It has been obvious to those following the National Socialist Movement and Bill White that Mr. White has been suffering some sort of physical decline over the last couple of months. While the nature of the malady is not yet clear, it is almost certain that should White's failing health continue to worsen the National Socialist Movement will be looking for another mouthpiece.
As events continue to unfold in Lansing, we are heartened by the resolve of those opposing the Nazi's to insure that any message of hate they intend to attack that fair city with will go unheard and be met with great resistance.
Your continued fascination with Bill White is now looking like an obsession. Some people like me would say that you are "owned" by Bill White, because you don't seem to think about much else.
ReplyDeleteYour posts are becoming almost as dull as my posts about Lloyd.
Thinking about it....
ReplyDeleteI agree with Unit 9 on another thread that White did this lawsuit intending on losing on purpose, knowing it would give him notice in the media.
White wouldn't dare do anything where he is unprotected. That's why he doesn't do nazi appearances in Roanoke. Out of fear.
Yeah, I read Unit 9 and agree also. The thing that is just cracking me up is all of his bluster previously about marching into the diversity rally, etc. Now, he is almost contrite. "We are law-abiding." Uh...huh. He knows as well as we do without that fence - he is dog-meat.
ReplyDeleteI think if antifa want to beat White or Turner, don't do it in front of 100's of cops and the media.
They should do it away from the media, when White & Turner least expect it like at their homes and such.
EB - as a good friend of mine just said "He was probably choking on all those lies he has told."
ReplyDeleteHe might have bronchitis, which can linger for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI got nailed with it last week, and it is slow in remission. Right now I am wheezing like an engine with a clogged intake manifold.
I also had it about five years ago, and it nagged me for two months.
I am an ex-smoker (gave it up for good in 1985, but had a few falls off the wagon in '95 and '99), so that might play into why I am susceptible to it.
Unfortunately, the best thing for bronchitis is rest and calm. Bill White has neither, as he is busy stirring the pot 7 days a week.
I don't often download the NSM broadcasts, but the one that EB referenced made Bill sound like he has emphysema.
Agreed also on the outcome of the Lansing "court" activity. Harry nailed it - this is just another B. White publicity stunt.
He never follows through on those appeals that he always announces to the press with such an earnest, stern demeanor.
Well, sorry to see you go, old bean. May the road rise with you!
ReplyDeleteMr. Sardonicus
Schmidt, your not going to pull a Vonbluvens on us are you? Hell he told the guys over at VNN that he was leaving and well...he's still there.
ReplyDeleteUmmm...we write about racists, its what we do. Did you miss that or something?
Pedo Holswine - what happened to your blog? Couldn't keep up the free payments?
ReplyDeleteSchwartz - were you a professional tattle-tale in school? Your offer to dig up dirt on Nazis is admirable, but what if someone isn't a Nazi, and the reporting party is just doing a little revenge? Hope you've got a good attorney on retainer for the inevitable libel suit.
Interesting news out of Grand Rapids. I bet 1000 to 1 it was Bill White crying on the phone that he was "under attack"
ReplyDeleteAntifa show up in Grand Rapids
It keeps getting better in Michigan.
ReplyDeleteBill White reported an "attack" on an NSM members house in Grand Rapids.
overthrowup link
While antifa did show up at the nazi's house in Grand Rapids, they didn't attack him. They flyered the neighborhood and took photos. Bill White was staying at the house and yes.... there are plenty of pictures of White's car to prove it.
But since that event, the leader of the NSM in Grand Rapids has shitted his pants and now claims he isn't a nazi.
Denies being a nazi
Great work by the antifa!!!!
Canadian Stormfront white supremacist poster murdered by one of his own
ReplyDeleteAs I hear it, the court injunction was on the front seat of Bill's car - but on the back seat was a sappy romance novel.
ReplyDeleteI guess when you're Bill White romance is best gotten through the dime-store novel.
Elmer Frazier must be in love with Harry Schwartz. Elmer keeps dreaming of sex acts involving Schwartz and other men.
ReplyDeleteNikki, I think you are the last person who should talk about aging. You sound pretty menopausal to me.