Standing before what appeared to be a small crowd of flag-waving Syrians, David Duke claimed to be bringing a message from many Americans." Duke said that “it is not just the West Bank of Palestine, it is not just the Golan Heights that are occupied by the Zionists, but Washington D.C., and New York, and London, and many other capitals in the world.” (YnetNews, Nov. 27, 2005)
Duke, like so many others on the racist right, continues to look for love in some very strange places. A few years ago he was a big hit in Russia and often referred to Russia as the "Mother Country." The troubling part of all of this is not that he travels into these countries and belittles America, but that he claims to speak for white America.
After being elected as a state congressional leader in Louisiana years ago, David Duke seems to be unable to regain any kind of footing among any kind of constituency these days. He used to enjoy living large and playing the casanova on the money of his supporters. Now, after a brief stint in prison for tax evasion and being exposed for his misuse of funds Duke is hard pressed to find a venue for his message of hate.
One very astute individual asked "Why isn't he in Louisiana helping his own people who have suffered a catastrophe as a result of Hurricaine Katrina?" I think the only reply to that would be that they probably would refuse his help. As with Billy Roper and others, Duke would only extend his hand to whites - and, you guessed it, the whites refused that kind of help.
I kind of like the idea of Duke being in Syria and other parts of the world. Maybe he will stumble upon the great white homeland that he so wants. Wouldn't it be wonderful to watch a mass exodus of those who thrive on hate and bigotry in this country? A dream come true.
Did you Nigger Lovers see the story on Hal's site about the Nigger Savage beheading that 3 yr old child?
ReplyDeleteDoes he need Diversity hugs too?
Steve Holsten and Hal Turner sure are quiet about crimes like this committed by white people http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/news/breaking_news/13298685.htm
ReplyDeletePhoto: http://images.ibsys.com/2004/1214/3997442_200X150.jpg
A Kensington man who admitted to suffocating his infant son and strangling his 4-year-old daughter was sentenced yesterday to life in prison without parole, plus an additional 20-40 years, said prosecutor Gina Smith.
In exchange for escaping the death penalty, Steven Walczak, 24, pleaded guilty in October to first-degree murder for strangling Rebecca and to third-degree murder for suffocating 9-month-old Ryan.
Ryan was murdered in April 2004 and Rebecca was killed in December 2004.
During the hearing, Ryan's mother, Debbie Glanzman, read a statement to Common Pleas Judge Benjamin Lerner that described the grief she has felt since her baby died.
"How do you act like you are OK and strong and keep on living your life without your only child?" she asked. "How do you change your everyday routine of feeding, bathing, and play time? What am I supposed to do with all the baby furniture and toys? I am now only left with my memories and pictures of Ryan."
Walczak declined to address the judge during the hearing, but Smith said his attorney, Assistant Defender Marit Anderson, said Walczak was sorry for his crimes. Anderson could not be reached for comment.
In his confession, Walczak told detectives that he intentionally killed his daughter because she was misbehaving and that he didn't want her to see her mother again.
Walczak smothered his son because the baby wouldn't go to sleep when Walczak was tired. Walczak said he put one hand over the baby's mouth and the other behind his head. Then, he said he laid on top of the child and fell asleep.
Steve seems to ignore these crimes. I wonder why
Didn't hear about this one till you posted it. The White Trash Savage is as bad as a Savage Nigger. Anyone who could put their hands on a baby to strangle him and them while going to sleep is seriously Fucked up in the head.
ReplyDeleteHe qualifies for his final ride on the PNL and I could easily pull the trap door and watch him swing.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't you agree that both blacks and whites commit horrific crimes?
Which means this Steevo, that this isn't a reason to hate all blacks now isn't it?
And you do know that the majority of white women are raped by white men, not black men.
You know full well that I don't hate all Blacks and I never have. You know that my major issues with Blacks are Affirmative Action, not staying in their own race, and the slave Reparations that they demand. They wanted equal rights. Then lets make it equal for all. If someone can't pass a test or whatever; then so be it.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all then Steevo, stop calling all blacks, niggers. Calling them that in itself shows you hate them all.
ReplyDeleteSecond of all Steevo, it's many whites who are not staying within their own race. So again, that isn't a reason to hate all blacks now is it since whites are doing the same thing?
I personally don't care if a black dates a white, or vice versa, or if two consenting gays get together. I don't see why it should bother you either. Funny how bigots love to talk about being pro-1st amendment but yet ignore the part about freedom of assembly which means, you can assemble with whom you choose, regardless of race.
As far as Affirmative Action goes, I'm against it for the most part but are you against the "good ole boy" network that still exist at a high level in the United States?
Slave reparations, I'm against it. Won't solve a thing.
I'm sorry, but I'll never be able or want to look over Faggotry. There is nothing normal about it. It is an abomination in my God's eyes and Faggots are Hell bound in a hand basket.
ReplyDeleteYou see many, many more blacks with Whites than the other way around. Not many Whites can tolerate the smell.
