Bill White, sweating profusely, complained that the NSM was taken to a dirt field and searched. He bemoaned the fact that their shined boots and spiffy "uniforms" got all dusty. Personally, I think a dirt field was just where they belonged.
Contrary to Bill's estimate of 160 NSM members, it is reported that approximately 80 took to the State Capitol steps in Lansing and that there were 500+ counter demonstrators. All in all, things went about as anticipated with 11 arrests of protestors mostly for not moving fast enough or getting too close to the Nazi zone.
Of course, we will hear an entirely different take from Bill as he just has to have the drama.
At last year's main NSM rally, they drew 150 nazis to Yorktown.
ReplyDeleteAt this year's main NSM rally, they drew 75 nazis to Lansing.
A decline of 50 percent in just one year. The Yorktown rally was the last nazi rally done under Jeff Schoep before Bill White took over the NSM.
Speaking of Bill, notice how his stomach is almost hanging over his belt on his pants. But darn, they didn't use those Department of Correction buses.
Life is getting better.....
Yes it does. It says Bill White is fat, gross, has abnormal head bumps, and sweats like a hog.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it tells us that if 80 Nazis show up, Bill will immediately double the number, and claim (as he is) that it was really 160!
I'm just glad I didn't waste the $20 in gas it would have taken me to drive to Lansing and back.
ReplyDeleteThe State News, MSU's Independent Voice close window
ReplyDeletePrinted Friday April 21st, 2006.
ONLINE UPDATE: Neo-Nazi rally draws hundreds of police and protesters
16 arrested, 3 injured in what police called a 'peaceful affair'
The State News
Lansing — Neo-Nazis were outnumbered more than 10 to one by police and protesters at a rally in downtown Lansing on Saturday.
About 75 members of the National Socialist Movement, who describe themselves as America's Nazi party, lined the steps of the Capitol just after 2 p.m.
Streets were closed in a several-block radius around the Capitol, and police estimated about 500 to 600 protesters passed through security checkpoints, while others opted to stay outside the police perimeter.
"From our standpoint we thought it went well," said Lt. Bruce Ferguson, the public information officer for the Lansing Police Department.
Police arrested 16 people, Ferguson said. Two of the arrests were for felonious assault, including one for assaulting a police officer.
In addition, arrests were made for disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, fighting in public, trespassing, disguising with intent to intimidate and resisting a police officer.
After the rally, as the protesters left the area immediately around the capitol, rocks were thrown at police officers, and the window of a police van was broken, according to the Michigan State Police.
Three people were treated for minor injuries with two taken to the hospital.
There were about 500 police officers involved, Ferguson said.
Members of the National Socialist Movement were bussed to and from the Capitol with a Michigan State Police escort.
In a news conference held before the rally, National Socialist Movement leader Jeff Schoep said the group was in Michigan to stand up to what he called an "immigration problem" and spread the group's message to its growing ranks.
"We're strong, we're coming up in Michigan," Schoep said.
Group spokesman Bill White could not be reached for comment afterward.
About 100 protesters gathered at the Riverfront Park in Lansing to demonstrate against the neo-Nazi rally.
The Lansing Coalition Against Nazis, Direct Action, the National Lawyers Guild, the National Women's Rights Organizing Coalition and the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action By Any Means Necessary were among the groups at the protest.
Political science senior Megan Gallagher helped organize the counterrally with the Lansing Coalition Against Nazis and spoke out against the neo-Nazi rally.
"They advocate violence and hate crimes," Gallagher said. "I don't think ignoring it is the solution."
The protest was intended to make enough noise to drown out the neo-Nazi rally and make their supporters uncomfortable, she said.
The protesters marched down East Washtenaw Avenue chanting, "No Nazis, no KKK, no fascist USA." They stopped before the Capitol at a police security checkpoint. In order to pass the checkpoints, people had to remove metal objects, shoes and belts for inspection. The lines were divided into men's and women's lines. Bags were not permitted. Water bottles and umbrellas were taken away.
