Bill White is an exhibitionist. He thrives upon playing to the crowd. He is one of those individuals devoid of depth, shallow and superficial, and always on stage. He is engaging in a very dangerous game and playing with some extreme evil-doers. Throughout all of the chicanery and attempts at carving out a niche for himself, Bill White still finds himself on the outside looking in. His apparent detachment from reality and morality presents us with a potentially dangerous situation. He fancies himself as an "insider" in many circles - many in those circles see him as a pathetically defective personage who will never be worthy of full acceptance. And that is a sad, but fitting, place for the "Kaiser" to be. Yet, given the current climate of hate and hate groups, we must be vigilant and aware that one loose cannon can be very detrimental to society. One loose cannon stirring the already tumultuous pot of many loose cannons can result in nothing less than disaster. And one loose cannon who is a prolific and adroit liar presents us with a myriad of problems.
The prevarications of Bill White have long been discussed among racists and anti-racists alike. Any of either group who have been around for any time at all know to take whatever he says with the proverbial grain of salt. This knowledge has often come back to bite him squarely in the ass. When during the few times that he has been truthful he has been met with guffaws and ridicule. The oddest thing about all of this may be that he doesn't seem to get it. He doesn't seem to do anything different other than get worse.
It's pretty damned obvious that Nikki wants to Fuck Bill. She's too obsessed with him not to want it.
ReplyDeleteNikki Nichols:
ReplyDeleteI haven't laughed this hard in a long, long time.
Next time the CIA takes me on an Asian sex tour, I'll be sure to shoot some pictures.
And I agree, I think I remind Nikki of the husband she lost, yet still desires.
Oh, and Chuck0 has lost a ton of weight. He must have dumped the downers for crack -- either that or contracted AIDS, cancer or some other strange wasting disease.
ReplyDeleteHumm Bill White .. BIll White. Never heard of him. However.. I read the article and read his words. His words and then I read everyone elses. I think elmer and Bill are gay buddies from back in the day.
ReplyDelete"It's pretty damned obvious that Nikki wants to Fuck Bill. She's too obsessed with him not to want it."
Is that ALL you can come up with? With an imaginative intellect like yours I expected something better.
"Oh, and Chuck0 has lost a ton of weight. He must have dumped the downers for crack -- either that or contracted AIDS, cancer or some other strange wasting disease."
"And I agree, I think I remind Nikki of the husband she lost, yet still desires."
Just a riot. And these are the people who will help out us whities? They do not even look like they can save themselves.
Those who have never heard of me should not be so quick to judge.
ReplyDeleteWhat you may not realize is that the entire article is laughably fictitious. In fact, I've been laughing over it all morning.
No surprise some wacko from Kingston endorsing Nicole Nichols.
ReplyDeleteI think Hal brought all of their nuts out.
Wako.. Thats exactly what I mean. You do not even know me Sir. And thats the best you can come up with. Wako. The real nut jobs are easy to see.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing interesting about Bill White is that he is a creative liar. He's 27 years old and feels the need to always lie in order to get attention.
ReplyDeleteHe's only a nazi because being an anarchist didn't get him the attention he so much craves for himself.
A man who has sparked so many libel suits should not describe someone else as a "liar", Mr Schwartz.
ReplyDeleteAnd you have yet to win a single libel lawsuit. (hint: you've file only one, you need to stop telling lies that people can easily check on) And you will easily lose to google in Feb unless they fail to show up for coure.
ReplyDeleteOverall Bill, I view you as an asset for antifa and thank you for your successful takeover of the NSM by incorporating it in the state of Virginia.
How is Luke Kuhn doing these days Bill? He sure seems to still like you.
Good luck in Greensville county and keeping your drivers license in early Jan.
Well done.
I forgot,
ReplyDeleteRemember Bill, it was by your own admission that your own mother managed to get you locked up in a short term psych ward after you were legally an adult.
Of course, me and Luke know the real story... but we'll save that for another day.
First, Harry, you don't know anything more than what's been published on my website, and you don't even seem to know that. And no, I was not locked up in a "short term psychiatric ward" -- except in your dreams.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fruit you are.
