This is but one story among the thousands upon thousands out there - but Big Mama epitomizes what a true "miracle worker" is.
`Big Mama' creates Christmas miracles
By Elizabeth Baier
Staff Writer
December 25, 2005
Wearing a fuzzy, red Santa dress and hat, Essie "Big Mama" Reed stood inside a wooden entry booth Saturday evening and read out loud the names of hundreds gathering at her third annual Miracle Tree Christmas celebration.
"Where's Big Mama?" she said over the microphone to her neighbors. "Bless the Lord, here's Big Mama and she's got something for you."
One by one, almost 300 children and their parents passed by the booth and entered the lot outside Reed's home near Northwest Third Street and 12th Avenue in Fort Lauderdale. The land usually remains empty, but Saturday it was decorated with a dozen red, green and white tents and tables brimming with Christmas gifts.
Some families had heard about the celebration through word of mouth and registered their children in Reed's Miracle Tree wish list, while others joined the celebration after seeing the crowd gathering outside. All around, the smell of popcorn and chicken fritters filled the air as children clutched onto their new toy trucks, dolls and clothes.
"I'm God's worker, but Santa's helper," Reed said. "For some of these families, this is all the Christmas celebration they are going to get."
Saturday's Christmas celebration was among the many altruistic activities Reed has led in the past two decades. Despite being poor herself, she has become the unofficial grandmother of the neighborhood by helping children who have lost their way or have needed adult attention. Cindy John was at the celebration with her 13-year-old son Christopher. John, 32, said she will count her blessings today for her health, for having a joband for having met Reed this year.
The single mother of five said if it wasn't for Reed's help, she would not have been able to give her children any gifts this Christmas.
"I can hardly explain how I feel to be able to give my kids something for Christmas," said John, who works as a cashier at Winn-Dixie. "Our Christmas tree only has Big Mama's gifts underneath it. She's wonderful."
Reed gained national attention recently when Phil McGraw interviewed her on his Dr. Phil show on Dec. 13 for feeding her neighbors for almosttwo weeks after Hurricane Wilma.
"This is one powerful year," Reed said. "[Hurricane] Wilma played a big role. It's been my calling to help my neighbors."
The national attention attracted sponsors for Saturday's Christmas event, including the Miami Dolphins, Rick Case Honda, the First Presbyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale and Reed's own church, the Royal Assembly Church of the Living.
Also helping Reed were 25 volunteers of the Team of Life, the nonprofit organization she started 1 1/2 years ago to help expand her charity work in the community.
"She gives to everyone and keeps nothing for herself," said Elizabeth King, one of the volunteers. "She's unbelievable."
a black angel?
ReplyDeleteoh yes a black angel ministering to a black baby (blacks are tribalistic and selfish and rarely ever help anyone outside of their own race)
and what do i see in the hand of the black angel?....ahh yes a rock of crack about to be introduced to the black baby
Obviously, you are not very well acquainted with anyone African-American or you would never be able to make such a blatantly stupid statement.
I'm sorry, ajax, but this has to be the most obtuse statement you have yet to make in here. Now, I realize that racists are generally deficient in some area - but in this one statement you have demonstrated an almost imbecillic lack of knowledge.
My "black angel" is in the form of a man younger then I .. who works hard and has removed me from the pits of manic deprssion and to feel alive again.
ReplyDeleteHe provides for me everything I need. I provide for him unconditional love and understanding. Friendship. I have seen nothing savage in him. And his family have been kind and genorous to me and my chilren. Considering he is a black man dating an older women with 3 children already of her own.
I am honored to know him. I think your perception ajax of the colored race and all of them doing crack and raping white girls. Is far off balence.
The article ommitted the part where she smoked crack and keeps an adult son at home who happens to be a burglar and child molestor.
ReplyDeleteOr whatever the specific details of this particular nigger family have to be.
The press loves the fantasy of the saintly black grandma. Trouble is, its never more than that -- fantasy.
Obviously, you are not very well acquainted with anyone African-American or you would never be able to make such a blatantly stupid statement.
ReplyDeleteObviously, you view Negroes through the distorted lens of the insane, or you wouldn't even dispute such a statement.
Blacks are a permanent criminal underclass, not because of 'oppression' and 'racism', but because of their innate criminal inclinations.
Yes, let's just chuck anything that does not fit into that ignorant, bigoted mindset, Bill.
ReplyDeleteOf course, should we expect any different from Bill? I wonder if Bill would refuse emergency medical treatment if the only available providers were black.
Thanks for the post, Nikki.
For someone who, not too long ago, purported not to be racist, Bill sure has his racist message down pat. Of course, if you can change your ideologies as often as you change your underwear, I guess you must be pretty skilled at mastering rhetoric.
