The City of Toledo demonstrated great wisdom in seeking a temporary injunction that would keep ALL parties who plan on rallying tomorrow confined to the downtown area. No one will be allowed to march, rally, or demonstrate through the neighborhoods of North Toledo. In a grandstand play by White, he attempted to thwart the city's efforts with a motion of his own - he lost - the city wins.
When asked if he had written a story entitled "NMS To March Against Nigger Gang Crime in Toledo," Bill White attempted to slither, as he always does when caught, by claiming that there are over "1300 who contribute to Overthrow." Uh...Mr. White does not do this well...he trips all over his lies. It wasn't that long ago that he wrote that Overthrow was pretty much a one-man operation. I have that article - and will definitely use it. The court - any court - generally does not take perjury very lightly.
For an in-depth look at today's proceedings, please visit History Mike's place - it's a real eye-opener.
NSM Commander Bill White demoted Mark Martin in court today. Says he can longer speak for the NSM. BWHHAHAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteYou gotta love it. Bill White is the Commander of the NSM now and even has incorporated the NSM in Virginia as "National Socialist Movement of Virginia LLC".
I'm telling ya, we have to maintain our opposition to Bill White publically but privately, we both know he is going to harm the NSM more than I ever could!!!
Oh I forgot.
ReplyDeleteYou can listen to Bill White being interviewed then cut off the air on WYSO-FM at 11am this sunday. The live stream will be at
Oh - he will bring it to its knees! I am just cracking up - because I had this picture of Martin losing that temper bill was talking about and just laying Bill out right there in front of God and everybody.
ReplyDeleteYa gotta love it!
Go Nigger Lovers go. Eat that Ex-Lax like candy and keep spewing that Shit about Whites who look out for our race.
ReplyDeleteSchwartzo has proven 100's of times that he won't harm anyone. All he ever does is Shit and then fall back in it.
Steve - you are becoming more and more redundant. It must really suck not being able to make a valid point or discuss anything within the context of which we are speaking.
ReplyDeleteI am truly sorry for you. But, you really are making my point about the racist right. I appreciate the help - but do you think you could change the record? Or are you truly just a one-trick-pony?
All you people are out to do is try to hurt others or put them down. Bill W is not bothering you, Schartzo, History Mike or the others.
ReplyDeleteAll of you are just as redundant as I am. You laugh at him like he's a nothing happening Little Man or whatever, but you keep running him in the ground.
Isis - you take real good care of yourself - and shoot your best shots!
ReplyDelete**Go Nigger Lovers go. Eat that Ex-Lax like candy and keep spewing that Shit about Whites who look out for our race.**
Elmer I think thats the stupidest thing I have ever seen you write. Maybe you need to eat some Watermellon and Fried Chicken! Because the real Niggers are WHITE. And I am reading all of thier obviously negative sh*t every single day.
I do admit that I like KFC, but I don't eat watermelon. My Grandpa raised them on our family farm in the early 70's, and the theiving Niggers we had to deal with back then still makes me sick.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I make stupid remarks in response to the obsessive remarks made by your Buds here. Nikki & Schwartzo may be doing a favor to the White movement with all of the attention they bring.
"i never hear whites refer to themselves as niggers only black people do this"
ReplyDeleteI know some very "white" niggas who use thier slang any way they want with whoever they want. Where do you come from Mars? Are you so closed minded you do not see the world of white individuals who act black and want to be black all the time. Who were raised with thier black family and use the slang every day? The beautiful Dreads .. colorful clothings. Nigga is slang. For brotha I suppose. My daughter would know all the terms and usage. Teens are up on that stuff.
Nigger however Sir .. is this:
Webster Dictionary : a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons
In my eyes. This is neither a white or black person .. this is just a scum bag. A person who might enjoy taking pleasure in another persons pain. Some one like Hal Turner. The one true Nigger.
I seem to be meeting a lot of white niggers lately.
Sad for My RACE.
There is still hope for us all. I have faith in that. Because I need faith in something good. Something outside this prejudiced insanity.
Gee .. while I do not agree with all of that the foundations seem the same.
ReplyDeleteI certainly wish I possesive that extensive vocabulary and the way with which you use it.
That is definately a compliment.
Not a poke fun sarcastic thing.
I get out twice a week. If its more then that its because some one forced me to go.