And, Harry, what happened to your "antiracistlosers" blog, again?
ReplyDeleteThat's a sign of Google "winning", right?
I had to weigh in on the delusional Mr. White on my blog today.
ReplyDeleteHe engages in the most reprehensible cyber-attacks imaginable, and then throws his hands up in mock surprise when people call him to task for his libelous actions.
White's rhetorical attacks on women are particularly disturbing, although they provide insight into the depths to which he appears to have sunk.
Get help, Bill.
ReplyDeleteNo surprise you had to write something about me. Its the only way to get people to read your blog.
It seems I've touched a nerve.
ReplyDeleteLuke is a not a nazi no did I ever implied he was. But Luke did have a long relationship with Bill White and were very, every close friends from 1996 to 2000 before White became a "nazi".
Those are the facts and they are indisputable. White & Kuhn were very close friends.
Kuhn is not a nazi nor ever has been. Him and Bill White attended gay events together and helped fight for gay rights in DC. That's when Bill White was a sort of a good guy. Kuhn & White also cooperated very closely on other projects. And yes, White & Kuhn were very close friends.
I hope you weren't implying that I was saying Luke was a nazi. Kuhn isn't. And yes Isis, since you say you support free speech, support ours when we want to talk about Luke Kuhn. He's a man and can reply if he wants to.
PS- racistlosers wasn't my blog, I just had posting privledges to it.
ReplyDeleteBill's writing sex stories about you again.
He's soooo clueless.......
Yes, Bill White, my little blog does not have anywhere near the visit count of Overthrow.
ReplyDeleteHowever, my goal is to produce quality work, not to fill a website with slander, idiocy, and hatred.
I write about the NSM and Mr. White when their collective spheres of filth cross over into my world, like when the NSM comes to Toledo, or when White attacks people I know.
For someone who thinks so little of my blog, Bill, you sure do visit it a lot.
That is, unless I have other readers in Roanoke, VA.
BTW - Bill got agitated recently over a post (that was simultaneously printed as an article in the Toledo Free Press) on the recent NSM rally in Toledo.
It took me a few minutes to figure it out the reason, as it was a pretty straightforward piece with quotes from cops and protesters. Then I realized that the reason that White and Blevins were so ticked was that there were no Nazi pics or quotes in the article.
It did have a quote from the single neo-Nazi supporter in the protest zone, Molly Nolan.
Thus, it is all about the publicity for Mr. White, and I once again fell for the bait and gave him another couple hundred KB of memory space.
A man who has sparked so many libel suits should not describe someone else as a "liar", Mr Schwartz.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Mr Schartz is calling 'em like he sees 'em.
Bill White you are a liar(period) And anyone who takes anything you say at face value either doesn't know you are they are a fool.
Everything that has been said about you in that article is the truth and all you can come up with is some lame bullcrap.
Bill White is a liar(period)
Now sue me if you got the balls.
Damn Bill, I know the truth hurts but come on now! All I can say is YIKES! You should have taken your meds this morning. LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteFor the bill white supporters in here, I have a challenge. Disprove one single point about bill white in the article, just one. I'm taking all bets it can't be done cause bill white is a liar, plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteHey Harry Schwartz:
ReplyDeleteShould I call you Von Falkenhorst?
And Isis, please do not suggest I have ever had a homosexual lover.
ReplyDeleteThat is less funny than your tongue kissing remark.
Bill you are the last person in the world to tell someone not to suggest someone is a homosexual. Have you read your own website?
ReplyDeleteIsis, I'm sorry but I'm going to be blunt. This "game" you are playing with Bill White, if that is what this is, is only going to end badly and someone is going to get hurt and odds are not in your favor as comming out of this "game" the victor. Bill is a lying snake who will do whatever it takes, and I mean WHATEVER.
Mr Schwartz is a gay pedophile who has been impersonating the grandson of a German general in the white nationalist movement for at least six years.
ReplyDeleteBill, why is it that when you get slamed with the truth about yourself you talk about sexual things?
ReplyDeleteRead it and weep about Nikki,
Well so much for the Bill A White(The "A" is for all lies) supporters taking up the challenge.
