Hal the Terroist
By Nicole Nichols

As Americans, we have been so much more fortunate than other countries in that we don't have to live in terror and fear terrorist factions - at least not on a daily basis. Most of us would like to keep it that way. While we are generally content and secure in our homes and our neighborhoods however, there are those within our nation and our communities who are plotting and planning and inciting acts of domestic terrorism against us and ours.
Domestic terrorism is defined as "an act of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear." And there are those within our midst who do just that.
Hal Turner, broadcasts a radio show during which he advocates and calls for violence against minorities, illegal aliens, and public officials. His website is replete with calls to violence and intimidation tactics. Of course, Hal Turner would claim that he would never commit such acts, he also tells us that there are those who will. Witness:
"For the second time in a week, multiple Mexicans have been found shot dead just inside the U.S. Border! I ADVOCATE KILLING MORE OF THEM! For years I have been publicly advocating on my radio show and this web site, that Mexican illegal aliens be SHOT DEAD as they cross into the U.S. illegally. Now, they ARE being shot dead! I hope my rhetoric contributed to their deaths. I plant the seeds verbally and the seeds grow in the minds of others…I am proud to advocate even MORE killings! Illegal aliens should be KILLED as soon as they cross the border into the U.S…. Water stations placed in the desert should be poisoned. When enough of the illegals are KILLED, the rest will get the message not to come here. Death is a great deterrent! Even better is that it takes around 36 hours before cops even find the dead bodies. You can go on "safari" to kill dozens of these brown-skinned, sub-human animals and be long gone before the cops ever find your handy work."CONTINUED...
Too bad Hal doesn't have a secret Blog admirer. Then this may blow up into another 40 page commentary.
ReplyDeleteEver notice that, despite your denunciations and insistance that various people be prosecuted for various things, that no one seems to care?
Your crap writing stems from your belief that Matt Hale's prosecution had something to do with you. I understand this was the most exciting time in your life, but it is not to be repeated.
Well the Nigger Loving Winch deleted my posts.
ReplyDeleteNikki needs to realize that she is obsessed with Hal. It's not normal for her to try to put down good outstanding citizens like Hal. He's one of the best friends that our White race ever had. Hal knows the roles of Niggers as good as anyone.
Yes Steve, I deleted your posts. That should come as no surprise to you since people have been doing the same thing all across the internet. Even dogs learn through repetition and eventually can become socially acceptable.
ReplyDeleteSo Jeff...are you saying you would advocate vigilante killings of illegals although you wouldn't do it yourself? How does that fit in with what this country is supposed to be about?
"Domestic terrorism is defined as "an act of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear." And there are those within our midst who do just that."
ReplyDeleteI absolutely agree with this paragraph. Being harassed by people like Hal Tuner and the Aryan Union. Threatened verbaly and in writing ; is definately a form of terrorism. Having white racist folks standing outside my house to harm me is indeed terrorism.
And Bill , if you do not want your things deleted , try posting with respect and intelligence. It helps.
"Then every nigger and spic gang banger in America is a terrorist. Dork."
ReplyDeleteWhat are you 11? Dork. I do not see every black man and latino perrson outside my house telling me to shoot myself. Why don't you go back home to mama young man and leave the debating to the people who know what they are talking about.
I suspect Hal will be his own undoing.
ReplyDeleteHe has crossed the line too many times into speech that will likely get him the kind of federal attention that usually results in expensive criminal cases.
(Note: I am only expressing my opinion about the nature of Hal's rants - a person like Turner can only advocate presidenticide so many times before the Secret Service comes a-knocking).
Hey Nikki:
ReplyDeleteDo you ever hang out on worldspankingchat.com under the name "diversity".
If not, you reportedly have an impersonator.
If Hal Turner is a "Terro-ist" then I think it's awesome he has psychic powers. If he can throw cards and tell the future he should give up radio and make some real money in the lottery. :)
ReplyDeleteNow on a serious note, RONALDs comment that there is not a shred of evidence to connect Tim McVeigh to white supremacy is CORRECT.
Nicole Nichols said: "Timothy McVeigh was an agnostic. There's nothing indicating that he ascribed to the Identity religion". The next paragraph she says, "That Christian Identity adherents have spawned some of the most violent domestic terrorists of recent history is unquestionable. And that they have the blood of one-hundred and sixty-eight Americans on their hands is undeniable."
Nicoles own words contradict her conclusion. Furthermore, the timing of the OKC blast was during the memorial gathering in Waco for the families and children of several different races who were burned to death in their sleep there by federal agents. It's possible the timing was coincidence, but it's not improbable that McVeigh was seeking to avenge the childrens deaths.
The Waco families were not Christian Identity, they were Seventh Day Adventists (Branch Davidians) who're inclusive of non-whites in their congregations. The connection to White Supremacy in this instance is beyond any stretch of the imagination.
