Democrats, Republicans say no to white supremacist candidate
Associated Press
Friday, March 10, 2006
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. - Missouri Democrats and Republicans have refused to allow a white supremacist to run for Congress on their parties' tickets.
Glenn Miller Jr., who once was the subject of a nationwide manhunt, initially tried to seek the Democratic nomination to challenge Republican Roy Blunt for his 7th Congressional District seat. Blunt has until March 28 to file for re-election.
Miller, an Army veteran and retired truck driver, filed Monday with the secretary of state's office. His $100 filing fee was forwarded to the Missouri Democrat Party, which rejected the money, meaning he no longer qualified to run on the Democratic ticket.
"We don't believe he's a Democrat," Jack Cardetti, spokesman for the state party, said Thursday night. "The Democratic Party is the big-tent party, but that does not include white supremacists."
Miller, who lives in Aurora, then said he would file as a Republican. But the state GOP told Miller it also would reject his filing fee.
"As the party of Lincoln, we do not support anybody who is a white supremacist," Jared Craighead, executive director of the state Republican Party, said Friday.
Craighead said Miller had told him he would next try to file as a Libertarian candidate. Miller could not immediately be reached for comment Friday.
Miller had said earlier he might try running as a Libertarian, an independent or a write-in candidate.
"I'm going to exhaust all options to get on the ballot. I'm going to run," Miller told the Springfield News-Leader. "And I'm going to do a lot of campaigning."
Miller, the former leader of the White Patriot Party, became the subject of a national manhunt in 1987, after he violated the terms of his bond while appealing a North Carolina conviction for operating a paramilitary training camp. The search ended after federal agents found Miller and three other men in an Ozark mobile home, which was filled with hand grenades, automatic weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition.
According to the secretary of state's Web site, as of Friday morning, three other people had filed to seek Blunt's seat: Republicans Midge Potts, of Springfield, and Clendon L. Kinder, of Joplin, and Libertarian Kevin Craig, of Powersite.
Potts, whose legal first name is Mitchell, is a transgender activist who has been living as a woman for more than two years. She has said she is comfortable running as a Republican and considers herself a fiscal conservative.
Nikki - go eat spaghetti instead. It looks like worms, but is much more appetizing. :-D
ReplyDeleteThe refusal of both the Democrats and Republicans to accept Glenn Miller tends to validate what Pat Buchanan said about them years ago - that both establishment parties are merely separate wings of the same bird of prey.
However, my contempt for the Republican Party is much greater. The same party that can't accept a combat veteran and a family man as a candidate can accept a transgendered activist. This indicates the Republican establishment is run by a bunch of political prostitutes who play the social issues card out of expediency rather than conviction - all they care about is votes. Bush got elected once and served twice by playing the gay marriage card and the abortion card and the prayer card, hornswoggling neocon lemmings into voting for him. Meanwhile, Bush has thrown open our borders, given away our jobs, mindlessly spent our strength and means warring in foreign lands, and transformed the Constitution into nothing more than, in his words, a "GD piece of paper."
The Democrats have been useless, too. Instead of nominating Howard Dean, who actually has a personality and whose economic vision I share, they nominated the colorless, odorless, totally wooden John Kerry.
Glenn Miller will appeal to working-class whites who've been left behind in this new counterfeit globalist America. If the Libertarians don't accept him, he still has the Constitution Party to fall back on.
Glenn Miller is running just to get attention. He knows he has no chance of winning at all.
ReplyDeleteHe's only with VNN because everyone else rejected him. VNN are bottom feeders full of idiots who were rejected by Stormfront and others.
I bet this is a scam for him to make some money which is totally legal to pay yourself a salary while running for political office using campaign funds.
Alaska - I agree with much of what you have said about both parties - particularly the part about Kerry.
ReplyDeleteAnd Harry, as usual, I think you are right on the money about the reason Miller is running. Haven't heard a peep out of Linder about running, has anyone else?
