Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Yesterday the charges against William "Bill" White were dismissed in Chicago. After reading the decision and the case law cited, I have to agree with the dismissal of the charges. There are a couple of things that really trouble me...

1) When Bill was arrested and the indictment was made public, I made a statement that is generally true. I said that usually the charges and evidence brought before a grand jury do not reflect everything they have on a person. Generally speaking, they usually have much more than they show.

Hence it is incomprehensible to me that the government did not have more than what they did when they arrested White. That really bothers me. From that, we can speculate on many possibilities - three of which are dominating the discussion surrounding this case:

A) Was this nothing more than a boondoggle on the part of law-enforcement and prosecutors?

B) Was this a clear-cut case of government harassment over unpopular opinions or speech?

C) Did Bill White give the government what they really wanted in exchange for the dismissal?

As previously stated, it is beyond my comprehension that the powers that be would bring such a flimsy and faulty case to the court.

Now, to say that I am disappointed would be a magnanimous understatement. Like many others, I had looked forward to the courtroom drama and the precedent that might be set. While there are several previous rulings that have emanated from prior cases involving Freedom of Speech, there are still many questions to be answered.

2) What happens now should concern all of us. Even though White still has to face similar charges in Roanoke, it would probably not be too prudent to assume anything less than another dismissal. I will take a wait and see attitude on that one.

However, should Bill White become free of all charges, it might be safe to assume that one of several things could transpire:

A) We will be subjected to endless months of Bill's lies, exaggerations, distortions, and self-aggrandizement. And/or...

B) We will be subjected to endless months of the racists among us saluting Bill White as some kind of "champion of the white cause." And/or...

C) We might witness the re-emergence of his American National Socialist Worker's Party attracting every misfit and miscreant in the white nationalist movement. Or..

D) Bill White might join forces with Frazier Glenn Miller given the propensity of both men for ratting out their comrades.

E) Of course, White could do the smart thing and try to rebuild his life sans the movement spending more time with his wife and daughter and reinventing himself into a decent husband and father. That would be the preferable, although the most remote, of all possibilities.

America is unequivocally the greatest country on Earth. It is unique and, without question, affords the most liberties to its citizens. No one - and I mean no one - wants to see that change.

In the case of Bill White, the judge was, in my opinion, absolutely correct. If all that was brought to the table was what was listed, then the case was faulty, lacked legal authority, and was very poorly prepared. Shame on them. Many of us believed that there was more evidence and more charges that would be forthcoming as the government "built" its case. That didn't happen.

How this might impact the Hal Turner case is, of course, anyone's guess. There are many similarities between the two. There are also some differences - fuel for another discussion.

As the white nationalists and constitutional purists celebrate what they believe is a victory for free speech, many questions are still left unanswered and will probably remain so for many years to come. The debate will continue. And we'll all wait for the next round. You can bet, "Juror A" won't rest any easier.


  1. Nikki - If you had followed the Ted Stevens case, you would better understand this case as well.

    The Justice Department has a culture of corruption and invulnerability. Brenda Morris and her defense team routinely "forgot" to deliver key evidence to the Ted Stevens team. The resultant conviction of Ted Stevens stunk so bad that A.G. Eric Holder was forced to abandon the verdict. Consequently, Judge Andrew Sullivan dismissed the verdict with prejudice, and the Brenda Morris team is now under investigation.

    The Feds simply think that once they sink their claws into you, they can do what they want.

    However, we WNs aren't cheering too loudly, yet. The Federal charges in the Roanoke case have much more meat on them, and I'll be pleasantly surprised if he succeeds in beating all of them.

  2. I personally think that since White defrauded the government in a revolving debt scheme (Ponzi scheme only using the government and credit card companies as investors) that he deserves anything that comes his way. More to the point though, when you use intimidation and death threats in an effort to influence jury decisions you deserve to be locked away and raped in our prison system. I don't care if he is convicted or not, I want to see him spend at least another year or so in jail. I hope he gets beat to a bloody pulp and comes out of the prison system a punk who wear lip stick.

  3. Oh, NOW, Nikki agrees with the judges decision when it was only 8 or 9 months ago she was calling for the DOJ to arrest Mr. White and bellowing that his "threats" were not protected.

    Nikki, this is why I call you a hypocrite and now after reading your latest article (glad you finally came around) a LIAR!

  4. Anyone that lumps Sarah Palin in with the likes of HT and BW is a fucking cunt anyway.

    Fuck her.

  5. "As previously stated, it is beyond my comprehension that the powers that be would bring such a flimsy and faulty case to the court."--Nikki Hypocrite

    If you honestly believe that you are more naive than I thought.

  6. What's sad is we won't get to see the Fed's star witness, Justin Boyer, make a complete ass of himself. lol

    The judge put an end to the DOJ's little vaudville act in Chicago.

  7. Lunatic Fringe Radio:
    Tune in Thursday July 23 at 11pm est. as Lunatic Fringe Radio discusses the latest news and activities of the American Radical Right Wing.

