When Jeff Kart of the Bay City Times wrote a great article about Floyd Cochran's visit there, Bill just had to take the opportunity to at least look like he was doing something. That might not have been the best thing for him to do, as he pretty well slid into what could be a real legal quagmire for him. Below is his letter to Kart - and my response to Bill.
Mr Kart:
First, I'm not going to lie to you: Your article on Floyd Cochran was just badly written. Your quotes and statements were not properly contextualized, names of people and groups were not properly introduced, and your writing was really not of a quality appropriate for a mainstream printed newspaper.
Mr. White – when you have the journalistic degrees and licesnses of Mr. Kart, and others of the mainstream media, then your criticisms might be a little more credible. At this juncture, however, you have neither. All that you can currently claim is a one-man internet zine replete with lies and self-agrandizing spins.
That said, its no surprise you "forgot" to mention Mr Cochran's continuing criminal activity as a member of the One People's Project and other anti-racist groups.
Since Mr. Cochran has never engaged in any criminal activity as a member of One People’s Project or Citizens Against Hate – which I am certain falls into that “other anti-racist” group. I hope he files a law-suit as soon as he returns home from his speaking engagement. Further, I will encourage him to do just that. Additionally, should he choose to see you in court, I will happily provide Mr. Cochran and his counsel with all the damning evidence they need as to your lies and convoluted reportings on others, as well as your character.
The One People's Project was the group that distributed literature in Toledo, Ohio, calling for violence against the police prior to the October 15, 2005 riot. This explicit call for violence against the police was endorsed by Mr Cochran and others, and according to CNN and other news sources -- as well as what I personally witnesses -- Mr Cochran's organization was involved in handing out weapons to blacks and ordering them to attack police during the rioting.
One People’s Project was not present in Toledo the day in question any more than Citizens Against Hate was. In initial reports from your camp, Mark Martin attempted to make similar accusations against us. The truth of the matter is, you were wishing that you could make that case. However, in your own zealousness to create and incite violence you admitted publicly to the violation of the court injunction that was issued by sending “your people” into areas that were off limits. Additionally, your own voice told us, publicly, that you had wanted to incite violence among the protestors.
This is not the only crime the One People's Project and Mr Cochran have been linked to. As just one example, Erica Hardwick, an activist with the One People's Project who has personally physically attacked me, is currently in prison for more than half a dozen crimes, ranging from assaulting police officers to breaking and entering to petty theft and obstructing justice.
Mr. White, your attempts at making your enemies appear as criminals are almost laughable when we look at where these accusations are coming from. The criminal history of the racist right far supercedes any criminal activity engaged in by anti-racists. The trail of blood and violence that has left its’ mark on the landscape of this country and has been perpetrated by racists and hate-group members is quite well documented, and I can assure you that you do not want to go there.
The One People's Project publishes the home addresses of white activists, and their members have attempted murder and other crimes against white activists as well.
Again, I sincerely hope that not only Mr. Cochran, but the administrator at One People’s Project take you to court where you would be forced to “proove” these libelous claims.
Far from abandoning "hate", criminality and violence, Floyd Cochran has embraced it with all his heart. His speeches are merely an attempt to add respectability to a movement that is fundamentally anti-social, Jewish and obsessed with terrorism.
Spin-doctoring used to be your forte, Mr. White. Obviously, you have lost your edge. Perhaps that comes from your association with the many mentally deficient individuals in the NSM. To even entertain the thought that Jeff Kart would give any credence to your objections begs the question of your mental accuity but, to claim that this “movement,” as you call it lacks respectabiltiy calls into question your waning ability to engage in rational thought.
The anti-racist movement is neither anti-social, Jewish, or obsessed with terrorism – and you know it. Your attempts at painting it as such are just patently ridiculous with no basis in fact. If this is some sort of “performance” to show your goon squad how it should be done then I would suggest the goon squad find another mouthpiece because the one they currently have has just demonstrated how absolutely damaging he is to their own “movement.” And should the parties mentioned decide to take their legal course of action, I would strongly suggest that they dump you like yesterday’s garbage.
