Usually within one lifetime we consider ourselves blessed if we have a couple of good friends and the love of our family. Also, we are fortunate that the kooks and misfits we run across are few and far between and often just kind of fade away into misfit heaven. I guess that means that there are a few of us wandering around out here who just aren't living right - or that part of heaven is full at the moment. The weirdoes just keep coming and coming and coming.
Bill White is always up to something - all of it no good. Between his battling Dr. Jaques Pluss, trying to discredit Daryl Davis, and posturing for a headline, Bill has racked up a couple more points towards his entry fee into kook utopia. In a classicly Bill White article, he has managed to stand the world of medical science on its head with his announcement that most white people don't get AIDS. History Mike has a great article concerning this, so I won't belabor the point. You can read that here: HISTORY MIKE'S
Now, that would be bad enough and could qualify White for the Crackpot Hall of Fame but I guess Bill likes to be heavily insured. Again, seeking headlines, in White's typical tabloid journalistic style, he has chosen to contact the Toledo media once again. This time he isn't announcing a return to the city, but offering solutions to what he perceives to be the biggest problem with North Toledo. Now, I am sure that the city officials will be hanging on his every word and thanking him profusely for his interest. After all, he did so much for them during his last two visits.
His recent letter, however, lacks much of the "polish" that most from the racist right attempt to couch their message in. It lacks the finesse and and the subtleties which sometimes catches the attention of a few readers. According to Bill, the problem is quite simple:
"The problem in North Toledo is the n*****s who live
there, plain and simple. As long as they continue to
reside there, the neighborhood will be poor and there
will be crime.
"The duty of the city should be to round up as many of
the n*****s as possible and place them in jail. The
city will not do that."
Now, we all are just going to step back for a minute and ask, why it is that the city would not round up all of the black folks and put them behind bars if they are presenting such a problem. After all, a genius is speaking. A genius is telling you precisely what the problem is and exactly how to fix it.
"Obviously, the n*****s living in North Toledo are
unable to see that they themselves are the problem.
This means that "listening" to them serves no purpose,
since one of the things about being a n*****r is being
too dim witted and too full of it to be able to have
any meaningful introspection."
With an IQ of, at least 168, and climbing, I am so certain that Mr. White would never utter such a statement unless he could validate such a claim. Therefore, we of the common garden variety intelligence must not being very perceptive when it comes to discerning the abilities of our fellow man. Additionally, it would probably behoove the city fathers of Toledo to relinquish the reins of government to the far wiser White. Surely, he could make quick work of ALL the problems faced on a day to day basis simply by bringing his troops into the arena.
In closing, he levels the powers that be in one fell swoop of virtuoso and wisdom:
"However, the City does not care about North Toledo,
and thus the area will continue to go downhill, no
matter how many bullshit articles you write demanding
vague "mores" from the government."
You have to admit, the man has a way with words - obviously Mensa quality!
Bill White quotes from the Washington Post:
ReplyDelete"you should be able to write what you want on the internet whether its true or not." - Bill White, Washington Post, Feb 14 1996
"Excerpt-Eighteen-year-old William A. White sidled up next to a man who was reading aloud from the Bible to passersby on the crowded University of Maryland campus one sunny afternoon, cracked open a satanic bible and began drowning him out with his booming voice." - Washington Post, Mar 16 1996
[[Michael Blevins will sell out his christianity to get a friend]]
"With a knack for evoking controversy, White became notorious at the University for doing whatever it takes to get under people' s skin. He practiced anarchist speeches at the top of his lungs in the middle of the night in a dormitory. He plastered articles about satanic rituals on his bedroom wall.-end excerpt" - Washington Post
Michael Blevins should be in a better mood now the Medicare is paying for his seroquel and depokote.
So Schwartzo has regained his urges to suck Von & Bill White's Dicks again.
ReplyDeleteStefan is right. It took me only a search on wikipedia and zabasearch.com to get the information White posted.
ReplyDeletezabasearch = Bill White's personal private detectives.
Big deal.
And Hal Turner is just blowing hot air again. The only thing Hal is going to do is continue to give information about his donors and callers like he has done in the past.
What has happened to Schwartzo's Blog? The 404 not found error comes up.
ReplyDeletearnold wrote: "Traffic Rank for nsm88radio.com: 1,774,284"
ReplyDeleteThis is disingenuous. You are measuring a mere component of the NSM website. Let's compare the Alexa ratings for the overall NSM website with some others of interest:
NSM - 167,016
VNN - 92,846
VNN Forum - 77,580
Hal Turner - 73,152
History Mike - 2,289,693
Citizens Against Hate - 2,807,711