As Floyd continues on his speaking tour, August Kreis of Arayn Nations is becoming more and more agitated and updated the all-call on his website today - it reads:
"I'm asking all Aryan Nations members and Pro-White militias to pay this clown a visit the evening of April 6th. Let's show this retarded buffoon that we are alive and well in MI. Aryan Nations will present an award to the kinsman that walks up to and get's his picture taken with this bozo. We want to send a STRONG message to all these pieces of shit that work against our race that "they" are always within our grasp! Don't forget that this meeting is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and you may be surprised to find out just how many of our people will be attending IN PLAIN CLOTHES. The Cockroach has lied and stated that he has already met Pastor Wickstrom but after Thursday, we'll see! By the way, we've heard that they'll be all kinds of security, local, state and even the FBI...cool, maybe they'll learn a thing or two!
I also suggest having a Unit at MBS Airport and keeping a watch for him there. He's got to arrive and depart from Bay City and my offer of "getting your picture" taken with this bozo is not just offered at the meeting. If you can catch Cockroach coming or going that would be just fine also. - August Kreis; Aryan Nations National Director"
We'll keep a light on for ya, August.
You know, I just don't understand the mindset of a Bill White who just pulls bullshit out of his hat and throws it out there as if it is the truth. At the end of the Matt Hale trial, Bill White posted the address, and telephone number of Tony Evola - the federal informant who got the good on and testified against Matt Hale. The problem was, it was the WRONG Tony Evola. Consequently, an innocent family was harassed and terrified and had to have police officers parked outside their house for days.
Not too long after that, White did the same thing with Roh from Citizens Against Hate. Another innocent family became the victim of his lunacy. Now he has done the same thing with one of our colleagues, Floyd Cochran. Yesterday he posted information on his website referencing a Floyd Cochran living in Mount Joy, PA. It's the wrong Cochran.
Floyd Cochran has NEVER lived in Mount Joy, the birthday, address, and telephone number are all bogus. So what kind of jollies does this flakey fake get out of putting innocent people in the line of fire? One of these days this kind of shit is going to come back and bite him squarely in the ass. I just hope no one gets hurt in the process.
I've got a list of every single property Bill White owns. I also got the names and birthdates and other information about Bill's parents and his two brothers, Andrew and James.
ReplyDeletePerhaps I should post and other antifa sites should follow?
Does Bill have wedding pictures, or did his sister get them in the divorce?
ReplyDeleteHomeland security offical busted for the same thing that Steve's son did.
Uh...Stevo - if I were you, I would certainly think twice before accusing anyone of any sexual fantasies. You need to clean your own damned house. As I hear it, no one is interested in the miniscule genitalia of Bill White. The man has to post pictures of used condom wrappers on his website to "prove" his exploits.
ReplyDeleteHarry, I have no problem with tit-for-tat but do we want to cause his mother any more grief than she already has? I mean - can you imagine what it must be like to be the parents of Bill White? I know I am probably alone on this one - what does everyone else think?
Uh...Unit 9 - this is just too much:
ReplyDeleteOn March 12, Doyle contacted a 14-year-old girl whose profile was posted on the Internet and ``initiated a sexually explicit conversation,'' according to the Sheriff's Office.
Doyle described ``explicit and perverse'' sex acts and gave her his office number, a report said.
Incidentally, a couple of old Nazi's showed up at the Holocaust Museum tonight while Floyd Cochran was speaking - one asked a really lame question and they were both summarily removed from the property. Sometimes I think they are their own worst enemies.
ReplyDeleteUnit 9: "Homeland security offical busted for the same thing that Steve's son did."
ReplyDeleteWhat better way to keep the "homeland" secure than by personally making sure that its children are all tucked in, safe and sound, every night?
I wonder what this particular porcine's excuse is going to be?
Kinda reminds me of the recent scandal in Fairfax County, where sheriff's deputy were caught soliciting prostitutes for sex (no, not a "sting" -- they paid, they went "around the world"), and tried to make up some lame excuse about how they actually had to perform a sex act with the ladies in order to arrest them.
Pigs really do believe that the law doesn't apply to them. They're nothing more than hired goons in the employ of the State -- its "muscle" if you will.