The one thing that speaks volumes in all of this is that Mr. Cochran has done and is doing a great job in getting our message out there. This is evident in the desperation of your message to Mr. Kart. In your attempts to discredit it becomes evident that you gave little thought to the possible ramifications of the bogus and libelous claims that you have made. That generally happens when experiencing the discomfort of knowing that the truth is winning.
Floyd Cochran should sue Bill White and I would think the SPLC would be glad to help.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with more of more. And it is way overdue.
ReplyDeleteActually, I was thinking that the weekend of the 22nd of April might be an excellent time for antifa and others to take stock of Bill's holdings - since they would tecnically be ours after the lawsuit.
ReplyDeleteWe could picket in front of Bill's house and kick-start everything.
And make sure you take a tape recording of the picket. Bill likes to hit women, then run into someone's else house crying like a baby that the woman hit him.
ReplyDeleteYeah I know - he's that way. But, Bill might be out of town that day - the Lansing fiasco.
ReplyDeleteI'm loving the idea! Take it right back to them!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteProperties White owns (mortaged all to the max)
ReplyDelete1521 Chapman
832 Patterson SW
Patterson SW (vacant lot)
Patterson SW (vacant lot)
819 Campbell
Jackson St (vacant lot)
13th st SW (vacant lot)
1426 Chapman
1502 Chapman
1610 Patterson SW
1602 Patterson SW
1629 Chapman
1621 Chapman
1609 Chapman
1605 Chapman
1526 Patterson SW
1529 Chapman
1517 Chapman
Nikki: "Since Mr. Cochran has never engaged in any criminal activity as a member of One People’s Project or Citizens Against Hate – which I am certain falls into that “other anti-racist” group. I hope he files a law-suit as soon as he returns home from his speaking engagement. Further, I will encourage him to do just that. Additionally, should he choose to see you in court, I will happily provide Mr. Cochran and his counsel with all the damning evidence they need as to your lies and convoluted reportings on others, as well as your character."
ReplyDeleteThankfully, libel laws here are not what they are in the U.K. Suing someone for libel or "defamation of character" is an uphill battle, as well it should be.
"The anti-racist movement is neither anti-social, Jewish, or obsessed with terrorism – and you know it."
The "anti-social" seems to be a bit of randomly selected denigration, but I would say that when it comes to professional "anti-racists", especially the ADL and the SPLC, the latter two are right on the mark.
Where I part company with Bill is when it comes to designating groups and organizations for whom "anti-racism" is but one concern among many, as Jewish pawns. Many of these groups actively work against Jewish interests (even if they themselves would be appalled and outraged by that description) and genuinely do good work in that regard.
"Mr. White – when you have the journalistic degrees and licesnses of Mr. Kart, and others of the mainstream media, then your criticisms might be a little more credible."
Nice. The classic logical fallacy of "appeal to authority".
And such authority at that. "Journalistic degress and licenses". Ooooooh!
I don't personally know Jeff Kart but if he's anything like the glorified transcribers in D.C. everything he says should be taken with a grain of salt... at minimum.
Journalists are some of the most cowardly individuals you're ever likely to meet. Many people are under the assumption that journalists only write what they're told to write and that they're constantly under the supervision of editors and higher-ups... nothing could be further from the truth.
Self-censorship is the law of the land in newsrooms. These people are more concerned with their own hides and their meager paychecks than they are with advancing any agenda. Anything that they think might put that in danger they'll instinctively back away from. Anything controversial, anything likely to displease advertisers, anything that hasn't already been picked up by at least one major media outlet, etc.
A friend of mine tells me that a prominent radio news anchor in DC, gets almost 90% of his news stories, quotes included, straight from that morning's Washington Post.
There's nothing admirable or honorable about journalism. And there's no reason on God's green earth why these people are worthy of such respect and blind trust.
At least Russians knew how to read Pravda...
Just saw on Virginia court records of Bill White being found guilty of contempt of court by contacting Erica Hardwick.
ReplyDeleteCase Number: GT06006947-00
"Bill likes to hit women, then run into someone's else house crying like a baby that the woman hit him."
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't get along well with his sister, I take it?
New blog. How to make Chris Holsten's life miserable after he goes to prison!
