yeah, that is what a world of "Steve and Hal" would be like.
Happy birthday Hal, you unintelligent, short, fat, racist little dope fiend.
LOL ~~~@ BJ! Has anyone noticed that it is the middle of March and Hal has not yet held one rally in any of those cities he listed???
ReplyDeleteHal wishing himself a happy birthday several times over the past few days to himself. Isn't that funny??
Hal's just pulling off the same shit he does before, calling for violence etc BY OTHERS while he does nothing. Every few months, he pulls the same stunt and a few sucks fall for it each time.
Stefen, Schwartzo is pissed off because he knows Hal's show comes on tonight and he'll tell true crime stories & etc on some of the Jungle Bunnies. It really tears his heart out. You gotta feel pity for him. He hates life. It dealt him a blow since he was born White. Schwartzo would give a million dollars if he could've been born a Jungle Bunny with a Brillo pad for hair.
ReplyDeleteCraig Cobb seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.
ReplyDelete"Because they built that country created a legacy that is forever attached to that country."--Stephan Schmidt
Two world wars and genocide. What a legacy.
Okay, I'll give them Beethoven, Wagner, and F.W. Murnau.
"America as a country was a built by Northern White Europeans (namely the Anglo-Saxons) and thus in my opinion only an Anglo-Saxon can be truly a Native American."--Stephan Schmidt
Whose your History Prof--David Duke? That's a pretty simplistic rendering of events from 1776 to the present day.
"The Indian were merely an Indigenous people who occupied the land mass known as North America but they did not build the USA."--Stephan Schmidt
As such, we comitted genocide against them. We Germans just seem to have war and killing in the blood.
Bloody glad those Native Americans were here, as my "Great Gramma" was one of them!
"Just like you would never acknowledge that an American born in China is Chinese or a Turk born in Germany is a German--- why should immigrants be acknowledged as American?"--Stephan Schmidt
Why be nice to anyone, for that matter? Hell, I say have the "War of All Against All" and be done with it. It seems to be much more a human thing to do than say, spread compassion and work for mutual beneficient change...
Must be the German in me.
"What the hell did I do?"--Stepahn Schmidt
Nothing lad, I was merely being sarcastic.
Take care,
"I wonder what he means by Iron Fist."
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's the kind of sex toy Hal prefers...
Talking about Prussian Blue; they brought out some sick Anti's. Some were wishing that some Buck Jungle Bunnies would rape these two little girls just because they're not Jungle Bunny Lovers.
ReplyDeleteAnd they dare call the WN sick?
Anyone catch Nimblog? Is that really Bill Whites mother that is morphed onto that picture?