    This week some of the topics covered: Fed. Judge Dismisses Charges Against American Neo Nazi Leader;

    Sarah Palin:Saint or Lunatic ?;

    Overview of right-wing crimes and trends;
    warding the First "Lunatic Fringe Award" and Your Calls !

    More Information Here: Lunatic Fringe Radio

  8. I will be sure NOT to listen.

  9. LF...why would anyone listen to a radio show containing basically the same sort of anti-white propaganda in nearly every movie, tv show, major book, magazine or newspaper? Do you not think that the federal government (same one killing brown people in the Middle East) doesn't force it on people enough? Short of putting people into camps, what more do you think they should do?

    The only thing more silly than playing Nazi is playing NKVD.

  10. Wow, Anonymous whiner posted about 6 posts about nothing. cry us a river, bitch. LOL. Me smells Hooch.

  11. The whole "cry me a river" thing is irony at it's best. The entire communist civil rights movement was entirely based on whinning. Every single holoco$t memorial, for exmaple is a momument to whinning. But you just don't want to here white people complain, right? There's that anti-racist definition of equalty for you.

  12. There is a big difference in crying about an event where millions of innocent people were killed and crying about Bill White is another thing. To be honest I do not know that much about Mr. White's case. We did, despite our differences of opinion email one another back and forth and despite our disagreements he was always cordial to me. I think locking him up was a bit extreme.

    I am a little behind on US politics (have not lived in the US for over ten years now) but how can you call the civil rights movement communist? You have to be pretty ignorant to make that claim. Do you just call anything you disagree with "communist"? Didn't that go out with Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon? I have a hard time understanding the entrenched views of the American racist right but then I don't always understand the extremists on both sides of the isle either. It seems these people like to play the blame game rather than solving any real problems.

  13. Hello from prison. I've revolutionized the prison economy by getting cons to use Ameros as currency instead of my anus

  14. You mean crying about an event the Jews designate as tears-worthy. Where's the hollywood tear-jerkers for their 20 million dead at the hands of communism? Hmmmm?? We have at least a yearly WW2 movie, not to mention all the rest of the poor, poor black person movies. You people are constantly wanting people to feel sorry for you (as long as it translates into political power and $). But you are quick to tell whites to stop feeling sorry for themselves. Think Joe Public notices this yet?

    Regardless of what anyone thinks or refuses to think about the holoco$t, you people are going to bring it on for real. It's called over playing your hand and you do it every time.

    Ever wonder what so many Jews were doing in Germany and the rest of Europe to start with? Did that ever cross your mind? They were profitting off the great depression. They did the same thing in the Southern States after the America Civil War. They also did this in Russia. You know what animal in nature profits off the misfortune of others? That's right, a vulture! Do you know who cares when something negative happens to the vulture? Right again---nobody. That is, unless the vulture controlled the media. Enjoy.

  15. If america is the greatest country on the earth why is she so very fucked up? If this is the best I would hate to see the worst!

  16. God total racist bullshit. What a fucking idiot. Why don't you grow a brain and learn to think for yourself, moron. Why do you bitches do nothing but whine. Is that what being white is all about?

    Waaaahhhha the Jews are sooooooooo bad. Waaahhha the black are sooooooo bad. Waaaaaha waaaaaaha waaaaaaaha. Give me a fucking break idiots like you Von and the rest need to get a fucking job, take care of their own meaningless lives and shut up on your fucking crying.

  17. Out of arguements, huh? Just repeat that racists are stupid and everyone is equal. Trying chanting it maybe. Whatever makes you feel better.

  18. Let me clear something up...

    Anonymous said...
    Oh, NOW, Nikki agrees with the judges decision when it was only 8 or 9 months ago she was calling for the DOJ to arrest Mr. White and bellowing that his "threats" were not protected.

    Nikki, this is why I call you a hypocrite and now after reading your latest article (glad you finally came around) a LIAR!

    1) Nowhere in this article did I retract my opinion that threats of violence and intimidation should not be protected.

    2) What I did say is that AFTER reading the dismissal, and the case law upon which the judge's decision was made, and realizing that the government's case against White was deficient in so many ways, I must agree with the decision to dismiss.

    3) This does not mean that I agree with the purist interpretation of the First Amendment.

    4) I agree with Anchorage Activist in that the charges Bill faces in Roanoke are much more substantial and am taking a wait-and-see stance based on the current climate of the courts.

    5) I am deeply disturbed that the government failed to make their case. I happen to know that they had a lot more on Bill that evidently wasn't presented. This raises a lot of questions for me - and it should for you as well.

    6) I still contend that the intent of the First Amendment was not to protect that which victimizes others. What good is the right to speak freely if I can use it to silence you?

    7) It is also my opinion that rights come with responsibilities. As decent, moral, and humane people with, hopefully, integrity and good character, we have a duty to act in a responsible manner.

    Now, with that being said, do I think "hate speech" should be banned? No. Threats of murder, violence, and intimidation, however, have no place in a free and civilized nation.

    Bill White will have to answer to Roanoke. After that, who knows? One thing for certain, though - he is no champion. After all the things he has done to those in and out of the movement I can honestly say that he has no integrity and his sole reason for being is self-aggrandizement -not his family, not his crew, not anything other than himself.