Good comments Arnold. Lets see how they blow them off.
ReplyDeleteNice try, Arnold - but that track won't play. You seem to think that I was speaking of Hal Turner's physical stature when I referred to him as a "little man." Interesting that you would think that.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing "prejudiced" or "biased" in reporting that David Duke is aging and aging badly. This is a man who is so vain, and who considers himself a "ladies man." There is much speculation among your own as to how many nose jobs and face lifts the guy has had.
The young man who played the banjo in deliverance was certainly not being compared to the reprehensible Craig Cobb. He and the other character are merely a reference to the movie "Deliverance," which I believe Cobb could star in if they ever make a remake.
Isis, Duke would like to consider himself one of the Jared Taylor bunch, but he is a pariah to most politicians. When he got out of prison a couple of years ago, he held this big confab in New Orleans. A lot of the Stormfront people attended as well as Kevin Strom from the National Alliance.
As the National Alliance was already on its deathbed, Duke and his live-in buddy, Jamie Kelso, saw this as the perfect opportunity to pick up supporters and put the last nail in the NA's coffin. Shortly thereafter there was an attempted coup. As you probably already know, the NA is pretty well done, and Strom's new group can't get off the ground.
Also at this conference of Duke's, Several "leaders" signed what they called the "New Orleans Protocol," which basically says they are going to stop using derrogative terms and quit attacking other white groups.
Stormfront has tried to clean its act up - the only place that they go on the attack is on a private board - supposedly. Of course, when it comes to the Jews - all bets are off.
Duke served one term as a state legislator and then ran for President. He can't seem to get over the fact that no one reputable within the political arena wants to be associated with him.
ReplyDeleteGod talks a lot more about adultery in the bible than homosexuality, and you fathered your last child while not married. Therefore since the bible talks a lot more about adultery, that must mean God hates you more than homosexuals.
With your profanity laced outburst here, please don't tell us you are a Christian, because a real Christian wouldn't act that way. Someone who follows Satan would.
No, I'm sorry to say that I'm not a Christian as of now. God talks about in the Bible about doing the right things so as not to commit Adultry such as talking a wife. He does not speak of ways not to be a Faggot. He said in his eyes that Faggots are an Abomination, and that is good enough for me.
ReplyDelete=======Isis Said=========
ReplyDeleteThere are depths to this movement I am not sure I even want to see or know about, but it is has a very interesting dynamic.
There is a lot of anger, in fact I think I am safe to say that anger is the foundation of the movement.
I agree - there is a lot of anger. There is also fear. I believe it is the fear of losing power. Also, for all of their screams about "white guilt" I believe that they are the ones who really feels that guilt and that they translate it to fear. The fear of what might happen if whites were ever to be in the minority in this country.
============Isis Said============
I am still at a loss as to why the main stream media has not picked up on this situation.
I have heard Jared Taylor will be having a convention in VA. I bet dollars to donuts that Duke will be a very likely attendee.
And I will double that bet as there will be very little to no news coverage, sans a possible small blurb in the locals Wash Post/Times
And why do you suppose that lack of news coverage is? It's absolutely amazing to me that these people and their actions are not the focus of the media more than they are.
The national spotlight seems to only shine on them when there is a horrendous murder - such as the Lefkow case, or a riot as in Toledo.
ReplyDeleteYou still don't quite get it. God says ALL SIN is an abomination. Compared to other sins in the bible, God doesn't talk much about homosexuality and in fact, Jesus NEVER talks about it in the Gospels.
I'm not a Christian either, I'm an athiest but I have read the bible. I suggest you do the same Steevo. It's a good book overall.
My only problem with Christianity is most Christians seem to only want to follow certain things about the bible, not all of it.
Isis - thanks for the link. Of course, taking an anti-immigration stance or even alluding to such, would be political suicide at this juncture. The RNC is relying heavily on that Hispanic vote right now.
ReplyDeleteAbout people treating you like a "bit of a nut" because of what you shoot - it's funny how that works. When I tell people that I monitor and track neo-Nazi's and white supremacists it's like they don't know what to say. I guess to many people it's kind of odd.
But, I think that has played right into their hands. For so long they have been able to recruit and build and bully without anyone saying anything. They have moved in and out of the shadows unnoticed until recently.
Arnold - you are right in that the media did pretty much quarrantine Rockwell. I don't see the "movement" getting any bigger, either as far as the number of hate groups. Hell - they have pretty much annhilated themselves.
Unfortunately, what I do see happening is an increase in the lone-wolf phenomena. And, yes, the Klan has been on the decline for decades, but the whole of the movement is becoming much more sophisticated. Of course, the internet has provided them with a whole new playground.
The other thing that I see is that their numbers are grossly underestimated by watchdog groups. Personally, I think this is a big mistake. I also think ignoring them at this juncture is a HUGE error in judgement. Hate is just like any fungus - it thrives in the dark.
