I wonder if anyone caught that Danny Deutsch show the other night where they were talking about Prussian Blue. For those who are not acquainted with the singing duo, they are twin girls Lynx & Lamb, blonde, thirteen, and just as cute as can be. The problem - their mother. April Gaede has spent the last 13 years raisning the girls, not only as racists, but as racist musicians.
They have been singing on the White Power circuit for several years now - that's right, they attend events like "Nordic Fest" where the beer flows and as the day wears on the skinheads get more than just a little rowdy. They claim Matt Hale, who is currently serving 40 years in prison for soliciting the murder of Judge Joan Lefkow, as their "spiritual advisor." Of course, as a "Creator" the only "spirit" that Matt believes in is that of the Aryan race.
These two little girls have been "groomed" by April to be "stars." Nevermind that there isn't much talent there. Never mind that they sing racist songs. Nevermind that they pay tribute in their music to Hitler's henchmen and American criminals like Bob Matthews and David Lane of The Order. These girls are destined to be the bridge that will draw whites by the droves into the fold of the racist right - if you believe.
They have recently come to the attention of the national mainstream media and after being featured a couple of times on some of the news shows, they are now supposedly in hiding because they believe they are in danger. Deutsch went apoplectic over the fact that the twins were pictured wearing T-shirts with a Hitler smiley face. As he ranted about his ancestors who were killed during the Holocaust, he said that the girls should be in jail. Later he recovered and zeroed in on April.
Aside from the fact that Edgar J. Steele and Richard Barrett were on the show to speak in favor of the children and got their collective lunches eaten, the show raised a few questions. Should children being raised like this be taken away from their parents? Is it too late, now that they are thirteen, to re-educate them?
I'd like to know your thoughts. Incidentally - the duo may turn into a trio in a few years. April has another daughter who she named "Dresdan Hale-" Dresden for the city and Hale for Matt Hale.
Well, I gues it IS a matter of opinion, Stefan. But, I would hope if I placed my children in a situation where they were taught to revere racists, Nazi's, murderers and thieves that someone would do something to wake my ass up.
ReplyDeleteSure, people have a right to raise their children as they seem fit. But raising them in an environment that places them in harms way is pretty questionable and raising them to be social cripples is criminal in my opinion.
Raising a child within your own value system is what most of us do. We raise them in the church of our choice, expose them to our cultural heritage, teach them to either fight or flee, etc. And although I don't agree with some of the things people do with their children I do recognize that they have the right to do what they do just as I am free to instill my own values in my children.
All that I am asking here, is what others thing should happen, not just in this situation, but in similar situations. I guess you have weighed in on April's side. Thank you for your response.
Nikki cannot and will not use good judgment when it comes to this family. They committed the Cardinal sin of loving their White race.
ReplyDeleteIt would be a shame for anyone to try to take these girls from their Mother. They were such a normal happy family on Dateline.
Elmer, you don't know what kind of "judgement" I will or won't use. And given that you are the person who not only allowed, but condoned, your own 13 year old daughter going out with a 22 year old man...I really not think that you should even enter into this discussion - especially if you are calling all of this "normal."
ReplyDeleteSteevo, if you would actually listen to their lyrics, it's not that they love the white race but HATE other races.
ReplyDeleteI've yet to find a white supremacist who didn't hate others. White supremacy has nothing to do with love.
Steevo, while I got your attention, explain to us why when a picture of you and a picture of your newborn were posted on a neutral board, they thought you and your child were non-white. And don't give me this stuff that the lighting was bad.
==========Stefan Said========
ReplyDeleteI think we both agree that if proof emerged that they were being manipulated by the movement or the mother then that would be a horrible thing.
What kind of proof would that be? They have been RAISED on this. They have been INUNDATED in racist thought. Manipulated? Oh...good Lord, Stefan - what else would you call it?
The KIKE Schwartzo can't keep his mouth shut about me. He has admired & obsessed overr me too long to quit now.
ReplyDeleteAnd KIKE, I know that my son & I are White and that is good enough for me. You're Shitting in the wind with this one.
I know all of you Nigger Lovers would like to see these beautiful girls raised by Niggers or Nigger Lovers and then have their minds poisoned with multi-culturism.
I have read in places where some Nigger Lovers were posting that they'd laugh if these little girls were raped & tortured by a pack of Nigger Apes. This was even posted on Dateline's message board.
Nikki will never agree unless the twin's Mother teaches them to be Nigger Lovers.
ReplyDeleteSteve has done the same to me on NIM Busters and other forums. I believe he strongly deserves to be smacked around as much as possible.
You do realize that most white girls are raped and molested by white men, not black men right?
And yet you worry about black men.
Wouldn't surprise me at all if someone like Bill White posted that stuff pretending to be black man interested in raping those girls. It's a tactic White and other racist like him use quite often, post as a black man and make remarks like that to stir up hatred among whites.
I have a thirteen year old in my house right now - and no that is not too old to be dreaming about ponies. She is allowed a little very light lipstick and that's it. She certainly isn't "dating." And, one minute she is talking about how "hot" Jesse McCartney is, and the next she is playing outside as if she were 8. It's the best of times and sometimes the worst of times beacuse 13 year old's are "in between."
ReplyDeleteStefan - I understand what you are saying about their (or April's) motives and I do agree. I have known many people who were racist and raised their children as such. While I abhor what those children were taught, there was certainly nothing I could do about that. Hell, I was raised the same way. The thing that bothers me the most about all of this - and I suspect you too - is that it appears that these children are being exploited. At least in my situation I was part of mainstream society and was able to eventually decide whether to adopt the values of my family or reject them based on personal experiences.
These children, however, have been home-schooled most of their lives and have been thrust into venue after venue of hate and racist groups. It appears, by all of April's accounts that they spend a majority of their time sheltered from real world events and functions. Therefore, they have little to no chance of experiencing anything outside of the racist realm.
I, like you, am very suspicious of April's motives. I am saddend that these children might be the victims of a really messed up group of people.
While I do not object to parents raising thier children to be safe and respectful and honorable towards thier own race.
ReplyDeleteI do object to parents raising thier children to be prejudice. Children should be free to grow and form thier own life opinons and such.
They are flowers. They are seeds to blossom into individual beautiful blooms. Each one never the same.
This mother totaly was wrong in pushing her children to belive in her own misguided opinons. The girls I am sure can make thier own decisions and will when the time is right. They will realize from personal experiances.. The right way and the wrong way of living.
Thanks for the post nikki. It made me think a lot about the impressions we leave upon our youth.
Teaching your children to hate is a crime as far as Im concerned. I should not even have to state that. It's obvious.
ReplyDeleteI would never place a gun in a childs hands and say go kill. And I would never place a bitterness in thier heart and say hate blacks.
It is the same principal. Perhaps you just confuse your idea of me being prejudice to me just having an opinon and word of my own. And having faith in it.
If I and "prejudice" to bad parenting. Amen to me.
Stefan - you are correct that most children are raised to have certain values and thoughts that reflect the values of the parents.
ReplyDeleteHowever, within our society, as with any society, there are norms...there are certain mores...there are behaviors that can be agreed upon as acceptable or unacceptable by the huge majority of people living here.
When children are raised to have values and morals that are the antithesis of the norm - they usually don't fare very well. They enter the world at a social disadvantage, at the very least, and socailly crippled at the worst.
Personally, I think that's pretty egregious, don't you? Things are hard enough for kids in this world today and we need to try to give them every advantage. While going against the grain - or being somewhat of a rebel can be quite charming and sometimes works in favor of the individual. That's not the same as training them to be social misfits.