"We don't think Nazis have the right to free speech and the state shouldn't be rolling out the red carpet for them," said Donna Stern, a member of the National Women's Rights Organizing Coalition. "They shouldn't be able to openly recruit on the Capitol steps."
Rachelle Teed, 25, of Laingsburg said she showed up to support the neo-Nazis because she believes that "white is right."
"All the English settlers were white," Teed said. "(Blacks) have affirmative action on their side and what do the founding people of this country have? Nothing."
She came to support her cause but was afraid of leaving because of threats from anti-Nazi demonstrators, she said. Her husband was waiting for her in the car.
"I can protect myself and fight off one or two people, but if I have to take on all of them, I'm dead," she said.
Washington D.C. resident Robert Cantrell came across the neo-Nazi rally while visiting family in Lansing.
"This wasn't on the agenda," said Cantrell, 40.
The scene in Lansing reminded him of the nation's capital where protests are commonplace, he said.
However, Cantell noted that it was one of the most organized rallies he had ever seen.
The counter protesters were close enough to shout out their message, but the police kept them far enough away from the neo-Nazis to prevent trouble, he said.
Protesters were dispersed quickly at the conclusion of the rally, as police in riot gear sealed off streets and forced crowds to leave the area.
In addition to the Lansing Police Department and the Michigan State Police, departments that assisted came from East Lansing, MSU, Bath Township and Ingham, Clinton, Eaton, and Jackson counties, as well as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Several hundred protesters marched down Shiawassee Street following the rally. Police prevented the crowd from entering a diversity rally at Eastern High School, 220 N. Pennsylvania Ave.
Hundreds of people taking part in outdoor activities at the celebration were told to go inside because the protesters were approaching. Some of the participants mistakenly thought the protesters marching to the celebration from the Capitol would be Nazis.
"It definitely killed the happy, upbeat tempo," said Kari Pnacek, a 2004 MSU graduate, who attended both the counterrally at Riverfront Park and the diversity celebration.
According to a police estimate, nearly 1,000 people gathered at the "Win the Day" event for free ethnic food, performances by dance and musical groups, and the opportunity to meet local politicians.
Prominent members of the Lansing area who attended included East Lansing Mayor Sam Singh, Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero and MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon,
"It's a good way to celebrate values," Simon said. "I imagine downtown there will be people who are more vocal and this was not a way of saying that's not possible, but to give people an alternative."
Children and adults made brightly colored origami "peace cranes" at the Greater Lansing Network Against War and Injustice's tables. Airline tickets, a night at a bed and breakfast and sports gear were part of a free raffle.
Outside, bands played throughout the day and people played basketball.
Greg Mellema, 57, of Grand Rapids, said he enjoyed the day.
"It's wonderful mostly because of its multicultural emphasis," Mellema said.
Staff writers Bob Darrow, Corinne DeVries, Adam Lark, Laura Misjak, Ken Osborne, Gabrielle Russon and Melanie Thomas and freelance writer Alex Abate contributed to this report.
Location: http://www.statenews.com/article.phtml?pk=36003
All content ©2006 The State News
Bill's head bumps really are growing, huh? Sarah - they advertised the event in Olympia on Stormfront and only one guy has responded so far - he said he didn't think her would go because the Olympia guys are too disorganized. He predicted that 11 would show up.
ReplyDeleteI think it might be bigger than that - they have a little time to get this one together.
Michigan and Ohio are their best areas, and they could only scrounge up 77 today.
ReplyDeleteFor Olympia, in the distant West, most of these low-rent Midwesterner Nazis will not be able to make it.
I would be surprised to see them break 30 for the Olympia event.
BTW - does anyone find it odd that Bill White - allegedly a multi-millionaire (ahem) - drives everywhere? Does the guy have a fear of flying?
