From updates to Hal Turner and his threats and violence, to Bill White and his huge ego and blatant lies, - and now, Alex Linder, pornography, smut and people jumping ship we're still scratching our heads and trying to make some sense out of these so-called "leaders."
Midwest Anti,
ReplyDeleteConfirm here on Niks Nest it was you who emailed me and I've got the info you asked for
Yes, I changed my image from the buck to an image of myself.
ReplyDeleteYou can email at hschwartz1964@yahoo.com to confirm.
Thanks midwest - I love that song too.
ReplyDeleteStevo - In the few short months I have seen you in here I don't know how many times I have wondered if you are for real or just some put-on bullshit artist pulling everybody's leg. You are just too far over the top to be believeable.
Even Hal Turner rejects pedos like the Holsten's
ReplyDeleteThe mp3 file is way too big for us on dial up to download.
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ReplyDeleteI called Hal last Wed. Steve. I didn't get on because I am a "Nimbuster" and black as well but I can tell you Hal has a very low opinion of you. He is unaware that it was your son and not you busted in the sting raid. He claims he would never take a dime from a "child molesting Jew". I think you should test the theory and try sending the stupid bastard a check. I bet he will cash it. Hal has no morals, especially where money is concerned.
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ReplyDeleteJust about everyone right wing, left wing, or middle of the road can agree that Pedophiles are scum and should be locked up. This is why everyone should write Steve Sokoloff, Dunklin County Prosecuting Attorney and tell him why Chris Holsten should be put in prison. Sick little baby rapists like Chris and his father shouldn't be allowed to walk the streets.
ReplyDeleteSteve Sokoloff
P.O. Box 864 Kennett,
MO 63857
573-888-6677 FAX
Anyone who has read any of Holsten's recent posts can tell that neither he nor his son has a bit of remorse over their crimes. They are only upset that they got caught.
Crime and punishment. Once Chris is locked up we will make sure he remembers not to rape babies everytime he passes gas. Can you say, "Whooooooosh", Chris? You will.
Black Jesus has said that once Holsten is in prison he wants to makes his life a "living hell". I say that this is very possible. The Missouri Department of Corrections, unlike many states doesn't have a inmate locator system. However there is a very reliable third party system called vinelink http://www.vinelink.com/pickplat.jsp?stateCode-MO which can be used to locate inmates. My plan is very simple. First we locate Chris Holsten (once he goes to prison) once we find which corrections institution he is at we then locate another inmate (or two) at the same institution. Say he goes to
ReplyDeletethe Fulton Reception & Diagnostic Center (all inmates go there to start their sentence). All we have to do is locate a large inmate at that facility such as:
Last Name:
Custody Status:
In Custody
First Name:
Fulton Reception & Diagnostic Center
Date of Birth:
Race: Black
Ht. 6-4
Wt. 230
Offense: Assault with deadly intent
Offender ID:
Gender: Male
Once we've located the suitable fellow inmate, we write that inmate a little letter (with a twenty dollar money order attached).
Dear Bro.,
You don't know me but I am about to become your best friend on the outside. My name is Keisha Brown. One of the men you are locked up with
(Chris Holsten) molested my 6 and 8 year old daughters. They will never be right again. The fat white piece of shit got off with a light sentence. I want you to help me out. I have access to the system (which is how I found your name) I will know each time Chris is beaten up and sent to the prison hospital. Each time that happens I will send you 50 dollars no questions asked. If he is raped I will send you 100 dollars.
Your New Friend,
Chris is going to prison where he belongs, fat ass.
ReplyDeleteYou'd better get used to the idea.
You'd better hope your fat, smokes 3 packs a day ass dies before then, Stevo. Because your next on the prison choo choo.
Keep telling us you're not a homosexual, Stevo.
ReplyDeleteMidwest antifa,
ReplyDeleteYou've got mail.
Good job ladies on the podcast.
And Happy Easter to all. Maybe Steve and other hatemongers parading as christians will understand one day what Easter means.
Thanks Harry - on all counts. I don't know about anyone else but this "suck my dick" thing is about to get on my last nerve.
ReplyDeleteI realize that stevo is very limited in communication skills - but this is getting really old.
Has anyone been keeping up with the fray over at VNN?
Off topic but sad. Finally someone who is worse than Steve Holsten.
ReplyDeleteAnyone been following the story about the man in Oklahoma who killed and raped a 10 year old girl?
it's all over CNN.
Anyhow, this freak had a blog online and was posting on it the DAY AFTER HE KILLED THE GIRL. Obviously, many others have discovered his blog and left messages.
Read the notes and leave a message
As sick as this is, if nazis ever did get control of America, they would be killing every child who doesn't physically fit their standards for being white.
Is the guy worse than Steve? He killed the little girl and was going to eat her. Steve just molestes little girls... hummmmmmmm as far as we know Steve doesn't eat women which is why Shirley perfers to have sex with a black man.
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ReplyDeleteSteve your on record as being a pedo as well as that sick bastard of a son of yours.
ReplyDeleteLike dua, maybe if you weren't always asking people to "suck your dick" you wouldn't be accused of being a faggot. Besides, it is well known that most racists are homosexuals, such as Hal and Bill.
Actually Stefan, what we want is his son to go to prison for his crimes and suffer. Steve himself has already beat a child molestation rap, if his son is let off lightly then they will both continue to stalk little girls.
ReplyDeleteFirst the son then the father. They deserve to rot in prison.