Obviously, Floyd has some people worried and pissed. Not only has Bill White gone over the legal line, but James Wickstrom and August Kreis would really like to see someone commit some sort of violence toward him. This is from Kreis:
ReplyDelete"4/07/06: Several kinsmen attended representing various organizations and they laughed as to the cockroach's speech. The first question/statement asked of him, read off an index card, was questioning him about the fact that was he not booted off the Aryan Nations church grounds by Pastor Butler for being pursued by the NYS Authorities for being a deadbeat dad AND smoking pot on the church grounds? Of course he choose not to answer that one and the person that read that statement was catching hell because it was one of the organizers most likely a kike.
"There were not more than approximately 50 people total attending and most of them were jewsmedia and law enforcement although the Bay City Times [http://www.mlive.com/news/bctimes/index.ssf?/base/news-6/1144422909203780.xml&coll=4&thispage=1 claims there were 100. They even had several youth that attended bail out during cockroach's boring diatribe. The kinsmen and women that attended put KKK cards around on some of the windshields in the parking lot to make sure that the kikes and cockroach knew they were there. Oh, and to make sure that no one could take me up on my offer of getting a picture with the cockroach they banned cameras inside the meeting hall.
"You see, our kinsfolk are not the kind that can be intimidated. In fact most are more than ready to take this WAR to the next level and have to be convinced that the time is not yet right.
"The plan to wait a while longer till the browns, blacks and asian gangs start riot and the liberal Whites begin to die wholesale. Maybe at that point Whites will wake up! And maybe not. But in either case we should continue to prepare for this eventual race war."
Now, Kreis had issued a statement claiming that he would give some kind of award to anyone who get a picture taken with Floyd. Of course, that wasn't going to happen.
Generally speaking, such reactions don't happen unless the truth is threatening their "movement" or livlihood. This only tells me that Floyd Cochran and our anti-racist organizations are making some major inroads.
Also - did you ever notice how they are all so hung up on numbers?
ReplyDelete"Thankfully, libel laws here are not what they are in the U.K. Suing someone for libel or "defamation of character" is an uphill battle, as well it should be."
ReplyDeleteDariush - it is only an "uphill battle" when there is truth involved. The lies written about Floyd Cochran and One People's Project are just that - lies with the DELIBERATE INTENT of discrediting them. Nothing uphill about that.
"The "anti-social" seems to be a bit of randomly selected denigration, but I would say that when it comes to professional "anti-racists", especially the ADL and the SPLC, the latter two are right on the mark."
The ADL and SPLC are not representative of the mainstream anti-racist movement. While they are the authorities on racism who are generally quoted in the media, they are not the "movement." Additionally - how are they "obsessed with terrorism?" This is nothing more than more hyperbole from White.
"Where I part company with Bill is when it comes to designating groups and organizations for whom "anti-racism" is but one concern among many, as Jewish pawns. Many of these groups actively work against Jewish interests (even if they themselves would be appalled and outraged by that description) and genuinely do good work in that regard."
It's not just Bill White who does this. Hell, if you dare to disagree with a couple of them - you are automatically the "tool of the Jew." They even do it to their own.
"Nice. The classic logical fallacy of "appeal to authority".
And such authority at that. "Journalistic degress and licenses". Ooooooh!
"I don't personally know Jeff Kart but if he's anything like the glorified transcribers in D.C. everything he says should be taken with a grain of salt... at minimum.
"Journalists are some of the most cowardly individuals you're ever likely to meet. Many people are under the assumption that journalists only write what they're told to write and that they're constantly under the supervision of editors and higher-ups... nothing could be further from the truth."
My problem here is not with the mainstream media, although I would agree that there is not always honor in the approach that journalists often take, is that Bill White has set himself up as a "Journalist." Bill White is anything but - and to attempt to critique someone who is oblviously much more credible than the self-proclaimed White is the height of arrogance. And, quite frankly - Bill White needs to realize his limitations.
Agreed, Nikki.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to watch how White works when he is clueless.
The "Toledo flyers" statement is typical. There were indeed a handul of flyers passed around the North Toledo neighborhood in the week prior to the NSM visit in October, but this handbilling was done by local people with no connection to OPP.
That October mob was cell-phone driven more than anything else, and got riled up by Bill White and Mark Martin shouting stupidity at the crowd from behind dozens of police.