(no Erica Jong implications here)
Mapquest says that the Roanoke-Lansing trip is 10 hours, 21 minutes and 648.77 miles.
The reason why Bill drives is because he can "carry" in his car trunk what he can't "carry" on the plane.
ReplyDeleteBill Wright was perfectly right in doubling the number of NSM at the rally.
ReplyDeleteLooking at Wright and they guy with the beard and cap in the background as average, you take their pants size and divide by two. What you get is the pants size of the average person. Now you put two average people into each NSM pants and voila! there is your total number of NSM.
It's all quite simple, really.
What? Bondage porn? Trashy romance novels?
ReplyDeleteA starter pistol?
LoL!....Everrets Brevard
Yep, something like that!
"Group spokesman Bill White could not be reached for comment afterward."
ReplyDeleteThere is something definitely wrong with Bill - he never passes up a publicity op.
Also - I did think it was odd that he drives - especially with all of his supposed "bucks." However, he might be on the "No Fly" list.
There are some really good pictures here:
I love the fact that after the rally some residents washed the steps of the State Capitol to symbolically cleanse the hate. I really am impressed with the people of Lansing.
Indybay has posted an article by an antifa that says claims the Nazis were booted out of Sacramento today:
ie. the cleaning of the steps
ReplyDeleteThey should have lit some sage and smudged it as well.
LOL! Agreed!
ReplyDeleteThe NSM was supposed to rally in Sacramento today also but the media TOTALLY IGNORED the event there and it turned out to be a complete bust on the west coast.
ReplyDeleteI've been following hate mongers and hate groups for years now. I don't remember anytime in the last couple of years where they had a high profile nazi rally on the West Coast.
The Lansing police apparently didn't over-react like during the Toledo rally in December. That may have been because over a dozen ACLU lawyers were on hand watching.
Yea, it's real odd White didn't do interviews right after the rally. Something is almost certainly wrong with him physically. There's always been something wrong with him mentally.
"They should have lit some sage and smudged it as well."--Anon
Karma truly is a bitch.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I believe that two of the things that set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom are empathy and compassion. Therefore, I cannot find it in my heart to be gleeful when someone like Bill is met with a serious illness or accident.
ReplyDeleteIf he were to be truly terminal, I would pray for him and ask God to be merciful. Why? Because as much as I detest the things that he does and says, I truly believe that the man is mentally ill...and, I am definitely not lacking in the empathy or compassion department.
Now - would I laugh my ass off if he got a really solid beat-down? oh yeah. And then I would be remorseful about laughing because I really abhor violence. Yet, should he die I would rationalize that death by knowing you reap what you sow.
I am a great believer in Karma - it really does work. And as much grief as Bill White has caused others, I really don't like his odds.
"It's odd, because I have no compunctions, say, when a killer is put to death. I don't, especially gloat, nor do I mourn like anti-death penalty advocates. To me it is simply a fact of existence as the world is presently constituted."
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't gloat or mourn either. I just see it as being an act that should be beyond man. And, sometimes I see it as being too easy
"I don't feel righteous indignation at what some of these fellows do; their anti-social actions seem, to me, like the product of an animalistic instinct in them that was never weeded-out through socialization."
Pecisely my thoughts. There is something that just misfired in the socialization process - and they are, pretty much, animalistic. However, with Bill, I really believe there is a pathology. Bill isn't a Nazi. He is at the moment, but that is subject to change at any time. I think it will change soon. He is a narcissist - and narcissists just have to be outrageous. And as long as this disorder goes untreated, he will become more and more over the top.
"I may call for a savage dog that has mauled a child to be "put down" as well, but I hardly blame the savage dog for being what it is."
Again we agree.
"But, of copurse, Bill White's influence, while not being explicitly criminal, is far more pernicious. Like Hal Turner, and others, he breeds the sort of destructive hatred and anti-social attitudes that have an impact beyond any actions he himself might undertake."