A photogenic person with a few dollars in his pocket may seem like a likely prospect. But it maybe a good ideal to do a little research of your own on Bill All Lies White before you get too cozy with the grimy lier.
isis- If you really feel that way about how its wrong for people to slander good people then why the hell to you like Bill? It's his life mission to slander good people as well as bad people.
ReplyDeleteAs to the rest of your questions-
How do you know anyone was set up? Are you privy to information we are not? I was not in Toledo, and I don't know what happened regarding the arrests. But ask yourself this, why did Bill send his own people to those libraries? He said so himself. Or, was that yet another lie?
I too smell rotten eggs.
I take pictures and write little articles for my blog, but I have no intention in playing in any ARA vs Racists team sports.
ReplyDeleteThen what are doing here?
I know more about both sides than I would care to repeat and would rather just sit on the side lines eating my popcorn and report it to the public.
Evidently you don't know shit and if you think there's such a thing as being neutral in all this than you're a fool. Let me list the possible sides one can take in all this. You're one of the following: a racist, anti racist, ignorant of racism, or a disillusioned fool.
And Bill White is still a lier.
And to hell with Luke. Some choices in life are just destined to come back to haunt you and Luke made a bad choice of hanging with lying bill.
Isis- you said
ReplyDeleteAnd BTW, wake up, there are Nazis in ARA.
Let me guess, Bill told you that?
Isis- you said
ReplyDeleteThere are people working against ARA *IN* ARA!
So basically your saying that Bill's own people were trying to kill him?
How would I know what Bill has or has not told you? All I'm saying is that Bill White lies, and lies a lot. That's been proven time and time again.
ReplyDeleteAs to infiltration, hate to break it to you but I have infiltrated groups, namely "The Creativity Movement" and you will not find, not once, me advocating any sort of violence whatsoever. Can they say the same? Evidently not according to you. So don't tell me to be mindful about stuff you have not one clue about.
Additionally, we are not the ARA, we are Citizens Against Hate and we do have rules to abide by, which we do. Don't go there.
Issis said...
ReplyDeleteAnd BTW ROH, don't try to tell me what to do or think, that would be a very bad move on your part.
I'll say whatever I wanna say. And I could careless what you think is a bad move.
Isis said
This is all I can tell you.
Just stop blinding yourself and others with idols and scapegoats.
Be mindful of your message and never become what you are fighting against.
If that's all you can tell then you really could have kept that bit of useless information to yourself.
Next she's going to be telling us that Citizens Against Hate has been infiltrated.
ReplyDeleteReread again what I am saying. I am not blaming Luke Kuhn one bit for having a relationship with Bill White. There is no doubt Kuhn would stand with the anti-racist today.
It was not Kuhn's fault that White turned to the neo-nazi right from the pro-gay & pro-anarchist left. I think White only did it because he wasn't getting any attention as an pro-gay anarchist.
White betrayed Kuhn. Simple as that.
But it is significant in the history of Bill White to show what he was and what he is today. Since the events of the past make what a person is today, Bill's long relationship and his gay activism and radical anarchism in the past is a valid issue.
Bill White used to be very-pro gay up until 2000. He attended gay events and fought for the police to stop hararssing gays in Rock Creek park in Washington, DC. He claims he attended these events just to "fit in".
The question is, why did Bill White stop being so pro-gay?
It's a very valid question. White won't answer it honestly.
This is not bashing Luke Kuhn for having a relationship with Bill White.
The only thing I have against Kuhn on is that he was teaching kids how to build bombs and encouraging underaged kids to runaway from their parents in the early days of the internet. I have no idea if he still believes in those things today.
I like to see the real Luke Kuhn address the Bill White issue and what he thinks of White today.
And I still maintain that Bill White does more harm to the neo-nazi right than any antifa on the planet. So I want him to remain in control of the NSM.
Issis said
ReplyDeleteROH- grow up.
Oh please.
Issis said
Luke was very hurt to see the CAH statements about him as a NAMBLA and a kiddy porn advocate.
Is Luke he denying it?
ReplyDeleteYou can take your condescending bullcrap and blow it out your ear. And there's nothing you can tell me about activism while you ride the fense and rub elbows with the likes of bill white.