  19. Melcur and the Hal Impostor showed their Faggot sides in this thread.

  20. Nikki, I could live in a world where it was illegal to threaten someone. I've been threatened by anti-racists for years. They've threatened my family, my extended family, children under my care and naturally, myself. Posting my name and address has been the least of their attacks. That being said, none of it has made one difference in the way I do things.

    What I want to point out is that if you take away the right to threaten and intimidate, you essentially casterate the anti-racist movement. Without threats, posting people's information and extortion (which as we have seen, is already illegal), what effective means do the anti-white racists have left? Are you considering this or do you think that the laws won't be enforced as long as only white people are being harmed?

  21. Nikki, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

  22. Why are racists such liars? I am sure that some of the activities that this person describes goes on but not to the extent of what groups like the KKK and the Neo-Nazis do on a regular basis. Their whole creed is based on hate and prejudice.

    Hal Turner and Bill White had it coming. When you start threatening the lives of innocent elected officials and jury members then you deserve to go to jail. Opinions can be voiced without death threats. Grow a set of balls, cry baby.

    Holsten, shut your child molesting faggot ass up. No one wants the opinion of a retarded hick who diddles his own kids.

  23. "1) Nowhere in this article did I retract my opinion that threats of violence and intimidation should not be protected."

    Well, then you DON'T agree with the judge because he stated in his 36 page opinion that though someone may "feel" intimidated that doesn't remove the protections of the 1st Amendment.

    Like the other anonymouse said: "You can't have your cake and eat it too".

    Essentially you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Nikki, I could live in a world where it was illegal to threaten someone. I've been threatened by anti-racists for years. They've threatened my family, my extended family, children under my care and naturally, myself. Posting my name and address has been the least of their attacks. That being said, none of it has made one difference in the way I do things.

    What I want to point out is that if you take away the right to threaten and intimidate, you essentially casterate the anti-racist movement. Without threats, posting people's information and extortion (which as we have seen, is already illegal), what effective means do the anti-white racists have left? Are you considering this or do you think that the laws won't be enforced as long as only white people are being harmed?

    It's a two-way street.

    This is how I see it - and it's just my opinion.

    Publishing the personal information of public officials or political activists (regardless of notoreity) is not really the issue. Most of that information is easily attainable and often in the public domain. It is the INTENT that creates a problem.

    1) Placing that information on a website and asking your readers, listeners, followers to voice their displeasure or disagreement with your words or actions; organize a protest; distribute informational flyers, etc. is exercising your rights. I think any court would find that to be within your Freedom of Speech and/or your right to assemble.

    2) Placing personal information on your website and advocating that the person be physically attacked or killed is outside the boundaries of those protections - or, in my opinion, should be.

    That, to me, is common sense and should apply to everyone - not just racists.

  25. Nikki:

    Remember this when you see a White Racialist charged and incarcerated for charges intertwined with the the 1st Amendment (White & Turner). If the corrupt System comes after those White Racialists to harass them and economically bleed them to death with legal expenses it's only a matter of time before they go after the anti-racists as well because this government can't stand opposition to it. Federal judges that have ruled against the government have found themselves even being pried off the bench. Look at the 1960's when the government tried to wipe out all extremes (King, Rockwell, Malcolm X, and even the Kennedy's).
    Just food for thought!

  26. Melcur Faggot, if we want anything out of your hole; we'll slap it out of you.

  27. President elect John Taylor Bowles is right! Finally!

  28. Who was Bowles Vice-President Choice?

  29. Jim Ramm! Yes, Taylor Bowles, the convicted felon chose Jim Ramm as a running mate. Why not? Choose Bubbles the Chimp. Like it matters.

  30. I'd vote for Bowles/Ramm. I bet Congress wouldn't mess with them and do their job for the public for a change.

    Bowles & Ramm in 2012

  31. PING Taylor Bowles! Why not try some white activism instead of trying to prove that white nationalists have zero knowledge of the political system.

  32. """E) Of course, White could do the smart thing and try to rebuild his life sans the movement spending more time with his wife and daughter"""

    He will be doing this. Bill knows that publishing his beliefs turned out to not be worth while and that there are far more productive things that he can do locally that will actually make him money rather than make him lose it.

    """and reinventing himself into a decent husband and father."""

    NO, Sorry, he won't be "reinventing" himself sense there was nothing wrong with himself. White people have a right to be proud of their race! Sorry to be the first one to let you know about that but someone had to.

    """2) Placing personal information on your website and advocating that the person be physically attacked or killed is outside the boundaries of those protections - or, in my opinion, should be."""

    Bill is not GOD and does not have the God like ability to brainwash people, speak to his mindless sheep and have the accused murdered on the spot. I am surprised you think of Bill as having this God like ability. You watch too much TV Nikki.

    That would be the preferable, although the most remote, of all possibilities.


All comments must remain civil. No threats, racist epithets, or personal attacks will be tolerated. Rational debate, discourse, and even disagreement are all acceptable as long as they remain on point and within the realm of civility.