Kingston, New York officials don't believe that a return by Hal Turner and his cultists should be allowed. Some say that when Turner threatened to bankrupt the city he gave up his First Amendment rights to demonstrate.
I would think that given Turner's threat to keep coming back until the city is bankrupt would certainly be considered by a court. Whatever happens - some interesting precedents may be set.
Kingston threatens court action against white supremacist
By Paul Kirby, Freeman staff12/16/2005
KINGSTON - The city will seek an injunction against Hal Turner if the white supremacist tries to hold another rally in Kingston, two city attorneys and the police chief said on Thursday.
Shayne Gallo, assistant corporation counsel for the city, said any court action would be based on Turner's threat during a Nov. 19 rally to bring Kingston "to its economic knees" by holding future demonstrations if a black student accused of attacking a white classmate at Kingston High School wasn't charged with a hate crime.
A recent indictment against the suspect included no hate crimes, but there has been no word from Turner, a New Jersey-based Internet radio host, on whether he plans to return to Kingston.
"We will take all steps necessary to ensure that the city of Kingston's rights are protected and citizens are safe and the city is not bankrupted by a group who make such coercive blackmail kinds of threats," Gallo, brother of the late Mayor T.R. Gallo, said during a meeting of the Common Council's Laws and Rules Committee.
"We are ready," said city Corporation Counsel Daniel Heppner.
Police Chief Gerald Keller told the committee that Turner gave up his First Amendment right to demonstrate in Kingston the moment he turned the prospect of future rallies into a threat.
"To me, this isn't a First Amendment (issue) anymore because when he was here, standing here on Broadway, he said that unless and until the city Kingston charges this young man with a hate crime, we will come back again and again and again and bring Kingston to its economic knees," Keller said. "To me, that is coercive."
Keller conceded, however, that courts usually protect First Amendment rights and could side with Turner.
The Nov. 19 rally - which attracted about 40 Turner supporters, 200 counterdemonstrators and 200 police officers - cost the city about $60,000. The event was verbally confrontational, but there were no violent incidents and no arrests.
The Laws and Rules Committee is considering a proposal that would require demonstrators to obtain permits, but no action was taken on Thursday.
Heppner said he will craft a formal proposal before the committee's January meeting
Wasn't it enough for your KIKE Buddy Schwartzo to post about Hal? I don't know why all of you can't leave Hal alone. Hal is trying to correct a major misjustice by that Niglet Ape not being charged with a Hate Crime. Since you don't live in Kingston, don't you see that this does not concern you?
ReplyDeleteDamn, I'm being too nice.
Elmer - you are really cracking me up. Are you just Hal Turner's lap dog, or what?
ReplyDeleteThis concerns me...and you...and every other person who lives within the boundaries of a city or a county. Now, I don't expect your myopic little mind to be able to wrap itself around the idea that this could be someone elses town next. Yeah - that's probably a far stretch for you. But...do me a favor and try.
Hal is an opportunist. He is not "trying to correct" a damned thing. Incidentally - for Christmas...I think you should go in with Mona Montgomery and buy Hal one of those "Help I've Fallen & Can't Get Up" gadgets. Slip it right in his stocking.
Hal doesn't seem to leave jews, gays, and many others alone. Steve thinks Hal should be allowed to go after others while no one should go after him. That's Steve Holsten's mental retardation in action.
ReplyDelete--------off topic post----
Sorry to be off topic but remember a person claiming to be a white teenager by the name of Zachary Craft?
http://harryschwartz.blogspot.com has some information about this Zachary Craft. Notice the whois.
And Zachary is going nuts on his blog over that.
Crying I am a stalker and such for merely running three whois through internic.
I'm not sure how legal that threat is, Blevins. Maybe you are right - as I said, it would make an interesting court case and may set some new precedents - one way or another.
ReplyDeleteThe bigger question is...if the City of Kingston cannot obtain an injunction against this sort of thing, does it not open the door for, not only Hal's group, but any other fanatical group of extremists to hold cities hostage under the threat of bankruptcy?
I'm not saying that people don't have the right to congregate and speak their minds. I think that it would be interesting to see where Hal's et.al. rights end and others begin.
"that Niglet Ape"
ReplyDeleteHes a colored child. Your intellect is shown by your ignorant use of the word Niglet.