And that creates quite a dilemma for someone like me. These people are dangerous precisely because of what you have said. They know what they do and they do it deliberately. Regardless of any pathology suffered by Bill he still KNOWS what he is doing. He also KNOWS the possible consequences of his actions. So does Hal Turner. And that is why they need to be locked up. The impact that they can and do have on young and impressionable minds is not something that we should take lightly.
"Bill, in short, is--in some ways-- more dangerous than the common killer, because he spreads the propaganda of deviancy that could conceivably outlive him, were he to drop dead tonight."
His deviancy has already reached many and there are probably lots more than we know about. I keep saying that none of this can have a good ending. The common killer does what he set out to do and moves on. People like White continue to poison our youth and society with their propaganda and they, in turn, promote the same.
"I guess the fine line between what is good,and what is evil, and what is justice, and what is not, is often hard to establish."
It is hard to establish. But, people like us, who have a conscience, continue to grapple with these questions, and hopefully, we find answers and maybe strike a balance. We know the difference between right and wrong - that was instilled in us at a very early age. People like Bill White know the difference too - they just don't care.
I don't know EB - this self-promoting, narcissistic pathology is scarier than anything I believe I have run across. Interestingly enough, the treatment is generally not very successful either. The really frightening part of this is that he and the NSM along with the rest of them attract other defectives.
"This conversation is right up my alley tonight, I've been thinking about compassion and empathy while researching these fools, even the ones who target me and others."
ReplyDeleteSarah, I always feel that when they "target" me (and I have been in their sights a lot) that I am doing a good job. In all of the years (and that's a whole lot) that I have been doing this, I have found that I really do pity those who bought into all of this bullshit young and have never really had a chance to know the real truth. I have been thinking a lot today about what it must be like to live their life.
I spent a few year, a long time ago, in that environment and while the movement has changed a lot, the hate and the misery of these people hasn't.
"Mention of evil quite on my mind too. In trying to sort out possible reasons for why they got that way, I can psychologicalize it all to hell, but eventually I am left with the fact that evil is evil."
And, you're right - evil IS evil - and that's how I have to look at it to fight it. You can't "personalize" it - you have to generalize to be effective. I am in mind of that dog EB talked about - if the dog is rabid, I will feel great empathy for him, but I won't send a group of children out to play until he is gone. And if I have to choose the suffering animal or the innocent children - it will be the children every time.
As far as the event coming up in Olympia - you will do great. I think the things that I worry about the most with these rallies is 1) How organized and unified is the community; and 2) What are they going to do when the Nazi's are gone. Everyone gets really hyped and psyched prior to their arrival and during the rally but there are those who don't fare as well as others. These things have a way of leaving some pretty deep emotional scars on people.
Tonight I am just thankful that the Lansing mess is over and hopeful that the healing process can begin there. We will be doing a lot of work in Michigan in the weeks ahead as they really do have a problem. So does Olympia. It's rapidly moving up on our list of target communities.
EB: "But I also worry that another round of social upheavals could tip the balance of cultural malaise to give them a bigger foothold in the near future. If we are forced to keep fighting in the Middle East, we're going to, I believe, see a bigger wedge of neo-Nazi, anti-American, and radical Islamic militants converging out of mutual hatred for the democratic institutions of the West."
ReplyDelete"We're" going to "keep fighting in the Middle East", therefore "they hate us for our democratic institutions?"
Boy you really have swallowed that Horowitzian hogswill, hook line and sinker, haven't you?
The vast majority of us terroristic diaperheads don't "hate" (oy!) you for your precious, and fully subverted, "democratic institutions", but because of the actions which your government carries out in your name.
There's no reason whatsoever for America to fight a series of never-ending wars in the Middle East. No reason for American blood and treasure to continue to be depleted in a futile, hubristic attempt at imposing a Pax Americana/Pax Judaica on 1.2 billion people.
At least, no reasons which have to do with American interests.