Here's a news flash for you. Luke IS my business. Any idiot who would teach children how to make bombs and explosives and try to entice children away from their parents, I'll make them my business. And if you think folks should stop talking about him because you think he's a nice guy then you are sadly mistaken and a bigger fool than you take us to be.
While you come in here blasting folks about mentioning his name you would do good to consider his past. And truth be told I don't know where you get the ideal folks are required to take the word of a relatively unknown photographer at face value.
You just don't have that kind of clout.
Sense you seem to want to standup and speak for him and defend him tooth and nail the question was real simple with nothing hidden between the lines.
Does Luke deny having an affiliation with NAMBLA?
You got two choices here. You can either answer the question or you can ramble off another tarade of assinine bullcrap, and in that case I'll simple have his ass investigated.
And before you tell anybody to grow up again you would look good getting a clue.
And Bill White is still a lier
Isis- you said
ReplyDeleteI am not accusing you, I am just hoping to show you the red flags that I have been warned about.
Take it or leave it.
There will be no more where this came from.
I thought you just said that you were not a part of the "scene" then why the hell would you say something like that? What in the world could you ever offer? Not much in my book because you don't know your facts. WE ARE NOT THE ARA.
Isis- you said
Well, you've already answered that question, BILL WHITE. Did you not just say that the ARA was infiltrated by Nazi's?
Let me say it AGAIN, WE ARE NOT THE ARA. Why do you insist that we are? What "violent" things has CAH done? And why do you think we are "petty, silly and stupid"? Gee, reporting on racists who kill their own mothers, kill innocent people, and ruin young peoples lives left and right, yeah, that pretty stupid! Give me a break.
Let me guess, the next thing we shall hear is that you’ve been so “hurt” by what we have supposedly said and done you will join up with the NSM?
Ok lets cut the bullcrap.
ReplyDeleteWho said ara was their to beat up bill white? bill white and now issis.
Then there is the constant refering to the ara members as kids which implies they had to be influenced being to young to think for themselves.
So word gets out that the ara and anti racist groups have infiltrators causing them to start questioning whos who. Planting a seed of doubt and mistrust which hopefully will turn into division within various groups.
Where do they come up with this crap.
Well Isis, good luck to you. We were not in Toledo even though Bill likes to think that I personally was handing out rocks and such. Kinda hard to do from Texas if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteFeel free to say whatever you want, nobody is stopping you although take into consideration that your comments here and elsewhere might just come back to bite you in the ass.
Looks like the nuts have come out the wood work.
ReplyDeleteissis said
If CAH is supposed to be about fighting racism, why does something Luke, who is twice your age, has done when you were pissing in your nappies 10 yrs ago have to do with you?
Apparently you've been listening to whites lies or reading his delusions on his web site.
Oh lets just let the cat out the bag, you're a lier too.
By the way how does it feel to be Bill Whites pupette?
Seeing how I rarely post here or anywhere else for that matter raises the question of where did this assumption of my youth come from. Now I can clearly remember the days when you could go in any store in America and buy a pack of cigarettes for 25 cents, a gallon of gas was only 36 cent long after I started driving. I would say that puts Luke well into into his hundreds.
Now the only place on the web where my age is mentioned is on overthrow, Bill All Lies White's website. And true to form when All Lies Bill doesn't know something, he lies, come to think of it when he does know something he lies.
So to cut to the chase issis you have been exposed. You're nothing but a young girl maybe in your early thirties at most but knowing Bill you could very well be barely legal dancing while he pulls the strings.
By the way Bill how long did it take you to think up this idoicy?
Oh issus, there where questions about you from the start and they have been answered. I didn't think it would take loong before you showed your true colors. But hey, don't feel too bad, you where out of your league from day one. Looks like my job here is done.
Isis, trust is something that we don't dole out automatically and did you really think we have fallen for anything you have said? If so, YIKES.
ReplyDeleteSo what exactly did you do here? What did you accomplish? Us not falling for your (I mean Bill’s) bullshit? The "bite you in the ass" comment means that people can read what you have said and make their own judgments. Your "friendship" with Bill White does nothing for your credibility.
This subject is pretty much over, have a nice day Isis.