People have every right to flex thier freedom of speech. However , Hal and his friends threaten me personaly. Outside of the city being threatened. On the phone.. tell me to die. Kill myself. One nice fellow told me to shoot myself with a gun this morning.
Another says the KKK should beat me up for not following in my fathers footsteps with the rest of the loosers.
Frankly , I know Kingston residents (not Negros or jews or what have you ; but us all) will revolt against another demonstration and shall probably demonstrate something of our own.
Since I've had my life threatened. I am not to sure how PEACEFUL my demonstration will be.
One of the reasons they might try this against Hal is because Hal is weak. Hal won't do anything to fight it except cry on the internet.
ReplyDeleteIf they tried this against a much more organized group and the City of Kingston loses.
True, Harry. Hal is broke and has only his website.
ReplyDeleteA better-funded group with people who can devote the time and energy to such a fight would prove a more formidable foe.
ReplyDeleteNo Kike, Hal should be left alone because he does good deeds.
I hope Hal doesn't ever leave the Faggots alone. They are nasty, an abomination to God. They need to be shoved back in the closet and stay there.
You know I'm in the middle when it comes to KIKE's. If they are all like Schwartzo gets when he goes off the deep end; then they are evil.
No Nikki, I am not Hal's lap dog. I do agree with his principles, and I like his shows. And my Great mind understands what you're saying. Hal or Bill wouldn't have to go to these towns if they'd learn how to deal with their Niggers, and properly charge them when they go Savage.
You just proved yourself to be evil by joking about Hal's misfortunate accident.
ReplyDeleteJust did a little bit of FBI research. Did you know that blacks are more likely to be charged with a hate crime than whites?
Nearly 20 percent of those charged with hate crimes are blacks, but yet blacks are only 13 percent of the population.
So when these white nazis claims blacks are never charged with hate crimes, you can now show them they are full of shit.
ReplyDeleteHal is lying about his accident.
I'm an EMT and I can tell you, almost no one goes unconscience from a head trauma (a fall where you get knocked qualifies as such), and wakes up 4 hours later without any major problems. Maybe if Hal passed from a cocaine overdose would explain it. Hal's been watching too many movies.
I think Hal is faking the whole thing and I have longed explained he suffers from Munchausen Syndrome.
Bullshit, those Fuckers can rig numbers anyway they want. I have never heard of a Nigger being charged with a Hate crime. If you can, post a link where it happened.
ReplyDeleteYou never heard of a white man killing a child either until I pointed it out for you. You only look for reasons to hate blacks Steve.
ReplyDeleteWhite on white rape doesn't seem to bother you that much. White on white crime doesn't seem to bother you that much. White on white murder doesn't seem to bother you that much.
That's because you are irrationally trying to justify your racism. Now I understand you are retarded and suffering from CP, but that still doesn't excuse your racism.
Here is a sampling of the stupidity of the white supremacists.
ReplyDeleteI edit several satire ezines that clearly state the humorous, fictional nature of the writing.
I recently posted the following article entitled "Visiting Nazis Strike Out In Toledo Clubs."
The article lampoons a fictitious visit by the NSM to some local bars, and has comments from girls they tried to pick up.
Morons at Hal Turner's board think this is reality, and they started a thread about it.
They call the fictitious girls all sorts of names, but never quite figure out that this is frigging parody!
Oh...my...God - what a bunch of imbeciles!
Kike, Kike, Kike. I hate White on White crime just as much. White's crimes are used as examples while Nigger crime is hushed up by whoever covering their race & etc.
ReplyDeleteOMG! You have a really wicked sense of humor - you do know that Bob! I just love it. And...yes, they are really that dim-witted.
ReplyDeletetoni, I've checked out your story and there is no record of anyone harrassing you. Perhaps you need to up your meds, because you're still hallucinating.
Have a nice day!
You insult my intelligence (to quote the ever popular Michael Corleone). Obviously you are looking to clear Hals name and are grasping at straws now.
The FBI and mayor all have ALL my info. If you were truly checking.. you would have found me. I have never seen so much of my mayor and city officals since all of this bull. Obviously Matt you're a liar.
"Kike, Kike, Kike. I hate White on White crime just as much. White's crimes are used as examples while Nigger crime is hushed up by whoever covering their race & etc."
Everytime you use the word kike your IQ goes down about 50 points. By now it must be at least in the negative numbers.