I've noticed that no one in the organized "anti-racist" movement has had anything to say about the deportation, to God knows where, of Sami al-Arian.
ReplyDeleteA racist, three-year long "anti-terrorist" witchhunt against Arian, conducted by the government and spearheaded by the ADL, came to naught back in December when he was acquitted on all charges brought against him.
Since they haven't been able to actually convict him of any crimes, they are now going to deport him ... to Kuwait, Egypt or elsewhere where torturers will carry out the dirty work that the U.S. gov't won't do on its own soil.
The response from the organized "anti-racist" movement has been ... (crickets chirping)
No wonder so many of us see you as nothing more than a front for narrow ethno-centric interests; enablers and supporters of child murderers and butchers who "entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport".
Jeff Schoep is now claiming that "hundreds" of Nazi supporters tried to crash the Nazi diversity rally:
ReplyDelete"After the rally ended at 4pm several hundred of us Nazi protesters marched to Eastern High School and then back to the Capitol. We were turned away at Eastern where a “celebrate diversity” event was being held."
Uh, Jeff? You rode the BUS away from the rally, remember? Under police protection?
The hundreds of people marching between the Capitol and Eastern High School were anti-Nazi protesters, dumbass.
Of course, when has a member of the NSM let the facts get in the way of a good story?
Well the next stop along the NSM circus route is my neighborhood! The nazis are comming to Buffalo on June 10th. I would ask that all who can join in solidarity with us upstate New Yorkers please get in contact with me. One People's Project will be getting more details about this event up this week. I think everybody here knows me well enough to know that this bullshit isn't going to happen in my backyard without a response! That being said, I want to congratulate the good folks in Lansing for showing that neo-nazi ideology has NO place in their community! Everybody has made some great points here and I don't know if I can say it any better. For what it is worth I want to throw my two cents in. Nazi's in our community is akin to cancer in the body. Cancer is not something you tolerate, negotiate with, ignore and hope it will go away.. You must cut a cancer out otherwise it will spread through the body. It would be nice if we had the luxury of ignoring them and hoping they will just go away. It would have been nice if in the 1930's the Jewish and Roma populations of Europe could have ignored them thus forcing them to dissapear. The fact is that ignoring them is not an option that any civilized person who wishes to live in a free society has. We can argue about their "rights to free speach" until we are all blue in the face. But my challenge to those who advocate for their right to speak is to REALLY LISTEN to what it is they have to say. They are very clear about their evil and murderous intentions. Nikki, I apologize in advance for the rant..
No apology necessary, Josh - I couldn't have said it any better. This isn't "free speech." This is incitement to hate crimes, period. Ignoring this stuff is precisely what got us into all kinds of trouble before. They ignored Hitler too.
ReplyDeleteHate HAS to be confronted and countered. I can't imagine anyone in my community walking away or hiding from these assholes.
And, quite frankly, I am sick to death of this whole free speech thing. If I were to advocate the death of Nazi's on the steps of ANY building, I would be arrested.
I would love to be in Buffalo on the 10th - just don't know if I can afford it. We'll see.
Incidently, I will call you tonight.
ReplyDeleteThe nazis were passed up by the news media because President Bush was across the river in West Sacramento (Yolo County). He later took off from Sac Metro.
THAT was the local news.
My, my. Some vociferous, narcissistic, wannabe writer is sure full of himself, isn't he? But then he's not alone. All of you drone on and on, and none of you are really addressing what is important.
ReplyDeleteThe Nazis don't matter. Your opposition to them doesn't matter. But it sure makes you feel good to go on and on about this stuff, doesn't it?
The things which do matter aren't politically correct and are avoided completely by people like yourselves. Do you want to really address hate? Then have the guts to look into the hate taught in Islamic religious schools to little children. That's the hate which led to 9/11 and other atrocities. The new Nazis are found in Islam, but you conveniently ignore them while chasing rednecked buffoons around the countryside.