Lets see now was the article folks were commenting on in this thread about the ara or was it about Bill All Lies White.
ReplyDeleteHow 'bout it Kathy
Isis- you never answered my question as to how you know this? And also, this thread IS about Bill White. Also how do you explain away the fact that Bill White said he had people at the libraries? Or the fact that even you said that the ARA were infiltrated by Nazi's. How do you know this?
ReplyDeleteissis said
ReplyDeleteI want to know who and what was behind those kids getting set up and who within the movement is trying to cause chaos.
Oh give it up already. The cats out the bag. Your bullcrap is as transparent as it can get. Nazi's infiltrating the ara exist only in your imagination. Now there's your answer little girl(period)
The challenge is still on the table for anyone to disprove any of the facts concerning Bill All Lies White in the article.
ReplyDeleteNo Bill said he had people at the libraries, even though he knew that would be a violation of the injunction. The only person who I know who has said over and over again that the ARA is infiltrated by Nazi's IS Bill White.
AGAIN, we are not the ARA. There has been no such "infiltration" at CAH and there won't be.
You say you know they were set up but not by whom. This makes no sense to me. How can you say this but not have any evidence? You must have some idea as to whom to make this statement right? Someone had to have said something to you. I'm not asking for you to tell me who, just if someone has told you something, or if your going on a hunch.
How exactly does it concern us? You need to be a little more clear on that subject for me to comment further.
ReplyDeleteI am fully aware of there infiltration tactics Isis, I was one of "them" for years and heard a lot.
I don't see anything wrong with putting the spotlight on a certain individual or group, actually its good. I don't focus on Bill White, my focus is on the "Creativity Movement" as it has been from day one. If you go to CAH and look up what I have written you will see that. The research I have done on them is extensive, I went to the trademark hearings, I went to Matthew Hale's criminal trial etc. etc. Having a one track mind so to speak is not a bad thing, especially when you uncover the truth by doing so.
Also, I wish to add that Bill White even advocated that I should be killed for attending Hale's trial. Can you see why I might have a bad view of him?
An important element is being left out of the equation here, folks.
ReplyDeleteMr. White would love for you to believe that he has undercover agents working for him (he loves the cloak-and-dagger stuff, but his "intelligence" is really limited to his Internet connection), but the fact of the matter is the police expended significant energy monitoring cell phone and email traffic of the various groups.
The reason why there were so many arrests is not because Bill has a network of informants (despite his grandiose dreams) but because the Toledo Police cracked down.
Every federal, state, county and local agency within 100 miles of Toledo was involved. White knows this; he heard the testimony of Chief Navarre in court on December 9 about the heavy involvement of the feds.
It makes another great White lie, but the fact of the matter is the police had excellent surveillance on antifa and, yes, White's people.
And, truth be told, I would not be surprised if my own cell was tracked. I know the chief has my cellular, so it would not be out of the realm of possibilities that calls I received could have tipped the police off.
Then, too, the protesters who were going to "welcome" Bill and the boys picked a poor spot. The police were watching Bill at the Knight's Inn all night. The welcoming committee just picked a hot spot, one that was already loaded with cops.
As far as Bill's location, either he deliberately leaked it to provoke a response, or the antifa just got lucky in finding out where he was (Minnesota and Virginia plates do stand out in Toledo).
With a force of 700 officers, all activities were doomed before they began. Don't believe the bullshit Bill spreads.
By the way - I have an article in the Toledo Free Press this week with some of the protesters that Bill has been slagging. Here is an extended version on my web page.
You know, people love to make up things that "I've said".
ReplyDeleteI've never said that "the ARA is infiltrated by Nazis".
I did say that we had some people hanging around the libraries to see if anyone would gather. That is not "infiltrating the ARA with Nazis."
Mike Brooks wrote explicitly on his blog several times that the ARA was plotting to attack us at our hotel.
Further, I did not "intercept" a phone call. I received a direct phone call from a group saying that they were coming to kill me. That call is probably what got them arrested. ;-D
It amazes me how, when you guys get caught plotting violence, you try, pathetically, to lie around it, and make it appear as if I have said things I have not.
You're delusional.