Christian Identity congregations are not responsible for something done by an Agnostic to avenge the deaths of a completely different religion. Comparing CI to 7th day adventists is like comparing apples to oranges. I would like to know how they would explain this to the colored families whose children, and relatives were burned alive by federal agents in Waco. I think that point alone proves Tim wasn't a White Supremacist. Tims honorable service in the first Gulf War Desert Shield/Storm also contradicts the supremacist theory. The slaughter of Iraqis is the excuse the feds use to claim he was disillusioned with the U.S. government. Killing camel jockeys should have been a breeze for a Supremacist, not something that would scar a man or shake his patriotism to his country.
Domestic Terrorism is almost exclusively a non-white realm. If one looks up the recent terrorism in the USA it would be a brown face nearly every instance. This is why the profiling debate is going on. Jose Padilla, and the Buffalo gang are recent cases conveniently excluded from Nicoles article.
Free Speech is under attack in America, now there's something undeniable. To stand and yell "Fire" in a theatre is not allowed, but it's my theory that yelling "Terrorist" in that same theatre would get a similar reaction if not more panic.
Here's an example which may explain this in simpler terms. If an activist puts fliers on every car in a parking lot he's not threatening anyone, he's making a political statement. If he singles out one persons car from the whole lot it could be taken as a threat and could result in an arrest.
Hal was speaking about criminals illegally crossing our borders, whereas Nicole has singled out Hal and called him a Terrorist. I think she owes Hal a public apology for falsely defining his rhetoric as terrorism.
Everrets Brevard said...
ReplyDeleteHal Turner is a vomitous, abrasive, loud, ego-maniacal, sickening waste of a human life. [takes one to know one]
Whether or not he is a "terrorist" in the sense that he is going to strap a bomb to himself and take out a schoolbus is insignificant. If Hal wants to play verbal "hardball" with his perceived enemies, he (and all of his supporters) should be willing to take as much in return.
[Are you a real enemy of Hals or do you just perceive yourself as such? I think Hals willing to take any heat you have for him, afterall that's his name up there in public being called a terrorist, meanwhile you little man hide behind the keyboard writing checks your buttocks can't cash.]
As for McVeigh, and all of you Junior-McVeighs involved in one or more "white supremacy" movements, suck it up.
[The point is that there is no evidence Timothy was involved or a believer in white supremacy]
Some of us are not-so-tolerant "liberals" , and some of us don't give a damn about your rights to free speech.
[Oh no Don't shoot tough guy, And now the truth comes out, no ones rights are important to a commie, that's because you only support free speech until someone disagrees with your weak positions that don't stand up to scrutiny.]
I myself consider myself to be a Patriot and conservative in the traditional sense of the word,
[You can consider yourself Captain America but it doesn't make it so. You are neither a Patriot or a conservative unless your from Cuba or one of Saddams loyalists.]
and, well, Nazis, KKK, and others DO NOT belong as a part of a stable, capitalistic democratic social scheme.
[by Nazi I assume you mean National Socialists, and they DO NOT want to live under a capitalist economy so they invented their own to replace it. This country is anything but Stable, and it was the greeks who the KKK is named after, those guys who invented democracy.]
Sir, in all honesty, I would have the whole bloody lot of Turner and his supporters detained indefinitely as possible domestic threats.
[Possible domestic threats? In that case everyone should be locked up as the possibility exists that anyone could become a threat at some point. Free societies aren't supposed to lock their citizens up preemptively, you sound more like a communist dictator, are you Canadian by chance?]
As for gang activity, I perceive that it is largely driven by criminal entrepeneurship, and is less an ideology than another form of organized crime. Not a problem for anti-racists who are obviously not legal authorities.
[Unlike you who are quite the legal eagle, yes gangs are defined as organized crime, oh my you are an authority on the law aren't you? Anti-racists who cause violence at peaceful protests and plan violence are in fact organizing with the intent of breaking the law, therefore organized crime gangs themselves.]
What we fight is an ideological war against those who might commit criminal acts based on ideology, not in furtherance of profit-driven criminal activity.
[I've heard of some ideaology driven criminals called the Black Panthers and La Raza, are you interested in bringing your ideaological war against them or is your hatred for those who MIGHT commit crime only directed at white idealists ? You know out in Cali a gang of negroes from the Nation of Islam just beat this poor arab mans store all up, broke his products, then went on a crime spree including arson and kidnapping. Their ideaology doesn't like alcoholic beverages being sold at those darn capitalist convenience stores.]
Ronald, if this is your primary concern, you are NOT a part of this debate, and should concern yourself with what legal measures are being taken to deal with the threat of organized street gang activity.
[Ronald is welcome to comment, this isn't a debate it's a comment section concerning the topic of the article. Don't get grandiose thinking you've won any debating points here, you're a total fool in my opinion. Only a fool would consider calling Ronald names winning a debate. Hal Turner cooperated with law enforcement to hold a peaceful, LEGAL, citizen protest against the failure of the system to enforce Hate crimes laws fairly. When there is a violent crime in which there are more than one race involved, the victim is 9 times more likely to be white. The system error of only defining whites as capable of racism is as stupid as you are everrets.]