But anyone who dares to oppose Islamic hate (such as the Dutch cartoonists who made fun of it) are immediately assailed by the Islamic haters who will hit the streets in protest.
I think that you folks are afraid of crossing swords with the Islamo-facists, so you stick to going after the safe Nazis.
EB pointed out that there are over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world today. Of that 1.5 billion there are a few million that are of concern but to be fair they don't live in my neighborhood. In my personal life I have always called the anti-Semitism passing itself off as anti-Zionism for what it is. Can one be a critic of Israel without being an Anti Semitic? Just ask anybody living in Tel Aviv about the state of their country and you will get a mouthfull! Not to mention many Haradi (Hassidic) Jews oppose Zionism on religious grounds. Anti Semites are not very good at cloaking themselves. In the past they would have said something such as "The Jews control the media or America bows down to the Jews." They have simply replaced the word Jew with the word Zionist. It is just word play. The goings on in the Middle East do not excuse us from what is happening here. In fact much of the hate that does come from the Arab world is echoed by the rightwing terrorists here. So by confronting them we are standing up against it by proxy. Muhammed Schwartzm, I also hope you are not suggesting that the Arabs and the nazis are the same. Saying that all Arabs are terrorists is akin to saying that all White people are Nazis. 99.9999% of White folks are disgusted by Nazis and are very angry that they (the nazis) presume to speak for them.
ReplyDeleteEB: "Your suppressive masochism is, quite frankly, an emotional drain, and, although I understand you are a "psychic leach" (hence your occasional mind-benumbing indulgence in petty emotional "confessions" concerning your "inner-struggles"; confessions no one asked for, and no one appreciates) I feel that I can no longer be a party to your psychological "dips and climbs"."
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what the hell you were going on about here, since I "indulged" in no "petty emotional 'confessions' concerning [my] 'inner-struggles'" until I realized that this is the same "I no longer recognize you as a person" reply you posted to Stefan.
Was it really that impressive the first time around that you saved it for use as a template? You do know your way around a Thesaurus, I'll grant you that. Your writing sort of reminds me of a flaming bag of poo left on someone's porch... but with lots of pretty ribbons and wrapping. Still just a bag of poo at the end of the day, though.
"...since you completely neglect to mention the fact that Arab aggressors have launched THREE unprovoked wars against Israel...you are more a loyalist to Arab militancy than American values.."
Loyalty to Israel and an Israel First foreign policy = American values. Who's the traitor again?
"So, why not put your money where your mouth is? PLEASE LEAVE AMERICA NOW. Go to Israel (er, PALESTINE) and be with the people you profess so much undying love and empathy for."
Well, as I said before, it would be silly of me to ask you to move to Israel and be with the ones whom you, quite literally, worship. You're not a Jew, and can't actually become an Israeli under that country's race laws. But good news, every year legions of snake-handling "Christians" such as yourself, predominantly Evangelicals and Pentecostals from the U.S., descend on the Holy Land like locusts and form volunteer divisions of Shabbos Goyim. Basically the Israeli soldiers lay back and soak up some rays while these morons, cut from the same cloth as you, spit shine their rifles and tanks for them. Trust me, you'll love it. I think Joe Farah might even organize some of these trips. You should get in touch with him.
"Then, you can join Hamas, learn how to make a small suicide bomb device, duct tape it to your chest, and die with the dignity of knowing that you've martyred yourself for the 'Will of Allah'."
Hey speaking of which, the U.S. military's having some serious recruitment problems, buddy boy. Tens of thousands of soldiers have already been mangled and mutilated for life, and thence no longer of any use to U.ncle S.hlomo. No one's re-upping, no one's enlisting, no one wants to be thrown in the meatgrinder.
Whaddaya say, boy? Wanna put your money where your mouth is and do your part in the fight for Izrul, apple pie and Western science?
