Monday, August 31, 2009


By Miriam Raftery

August 30, 2009 (Spring Valley) – A rowdy crowd of approximately 1,500 turned out to cheer on and heckle Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego) during a town hall meeting in Spring Valley Saturday afternoon. Protests from conservative “teabaggers” and signs with racist overtones were countered by a newly-formed group calling itself “Billionaires for Wealthcare.” (photo).

Dressed in formal attire, members pulled up in a limousine to greet other protesters, thanking them for “standing with billionaires” to oppose real healthcare reform. The group later posted a YouTube video ) and forwarded an e-mail that read "Townhall crashed by wealthy Hollywood elite," creating an online sensation.

Inspired by the website , Barbara Cummings of Spring Valley was among those to don black attire and pearls for the occasion “because sometimes street theater can have an impact where just yelling at one another accomplishes nothing,” Cummings said...Continued



  1. We should all have a moment of silence and thought for the passing of a great man and statesman Ted Kennedy.

  2. Misinformation or just out right lying is the new staple of the right wing nuts.

  3. Pot, meet kettle.

    Father,Racist,devout Christian.

  4. An obvious effort to derail the movement against socialized medicine.

    Wonder who rented the limos for these operatives...could it be the DNC? lol

  5. Nikki:

    You do realize that the term "teabagger" and "teabagging" are deragatory homosexual terms?

    Why would you use such deragatory terms to define people you oppose and to put them in your metatags?

  6. The central right that our founders fought for was the right to the fruits of their labor, i.e. property rights. This was what the American Revolution was about. Freedom of religion and freedom of speech were important but secondary concerns for them. They did not tar and feather clergymen or censors - they tarred and feathered tax collectors.


  7. A-MEN!


  8. ain't most "billionaires" either kikez or kike-a-likez?

    guess fckNutz forget to mention that, eh?!?

    ohh...thass-right....she wouldn't mention it, would she?

    she's a kike her-self!

    *i'll keep my money, my guns & my freedom...YOU keep the fckn "change"!*

  9. Who cares what the fuck you think, fake white man. STFU

  10. Why does Teabagging have to be a homosexual act? You can tea-bag a woman. In fact anything gay that can be done to a man can be done to a woman too. Gay sex is sex minus a lot of good parts, plus the digusting fact that two men are doing it. That sums it up.

  11. Anonymous said...

    "You do realize that the term "teabagger" and "teabagging" are deragatory homosexual terms?

    "Why would you use such deragatory terms to define people you oppose and to put them in your metatags?"

    Just to make sure YOU were watching.

  12. Looks like Hal has released a letter from prison, referring to himself in the 3rd person.

    (and this is legit from Nim busters)

  13. When I read that bullshit from Hal I couldn't stop laughing. Is anyone stupid enough to believe that bullshit from Hal?

  14. I copied the whole letter Hal wrote about himself on my blog. And I know Hal wrote it himself.

  15. Nimbusters666,

    Hal is very seriously mentally ill. I just wonder if his bisexuality or transexualism will come out during the trial? I know for a fact Hal is both.

  16. Mr. Schwartz didn't Hal tell his buddy Bill Oreilly that he struggled with Cocaine and thoughts of homosexuality. Also in Yankee Jim's diary, Jim admitted to an affair with Hal. Too funny, little man who gets crazy check bilks Right wing types out of their money and snitches them off as well. ROFL!

  17. Fuck you. Hal Turner is an American hero. Guess what Schwartz you just joined Holsten as assholes I am going to blow away with a shotgun.


  18. COLD BUTTER is NOT a fan of hal turner.


  19. I just read that whole spill from Hal Turner. I'm so glad I had just got done drinking a glass of milk because otherwise, I think it would've came out of my nose.

    THERE WILL BE people who read that and say, "oh good, Hal was never really a snitch..." Those people are complete, total and unquestionably idiots. IDIOTS. They should be put on display in a fucking museum. Placecard would say "Idiots" and beside it would be posted the letter from Hal that they report to believe.

    So why didn't you hear this spin on Hal being a snitch from the start? Simple. He needed more time to spin an outlandish lie like the one you can read on his newest gimmie-money blog. Another reason for that particular LIE now? That's easy too. Hal discovered that no, the movement stops giving you money once they find out you are on the other side.