ReplyDeleteI doubt that Bill would refuse any help from blacks, Jews, Asians, homosexuals, Muslims, etc. if he were in danger or in pain. It's funny, but when life hangs in the balance everything else becomes peripheral. And Bill just loves himself too much to internalize any ideology completely.
Incidentally - the woman in the story provided Christmas for children of ALL races. Unlike those who, in the aftermath of Katrina, limited their assistance to "whites."
He is both right and wrong, for instance the first time i heard this happened i thought whites would do it too but i have yet to hear of it. Some poor blacks will use their childs SSN number to get things eg. Cable, thus setting the child up for failure at the start.
ReplyDeleteSome are very selfish.
And you have never heard of whites doing that? What kind of cloistered existence do you live?
I know a young man who recently tried to buy a car on credit. He couldn't because his parents had used his name and SSN for years. They bought things on credit and didn't pay for them - they had their utilities in his name and ducked out on the bills. It's going to take this poor kid forever just to dig himself out of the morass of bad credit that his parents created. Oh, and by the way - this family is very much white.
More Nigger Savagery from Hal's site.
It is unknown at this time whether or not this latest victim will live. Anyone driving in the Milwaukee area, who comes upon a group of black teens inthe street, is herewith advised to lay on the horn and the gas pedal. If they don't get out of the way, mow them down like the savage animals they are, because if you don't, they will pull you from your car and kill you!
Harry Schwartzo the KIKE somehow has his blog set to install cookies on our computers from the SPLC
ReplyDeleteThe way I found out was that I have my cookies set to prompt me about accepting them. The SPLC tried to set a cookie on my machine on Harry's blog. Of course, I set it to permantly block them. I don't want those Nigger Loving Son-Of-A-Bitches to put anything on it.
Those cookies are from Blogger, Elmer, not Schwartz.
ReplyDeleteThe name of the cookie was called splcenter. I'm sorry, but that doesn't equal Blogger to me.
ReplyDeleteBill White just says stuff to get attention and apparently he is crying for Nikki to write another article about him.
ReplyDeleteElmer Frazier who is Steve Holsten from Kennett, Missouri is lying as usual about me being able to put splcenter.org cookies on his machine from blogger.com History Mike caught on to that lie real quick.
Everetts Brevard & Australianguy just signed up for thier blogger accounts at the same time within an hour apart. I suspect Bill White sock puppets.
-----And more white savagery----
White man kills his family then himself on Christmas day
FAIRFAX, Virginia -- Police said yesterday that a Virginia man who killed four people, then himself, on Christmas Day had a history of mental problems.
Investigators believe Nathan Cheatham shot and killed his mother in the driveway of her nearby McLean home. He then drove 15 km to a home in Great Falls and fired more than 50 shots that killed three other people, before turning the gun on himself.
White man pleads guilty to raping cows
NEILLSVILLE, Wis. -- A 64-year-old man has pleaded no contest to charges in Clark County Circuit Court after telling police he regularly had been using calves for sexual gratification.
White savage gang arrested in Ukraine in deaths of 57
KIEV, December 27 (Itar-Tass) - Police in Ukraine's Donetsk region arrested 11 members of a gang involved in 57 murders. Two gangsters were arrested in Russia, the public relations department of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry said on Tuesday.
According to the Interior Ministry, the gang specialized in contract hits, robberies, and extortions. It controlled markets of metal and fuel and the gambling business.
ReplyDeleteSo much for Hal Turner's "intelligence, Steve. All parties were black - including the victim.
ReplyDeleteMost of the racists who post here have almost ZERO experience dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds.
ReplyDeleteCome to Roanoke's West End.
Its because I have experience dealing with people from different background that I am able to recognize racial differences.
And "Nikki's" trite crap about emergency hospital care is exactly that -- trite crap.
Obviously, an all white hospital would be better than a "diverse" one. In fact, when one looks at the crimes committed against disabled hospital patients -- usually by nursing aides, techs, and other low paid non-professional medical workers -- it is almost always non-whites committing them.
Thus, ironically, and amusingly, given your point, allowing yourself to be watched over by a black nursing aide -- an untrained $7 an hour nobody -- may be more dangerous to your health than not going to a hospital at all.
Of course, if you want to take the argument that people shouldn't help each other to its logical conclusion:
1) Should people who are non-white refuse help from me if they are in a life-threatening situation?
2) Since the Jews exploit and take "help" from every non-white people they can, while giving nothing in return, should they be equally criticized for accepting help from non-whites, while having a pseudo-racist perspective?
3) Does believing, correctly, that non-whites are disproportionately involved in the smoking of crack cocaine have any meaningful implication on whether one should accept help from them in a life-threatening situation?
