For the last few weeks I have been considering what goes on here. There have been some absolutely great and insightful discussions on this blog - and that is a very good thing. Regardless of which side of the political or philosophical spectrum you call home, many of you have been involved in some really deep and thought provoking conversations. We do, however, have a problem.
I understand that these threads often take a totally different path than the initial post intends - and I have no problem with that as long as everyone observes a modicum of civility and the discussion is beneficial or productive. What I DO have a problem with is the incessant interruption of thoughtful posts by those who merely want to disrupt. I find it disheartening to have to wade through post after post of silliness or ridiculous banter to get to the one you want to answer. So...I have to ask the question, "what should be done?"
These blogs don't give you a lot of options so this is what we have to choose from:
1) Leave everything the way it is - we'll just wade around the fray.
2) Moderate posts - I really HATE this. I don't like having my posts moderated or screened and I doubt that many of you do either.
3)Make each of you who are regular contributers members of the blog and only members can post - this has drawbacks in that new people can't post.
4) Have no comment section - Now, you all know I don't want this.
I would like your feedback and promise to consider each and every comment.
Thanks Stefan - I agree on the moderation.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I like the craziness too, UF - with the exception of the few things you have mentioned.
ReplyDeleteSteve is admitting to trashing the blog on purpose. So you now know what his motive was the entire time.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Steve has only stated like 2 dozen times he was leaving NIM Busters and other areas, only to come back everytime. So this is only temporary.
If you are worried about idiots like Steve, use haloscan.com for your comments instead (yup, just like Asshole Hal), and you can ban people like Steve from their ip address once they screw up. It's free to use.
Steve Holsten, we know where you live and we will not rest until you are brought down. Pedophilia and racism wont save you
ReplyDeleteIt didn't take long for Steve to come back and lie once again. You did say you were trashing Nik's blog.
ReplyDeleteSteve quote: But, I have allowed them to get to me too much and I trashed Nikki Nigger Lover's Blog
You called Nikki a "nigger lover"
ReplyDeleteYea, that's not personal....
You're so full of shit.
Except in Steve's case, he is a pedo.
ReplyDeleteSteve has admitted he would have sex with a 14 year old girl if she threw herself at him.
White gets interviewed on TV.
ReplyDeleteWOOD TV Article
I'm beginning to believe that the media actually hypes up the NSM with allowing White to lie without them checking on them. It's almost like a tabloid.
Did anyone notice that Bill's voice is still messed up and he looks like death warmed over?
ReplyDeleteIf these Hollywood idiots change direction and are allowed to march to that diversity rally I don't like the chances of Lansing getting out of this one unscathed.
Incidently - I will remove any post from now on that mentions this whole stevo & son duo unless it is an update on the case. I detest - repeat, detest - pedophiles. After reading stevo's views on minors I consider him detestable - and his son equally so. I am interested in the outcome of the case - but this blog is not about stevo, chris, dick-sucking, pedophilia, etc.
ReplyDeleteI welcome good discussion and a little craziness now and then, but the whole stevo thing is interfering with all of that. To Stevo - the game is over - no one wants to hear your trite and uncouth remarks either.
Stevo - consider your IP number reported to your provider. Obviously you enjoy people raking you and your son over the coals - but I'm not going to be very benevolent to you any longer.