    And for any of you complete dumbasses who can't figure this out for yourself, here it is. Why the hell would the JTTF hire Hal?Why would the FBI recruit Hal Turner, the fat guy living off of his even fatter and overbearing wife, to spy on Jews by calling for their mass murder? Week after week. Why would someone who cares only about the safety of innocent people REPEATEDLY, CRONICALLY, HABBITUALLY call for their murder? HUH? And Hal called himself "infiltrating" the left wing? What an odd way of going about it!

    and what about...
    The higher-ups in the FBI told Hal that he would be paid in cash – through the Confidential Informer Budget – “which is the one pile of cash that Congress won’t audit!” – They ACTUALLY said that!

    How conveint! No papertrail, right, Hal?

    Hal was tasked to viciously, internationally, and savagely assail jews. He was told to hurl invective bigotry, anti-semitism and outright hate at Israeli jews, jewish groups, judges, legislators, and businesses. These were not his views, but the image he was ordered to project.

    Those views were not his which is it, Hal? At the start of this rambling lie you were "on the side of the right wing, on the team of the white American!" Try getting your cellmate to read over crap like this before you send it out.

    In less than one month, this operation uncovered more than 240 ‘moles’ in the FBI, CIA, USDOJ, NSA, House of Representatives, the US Senate, the White House, various State Police, and even overseas governments!

    Sure. It never made the news. Nobody ever connected Hal to anything. A giant spy ring uncovered by Hal Turner but no one notices. Good lies take more than fifteen minutes, a pen and paper.

    Oh and let's read on, apparently Hal was assigned at targetting the biggest nest of bad guys in America: the SPLC. Sure, Hal. The FBI, who talks to the SPLC on an hourly basis, needed you to get them.

    I could go on but I'll let some others have a chance to look over this (with digust) and post on it.

  20. AND IF you believe this pile of shit, I have a suggestion to you. Go to the Augusta Book Exchange on Gordon Highway. It's right nice to a crappy little Mexican place which actually has good food and great drink prices. You'll need to remember it's location too. Take $5 and go inside the building. Directly on your right is huge table of paperbacks. They are all $.25. Most are crappy, crappy spy novels. Buy as many as your $5 will allow, get the nice man at the counter to put them into a paper bag for you and head next door. Order about six to twelve shots of your favorite liquor and down them quick. Start with the first book and read a few chapters. Pretend it's a secret message from Hal Turner while on his latest mission from the JTTF. If it starts to sound like something oh say, someone with a job and bills would believe, place the paperback back into the bag immediately and start on another. With the remainder of the money you have left from your adventure, send every fucking bit of it to Special Agent Hal Turner or else the terrorists win. Do so or else your hero will never go on another secret mission again.

    Or how about this: I write books. I don't even try hard to get them published. Send me a bunch of money and I'll send you a book about every six months or so and you can pretend it's real. Sound better? I sure hope so.

  21. Right winged racist Nazis are shit. If I actually thought that Hal was putting them away I would be 110% on his side. I think however all Hal was doing was turning people over for the fun of it. Hal was never paid shit and the info he was giving was most likely all lies as well.

    Did anyone but me read Yankee Jim's diary when it was posted on the ADL web site? Yankee Jim and Hal threw a brick at a car which hit a black child (and they laughed about). I wonder if he told his FBI contacts this?

  22. Okay - I have read the first three paragraphs and am laughing my ass off all over the house. More when I regain my sense of composure.

  23. Hal should have been a comedian Nikki. What a tale! How will the free world ever be safe with Hal behind bars? OMG!

  24. How do we know Hal Turner actually wrote this. Sorry, ain't going to take Schwartz word for anything.

    The fact that it popped up on NIMbusters even makes it more suspicious.

    BTW- I still think Hal Turner is a rat bastard.

  25. You can say what you will about Bill White and most people do, but at least he took it like a man. Hal whines, runs to each side, begging and pleading, makes up huge lies and behaves like a total coward. Bill White stands true to what he believes and you don't hear him mutter a word lending to cowadice.

  26. Chris,

    Didn't know there were any businesses still on Gordon Hwy, I thought they all moved north of I-20 to Martinez and Evans. That's where the abandoned mall is at isn't it?