And, someone is hacking my account and posting things as me, when they are not me. I'll have to change the password.
ReplyDeleteIs there a way to delete comments that were posted by this hacker?
ReplyDeleteI said "welcome," not "attack," Bill. Nor did I say "ARA." The caller told me they were not ARA.
ReplyDeleteI received a phone call that day about 11:30 AM that a group of protesters (not ARA) was going to "welcome" the Nazis.
Before I got there (there was some confusion about which motel), I received another call from the same source saying the police dispersed the "welcoming" committee.
Bil interprets this as "attack," but it could have been anyhting from pickets to street theater to throwing snowballs.
And, again, this was not ARA, nor did I ever use the word "attack."
December 21, 2005 9:59 AM
ReplyDeleteBill White said...
And, someone is hacking my account and posting things as me, when they are not me. I'll have to change the password.
Is there a way to delete comments that were posted by this hacker?
You have got to be kidding. Here he goes again. Bill All Lies White with the "someones hacked my account" bullcrap again. Just how often do you think you can use that lie. Hell, nobody who has any sense believed that the last time you told it.
The odds of somebody guessing your password so often are astronomical or you've got to be the dumbest asshole on the planet.
Bill you're still a lier and so is your lying tramp issis.
I'll make this quick, I've got to be at the airport soon.
ReplyDeleteBill White sent me information about where they were meeting at in Newport News before the Yorktown rally. Bill White did this hoping I would turn over the information to the ARA and then hoping the ARA would do violence to the nazis.
I never revealed that information to anyone which turned out to be correct. The reason I figured it was White is he forgot to anonymize the message and it revealed his full header. I also figure it could have been White setting up a trap.
So I am 99% confident that Bill White also would notify ARA in Toledo where they were meeting at the night before the rally hoping violence would happen.
It's how White works. He just wants to cause misery to as many people as possible under cloak of being a "nazi". If a nazi gets harmed, White is happy. If a antifa gets harmed, White is happy. It's how his sick mind works.
And yes, one of White's tactics is to claim his account was hacked when he says something really stupid on a manic episode.
Well...this is just a mess, huh? I have read and re-read this whole thread - and I am still shaking my head. But...here's my quarter's worth.
ReplyDeleteTo Isis~~~
The long and the short of it is - Bill White is a liar and a manipulator, and if you don't already know, a misogynist.
This article dealt with the lies and deceit that appear to be indemic to Bill White. Most articles written about him deal with the same thing since it is something that is so evident.
Yet, you opened this thread with telling us what a wonderful photographic subject White is. Personally, I don't care what kind of hook you have for this Nazi - and he is a Nazi. I don't care how enamored you are with him - that's your business.
But know this - when you lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas. And, I have a hot flash for you - if you choose to end up on his side of the pound you can expect others to take the same kind of issue with you that they take with him. This is not a game we play. This is not some sort of side show to amuse bored house-wives or spoiled children.
You came into this scene asking questions and claiming to know nothing - now that you are here you are talking like you are an authority. I agree with "a midwest antifa" - you know nothing about this. You are spewing the rhetoric that you picked up from Bill White. You know nothing about ARA or CAH or any other group out there - you couldn't unless you have been there (as in THERE).
We have known others like you and if you think we are being hard on you it is because people like you get people like us hurt. People like you are dangerous to what we do.
As to your relationship with Luke Kuhn. What has been written at CAH is nothing compared to what has been written across the internet about Luke. Whether there is truth to the allegations or not - Luke, to my knowledge, has been silent about everything. If he is guilty of the claims I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. If he is not - then he needs to step to the plate and make it right. You know him. You have my email address. He can contact me anytime and tell me himself what is wrong with all of this. Ya know, he can be the greatest activist in the history of the world - but if he f**ks with children - he has no business.
=======Isis Said=======
I take pictures and write little articles for my blog, but I have no intention in playing in any ARA vs Racists team sports.
I know more about both sides than I would care to repeat and would rather just sit on the side lines eating my popcorn and report it to the public.
For someone who has no intention of getting involved, Isis, you managed to jump in here with both feet. In the process of all of that you have demonstrated to a number of people that you are anything but the little innocent bystander that you claim to be - and this statement about you and Bill tells me one whole helluva lot:
"We joke a little back and forth a bit on-line while we watch the ant hills squirm."