White doesn't even know what his own group is doing half the time. When I got an email about the hijinks of a half-dozen uniformed Nazis stirring up trouble at a Lansing-area diner last month, I posted the info on the incident long before White learned about it.
Historymike's post
Bill White's post, 90+ minutes later
And, to be honest, the email sat in my box for two hours before I even read it.
I'd like to take the credit, but Bill probably learned about it first on NIM Busters, who linked my post about 30 minutes after it ran on my blog.
Of course, White was never one to let facts stand in the way of a story.
You are so right, Mike. It's almost like the facts hamper him and often he writes things like that is what he wishes would have happened. You know how it is when maybe you have been in a confrontation and later you always think of the perfect comeback - like that is what you wish you would have said. Bill White writes the wish as if it happened.
ReplyDeleteIf one ignores the porn spammers, Nimbusters is a good message board with 100's of readers each day.
ReplyDeleteA lot of good stuff, like Schwartz posting documents about Hal Turner's wife and Alex Linder bankruptcy filings in US Court for example.
Today White claims that the NSM "won" in court in Toledo.
Since Bill decided to play attorney in Toledo instead of hiring a professional, the NSM was forced to play by the city's rules.
The only way White can claim "victory" in court is that the court injunction was lifted a few weeks after the NSM packed up.
But you can bet Toledo city officials will not hesitate to get another court order if they catch wind of White and the NSM returning.
BTW - White said a month ago that Toledo was going to be one of four cities targeted by the NSM in a "Four on the Fourth" series of demonstrations July 4.
However, the latest list of NSM activities shows only Columbus, OH on the 4th of July. I wonder if the "thousands" of NSM members who signed up in recent months will all be in Columbus instead.
It was the City of Toledo who filed against White/NSM/Antifa personally and White lost and the city won. The NSM was ordered not to march into neighborhoods.
ReplyDeleteThe NSM never filed any lawsuit in Florida. More pretending by White.
I'm listening to Bill White's show now. You should listen to him hack, cough, and gasp for air. In the background, he sounds like he is having respiratory distress.
ReplyDeleteHe's only 28 and every show he does, it's the same thing. Gasping for air and hacking.
Hepatitus B perhaps?
Yeah - I just mentioned the same thing to Tony Willow. It's really awful.
ReplyDeleteBill is so afraid of Tony Willow, he hung up on her.
ReplyDeleteShe never got to finish what she called to say - and believe me, he knew what she called to say. He is such a pussy.
ReplyDeleteWell well well...little ole Bill is afraid of me! LOL! I'm surprised it took him so long to figure out that it was me. I guess his brain caught up with his mouth and thought OH SHIT! He knows exactly what I was going to say but it's too late. He ran at the mouth and now its time to take him to task. Working on a story about it as we speak, going to pull an all nighter for this one cause I have A LOT to say. The truth hurts and more than likely, its going to hurt their rally.
ReplyDeleteThe only way Bill White and Dariush are one and the same is if Bill is schizophrenic with multiple personalities.
ReplyDelete(dramatic pause here)
OK - there is still a possibility that Bill White and Dariush are one and the same...
I like it when Steve Holsten talks about Schwartz "lying". The fat Pedo has never told the truth in his whole damn life.
ReplyDeleteYou want the truth Steve? The truth is that when Chris goes to prison (oh and don't fool yourself, he is going) Nimbusters are going to pay (or more likely make inmates believe they will pay them) to make your sons life miserable. And it is all your fault. How long you think it will be before Chris kills himself? Not to long I hope.
Everrets: you comment:
ReplyDeleteA racist is a racist is a racist...
TOO FUNNY! I thought that same damn thing so many times. In this story I'm working on I'm going to use a variation though.
A liar is a liar is a liar...
The OPP mentioned this yesterday and I caught another Bill White article today where he can't spell right, especially the city of Cincinatti, Ohio which I can't seem to find on a map. Some racists were going to protest the ACLU at the campus of Miami University in Hamilton but got lost and went to the main campus of the University of Miami in Oxford. Shame they didn't think it was Florida.
ReplyDeleteOf course, Bill "hack, cough" White tries his best to spin it but we've got the whole thing here including a link to the Cincinnati newspaper article that Bill White ripped off.