Alex Linder thinks out loud about running, but he's started so many other VNN-related projects I don't think he'll follow through.
ReplyDeleteAnd Harry, your assessment of VNN is grossly pessimistic. There is a growing supply of high-minded articulate people who choose to take a higher road. They advocate the same way Stefan Schmidt does. Go to the new VNN Blog and see for yourself the quality of the output.
VNN will remain a somewhat raucous environment simply because of Alex Linder's commitment to free speech, after the tradition of John Peter Zenger. Besides, Harry, when I surf Nimbusters, I see you have your hands full just with Steve Holsten alone (however, I'm far too much of a gentleman to repeat Holsten's favorite catchphrase here). :-D
Who does he expect will vote for him ? All the whites know he testified against the order the rest of their leaders and he won't even get their vote. Maybe he's shooting for the witness protection program constituency. I hear they have a big following in missouri.
ReplyDeleteVNN is a rats nest.
ReplyDeleteYa know...the very fact that there are those who will hang on Miller's every word, who will applaud him and praise him speaks volumes about the desperation of some on the racist right. It just never ceases to amaze me how many there are who ignore the fact that he was a rat.
ReplyDeleteOf course, there is no honor among theives and racists, I realize.
I don't know about the state of Missouri - but if he isn't accepted by either the Dems or the Repugs - doesn't he then have to garner a whole bunch of signatures to even get on the ballot?
ReplyDeleteHe think he can run as a Libertarian and Miller has mentioned this at VNN. Libertarians can't stand him either but generally have a policy of allowing almost anyone to run on their ticket.
Have you ever heard Miller talk? hack, hack, cough, cough, Two words, hack, cough, hack, wheeze.
Yeah - it sounds like he has a major emphazema problem. When the KC station interviewed him you could see that he was having lots of trouble breathing.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone comment on this article on Nimbusters?
ReplyDeleteIs this really Bill White's address?
ReplyDeleteA person cannot be a Christian and a Nazi--these are diametrically-opposed philosophical outlooks. The Theological Statement of Barmen, written by Dr. Karl Barth, was one of the most explicit rejections of the Nazi interference in the Christian church during the Hitler Era. Many of the rescuers of Holocaust-era Jews were, in fact, Priests, Nuns, and Christian believers who realized that the teachings of Jesus Christ DEMANDED that those believers who found themselves in a position to help persecuted people were to do so--even at the risk of their own lives.
Nazism is Nietzschean--anti-Christian, amoral, and unethical. Also, the founders of the Nazi party despised Christianity, including Hitler. Hitler was influenced by Pan-Aryan Occultism and Nordic Mythology--NOT Christianity. At best he paid lip-service to Christianity, in an effort to curry favor with the gullible German public.
So Mr. Blevins,and any other neo-Nazis who claim Christianity as their religious ideaology are incredibly self-deceived or simply spiritually distorted. Nazism was birthed and conceived as an occult movement with a "might makes right" philosophical outlook; Christianity is the polar opposite of this way of thinking.
Black Jesus,
ReplyDeleteAll of his properties (well the banks properties, most of them are mortgaged to the max) are easily lookable at www.roanokegov.com and clicking on GIS property searching William White and White Homes & Land. The list is also on NIM Busters.
Hitler did indeed burn Christian books including the Bible. Of Course, Vonbluvens has sold out Jesus Christ to have a few friends. But it's not like Vonbluvens ever was a Christian or a follower of Christ in the place.
I think Kenneth Schnedier at close to 60 years old still pretends to be a bishop but yet is now a nazi also. He's not a follower of Jesus either.
Hitler was a catholic, and was never ex-communicated, even until death. He is still listed on the rolls as having been a good catholic.
ReplyDeleteWhen the NS regime executed the criminally insane who were institutionalized they received a rebuke from the Vatican which they accepted and stopped the practice. However, when the concentration camps were alleged to have executed undesireables there was never any outcry from the Pope or Vatican. This is why many followers of judaism today harp on the catholics for apologies and such.