Nicole Nichols said: "Timothy McVeigh was an agnostic. There's nothing indicating that he ascribed to the Identity religion". The next paragraph she says, "That Christian Identity adherents have spawned some of the most violent domestic terrorists of recent history is unquestionable. And that they have the blood of one-hundred and sixty-eight Americans on their hands is undeniable."
ReplyDeleteNicoles own words contradict her conclusion.
Wrong. While there is nothing that would place McVeigh as an adherent of Christian Identity or a member of any racist group, there is tons of evidence that the CI adherents and other members of the racist right assisted McVeigh in his terrorist act.
In case you didn't know, Timothy McVeigh joined the Aryan Republican Army for at least one of their bank heists as a way to fund his little project. You really do need to pay closer attention.
Everrets Brevard is correct on all counts.
ReplyDeleteAnd now the truth comes out, no ones rights are important to a commie, that's because you only support free speech until someone disagrees with your weak positions that don't stand up to scrutiny
Let's look at that for a second. In this article I posted a picture of a woman in Australia holding up a sign expressing her thoughts. In response to that, Hal Turner said:
"Traitorous White - or is she a jew?- (in blue dress with sign) deserves to be hunted down and killed for what her little sign reads.
This woman is MORE DANGEROUS to White Australians than the non-Whites she's defending. . . . .
Any White person who stands with non-Whites against the White race, is either:
1) ignorant of the truth about the natural, unavoidable savagery of non-Whites;
2)in denial of those facts, or;
3) simply evil. There are no other alternatives, ever.
Such Whites will wreck White solidarity from within the race and those Whites must be stopped very early as an example to others. I hope someone finds this woman and cuts her throat."
So...we are supposed to uphold your right to "free speech," but when we exercise that same right, you call for our throats to be slit?
I need to get this straight - you place a huge tax burden on our cities with your craziness; you bring your swastika bearing goons into our neighborhoods and allow them to shout racial epithets at our citizens; and you hide behind police barricades, mocking all that oppose you. However, those who are in opposition to you, those who hold up signs that are either critical of you or supportive of diversity are dangerous to white unity and should have their throats cut.
Yeah - I think I understand now.
Ronald - I appreciate what you are trying to convey. Yet, you must understand that my focus is hate groups and their leaders. Because I attempt to portray one as a domestic terrorist does not mean that I do not see others as domestic terrorists. It simply means that I am focused on one thing.
ReplyDeleteHal turner is an easy target for a group of people who do not want to face real terrorists.
Excuse me, but there is nothing easy about what we do. And, such a claim simply says that you are not very familiar with that which you accuse us of. If you do not believe that Hal Turner fits the definition of a domestic terrorist - that's fine. However, my focal point is not street gangs no matter how insidious they may be. That being said - what IS your point?
Hal will kick Ass and take names
ReplyDeleteDo some homework - Ronald. I don't "solely" attribute anything to Hal Linder - there are a whole host of others who fit the same bill - and I write about all of them.
ReplyDeleteI think what you really are wanting to say is that there are other hate groups out there such as the Nation of Islam, etc. And you wonder why we only write about white hate groups. I have addressed this numerous times so I will let you do the research.
What I will say to you, however, is that if you feel so strongly about this - then write an article and submit it to us for consideration. If it is well thought out and addresses the problem, it's a pretty good bet we would publish it.
Thanks Tom - I can always use a prayer or two - and the same will be coming right back atcha. Hang in there and keep writing. ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd we see Curious Bill is a big surfer of sex fetish sites who can't have sex like normal healthy men.
ReplyDeleteActually, a reader sent me the other day a chat log of a woman, claiming to be Nikki Nichols, who has been conducting anti-racist dominatrix sessions. Frightening stuff.
Oh and Stevo - the ban goes for your fixation on genetalia as well. Maybe Bill White can find a spot for you on Overthrow - you two can get your jollies all day long.
ReplyDeleteJeff said - This means: the deportation of blacks and Mexicans to Mexico (to "enrich" that country, of course), the forced removal of those designated as leftists, along with every supporter of multiculturalism and race-mixing that can be hunted down from the Atlantic to the Pacific, captured, hand-cuffed, and trucked out of America.
ReplyDeleteCare to clue me in on where you intend to send me? Also - what happens to those who refuse to leave?
Who is the DickHead who posted that about Hal on that evil Bullshit site? The FuckTard needs to learn to mind his own business.
ReplyDeleteDon't know how to break it to you Stevo - but Hal DID post that on his website. I read it right there.
ReplyDeleteI didn't say that Hal didn't say anything. I was talking about the Asshole calling Hal a Domestic Terrorist. That is total Bullshit.