Museum to stay open while bigots slam MLK
By Brian Ballou and O’Ryan Johnson
Friday, January 13, 2006 - Updated: 11:48 AM EST
A white supremacist group is planning to visit the Museum of Afro-American History on Beacon Hill tomorrow to protest MLK Day, the first such demonstration at the museum since it opened to the public 20 years ago.
“Our concern is to make the building accessible during the time they plan to protest,” said Tracy Gibbs, museum spokeswoman.
A representative of the group, North East White Pride, replied to the Herald yesterday in an e-mail message, saying its representatives will be joined tomorrow by several similar groups.
“We are entirely peaceful and seek only to alert the public to the truth behind the fraud known as Martin Luther King Jr.,” wrote Rob O’Donovan, who runs the group’s Web site.
“We have a history of working with the Boston Police Department, and respect all law enforcement,” he added.
The museum will be open from 10 to 4 tomorrow and the group has indicated it will protest from 1 to 4, creating a three-hour overlap during which visitors may come face-to-face with the hate group.
Boston police and other law enforcement agencies have been in contact with museum officials.
The people who post on the White Pride Web site talk about exterminating certain races. One member posted pictures of his MAC-10 submachine gun, as well as a picture of his toddler holding the gun. In general they oppose integration, immigration and interracial couples.
“Any white blood that is crossed with a lesser race becomes lesser blood and must be destroyed,” O’Donovan wrote in one posting.
Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday is Sunday and the holiday is recognized Monday. The museum is organizing an event Monday at the Old West Church at 131 Cambridge St.
Gibbs said the focus this weekend should be kept on the civil rights icon and the museum.
“A lot of people don’t know it’s here,” she said. “So the holiday is a great way to get the message out.”
Now, the "demonstration" never got off the ground. However, White's accounting runs on and on about "Jews" trying to attack and the police holding them back. Yet, coming from someone who was there, we get the following:
By "sbrocker8", North East White "Pride" Forum
The protest was a total joke. We weren't able to get any signs printed up cause evidently I'm the only person who ever keeps cash on him and Rob's wife decided to take his ATM card, we were an hour and a half late, and like, 5 minutes after showing up near the state house, the Boston cops crowded us into a paddy wagon saying they'd give us a ride wherever we wanted, Rob said "The museum" meaning the nigger history museum, so they dropped us off at the friggin Museum of Science which is a few miles away. After we got out, the cop driving was like "Free cab ride courtesy of the Boston Police Department" and they sped away. Bunch of friggin assholes, those god damn cops.
So we're all pretty pissed off. Seems like they just wanted us out of their hair. We DID run into a few pretty cool Transit Police who were in plain clothes, but the city pigs were total dicks and just wanted us out of their hair. What a friggin joke.
On a positive note now, the antis seem to get more and more degenerate looking and small every time we go into that shithole of a city...
So much for how this Northeast White Pride groups respects law enforcement. And, so much for their abilities to stage a demonstration. You have to hand it to them, though - they are talking about trying it all over again tomorrow. Maybe Rob can pry that ATM card loose and maybe this time the police will give them all a nice tour of the city as they drive them outside the city limits.
Bill White is 28 years old yet has the imagination of a 5 year old child. Except a 5 year old child's imagination has some reality to it.
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ReplyDeleteThanks for getting the truth out, Nikki.
ReplyDeleteThe WN has been hijacked by the nutjobs because all of their leaders who actually did accomplish stuff in real life are now dead. Richard Butler & William Pierce are two that come to mind. Both had doctorates and before their racist careers, actually contributed to human society.
ReplyDeleteToday you've got dozens of WN groups with no more than a few dozen members and dozens of nutjobs calling themsleves leaders.
The internet has allowed almost every nutjob that wouldn't be accepted in real life to become
20 years ago, the Bill White's and Hal Turner's would have long been excluded from WN ranks. Now, those kinds are the norm. As their ranks dwindle, nutjobs have become welcomed and the standard.
The good thing is all these splintered groups are totally powerless in the grand scheme of things.