We all know that Bill White lies and lives in a land that rivals Oz for fantasy. In two of his most recent articles he absolutely defies any rationale or logic and his recent claims on WOODTV just show you how utterly delusional he is.
I speak a little about his recent actions and about the upcoming Lansing event. I am particularly concerned that the police would even consider letting them demonstrate at the Diversity Rally in Lansing. You can hear the audio here:
It is not even remotely feasible to me that law-enforcement could ever condone or defend allowing a group of neo-Nazi's near a venue that is meant to be one that is safe and filled with those embracing diversity and providing a security zone to those who feel threatened by the very presence of such people.
Michigan has been plagued with problems of racist groups and neo-Nazi activities for quite some time now and I know for a fact that there are many good people there working dilligently to make that area a Nazi-free zone.
April 19th and 20th are significant dates to those on the racist right and are generally times that we must watch and be vigilant because of the activities that certain groups like to engage in. It is incumbent upon all law-enforcement agencies to be alert and cognizant of the potential for violence.
Now...this is just crazy. Bill makes all of these wild-ass claims about thousands of NSM members and they are going to put 200 of them on the Capitol steps of Lansing. uh..huh. And I am going to spread wings and fly tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteAnd...Stefan...if you are planning on going there to support these Hollywood bozos you're not as smart as I once thought you might be.
Bill White has a court date in Roanoke tomorrow according to a search of Roanoke District court civil records.
ReplyDeleteHe was trying to garnish the wages of a man who is suing White for $90,000, Edward Hamilton.
I guess Bill's going to no show for it.
I was also impressed how quickly antifa were to show up at Bill's little interview with WOOD-TV. Hopefully they will get the intel on where he is staying.
I think the reason Bill doesn't do activism in Roanoke anymore is the media is on to him there.
Stefan - reread! I said IF you are planning on going there to SUPPORT them...I'm glad that is not the case.
ReplyDeleteHarry, I think you may be right. I also have a feeling that antifa either knows or will know shortly where his digs are. Man...Bill looks awful!
As to the brief confrontation that took place on that film, do they actually believe that a Nazi presence will be met with acceptance? They said they will sit down to learn what went wrong. Hell, we can tell them what went wrong - you can't expect people not to react to something like that!
ReplyDeleteI have temporarily placed this blog on moderated comments since Stevo is throwing a temper tantrum. I am keeping all of the disgusting things that he is saying to me for his service provider - I'm sure they will find him as interesting as the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteThis is just a temporary measure.
THANK YOU! For putting the moderation on, this thing was getting a bit out of hand.
ReplyDeleteAs for Bill, man he really looks like crap! I would worry if I were him, hacking and hacking and hacking like that for months on end? Me, well I'm praying.
Also, I won't be on much the next few days, got things to take care of but I will try and check in every so often.
Well crap, that sucks. Hopefully things start to calm down a bit here. It was getting a wee bit out of hand.
ReplyDeleteAll of that hate does seem to be taking a toll. Am I the only one who has observed the fact that Bill (who like myself will turn 29 this year) looks more like he is preparing for his 50th birthday? I'm not going to crack on his hairline, mine has thinned out as well but since I keep it either shaved or very closely cropped you wouldn't notice. I don't have a sound card on my PC but have been told that he sounds horrible. Also, look at Hal Turner and his host of health problems! There is nothing anybody could say to convince my that all of that hatred does not have a profoundly negative impact on somebody. I think it takes its toll physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Dick Butler being the exception to the rule none of these guys have lived long healthy lives. They seem to drop dead between 50 and 60 from cancer, heart disease, ect.. Von, why don't you wake up and get a clue before its too late?
ReplyDeleteVon is a lost cause, btw Von, will you be going to the rally? And ummmm, what about Bill's lie??? HMMMM???
Ok Von, let me spell it out for you. Why do you stand behind Bill White the liar? Your the one who told him about Molly Nolan supposedly getting hit with Horse shit. So how is it that Bill is now the all seeing idiot and you do not bother to correct him? Oh yeah I forgot, hell hath no fury like Bill White scorned? Afraid of Bill are we? I'm not, but he is damn sure afraid of me. What a coward, can't even talk to me civil like. Was I rude when I called in Von? Nope, but being the coward Bill is when faced with the truth he did the only thing he knew how. RUN!!!
ReplyDeleteSince Von rarely even shows up for these events, he can honestly say that he doesn't participate in violence.