Harry F Schwartz: "I also got the names and birthdates and other information about Bill's parents and his two brothers, Andrew and James.
ReplyDelete"Perhaps I should post and other antifa sites should follow?"
Years ago, through my place of employment at the time, I got to know Gen. William Westmoreland's niece (if you're not familiar with the name, Google it in conjunction with "Vietnam").
Personally I never had anything but contempt for the man, what he did and what he represented. But the horror stories she told me about what the family had to go through all throughout the 70's... shockening and saddening. My heart went out to them.
No matter what your opinion of Bill White, you might want to rethink this "collective punishment" idea of yours, however ingrained it might be in your psyche.
"Cops are the only people standing between you and them. You're too weakened by civilization to defend yourself. You want someone else to do the dirty work for you, just as you expect Ronald McDonald to slaughter your cattle and chicken before you eat them. In case you haven't noticed, there's a lot of cheap, spoiled meat on the streats these days. Does that statement make you defensive? Perhaps I'm talking about you. Rollcall: junkies, gangsters, killers, rapists, dustheads, welfare cheats, petty thieves, wife-beaters, carjackers, pimps, strawberrries, puke-smeared drunks, crusty schizos, AIDS-splattered shooting galleries... Had enough, Buster? Cops spend all week with their heads dunked in the social toliet. They see all the oozing pus sores, the social cancers, every predatory, bottom-feeding, crustacean character no one else is able to handle. Could you endure the naked stench for fifteen minutes? No, but sit and criticize like the cowering, two-bit punk you are.
ReplyDeleteWe are S.W.A.T. Today we get you for a ride along. Tomorrow we get our hands dirty."--From S.W.A.T: Deep Inside a Cop's Head.
"No matter what your opinion of Bill White, you might want to rethink this "collective punishment" idea of yours, however ingrained it might be in your psyche."--Dariush
Tell that to your brownshirted boyfriends, you little neo-Nazi co*ksucker.
Goad's one cool cat, but he's just not on the ball when it comes to the whole police-worship/fetish thing.
ReplyDeleteAnd once again, for the record, I am not Bill White, and I am not a member of the NSM.
Although, just one day after I name-dropped Alexander Cockburn, Overthrow.com ran one of his pieces from CounterPunch. Probably for the first time in a couple of years, at least.
So maybe, just maybe...
Bill's parents do hold some responsbility for raising him the way he is by spoiling him like crazy & funding overthrow.com for all those years.
ReplyDeleteBut Bill cares less about his parents except for a money source. If someone shot his parents dead, Bill would be cheering for the inhertance he would get and not mourn their death for one moment.
Bill White is a psychopath.
Has anyone noticed that Bill White never leaves fliers or holds rallies in Roanoke?
ReplyDeleteAll his activism is on the web and out of Roanoke?
Stefan: "I am curious; since you moved to the USA from Iran at the age of 9--- do you have any residual knowledge of Persian?"
ReplyDeleteI'm fluent in Persian and always have been. I guess was fortunate in that, be it in North Carolina or Maryland, I was the only eyeraynian in every elementary school and junior high/middle school that I attended.
Not only did it hone my survival skills, it also forced me to immerse myself in English, rather than fall back to the safety and comfort of surrounding myself only with co-ethnics and people who only spoke Persian.
I was also fortunate in that at home our family only spoke Persian amongst ourselves, so I never forgot the language. Plus I was given writing assignments, such as transcribing articles from Persian-language newspapers, or poetry or anything similar.
I go back to Iran at least once a year now, staying anywhere from two weeks to two months (depending on my work situation back here), and I never have any problems when it comes to communication.
You are assuming Dariush is telling the truth. If he was, that means he isn't white according to your standards.
ReplyDeleteBut yet Dariush claims to be a white nationalist.
Bill lies so much, he loses track of them all the time.
"But yet Dariush claims to be a white nationalist."
ReplyDeleteI made no such claim. However, some of my best friends are white nationalists... ditto black nationalists, Chicano nationalists, Puerto Rican nationalists and others.