"Was it really that impressive the first time around that you saved it for use as a template?"--Mohammed Hitler
It's ritualistic. You know us "snake-handlers".
"Well, as I said before, it would be silly of me to ask you to move to Israel and be with the ones whom you, quite literally, worship. You're not a Jew, and can't actually become an Israeli under that country's race laws. But good news, every year legions of snake-handling "Christians" such as yourself, predominantly Evangelicals and Pentecostals from the U.S., descend on the Holy Land like locusts and form volunteer divisions of Shabbos Goyim. Basically the Israeli soldiers lay back and soak up some rays while these morons, cut from the same cloth as you, spit shine their rifles and tanks for them. Trust me, you'll love it. I think Joe Farah might even organize some of these trips. You should get in touch with him."--Abdullah Eichmann
I'm already in Israel.
We know where you live.
Hope your mother owns a black dress.
"Yerushalayim Shel Zahav!"
"Hey speaking of which, the U.S. military's having some serious recruitment problems, buddy boy. Tens of thousands of soldiers have already been mangled and mutilated for life, and thence no longer of any use to U.ncle S.hlomo. No one's re-upping, no one's enlisting, no one wants to be thrown in the meatgrinder.
Whaddaya say, boy? Wanna put your money where your mouth is and do your part in the fight for Izrul, apple pie and Western science?"--Mahmud Mengele
Two things YOU never want to have happen:
1) Me knowing exactly where you live.
2)Me having access to fully-automatic firearms.
(Oh, just kidding...);-)
Sorry, Dad already shot enough people during Gulf War 1 that I think our family has met it's karmic quota.
Time for these Germans to spread the love around...
BTW, thank you for the comliments about my writing. I like the "flaming doo-poo...wrapped in pretty ribbons and bows" comparison quite abit, actually, and I promise you I will use it advantageously in future publications.
Do I have permission to quote you as: BILL WHITE?!?
Now, I am dreadfully sorry, but I have performed my ritual, and said the magick words, so you'll have to go back to being an Unperson again.
Vlad Tepes
"...descend on the Holy Land like locusts..."--Amon Goeth
Cliche. Please expand and/or revise.
"...The vast majority of us terroristic diaperheads..."--Hermann Hezbollah
Self-deprecation is not your forte. Also, it suggests that you have huge self-esteem issues.
Women never find it very appealing.
"There's no reason whatsoever for America to fight a series of never-ending wars in the Middle East."--Joseph Jihadi
Apparently there is, since that is what we have undertaken for the last three years.
"No wonder so many of us see you as nothing more than a front for narrow ethno-centric interests; enablers and supporters of child murderers and butchers who "entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport"."--Ilsa, She-Wolf of the S.S.
Good Lord...
I didn't know I was guilty of all that. Are you quite sure you have the right fellow?
"(oy!)..."--Poldek Stern
...Vey!--See! Everyone can appreciate a little Yiddish!
Hava Nagila!
"...cut from the same cloth as you,.."--McGonnagall
More cliche.
"...to God knows where..."--Adolph Al-Watban
Since when did CommuNazis start believing in G-d?
"...Boy you really have swallowed that Horowitzian hogswill,..."--William al-Exandariush White
As opposed to the "Dariushian Diharrea"?
Oh hell, I'm tired tonight Adolph, and I have to work in a few hours. Er, don't set off any suicide bombs until I wake up.
Mozel Tov!
EB: "If we are forced to keep fighting in the Middle East..."
ReplyDelete"Forced". Interesting choice of words, there. Let's take a closer look at who precisely is doing the forcing:
Jim Lobe:
Far more visibly than any other domestic constituency, the Israel Lobby, defined by Profs. John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt, academic dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, as "the loose coalition of individuals and organizations who actively work to shape U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction," has pushed the government – both Congress and the George W. Bush administration – toward confrontation with Tehran.