ReplyDeleteThe tactic of the NSM, of course, is to try and get the protesters riled up to the point that they act out.
Then the NSM can either run away (like Toledo I) or stand and say: "See? I TOLD you they were violent!"
Kind of like smart-assed little punks on the playground, who taunt and then stand by the principal to tattle about the people they agitated.
It seems as though Lansing is following the Toledo II playbook, and will deploy a massive force to maintain separate zones to keep violence from occurring.
My predictions (mirrored in this post ):
** 45 Nazis and supporters (White will claim 45 got Photo-shopped out by the Jews and 100 turned away by the cops)
** 600 antifa and protesters (White will claim 150)
** 250 cops
** 3 dozen antis arrested for crimes ranging from belching to blinking to sneezing
** No major violence
Earlier today I had a good laugh when I went back and listened to Mark Martin on NSM presents this past monday, the guy actually said that they want to be moral. Can you just imagine how calling people the N word is moral behavior? Hell isnt that ODD BEHAVIOR that they kick them out for? LOL!
ReplyDeleteJust to make clear, the odd behavior is him actually saying they want to be moral.
ReplyDeleteBill White barely survives
ReplyDeleteQuote: A reporter was interviewing Lansing Police Capt. Ray Hall at the corner of Grand and Michigan avenues when an LCAN member told Hall and Police Chief Mark Alley, who was nearby, that there were Nazis at the Capitol. Alley and Hall proceeded to the Capitol to find NSM spokesman Bill White.
Alley and Hall, along with a third officer, formed a human shield around White to protect him from LCAN members while they escorted him back to his car, which was at a parking garage three blocks away.
During the walk back to the garage, protesters shouted profanities within inches of White’s face. At one point, a woman pushed Alley out of the way to get to White, prompting Hall to remove his handcuffs from his belt.
Police continued the protective stance until White safely drove off.
Vonbluvens forgets it was Bill White who punched Erica Hardwick in the face. It was Bill White who was guilty on numerous times of assault in Maryland. It was Bill White himself who bragged about punching a female teacher while in high school.
The reason Vonbluvens isn't violent is he is afraid to be. The one time Vonbluvens was confronted was when I revealed his wife's home was a daycare center. He fled the web for months until the heat calmed down.
Vonbluvens is a liar and he knows Bill White is one also. That alone shows which side is right.
If he lived just a little closer to me, I would assure Vonbluvens would totally disappear from the scene.
And this all reminded me, I'm going to get his divorce records from Roanoke County faxed to me and I'll post them asap.
LCAN is doing a good job! I really love it! Harry - I can't wait to see those divorce papers!
ReplyDeleteHere's another look at the confrontation:
ReplyDeleteNo, it's not a death threat at all nor would I need to do any physical harm against Vonbluvens to get him to leave forever.
Stefan said "Yes, I read that part (‘if’)---my question was: If I did plan on supporting the NSM, then why would that make me a dumber person?"
ReplyDeleteYou can't really be serious, Stefan.
What is up with all that hacking anyway? Damn he's going on about 2 months now? I'd be worried.
ReplyDeleteI'm not. I'm hopeful.
ReplyDeleteHack, cough. A hospitalization and early death cannot be far away!
Von Bluvens talking about god... what a fucking joke. His god is satan.
ReplyDeleteVonbluvens is flipping out on NIM Busters. He must have forgotten to take his seroquel and depokote tonight.
Follow your leader Vonbluvens.
ReplyDeleteFollow your Leader
All of mankind and womankind will be most grateful.
I did answer your question and yes, I do think Vonbluvens killing himself would be a benefit for mankind. I'm against the death penalty but if Vonbluvens wants to do the deed himself, I don't mind.
ReplyDeleteThe law prohibits me from physically harming Vonbluvens so I'm not going to do that.
Vonbluvens already calls for me to die as well as the deaths of all with a drop of jewish blood.
So wanting him to die is just giving it right back to him.
It's called exposing Vonbluvens hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of other nazis.
And yet Steevo praises when blacks die and wants them all removed from the United States. Steevo has called for lynching parties for blacks in the past.
ReplyDeleteSteevo = another lying hypocrite.
You're another one who mankind would benefit by hanging himself from a rope.
Diseased Bill White loses again in court. Judge give White the finger, allows fence and metal detecting equipment
ReplyDeleteHere is an article that is cached on google from CAH.