You wish you were God's Child
ReplyDeleteDo you want to live in a free country called America or do you want to live in a Communist country? Being a Racist has it's good points.
We are free to think what we want about Niggers, Shit Skin Mongrels, Faggots and Nigger Lovers.
I haven't harmed Society in any way. I don't need or want to be "rehabilitated"
ReplyDeleteGod's Child,
ReplyDeleteYou have a good heart overall. I think white racism will always be around in some from as long as mental illness is a part of human nature.
Second part of my message.
ReplyDeleteMaking racist register like sex offenders is going too far. But just as they have the right of free speech, we have the same rights under free speech to list their addresses, names, and to picket in front of their houses and notify their neighbors using our FREE SPEECH rights.
This is sick & obsessed and seriously Fucked up in the head. Have a Racist registry like sex offenders? That is ignorant & stupid. He needs to be in a Mental ward.
ReplyDeleteI don't support Nazi's at all. I believe like Hal Turner. The Germans lost and everyone should get over it.
ReplyDeleteThis "gods child" has got to be a joke. He has to be somebody who sits and thinks up this stupid Bullshit. Hell, even the strongest Nigger Lovers aren't even close to being that extreme.
ReplyDeleteYep, I agree. He's playing a divide & conquor game or something.
ReplyDeleteSee, I'm not all bad. We can agree on some things.
ReplyDeleteGod's Child:
ReplyDeleteAnother problem I would have with a racist offender registry is who gets to decide who gets put into it? Now if you know of a racist in your neighborhood, you have every right to notify your neighbors and friends under the 1st amendment.
Like Steve Holsten, I think I've tried my damnest to make sure Kennett knows about him. His school district has been emailed tons of information on him because he used to drive school buses part-time while collecting social security mental disability benefits. I have that right under the 1st amendment.
And if you as a private citizen want to put a list of white supremacist together and make it public information, I have no problem with that. I have a list of my own of white racist information.
But I do have a problem with the Government doing it.
Oh...this is just too rich! A racist registry! Now, as someone who keeps a very close eye on these people and who wishes fervently that such hatred did not exist, you would think that I would be the first one to second this - or Harry. Not so.
ReplyDeleteGod's Child - one of the basic principles in this fight against hate is not to hate the haters. Now, I say some pretty harsh things about these people as I expose them to the light of day - but I know what is in my heart. I don't hate them. I have seen a good number of them bail and turn their lives completely around. I know that many, many people out there were recruited and duped into these groups as kids - and when they grow up they get out.
Your idea of "rehabilitation" is a little idealistic, don't you think? Regardless of what the problem is, people have to want to be rehabilitated before any successful intervention can take place.
Additionally...these people are American citizens just like you. They vote, they serve in the military, some hold responsible positions, and many have fought our wars. Consequently, they have the same rights and freedoms.
Would I like to see an end to hate speech? Oh, most certainly. But not at the expense of giving up any of my own rights.
God's Child, I have met many people who advocate against racism - but I don't believe I have ever heard anyone proffer the ideas that you have on here.
I think that is what several are alluding to - you are extreme. I have this feeling that you are trying very hard to bait us into saying something that would be useful to whatever your agenda is. That probably won't happen.
When Elmer/Stevo issues his racial epithets, I am sickened and disgusted. I am also saddened to see someone so immersed in hatred because hate destroys the vessel that contains it. It eats away at it from the inside out.
I try very hard to educate people about these groups and what they stand for. And...yes, I do believe protesting them and exposing them and telling the truth about them makes a difference.
As Harry said, we have the right to let our communities know when active racists live within them. When we see that they are in positions to access our children, we have the right to tell the public about them. We have the right to do a lot of things that do matter.
Now...whatever you are fishing for with that worm you keep throwing out there is getting pretty ripe and we are all having a problem with the smell.
Very well said, Arnold. In fact, in Nazi Germany, "Elmer" would have been gassed because of his handicap.
ReplyDeleteI like the symbolism behind the arm band. Or tattoo I often see of the swastika. It gives a powerful statement of self. I wonder how you would feel if gothic me sat next to you. Pierced tongue and black hair. Pale skin and quietness.
ReplyDeleteProbably call me freak. Look at me in distaste. Unfortunately most people do. And that's just outter appearence. With no conversation.
Judgement on physcial attributes alone. Very sad how often it happens.
ReplyDeleteYea, I would immediately beat the crap out of you..... that is what you were hoping I would say....
now being serious......
I probably would simply laugh behind your back like almost everyone would be doing. Trust me, it's not the idiots who wear swatiskas that is worrysome. It's people whom we don't know about.
Normally, I don't like the word "tolerance." It implies must less than acceptance. But, since you asked, I would, undoubtedly, look at you with a raised eyebrow, walk on by, shake my head, and crack up behind your back.
ReplyDeleteNow...that's being tolerant.
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ReplyDeleteToni, I am so happy that things are working out for you! Sometimes good things DO happen to good people!