They'll be dancing in the street in Kennett when known sexual predator and soon to be registered sex offender Chris Holsten is put away.
ReplyDeleteChris Holsten's life will be a living hell in prison. Count on him being some bad man's bitch.
Stefan: "But, I am sure Dariush will not mind typing this paragraph in Persian:"
ReplyDeleteEB: "Have him write something in bloody Persian, but that STILL wouldn't prove anything,as he can easily copy and paste off the net.
"He's Bill White. But, just assuming for a minute that he isn't, he's still a racist arsehole."
LOL! Ok, I'll give it a shot.
Behesh begoo ke ye cheezi be Farsi benevise, ama hata age oon kaar ro bokone hanooz masale haal neest, baraye eenke meetoone be rahati ye cheezi ro as rooye internet copy o paste bokone.
Een marteeke khode Bill White-e. Hala vaseye ye daghighe-am farz koneem ke nabashe, behar hal ye koskhol-e nejadparast-e.
Like most concerned Nimbusters I feel that it is important to get child molesting trash off the streets and into Missouri jail where they belong. I encourage all Nimrhoids to write the DA and tell about sexual predator Chris Holsten. Chris shouldn't get off without prison time.
Steve Sokoloff
P.O. Box 864
Kennett, MO 63857
573-888-6677 FAX
I wrote him as a concerned mother in Iowa (where I live) whose young daughters had been molested by Chris and Steve but had gotten off scott free. Chris shouldn't go free again! Additionally I believe they should keep a close eye on Steve Holsten who is a known pedo as well.
Life will be good when Chris is behind bars bending over to pick up the soap.
Wow, I can do that also with all the translators out on the web.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Bill White, he's bragging about being the campaign manager of some far right wing christian 3rd party candidate in 2000.
White lied about the amount of votes also, Morella had a clear majority that year, 52 percent. And he was only a consultant. He never was the campaign manager.
Us'ns in the whaaat soopremasee movement cain't wait for the day when marryin' our sisters ain't no more a crime...
ReplyDeleteM. Lindstedt
ReplyDeleteStefan, might as well give it up. This is hopeless.
From the Bay City Times
Friday, April 07, 2006
It's easy to hate, and easy to ignore hate groups.
But we do so at are our own peril, Floyd Cochran told a roomful of more than 100 people at the YWCA in Bangor Township on Thursday.
About 10 people showed up to oppose Cochran, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan and former youth recruiter with the Aryan Nations. But they sat in the back and left early, and Cochran's 90-minute speech was capped with a standing ovation.
Cochran said there are more than 20 organized hate groups operating in Michigan, about double the number from six years ago.
''More often than not, when you say organized white supremacist or racist gangs, we tell ourselves they don't exist in our community, they always exist somewhere else,'' said Cochran, sporting a beard and a fast tongue.
But it's not just a Southern thing anymore.
''The organized white supremacists have moved north, in part because we failed to address racism and bigotry ... When you ignored me that allowed me to set the agendas when I came to your community,'' Cochran said.
The YWCA, Temple Israel in Bay City and other organizations sponsored Cochran's visit, meant to educate local residents about hate groups in the state.
One such group, led by James P. Wickstrom - ''considered the pope within the Christian Identity movement,'' Cochran says - used to operate out of a furniture store in Hampton Township. The store was gutted by fire in 2004 and Wickstrom has since moved to the Pinconning area, but is still active.
Wickstrom reportedly plans to speak at a neo-Nazi rally planned for April 22 in Lansing by the National Socialist Movement, the same group blamed for a riot at a rally in Toledo last year.
Cochran said people need to pay attention to hate groups like the Aryan Nations because they're targeting young people. They use religion to teach that Jews are evil and black people are inferior, and especially look for vulnerable children who are having problems at home.
Such was the case for Cochran. He was a 14-year-old foster kid when he met up with the KKK outside his school in New York and they welcomed him into their group.
Years later, he got involved with the Aryan Nations and became a youth recruiter, living on a compound in northern Idaho until he left the group in 1992. He said leader Richard Butler told Cochran his son, born with a cleft palate, needed to be exterminated.