You people add insult to injury and never solve anything. I think folks like elmer and matt like to talk to hear themselves rather then view the entire picture of what is around them.
Toni, you will see the real Schwartzo in good time. He's a bitter little man with the biggest ax to grind. You'll catch him in lies and see his empty threats & etc.
ReplyDeleteWhat I would like to see is just some peace. Unfortunately I do not see that in anyones future.
ReplyDeleteI am naive in seeing many many things.
I try to portray an intelligent woman but truly much of all this "racist" subject matter seems of very little use in solving the issues between whites and blacks.
In , preventing crime increases. Riots. I have not seen a lot to help people realize compromise and tolerance is a better solution to violence and outlashing. Wether it be verbal harassings of one another or physical.
As a new individual looking into all of this world of White Supremists and CAH. Of Hal Turner and simple children brawling. I see much bitterness all around and no forgiving. You can not have differences settled and solved if no one ever wants to forgive. Or be forgiven.
If no one cares. I am very happy to say the emails have stopped. The phone calls are gone. Whoever they were annoying me. They grew bored with me most likely.
I wonder matt would you like the name of the fbi agent in charge of it all to confirm? I think that information to give should be no problem.
"i_know_niggers_role wrote:
ReplyDeleteIf Nikki Nigger Lover did what you say and if she Fucks with the wrong one, she will be dealt with. "
Humm , thats a very real threat as far as I am concerned. It bothered me and it was not even towards me.
Well, Stevo - who's going to "deal" with me? Threatening me is probably not the smartest thing you ever did, Steve...but then, you're really not very smart now are you?
ReplyDeleteToni said:
ReplyDeleteI have not seen a lot to help people realize compromise and tolerance is a better solution to violence and outlashing. Wether it be verbal harassings of one another or physical.
I see much bitterness all around and no forgiving. You can not have differences settled and solved if no one ever wants to forgive. Or be forgiven.
Toni, you have been through a lot in your short life - and a ton just of late. I am hoping that all of that is over. I know, in many ways, people wonder why we can't find some common ground in all of this. Let's look at it this way:
How can one "compromise" when the ultimate desire of these people is genocide? How can one "tolerate" when you know that the people who are actively involved seek nothing less than a racial holy war in which you and I would be among the first to be strung up on their Day of the Rope?
There is no compromise - and there can be no tolerance of such a pernicious ideology. The Germans, along with many others, "tolerated" Hitler until it was too late.
You know, there are lots of racist people living in America. And those who are racist and attempt to live their lives avoiding others of color are all around us. Most of them are harmless and would never do anything to physically hurt another human being. To them I say - it's a shame, but to each his own. I won't agree with their views...but, there would be little that I could do - or, perhaps, should do.
But...when the activists in all of this take to the streets and to the airwaves...when they enter our communities and stand outside of schools trying to recruit and to promote their hideous agenda - I will not stand down - I will not compromise - and I sure as hell will not "tolerate."
Are there solutions to the problem? Probably. But, racism and bigotry has been around forever. Solutions require dedicated individuals - lots of them - to become active across the United States. I'm not talking about a bunch of kids wearing bandanas and confronting these groups - I'm talking about community outreach and prevention.
The problem is...apathy. America is, generally speaking, the most apathetic bunch of people in the world. Hell, just look at the number of registered voters who actually participate in elections. Consequently, those who get involved in issues and situations near and dear to their hearts often find others who are sympathetic but can't be bothered with the kind of activism that it takes to create a change.
It often takes something like a Kingston, or a Toledo, to make people aware that there even is a problem. As long as there are two cars in the driveway, a boat on the lake, vacation time, and a couple of beers in the fridge for Monday Night Football - all is right with the world.
Nikki said...
ReplyDeleteWell, Stevo - who's going to "deal" with me? Threatening me is probably not the smartest thing you ever did, Steve...but then, you're really not very smart now are you?
I did not personally threaten you or anyone else in any way. I said you'll pay if you ever Fuck with the wrong one. Well, I'm not the wrong one. I don't like violence and I don't condone it, but others aren't as nice as me.
Bull Fucking Shit, Arnold.
ReplyDeleteViolence at the recent rallies was not started by Whites. It was started by Nigger Apes and encouraged by Nigger Lovers who don't know how to act when out in society.