CAH Staff Writers
In an unprecedented and irresponsible move yesterday Michael Blevins and his side-kick in hate, Michael Schneider, called upon all White Nationalists to kill Jews and people of color. Claiming that “there is no political solution” and that “violence is the name of the game from here on out in this revolutionary movement,” the VonBluvens Radio Show took to the internet airwaves with their new slogan “No Jews Alive in 2005.”
But stefan seems to ignore all these statements by neo-nazis like Vonbluvens.
And he wonders why I think Vonbluvens committing suicide is a good thing.
ReplyDeleteVonbluvens hasn't seen his biological children in Virginia for many years. He is prohibited under an order from Roanoke County from seeing his kids without permission. He even wrote a letter in the Roanoke newspaper complaining he wasn't allowed to see his kids and how the court system was fixed against him.
It takes some horrible thing for a judge to order a biological father no contact allowed with his own kids.
If you are referring to his new marriage to much older woman, neo-nazi Bernadette Heikkila, her children are adults now.
And isn't it funny how Stefan is shown evidence, he'll simply claim they "were joking". Vonbluvens used to praise the 911 attacks until he wet his pants and changed his mind.
Everyone wins if Vonbluvens would kill himself. Everyone.
Has anyone noticed Bill White is now too afraid to crash the diversity party now and is now going to follow all the orders of the government?
It always turns out that way everytime, doesn't it?
Well it looks like we have finally seen the line drawn, will Bill and company comply? They'd better.
ReplyDeleteBTW VON- no answer means you can't or won't due to I'm right. Who would have thunk it?
Stefan - I'll answer that last question - and the answer is YES. When he first made those statements along with his sidekick, I took him to task big time - and on the very next show they simply reiterated their desire to have all Jews killed. They WERE NOT joking, Stefan and any suggestion that they were will incur my wrath. These people are despicable human detritus and the sooner you understand that the better off you will be. To try to excuse their behavior or write it off as "joking" is no better than what they are.
ReplyDeleteI think Bill White did the lawsuit as a stunt knowing he would lose.
ReplyDeleteThe proof is he cited that violence was going to happen in his complaint. It doesn't matter from whom.
Bill White knows that the fence is meant to protect him from the opposition, not the other way around. The hardcore antifa would love to see no fence erected to protect the nazis.
If there was no fence and White got confronted, he would sue the police.
I'm thinking about printing up a shirt with the word "cunt" superimposed over a picture of Anne Frank on the front.
ReplyDeleteI predict it'll sell like hotcakes.
In fact, I'll take advance orders for it right now. Who wants to be the first on their block with the hot new shirt that all the cool kids are gonna be wearin'?
EB? :)
Many "Holocausts", but only one held sacred.
ReplyDeleteI am the Lord, thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
ReplyDeleteThere are rats everywhere you go. That includes Jews during World War 2. The reason why some of them worked with Hitler can vary. Out of fear, out of bribery etc. It's also widely known if you want to conquer and or exterminate a group of people, you need the help of some of those people. Take a look at Iraq. The US is running the country and putting up puppet Iraqi's to give a different impression.
I bet you that not a single of these jews observed the sabbath or worshipped in synagogues.
Even during the Roman occupation of Israel 2000 years ago, The Romans put Jews in positions of power there if you read the bible.
A lot more informative sources say Hitler was 1/4 jewish himself which according to white supremacy today, that would make him totally jewish and not white. Of course white supremacist deny Hitler had any jewish blood in him.
I don't know how reliable Rigg is because I have never heard of him. But I'll ask one of the world's leading expert on nazi germany and give you his answer.
EB: "When you die, Dari dearie, not a tear will be shed, nor will you be remembered for being anything other than a coarse, boorish, nihilistic blowhard with a seething hatred of Jews and no appreciation for the wealth and priviledge afforded you by the society you were fortunate enough to become a citizen of."
ReplyDeleteNow, now, dear boy. Plagiarism doesn't become you. It's only clever and hurtful the first time around. Remember that. I am flattered though that you think so highly of my writing.
"What, pray tell, have YOU done, Nazi, to equal what she managed to accomplish?"
If you're trying to turn this into a dick-measuring contest (keep it in your pants, big boy -- I'm speaking metaphorically) it won't work. There won't be any comparing of who's written what and been published where since, as I alluded to before, I value anonymity more than bragging rights on internet forums.