ReplyDeleteI am against the death penalty. The death penalty does not deter crime. Japan and Western Europe have much lower crime rates and don't have the death penalty. It's also the only sentence that can never be reversed.
They shouldn't get TV, radio, or any form of entertainment. No visits except by their defense lawyers. Very basic food. Only water to drink. No chance of release.
I used to believe in giving the option of requesting cyanide pills for self inflicted suicide. But an innocent man under these conditions would probably request suicide so I am against that.
And it's Steve that wants the attention. He knows the trolls will follow and try to ruin this otherwise fine blog.
I do believe Steve's son should be charged with one felony and serve several months in jail.
ReplyDeleteThe reason is simple. Not only to punish Steve's son but to send a message to the community that trying to communicate with a 13 year old girl to arrange sex is wrong and that you will go to jail and should go to jail.
That goodness it was the cops who were the 13 year old and not an actual victim.
Most of the racist bozos can't even agree who is white or who is white enough.
ReplyDeleteYou could post 5 pictures of Jews and 5 pictures of non-jewish whites and only by luck would they be able to tell who was who.
Even though all normal humans abhor it and get sick and angry at the thought of someone comiitting it, it's interesting to me how the definition of "pedophilia" has changed over time.
ReplyDeleteRemember, the very concept of "teenagers" is something that is almost completely brand new, going back only to the 50s. Before that there was no such thing as "middle years" between childhood and adulthood. You went from being a kid to being an adult, with all the responsibilities that entailed, almost overnight.
We're only a few generations removed from a time when most folks didn't live to see their 40s or 50s. And only a few short centuries removed from a time when the average lifespan only extended into the mid to late 20s. If no one expected to live to see their 30th birthday, at what age do you suppose people got married and had children of their own?
My maternal grandmother, for example, married at the age of 13 and gave birth to her first child at the age of 15. My grandfather was 17 when he married her. This was in the 1920s in Iran, which, for a third world country, was relatively advanced technologically and medically.
And then, there's the fact that no matter how much ordinary people are repulsed by the idea, the ruling classes and plutocrats of virtually every society have long considered it their right to use children to satiate their lusts.
In many cases (China, Japan, Europe, the Middle East, India, Meso-America) such children were considered part and parcel of the royal or imperial court.
This kind of pedophilia, while no longer so brazen and out in the open, is, I'm afraid, still very much with us. And, because of their status in society, the perpetrators are almost never brought to justice.
For example, in the late 80s the Washington Times ran a series of articles on prostitution rings consisting of teen and pre-teen boys whose clientele consisted exclusively of the very wealty and the political elite of D.C. Disappeared down the memory hole quicker than you can say "Chickenhawk (ahem) from Crawford".
None of this has anything to do with Steve/Elmer since I have no way of knowing if the accusations against him are true or not.
Just some brainfarts sparked by the pedo stuff that seems to make it into every thread.
"Has anyone noticed that 'Dariush' sounds a lot like Bill White?"
ReplyDeleteYou can't be serious? Are we really gonna go down this road, again? Why is that every one of you guys, except Nikki, seems to think I'm Bill White?
"It is pretty well established that Steve Holsten and son are pedophilies. However thanks to the insight of Dariush I am seeing this in a whole new light...
"Steve Holsten and son as pedophilies are part of 'the ruling classes and plutocrats'."
What I was saying was that, as with most other crimes, class, wealth and power plays a huge part in determining who does and does not get arrested and punished for pedophilia.
Steve/Elmer didn't have anything to do with what I wrote since, as I said, I don't know anything about him or the accusations being levelled against him.
Harry - I went to that blog and some of the people on there have really pissed me off. Here is what one poster says:
ReplyDelete"I don't think the guy who did this will ever see my post, but I'll post it anyway.
Many people are angry about what you did, I'm not one of them. I admire you for having the courage to do this. I like to think that in the far future, people will look back to cases such as this and see it the way we see now feminist and homosexual activists of the past: courageous enough to discard social taboos and not only admit one's honest desires to oneself, but actually do what you feel passionate about.
Just my thoughts."
Additionally, someone thinks that it is funny to pose as stevo over there. I'm sorry, but a child is DEAD - killed horribly by the owner of that blog - and yet instead of the outrage expected, it's fun and games as usual. What the hell is the matter with people?
What would be the appropriate punishment for someone who committed such an atrocity?
ReplyDeleteMidwest - you made me laugh, and I needed that today! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteEB - I agree on the Frank Weltner Show - or on the Wickstrom Show - ugh!
No...Stefan, I do not believe in the death penalty - but for someone like this, I favor a cage - not very large - feed him just enough to keep him alive. Make his life be a long one. The death penalty is just way too easy for this cretin.
I saw on the news that when he was taken to court today the little girl's grandpa showed up with a rope and was screaming for a hanging. I hadn't heard that kind of anguish in a very long time.
Stefan, I agree that there are people who get off on things like this - it makes them feel better about themselves. What I will never understand, however, are those who "agree" with what this monster did. Maybe it wasn't meant for sane people to understand.
You know, this guy is 26 years old and looks like just a regular guy - that's chilling.
ReplyDeleteYou mention the Nazi Germany crime rate being almost zero. Of course you left out the entire government was guilty of millions of murders and so many other crimes. Nazi Germany probably had the highest murder rate in history. But you don't count jews, roma, gays and others to be murder victims do you?
As far as the Communist Chinese crime rate, since when did you start believing the communists?
If the neo-nazis had their way, they would kill millions of little girls for not meeting their standards of being "aryan".