Cochran now lives in Pennsylvania and has been speaking to groups for the last 14 years, talking about organized white supremacists and how to counteract their message.
Cochran said the face of hate has changed in the last decade, moving from KKK members in white hoods to regular-looking folks recruiting young people at high schools and on college campuses. They also use racist rock bands and Internet Web sites.
He said people need to challenge themselves not to buy into stereotypes and laugh at racist jokes, be accepting of others and reach out to troubled youths.
''I didn't become an organized racist or have racist ideas overnight,'' Cochran said.
''In many ways, organized groups such as the Ku Klux Klan or Aryan Nations, they amplify the racism of ordinary people.''
It's about more than words, too.
''It is young people who are being targeted by hate groups to go out and to attack people,'' Cochran said, mentioning several crimes committed over the years by young people with ties to white supremacist groups.
LeRoy and Mary Marquiss, who owned the furniture store where Wickstrom once preached, attended Cochran's speech with a handful of friends.
August Kreis, the national director of an Aryan Nations group based in South Carolina, issued a call to all members and sympathizers to show up to disrupt Cochran's speech on Thursday, and offered a reward to anyone who got their picture taken with Cochran.
No one collected, Cochran said. He encouraged people to attend the Lansing rally to peacefully oppose the neo-Nazis.
Cochran responded to written questions after his talk. At least a few were from critics.
He ended his speech with an answer to one such question, which asked why ''white Christian America is demonized.''
''Here in America we should be of one heritage and that's Americans, where everyone is treated equal and just,'' Cochran answered.
For more information about Cochran, see citizensagainsthate.com or onepeoplesradio.com.
Last I checked, there weren’t many Persian translators laying around the internet……
"I made no such claim. However, some of my best friends are white nationalists... ditto black nationalists, Chicano nationalists, Puerto Rican nationalists and others."--Dariush
So you only hate Jews. My, how "progressive".
"Een marteeke khode Bill White-e. Hala vaseye ye daghighe-am farz koneem ke nabashe, behar hal ye koskhol-e nejadparast-e."--Dariush
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu ftahgn! Ia!Ia! Shub-Niggurath! Shub-Niggurath neblod zin! --The Pnakotic Manuscripts
"Klattu baradda nikto!"--Lord Xenu
I don't care who the f*ck you are, you're still a racist asshole.
I like to apologize to Steve for saying his son was busted for trying to get from from a 14 year old only to find out it was a cop.
ReplyDeleteKFVS TV out of Jonesboro, AR says it was a 13 year old girl that Chris was seeking sex from.
13 year old..... a 7th grader...
Thanks for the article, Unit 9. Floyd gets a standing ovation and the Aryan Nations strikes out - perfect. Incidentally, Wickstrom never showed - he is a coward, of course.
ReplyDeleteSteve lies again,
"Some of these people drive four or five hours at a time to have sex with a 13-year-old girl. To me and other officers that's amazing we can't comprehend that type of mind frame," Officer Tim Trowbridge with the Kennett Police Department says.
---end quote---
And on top of that, Chris Holsten was nailed with a 2nd felony charge, something that most of the others didn't get.
I forgot to add, Steve Holsten sees nothing wrong with 23 year old men having sex with 13 year old girls. Nothing at all....
ReplyDeleteSteve spends over $1000 on ebay on himself with his wife's income tax check but won't pay for a lawyer to defend his son.
ReplyDeleteI am a huge fan of Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Klarkashton and all the old Weird Tales/Arkham House circle.
Another "coincidence" perhaps?
I deliberately chose not to do a literal translation -- which might not have made much sense anyway. Plus I wrote it out in the way people speak Persian, not write it. Less formal, more colloqualisms, etc. Even if there was online translator, I don't think it would spit out anything close to what I wrote here.
Also this word that you pasted
نژاد پرست
is pronounced "nejad parast" with the "j" sound pronounced like it is in French.
Oh well, Chris Holswine doesn't need a paid lawyer. He has a public defender who doesn't win but 7% of her cases. What is that address again, to write the DA and tell him that Chris is a baby raping Pedo, just like his daddy?
ReplyDeleteThey'll be dancing in the streets of Kennett when Chris goes to the big house!!!!