For quite some time now there has been lots of discussion among the racists as to how effective or ineffective the wearing of uniforms is when rallying. Passions in regard to this issue run the gamut from those who won’t give up the swastika and jack-boots no matter what, and those who believe that the National Socialist Movement and others who accompany them are an insult to White Nationalism.
Of course, much of this stems from the chameleonic mindset that began to permeate the racist right over the last decade. With a kinder and gentler presence, it is believed that dressing more mainstream and speaking in euphemistic terms, racism and hate will be more palatable to mainstream America.
A poster on Stormfront recently stated in regard to the NSM in Toledo:
“What is the purpose of dressing up like a pugilistic [sic] militant (and yes that is what they look like). I've said this a thousand times, fox [sic] and every news station merely had to show what they looked like at the rally and you were pegged in the people's minds as racists. The nazi [sic] symbol isn't going to win any sympathetic votes in the American [sic] general public, no matter how much you think it is. It never will.”
This person is definitely right on one thing – the Nazi symbol will never gain any sympathy from the American mainstream. However, does this entire scenario not speak volumes about those who so long for acceptance? No matter how you package hate – it’s still hate. And no matter how you dress the racist and his message, it’s still a racist spewing vitriol.
The idea behind this make-over of hate is that most white Americans would be much more receptive to a "pro-white advocate group" than to a neo-Nazi organization which openly endorses racism, bigotry and hate. The premise is built upon the knowledge that white Americans are much more apt to embrace a message which is presented by a clean, well-dressed, well-spoken boy-next-door type than the pierced, tattooed and shaven skinhead, or the rag-tag bunch that stands on the steps of public buildings wearing brown shirts and brandishing swastikas.
Even with their new look and new approach, however, it doesn't take much in the common sense department for most people to knock off who and what they really are. Even those who are duped into believing that the group they have joined is anything other than a group of Nazi's who favor the overthrow of the government and an all white world, will soon realize what they have gotten themselves into. All one has to do is listen to and read the rhetoric to realize the true colors of racism.
It is for this reason that the arguments for and against uniforms and a “better presentation” is very humorous to us. It is also, rather insulting. You see, those against the current attire of the National Socialist Movement seem to be selling Americans short. They appear to believe that the large majority of mainstream America can be duped into buying because of the package. We might be an advertisers dream in our gullibility – but hate and genocide has not found a market within our society – nor will it ever.
The initial packaging may change drastically. The entire presentation may take on a "new and improved" look. But, the more things change the more they remain the same. The "new face" of racism may strive to put its best foot forward. But, being successful presupposes that you have adequate footing to begin with. Racists in three piece suits and their efforts to present themselves as the scholarly racialist upon whose every word our communities will hang continues to wobble on unsound footing. Of course, in fairness, with the recent crack-down of the federal government upon the organized racists we realize that searching for a hero and an inroad can be really hard work. But, imbuing a racist agenda with superficiality is really is a pretty far stretch - even for the superior white intellect.
First, ajax - the essay clearly says that regardless of the package the content is still the same. While I agree that black and Mexican gang members often adorn themselves as well - they are not standing on the steps of state and city buildings asking people to pay attention to their hate. They are not publicly seeking approval.
ReplyDeleteIn answer to your question...feeling pride in oneself in not a bad thing - or a racist thing. It is when that pride results in making the person feel superior that the problem exists. While I might consider you racist for wanting to live separately from others, I would more than likely consider you eccentric.
Can anyone be a "little bit racist?"