Mein Kampf by Hitler: "And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord."
The Nazi Party program : "The party as such, stands for positive Christianity but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession."
In one speech, Hitler commented "The Government sees in both Christian confessions [Catholicism and Protestantism] the most important factors for the maintenance of our folkdom."
Soon after coming to power in 1933, he proclaimed, "The Reich government sees in Christianity the unshakable foundation of the ethics and morality of the folk."
This should have come as no surprise, for as early as 1922 Hitler said, "My feelings as a Christian point me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter...As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice...For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."
So Mr. Blevins,and any other neo-Nazis who claim Christianity as their religious ideaology are incredibly self-deceived or simply spiritually distorted.
ReplyDeleteAnd what, ecxactly, is the point that you are trying to make? You have failed miserably to do so.
I never claimed they were outright apostates--I said they followed a very distorted version of something they claimed to hold significant.
So who is the heretic here? The Satanist who claims Christianity as a political leverage, while plotting genocide, or the true Christian who works to save the persecuted, despite the risk to their own life?
I think you are a Nazi apologist and a damn fool.
Also, you fail to address the sacrifices made by many Christian individuals to intervene in the persecution of Jewish minorities during the Hitler Era, nor do you give any hint of appreciation for the self-sacrifice of individual Christians such as Dietrich Boenhoffer, Corrie Ten Boom, and others who in some cases gave up their lives to aid persecuted people.
ReplyDeleteLikewise, you fail to evidence even the most rudimentary understanding of mass manipulation, propaganda, and worst of all, the Pan-Germanic mystical roots of Nazi ideaology. You are advised to read The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft, or, also The Nazis and the Occult by Dusty Sklar.
Anyone who is not, now, well-aware of the occult roots of Hitlerism just hasn't been paying attention to those documentaries on the History Channel.
Also, you must be aware that John Paul 2, in a visit to Jerusalem before his death, did insert a Papal Decree into the Wailing Wall, an apology to the Jewish People for the negligence of the Catholic Church to oppose the genocide comitted by the Hitler regime. I also am dimly aware that several decrees have come down from the Vatican over the years in an effort to improve Catholic and Jewish relations, and try in some way to make amends for so much moral indifference in the face of the Holocaust.
ReplyDeletePlease. What religion are you? Nazism, I suppose?
"Hitler was a catholic, and was never ex-communicated, even until death. He is still listed on the rolls as having been a good catholic."--Anonymous
ReplyDeleteThis is a wholley erroneous statement--and amounts to urban legend. There are 1 Billion Catholics in the world today; I hardly think the Vatican keeps a record of every single human being that has ever professed the Catholic faith.
The rest of your post was nothing more than propaganda quotes, pulled haphazardly out of context, and as such are easily discounted.
Anyone can gush platitudes about God. Only the marks and suckers get taken in by snake oil salesmen.
Jesus Christ stated, " You shall know a tree by the fruit that it bears."
Good night!
"We will...continue on the path of friendship and closeness. We will continue our strong support for the State of Israel. We will not let our Jewish friends down in their time of need. We condemn unequivocally the cancer of anti-Semitism. We reject as unchristian with all the power we can muster any assertion that Jews collectively bare exclusive responsibility for the death of Christ...We will speak out against hatred of Jews...and we will declare loud and clear that we will not allow bigotry to drive a wedge between us."
ReplyDelete-- Pastor Ted Haggard, President of the National Association of Evangelical Christians
Nikki, I wish you'd post the IP of this Imposter.
ReplyDeleteDamn, I wish I knew who was posting these lies about me...
ReplyDeleteGlenn Miller is not Ralph Nader or Ross Perot nor is he running for president. Perot actually had a shot of winning and nearly won some electoral votes.
Welcome back Stefan - I hope you had a wonderful time.
ReplyDeleteTo even attempt to compare Miller to Nader or Perot is just crazy. And, sorry - but I just can't quite wrap my mind around a Christain Nazi.