    Hal is a nutcase, but in these days where federal informants like Turner, and Glenn Miller are welcomed, Hal will return.

  27. "How do we know Hal Turner actually wrote this. Sorry, ain't going to take Schwartz word for anything."

    It's all over his newest "please give" website. Keep in mind that if what Hal says is true, the part about receiving money from the feds, then he has lied to you all for years. He stole your money by saying he had to have it. You weren't bright for giving it to him but you are a complete idiot if you hand over another dime.

    If Hal didn't write this himself, he damn sure told someone to write it. I wonder if he didn't dictate all this over the phone and the reason is that it's disjointed and he contradicts himself several times.

    He's either a snitch, a liar, a thief or all three. As long as I'm around, he WILL NOT RETURN TO THE WHITE NATIONALIST MOVEMENT. I will do all I can legally to shut him down.

  28. The guy is under conditions Matt Hale was. I doubt very seriously he wrote this letter.

    If you knew anything about prison procedure you would know NO letter like this would get out.

    Hal Turner is a snitch bastard, but this letter is obviously bullshit.

  29. BTW- If even half of what is claimed in this bullshit letter is true...I think it is safe to say someone is going to kill him in prison (they will probably make it look like a suicide).

    It's happened before. This government kills people all the fucking time.

  30. Horseshit! Horseshit! Horseshit!

    I don't think Hal wrote it - but he definitely dreamed it up.

  31. Ahhh shit, who cares about HAL TURNER, when you've got COLD BUTTER!!


  32. I know a lot about Prison Procedure, unlike you. Hal is pretty much free to write anything he wants to as long as it doesn't endanger or defraud. I worked in the BOP for 4 years. So sorry but in all likely hood Schwartz is right (besides it just sounds like Hal).

  33. Oh Please! There is NO element of TRUTH in that letter - other than he is being kept under special administrative measures. I swear, it is just hard for me to believe that anyone could be so gullible as to believe anything this man - or his family - tells you

  34. Actually, there was a broken exercise bike there when Hale was incarcerated.

  35. I see the Hal Turner crowd, what's left of them, as being kin to a crowd of drug addicts or alcoholics. Eventually tragedy strikes. Some OD's, someone kills a family while DUI, somebody contracts AIDS. At no time will anybody blame the drug/booze/lifestyle. In this case, the dealer (Hal) got caught. Oh, it's the man's fault.

    No, assholes, the reason your friend is in prison is the lifestyle. It's not the beliefs or your political platform. It's the OCEAN of bullshit it stands in the middle of. Any judge---no screw that---anybody with a GED knows Hal is full of it, peddles it, is addicted to it and vomits lies all over everything in range. You all cheered him on, sent money and made him believe his own lies. Some people, like Vonbluvens, tried desperately to call Hal down and get him to give it all up.

    Write Hal letters if you care about him. Tell him to cut the crap. Tell him to stop with the lies, man up or plead insanity. This carrying on is so unmanly. In fact, in all but a child, it is completely disgusting.

    Don't encourage him further. There is a list of POW's a page and a half long that you can support. These are people who actually did something and went to the cage for the cause.

  36. I'm no Hal fan, however I think there is a chance that the post on is the result of some prank.

    Someone might have tricked Kathy into giving up her blogspot username/password and then posted this on her behalf.

    The reason I think this is because I was considering doing the same thing.. sending her a phishing email directing her to a fake blogspot login to capture the username and password. Then I was going to announce his suicide in prison. Never did do it, obviously. But considered it.

    Although it does sound like Hal and could be from him, it also could be the work of a Chan prankster.


    The Mother Fucking Man

  37. Ole Schwartzo KIKE and Cold Nigger Jizz Butter are showing their strong desires of wanting to suck Hal's Dick.

  38. Cold Butter - it figures you would think of a phishing scam. You represent yourself as a so-called "white nationalist" on Nimbusters, but all you are is a cheap punk.

  39. HA HA HA Support the Billionaires!!

  40. Turner has always been a bullshit con man. If you are just now seeing it then you really are stupid. Surely only Cold Bugger and Holeswine are that goddamn dumb.