It is the length of time needed to address the stupid arguments of the Jews and their supporters that led Joseph Goebbels to assert that:
"The Jew can tell ten lies in the time it takes you to refute one."
Everetts Brevard & Australianguy just signed up for thier blogger accounts at the same time within an hour apart. I suspect Bill White sock puppets.
ReplyDeleteLook Ranier III, the fact that it is now you who is paranoid about what I'm doing to subvert you is ... well ... hilarious.
ReplyDeleteNikki, or, at least, the Mexican dominatrix who has been claiming to be Nikki Nicoles, prefers spanking.
Notice how excited Bill White gets over reading those sex sites. He also appears to spend a massive amount of time reading them.
Yep, Bill keeps bringing the subject up OVER AND OVER AND OVER... Bill do us all a favor, get a room!
ReplyDeleteBill also seems to be fixated on the sexual behavior of David Duke, Kevin Alfred Strom, & Don Black lately.
ReplyDeleteAt least Bill doesn't discriminate in his sexual fanatsies, he'll dream of almost anyone regardless of sex.
Bill has been commenting about my sex life on my blog; what a weird dude (scroll down about 40 posts):
I used to think Bill was just a guy with different beliefs about race; now I am beginning to think he has some serious mental issues.
I posted this over on your blog Mike - thought I would do the same here.
ReplyDeleteHey Mike:
I hear your wife doesnt give you any sex and henpecks you when you talk to female journalists. Is that true?
When bested in discussion by others, it is interesting to note that Bill White resorts to attempting to portray his opposition as sexually challenged. Generally speaking that sort of thing is just a means of projecting his own inadequacies onto someone else.
It should also be noted that he frequently tries to paint his naysayers as homosexuals, pedophiles, sexually promiscuous, or sexually deviant. That's why few of us worry about any of the things he does in this area, since most people already know that it is just Bill White getting his rocks off.
Thanks, Nikki.
ReplyDeleteWhat an odd character. The real question is whether he is: a) making this crap up; b) getting fed this crap by unknown sources; or c)just plain delusional.
And what is most interesting is that Bill has made all these posts in reference to an article that does not even mention him, and mentions NSM only in passing.
If anything, you would think he would be happy that the essay argues that white nationalism is actually growing.
White must just be mad that I didn't give him any ink.
About a year and a half ago White wrote about a dark cloud that was hanging around him. He said that he had not been sleeping well and that...
ReplyDelete"Plus, I spent all Easter weekend having disturbing dreams. The major themes were murder, blood and violent sex. Again, having any meaningful dreams at all is unusual for me, and dreams on such subjects are noticably peculiar."
Methinks these kinds of dreams are probably not all that "peculiar" to Bill. Again I ask...what kind of person not only keeps a used condom package but takes a picture of it and posts it on the internet to "prove" he had sex with someone?
He's a troubled man.
Steve - I have a New Year's Resolution - you will not be allowed to post using racial slurs on this blog - period. Anything that you post with that kind of thing in it will be removed.
ReplyDeleteI realize that this will hamper your ability to leave messages here since your vocabulary is severely limited - so I guess we won't see too much of you in 2006.
You need to know that your comments are a matter of record and will be forwarded to your service provider who really doesn't like this kind of thing. It's such a shame that you lack the ability to engage in any type of intelligent discussion - but I really don't have any sympathy for you at this point in time. You make my point, however, about the fools who inhabit the racist right.
ReplyDeleteOk baby Wa wa!!!!!!!! Her is a big ole tattle tale.
ReplyDeleteI'll weave you and your cry baby buds awone.
I'll go back to the real world where Niggers are Niggers
ReplyDeleteI have his IP information if you need it.
It's a Road Runner account.
beep beep
Thanks Harry - I just love Road Runner - they don't like this kind of thing at all. Oh! Read your email!
ReplyDeleteWhat the Fuck do you two want? I said I wouldn't post again. That is till you two spewed this Bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you want in order to leave my service alone? I quit running down your pet Apes here. I can still go away from here and not come back on my own.
Umm they all have the same daddy dear. Though thanks fer askin.
ReplyDeleteI have been to busy working to post lately. But Mr. Whites words have no problem speaking out for themselves about who he is and what he thinks.
Would you people just leave Steve Holsten alone. He is not a pedo...
ReplyDeleteLloyd Davies, TimeLord
Is that Warren defending Steveo?
ReplyDeleteNope, Nikki:
ReplyDeleteThis is Lloyd Davies, a good friend of Steve Holsten.
I also do a talk show "On the Domestic Front"
"A Time Lord always wins in the end. Always."
Hey - Cool blog, nice layout! Checkout my identity theft blog if you can.