Leading the charge has been a familiar group of neoconservatives, such as former Defense Policy Board (DPB) chairman Richard Perle and former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey, who championed the war in Iraq but who have increasingly focused their energies over the past year on building support for "regime change" and, if necessary, military action against Iran if it does not abandon its nuclear program.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the premier Israel lobby group whose annual convention last year featured a giant, multimedia exhibit on how Iran is "pursuing nuclear weapons and how it can be stopped," has also been pushing hard on Capitol Hill for legislation to promote regime change. Despite White House objections, the group has sought tough sanctions against foreign companies with investments in Iran.
"This bill has been pushed almost entirely by AIPAC," noted Trita Parsi, a Middle East expert at Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) here. "I don't see any other major groups behind this legislation that have had any impact on it."
Similarly, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), whose leadership is considered slightly less hawkish than AIPAC, has taken out full-page ads in influential U.S. newspapers since last week entitled "A Nuclear Iran Threatens All" depicting radiating circles on an Iran-centered map to show where its missiles could strike.
"Suppose Iran one day gives nuclear devices to terrorists," the ad reads. "Could anyone anywhere feel safe?"
...even during the run-up to the Iraq war, Israeli leaders, notably then-Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, depicted Iran as the greater threat, a theme that was picked up by the Lobby, led by the neoconservatives, immediately after Baghdad's fall.
"The liberation of Iraq was the first great battle for the future of the Middle East. … But the next great battle – not, we hope a military one – will be for Iran," wrote the Weekly Standard's neoconservative editor, William Kristol, in early May 2003.
Shortly thereafter, neoconservatives and other hawks led by Vice President Dick Cheney succeeded in cutting off ongoing U.S.-Iranian talks on Afghanistan and Iran and killing an offer by Tehran to engage in a broader negotiation on all outstanding differences.
What makes the growing confrontation with Iran so remarkable is that the Israel Lobby appears to be the only major organized force here that is actively pushing it toward crisis.
Mainstream analysts, including arms control hawks who favor strong pressure on Iran over its nuclear program, have spoken out against military action as far too risky and almost certainly counterproductive. Even analysts at the right-wing Heritage Foundation have voiced doubts. "It just doesn't make any sense from a geopolitical standpoint," said Heritage's James Carifano, noting Iran's capacity to retaliate against the U.S. in Iraq.
"I don't think there's another group in the country that has two successive conferences in which the centerpiece was beating the drums for war in Iran," noted one senior official with another major pro-Israel organization, who asked not to be identified. "They are the main force behind this."
More from Robert Dreyfuss, Gary Leupp and Eric Margolis.
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ReplyDelete"Self-deprecation is not your forte. Also, it suggests that you have huge self-esteem issues.
ReplyDelete"Women never find it very appealing."
Funny, but I always thought that it was people who flied off the handle, foamed at the mouth and made death threats over the slightest insult were the ones who had huge self-esteem issues.
"There's no reason whatsoever for America to fight a series of never-ending wars in the Middle East."
"Apparently there is, since that is what we have undertaken for the last three years."
I note, with some degree of satisfaction, that in these last three years, not only has public approval of the Cheney-Bush administration hit rock bottom (and it's stayed there), but in that same three year period isolationaist sentiment among the American public has risen to levels not seen since Hoover and FDR were in the White House.
Roughly half of all Americans now believe that our foreign policy should be to "mind our own business."
The horror, the horror.
Face it EB, you and your new buddy, who obviously wandered over from Little Green Footballs, are no longer the majority, but an ever-diminishing minority. And unless that collection of kleptocrats, perverts and Straussian nutjobs in this town, whom you adoringly refer to as "we", manage to successfully pull off a manufactured crisis before the November elections (and I'm not putting anything by them) they, and you, are through.
Y'all come back now, 'hear?
Has anyone noticed that Bill White never does any public activism in his hometown of Roanoke?
ReplyDeleteHe always goes 100s of miles away.
I wonder why??????