"And, sorry - but I just can't quite wrap my mind around a Christain Nazi."--Nikki
ReplyDeleteThere is a very good reason for this, Nikki: There is no such thing as a "Christian" Nazi. That would be like saying a "Catholic Muslim", or a "Pentecostal Atheist".
Anyone who believes that a philosophical grotesquerie like Nazism can be reconciled with Christianity is either wildly self-deceived, insane, or wholley evil.
Good night!
Bill White likes to brag about the amount of hits overthrow gets although he inflates the figures.
ReplyDeleteThere are 31 responses to this article alone. Bill has a message board and rarely gets any responses to his articles on his forum.
It's not the quanity but the quality that counts. This site has plenty of quality, Bill's has no quality.
"For example: CI is technically a Christian sect and hence just as ‘Christian’ as Catholicism."--Stephan Smidt
ReplyDeleteUH, no, sorry: CI is heresy, and should be condemned as such.
"...so am I to assume that you also believe that any member of the KKK cannot be Christian as well?"--Stephan Schmidt
ReplyDeleteReally lad, couldn't of said it better myself. You are correct: if you are a Klansmen, you are NOT a Christian.
"More Jews died under Stalin than Hitler but you do not berate Communism with the same ‘energy’ as you do Nazism"--Stephan Schmidt
ReplyDeleteProve this assertion. Why, I think all those deaths might just be the result of some massive "right wing conspiracy" of propaganda!
Hey, wait a sec: there might be a whole market in books for people that doubt that the Communist atrocities ever really happened...What do you think, Schmidt?
Why bother signing in when I can just post anonymously and really confuse the hell out of people! LOL!
ReplyDeleteEb (?)
"What I did try to debate was the notion of the NAZIS intending to exterminate the Jews (which I believe at a large scale did not exist). I have also said that the majority of deaths were due to disease and not gassing."--Stephan Schmidt
ReplyDeleteAnd I have pointed out a number of well-researched websites where those claims are easily refuted. You could start with Nizkor.org, but God knows that's not the only one.
So now what?
If the Nazis didn't intend to exterminate the Jews, then what did Himmler mean when he referred to the "Final Solution"? Why did men such as Oskar Schindler spend millions of reichsmarks to preserve the lives of his Jewish workers, rather than have them sent on cattle carts to Auschwitz? How do you account for the images of human medical experimentation that document crimes against humanity? How do you account for the precautions Commandant Amon Goeth was made to undergo when he was ordered to exhume the bodies of those that had been murdered in the Krackow ghetto massacre, and burn them?
ReplyDeleteHow do you account for such propaganda films as Der Erwige Juden, and other films that portrayed jews as no better than rats, or vermin? How do you account for the independent testimony of thousands of eye-witnesses? How do you account for the fact that, today, there are only a few thousand Jews left in Poland, where once there had been millions?
Where did they go? Did they all go into hiding to help perpetrate this "hoax"?
Oh my goodness! This whole discussion just makes me crazy! Stefan - surely you are not trying to say that Hitler's Third Solution did not carry the intent of exterminating an entire group of people - namely the Jews.
ReplyDeleteNormally, I just walk away from those who try to trivialize the Holocaust. I walk away because these are not thinking or rational individuals. Normally they are nothing more than sheep who have been fed a big dose of Nazi bullshit and they really aren't worth my time or my efforts. But, Stefan - 1)You're way smarter than that; and 2)You're only seventeen and I would hope that you would do as others have suggested and read and learn. There is sooooo much information out there that just blows this whole Holocaust denial thing completely out of the water.
The ideology of Nazism is contradictory to Christianity. As far as "Christian Identity" it is nothing less than a bastardization of Christian doctrine and teaching. Those who "preach" CI are heretics and those who buy into it are engaging in blasphemy.
Christian Identity was created for the soul purpose of attempting to give the KKK, Arayn Nations, etc., a look of legitimacy - and it failed miserably just as the whole "race is my religion" farce proferred by the now defunct WCOTC.