  41. I've not posted any of the above comments


  42. Von Bluvens is dead. Now we should all hope pray that the lowlife pedo thief is next!

  43. I see that basement commando is comfortable enough to make an appearance again. This shitbag ran for the hills as soon as Bill White was arrested.

  44. The only shitbag around here is the pedo gimp Holswine.

  45. It is amazing that Mr. Steve Holsten subscribes to White supremacy beliefs, the epitome of which was Nazi Germany

    Irony is, in Nazi Germany, mentally retarded obese wheelchair bound cripples with pedophiliac tendencies like Mr Holsten were prime candidates for conversion to soap.

  46. Obama turns to propagandizing our children. No wonder more and more parents are homeschooling...

    Obama to make unprecedented address to all public school students; September 8...

  47. Russian Professor: Collapse Of America Could Begin In Two Months

    Russian Professor Igor Panarin says that events are continuing to confirm his doomsday prediction first made over 10 years ago, that the United States will completely collapse like the Soviet Union before the end of 2010, and warns that the chaos could begin to unfold in as little as two months.

    Panarin, doctor of political sciences and professor of the Russian Diplomatic Academy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists during the unveiling of his new book yesterday that President Obama has done nothing to forestall the fast approaching crisis and that it could begin to properly unfold in November.

    “Obama is “the president of hope”, but in a year there won’t be any hope,” said Panarin. “He’s practically another Gorbachev – he likes to talk but hasn’t really managed to do anything. Gorbachev at least had been a secretary of a regional communist party administration, whereas Obama was just a social worker. His mentality is totally different. He’s a nice person and talks nicely – but he’s not a leader and will take America to a crash. When Americans understand that – it will be like a bomb explosion.”

    Since 1998, Panarin has been warning of a future disintegration of the United States and the collapse of the dollar. The recent election victory for Japan’s Democratic Party is another sign that the economic collapse of the U.S. is imminent, according to Panarin.

    “Today I received another confirmation that the collapse of the dollar and the US is inevitable. Japan’s Democratic Party won the election, and I’d like to remind you that its leader [Yukio Hatoyama] has the snubbing of the dollar among his economic plans. In plainer words, he plans to transfer Japan’s monetary reserves from US dollars into another currency. The move will seriously accelerate the dollar’s exchange slump as early as this November. Disintegration will follow shortly,” he said, adding that next year China would also begin to massively dump the dollar and that Russia would begin to sell oil and gas for roubles.

    Panarin previously stated that the dollar would eventually be replaced with “a common Amero currency as a new monetary unit”, referring to the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

    He foresees the U.S. breaking up into six different parts, roughly along lines similar to those of 1865 during the Civil War, “The Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong,”

    Panarin blames the collapse on a “political elite that implements an absurd and aggressive policy that aims to create conflicts around the planet” and warns that increasing firearms sales in the U.S. are a sign that people are preparing for “chaos” in the aftermath of a total financial meltdown.

    “In my opinion, the probability of the US ceasing to exist by June, 2010 exceeds 50%. At this point, the mission of all major international powers is to prevent chaos in the US,” Panarin concluded.

  48. What a fucking retard (see above). Dude what you need to do is take your computer back to where you bought it, then tell them you are too fucking stupid to own a computer. Do this now, today, as soon as humanly possible.

  49. The person here who is impersonating Cold Butter is really not very good at it.

    Machinegun - they are a hoot, aren't they? Perfect! I just love them and the concept!

    Chris - you hit the nail right on the head with the whole addict/pusher idea. Desperation makes for very crazy actions.

    As I was reading through this whole elaborate explanation of Hal, I kept wondering why anyone would even think that they could make people beleive this bullshit. Then I remembered that his target audience was those who continued to send him the bucks even after all of his lying and deceptions.

    This whole thing with Hal has reached almost grotesque proportions. Is his entire family this preposterous? And on that website they say - "This statement has been approved for distribution by the Hal Turner Group, with complete attorney approval." What kind of attorney would approve such garbage?

  50. Anonymous said...
    What a fucking retard (see above). Dude what you need to do is take your computer back to where you bought it, then tell them you are too fucking stupid to own a computer. Do this now, today, as soon as humanly possible.

