If you have been keeping up with the news, you know that rioting has broken out in Sydney. Our good friends at Fightdemback have their hands full over there and they are dancing as fast as they can.
This weekend their are a series of events scheduled and we hope that if you are antifa over there that you will take part in one of the many offerings. Also - remember that this work that we do takes bucks - so go there FightDemBack and chip in some green stuff!
Fighting Race-Hate in Australia and New Zealand
Come Together
Throughout Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand, communities are preparing their own response to the deplorable actions of of those at Sydney's Cronulla beach last Sunday.
Email us your event details and we'll post them up here (send to fightdembackATgmailDOTcom)
The Unite Against Racism March
When: Sunday December 18, 1pm
Where: Town Hall
Where to: Marching to Belmore Park
And when we get to Belmore Park:

5pm Friday 16th
Bourke St. Mall
Nonviolent protest against racist attacks
And then on Sunday…
Unity in Diversity: celebrate multicultural Australia with a picnic
for peace
A peaceful celebration of multiculturalism is planned for this Sunday, beginning with music and
speeches at the State Library on Swanston St in Melbourne's CBD, then
a festive walk to Treasury Gardens where families and individuals
from all backgrounds and all walks of life are invited to a Picnic
for Peace.
"Our aim is to create a space to focus on the positive aspects of
multiculturalism," said spokesperson, Rosanne Bersten. "We deplore
the racist violence in Sydney and instead want to bring people
together to get to know each other, regardless of their heritage or
religion, whatever their background — Anglo-Celtic, Arabic,
Aboriginal, African, Asian or a mix of Dutch and Eastern European
like me."
"We hope people at the picnic would get to know a stranger and share
a meal with them. Our motto is 'be a friend, not afraid'."
The timing is deliberately to coincide with the threat of continued
violence in Sydney. A similar peaceful rally will take place in
Sydney, organised by United Against Racism.
Date: Sunday, December 18, 2005
12pm: Meet at State Library, Swanston St, Melbourne, for speeches and
1pm: Festive walk to Treasury Gardens. Participants are encouraged to
bring musical instruments and their dancing shoes.
2pm — 5pm: Picnic for Peace. Bring a picnic meal to share, an open
heart and hope for a multicultural Australia.
About Unity in Diversity
We are an unaffiliated group of individuals from a variety of
backgrounds who have come together in response to the recent events
in Sydney. We have no political agenda or membership and we welcome
participation by all groups who are willing to put aside political,
religious and ethnic differences to embrace cultural diversity and
harmony. We stand for peace, love and unity and believe that a
harmonious multicultural Australia is possible.
For more information: http://www.unity-diversity.org
Friday December 16, 4pm
Parliament House
Friday December 16, 5pm
Steps of King George Square
And also Sunday December 18, 2pm
Steps of King George Square
Time: 4pm Friday, December 16
Venue: Wesley Church Cnr Corner William St and Hay St, Perth.
That pic is sick. It looks like the White hand is shaping a glob of Shit into a hand.
ReplyDeleteIt's not enough that you worry about America's overflowing Niggers, you want to worry about them all over the world.
People of good faith should be condemning violence no matter who perpetrates it.
ReplyDeleteInstead, the racist right is falling all over themselves in glee because a couple of hundred Australian thugs attack Muslims.
Nikki, don't you just love how this crowd declares it to be "justice" when whites commit violent, criminal acts, but if ethnic minorities behave in this fashion, they are called something like "savage beasts?"
Nikki, don't you just love how this crowd declares it to be "justice" when whites commit violent, criminal acts, but if ethnic minorities behave in this fashion, they are called something like "savage beasts?"
ReplyDeleteYes, Mike - it is hypocrisy at its worst. And the fact that the leaders are claiming that this "uprising" isn't based in racism is absolutely reprehensible to me.
I do king of like letting them show their hypocrisy along with their asses to the rest of the world, though.
Notice how the racist are quick to praise rioting when it is done by white people.
ReplyDeleteSure enough - what was it that Sgt. Drake said on his "radio show" - "White people should not have to go to jail for anything."
ReplyDeleteGo figure.
Matt Drudge Jr. ignores the fact that most rapes of white women are done by white men.
ReplyDeleteBut those rapes aren't a concern to you are they?
I've haven't listened to any podcasting or streaming racist stuff in months. I'll have to get back on track.
Damn, the KIKE Schwartzo still defends his Nigger Rapist Apes.
ReplyDeleteI would like to point out that most raping occurs in whites. And also in FAMILY and close friends.
ReplyDeleteI don't listen to much either, Harry - I can rarely make it through the first 10 minutes of their blathering.
ReplyDeleteGee ajax, I don't think of it that way. What I do see, however, is another pathetic attempt to rationalize your hate. It must really suck if everything you look at has to be viewed in terms of race. How does that work for you?
ReplyDeleteto nikki:
ReplyDeleteyou claim you do not think of it that way (my comment on your 2hand icon) but maybe your sub-conscious mind does think that way?
No...I doubt that. The picture would mean the same thing to me if the black hand were the right hand.
well i find it funny that you claim i have 'hate' (one of the code words in the multi-culti bible) i do not have hate what i have is extreme anger at the hypocrisy of the left and the menace of the multi-culti world wide war against the white race nation people
Okay - so you have rage, or extreme anger. Does that extreme anger not translate to hate or hateful actions?
if i have 'hate' i am in danger of being diagnosed of suffering from 'mental illness' and my viewpoints will be discarded as irrational and lunatic
And do you believe that those with extreme anger are never diagnosed as such? Do you believe that anger translates more rational and sane than hate? Sorry, but I don't think so.
if on the other hand i have 'anger' it means i have a closer to rational view which means i have an argument that has substance and the stronger possibility it will gain adherence
You might have convinced yourself of that - but I doubt that you will be very convincing to too many others. Most people (rational people), I think, understand that hate is bred in fear and anger and that the extremely angry individidual isn't generally rational. That's why we, as a people, often give ourselves a cooling off period before we react. We realize that in the heat of that anger we may not act rationally. I can't imagine living in such a constant state of anger any more than I can imagine waking up every morning with a heart full of hate.
well nikki it seems you are also one obsessed with race (the white race) and have made it your lifes mission to defame and slander and reduce that white race, something a white race traitor like yourself seem to be doing very well
Not quite. What I am obsessed with is those who would take great pleasure in ridding the earth - or this country - of those who happen to be different than them. The last I checked - that wasn't the whole of the white race. As a matter of fact, it is only a tiny number. And believe me, I don't have to "defame," "slander," or reduce those people - they do it all by themselves - on a daily basis. You know that even if you won't admit it publicly.
As to being a "race traitor," I guess, in your eyes, that is what I am. Yet, you see, ajax - when race is NOT the most important thing in your life - when race is only incidental - others calling you something like that is really meaningless. I know that to someone who believes that race is above all that is difficult to understand. But...that's pretty much the way the rest of the world is.
white race traitor trash are the very worst enemy the white race nationalists have to deal with because they are within the white nation body itself and do more to adulterate the strength and vitality and therefore weaken more effectively than can any outside enemy race hope to do so
Gee, I thought you and I were going to be tight - now you go and tell me that I am your worst enemy! That hurts, Ajax. I guess when the Day of the Rope comes you have a lamp post or a tree with my name on it?