I agree with you 100% Nikki. Everything you just posted was absolutely correct.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I don't mean to seem like I CONSTANTLY harp on the Holocaust--there are many examples of genocide throughout history, including Cambodia, Bosnia, Somalia, ect, ad infinitum. Injustice has been prevalent throughout history against African Americans, Jews, Latinos, minority religious groups, Native Americans, homosexuals, the disabled, the poor...
But the Holocaust stands alone as a unique episode in our modern age: the mechanized dehumanization and murder of an ENORMOUS group of humanity. It must not happen again.
I must really go now. Take care, Nikki,
Certainly, history is rife with injustices and inhumanities. Not only must something like the Holocaust never happen again - it should not EVER be forgotten or denigrated. If there was ever an event that demonstrated the power of evil left unfettered - the Holocaust is just that.
ReplyDeleteLook at what is happening in Germany right now - and you know, history has a way of repeating itself. When people become to complacent and apathetic to keep a finger on the pulse of government and the leaders they elect and follow - well...you get the point.
The Rubber Duck looking Pile of Shit said:
ReplyDeleteTry not to be an idiot (Steve), idiot.
You do realize on a related note that you are a sick bastard and not one of the "good people" anyone who goes after underaged girls and lets a 24 year old man have sex with his daughter is very sick in my book.
So don't call them lies because they are too well documented. We know the truth about you Steve Holsten. If you can't handle it, piss off.
Listen DickHead, the lies I was speaking about was the Turd said who was impersonating me. Nikki was good enough to delete the two posts. He was saying shit to try to make me look like a real child molestor. Anyone with an inkling of intelligence knows better.
Oh, I have been up writing, and stopped a minute to go check out psychopathic bastard Bill White's Overthrow Blog.
ReplyDeleteHere is a ginchy quote I found from this "megalithic intellect". I am about ready to scream.
"There is really one root cause of all the dangers facing our people today, and that is the Jew. Jews are a race of evil demons who exist only to harm mankind and destroy man's works. The other problems of modern society -- war, poverty, famine, crime, and probably most importantly, the sense of void and lack of purpose, meaning or direction faced by many -- are primarily the symptoms of Jewish influence."--Bill White
Nikki, this goes beyond racism: This man is a fucking psychopathic monster who is, rapidly, obviously, losing his touch with reality (yes, I have taken especial note of his recent "pagan-influenced" posts concerning Valhalla and Norse religion).
This is the same sort of genocidal racism that killed millions around the world throughout the Twentieth Century. I could barely believe my eyes when I read that statement.
Oh well, what did I expect?
This man is obviously in serious need of psychiatric comittment. For chrissakes, "evil demons"? He's claiming they're "demons" now?
Hope you have a good day tomorrow, Nikki.
Golly, I love it. Truer words are not possible. Bill told the truth about the Brillo pad hair Freaks of nature.
ReplyDeleteThanks BreTard, I needed that Monday morning laugh...
Steve Holsten's upset just upset that most blacks are smarter then him, don't suffer from mental retardation or cerebral palsy, and don't live on welfare like Steve Holsten does.
ReplyDeleteThe KIKE Schwartzo is upset because I ran his Favorite animal down. I mean the dumb Nigger Apes. He knows that I have mucho more intelligence in one of my Asshole hairs than the smartest Nigger there is has in his whole body.
ReplyDeleteI know Nikki asked me not to say KIKE & Nigger no more, but the Faggot Filthy Hook Nose KIKE Schwartzo won't back off long enough with his lies about his Great Hero, me!
Press release is up on my blog.
ReplyDelete"Press release is up on my blog."
ReplyDeleteAnd you guys rock!
"Jews are a race of evil demons who exist only to harm mankind and destroy man's works."
ReplyDeleteQuoted from Jesus Christ
Then why did God make different-colored humans, Stefan?
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot... white-power types believe only THEY were created by God. My bad. *snicker*
I dunno, but man some of these non-white girls are HOT!