    September 01, 2009 1:12 PM

    ROFLMAO - you gave me my first real laugh of the day! That was priceless.

  51. I never stopped making an appearence. I was all over VNN after the arrest, asking people to support Bill and his family.

    I've decided to post under my name since people imposter me all the time when I don't.

    And as far as me being a basement commando, I'm fine with that. Guilty as charged. Most of my house is underground so that's a pretty broad statement. :)

  52. And I see someone says Vonbluvens is dead. Unless it happened in the last hour, he's ok. I talked to him for about five minutes at lunch today.

  53. As a friend of the Drake family, he knows the above post is the imposterati.


  54. With the possible exception of Cold Butter and Steve Holsten is there anyone out there stupid enough to actually believe Hal's bullshit?

  55. That's why you ought to get an blogger ID. I know, but it breaks my delicate heart when people bring up the fact that I purchased a home that is half underground, half above. The measure of a man is how much of his home you can see from the road and that means I'm damn near worthless.

    I've got to hurry home now. My mom is cooking me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before I start my shift at BK. I can't wait.

  56. Real Lone wolves work near their NME to keep them from spitting in the white man's lunch.

    Thanks Bro'



    I don't know why you think you can insult me with impunity. Fuck you and your false "white" religion.

    Where was the Aryan Nations when Randy Weaver was under attack?

    Cowering in their compound, that's where. You are no white man, you are a coward to the nth degree.

    Nations? LOL what a joke. Just another money grabbing 501c bunch of fucking losers.

    Randy should have worked for the feds to bring your piece of shit organization down. Obviously they didn't give a shit about him.

    His refusal to turn you over to ZOG has not been repaid. AN owes him


  58. "Cold Butter" is the incredibly stupid Nimbuster entity who calls himself Pete Jefferson. He can safely be ignored. He is a habitual liar who has been in and out of the nut house his whole life.

  59. Look STUPID4ever, or whatever you are.

    If you've ever listened to a newsguy show,then you'd know that I am not Pete Jefferson.


  60. Who cares, you are the most stupid mother fucker on the face of the earth. Who the fuck is Pete Jefferson anyway?

  61. Probably you, but that is of no consequence, as you are a loser.



  62. Vonbluven's show rocked. Man how I miss him and Doc.

  63. Hell yes, Von & Doc had a very imformative and entertaining show.

  64. Was it as entertaining as "young shaved ones"? you fucking pedophile piece of shit?

    Crippled motherfucker.


  65. Better you Nigger Dick Sucking Son-of-a-Fucking-Bitch

  66. Hey you pedophile piece of shit do you use your gimp to jerk off to the "young shaved ones"?

  67. xtians of all "flavours"!...Nikki TardFeatures & her deluded "followers" are yr DEADLY ENEMIES.....

    check it out!

  68. cold butter/jimbo same stupid cocksucker.

  69. Bullshit. Cold Butter is THE MOTHERFUCKING MAN. jimbo is a sorry little fuckwit.

  70. Self wonders how Cold Butter could know he is a man. Doubtlessly it has been years since he has been able to see his tiny wee wee over his fat belly.

    Self would also note that CB is very very stupid as well as maybeso being crazy. Maybeso.

  71. Maybe, but NOBODY cares about you.
    When COLD BUTTER calls into a show, people listen.

    All of Nikki's listeners from cold shot were there for the Cold Butter.



  72. Listen? We all laugh at your blatant stupidity. I just keep wondering how can that redneck be so fucking stupid and not realize it?

  73. See how gay you all are. NOBODY commented on how large the lady's boobs were in the photo. If they were real, I'd respect that. I'm not really a boob man myself but you have to respect all that lower back pain.

  74. I was about to say nice cleavage shot on the pic. nikki picked out for the blog article. lol

  75. I'm not trying to get off on a big sex topic here, but Americans are far too modest about the bare female chest. Everywhere else white I've been has been pretty easy going about it. Here it's such a big deal and then you have poor girls getting plastic stuffed into themselves to please THAT segment of males.

  76. Nothing like big ol' floppy titties hittin' ya in the face.


All comments must remain civil. No threats, racist epithets, or personal attacks will be tolerated. Rational debate, discourse, and even disagreement are all acceptable as long as they remain on point and within the realm of civility.