Bill likes to think he makes people squirm - maybe you enjoy watching. And then you tell us,
"But, it is so funny how stupid people can be and how idiotic they react when we harmlessly flirt via pixels."
To us, Isis, flirting with a Nazi is not "harmless." We have seen the end result of things like that. And again - this isn't a game.
And then there was this:
Bill White said...
I love you Isis.
December 21, 2005 1:10 AM
IsisDC said...
I love you too, Baby.
Uh...huh. Now, you tell me how those of us who have spent decades in a fight against the ideology spread by people like Bill White are supposed to react to you.
As to someone "setting kids up," I think Mike's article and the things that Mike has said here more than explain what happened. Hearing it from the people themselves pretty much shoots your bogus theory down.
Now, I don't know who you are or what your real story is - but I do know that what I am seeing here and elsewhere leads me to think that you are being used - and are soon to be abused. If you can't see where this is headed then you really do have a major problem. But the bottom line with me is that you are all grown up and should know better.
Bill White has a history - and it ain't pretty. You can read all about it at CAH - or you can do a google search and get the gist of it. Bill White puts people in danger - even his own. And I'll be damned if I am going to sit back and watch you do the same thing.
Bill White is also predictable:
1) If he doesn't know something he makes it up.
2) When someone pisses him off they are either a "Jew," a "nigger," a "pedophile," a "homosexual," after his body, in love with him, or mentally ill.
3) When he regrets something or is caught in a lie he claims that someone hacked his site or his account and is pretending to be him. Everybody has hacked his site from the National Alliance to Cox Communications. I have the list.
4) When something that he has written looks like it is going to bite him in the ass - he pulls it and, like a dope, thinks it is gone.
5) And when a woman spurns him she becomes the object of his wrath - she is a whore, a slut, a drug addict, mentally ill, or stupid.
Which brings me to the last post that was made here. Now, I don't know if this was the real "Hooligirl" (Jennifer Adams) or someone using her name - but the reason that it was removed is because she posted the address of Bill White's family. Personally, I think they have been through enough with having Bill for a son and they don't need some crazed person from the internet giving them any more grief.
In closing, I have seen good people getting caught up in things like this and I have seen innocent people hurt. People who are new to this and have no real understanding of the players or of the dynamics can, and do, often bring disaster on themselves and others.
Bill White will facilitate newcomers straight into his downward spiral - if you don't wnat to go there it would serve you well to take several giant steps back. And if you don't understand that - read what Tex said to Bill - it sums it all up:
"You are a Nazi and that is all anyone really needs to know about you. What makes you worst than the original Nazis is you knew what they did and still embraced them."
The thing on my forehead in that picture is a hat. A black knit hat.
And, unfortunately, the only thing I can't handle about women is the number of them throwing themselves at me.
And, actually, as Isis pointed out, in this case my account was not hacked. The "I love you messages" and other weirdness are coming from a completely different account with a similar name.
ReplyDeleteAnd Harry Schwartz continues to be a nutty liar. Hello Von Falkenhorst.
I did intercept a phone call to you the morning of the 12/10/05 and the exact word spoken were "Bill we are coming to get you."
ReplyDeleteYeah right. You *made* a phone call to me, and now you are covering it up, you criminal scumbag. You guys are laughable. I don't think anyone believes your lies but you.
Bill you're still a lier and so is your lying tramp issis.
ReplyDeleteGerry, you're still a nigger and your white wife is still a whore.
How's the bad side of Cincinatti treating you? Any communist rioting lately?
Next she's going to be telling us that Citizens Against Hate has been infiltrated.
ReplyDeleteIsis' problem is that she thinks that anti-racism is about "fighting racism", and thus anyone using anti-racism for other goals must be an infiltrator.
What I've tried to explain to her is the truth -- that opposition to "racism" has never been about fighting "racism" but fighting for Jewish power.
When you understand that, it begins to make sense hoe and why "anti-racists" of the Gerry Gooding and Nicole Nichols mould might set up thirty kids to be arrested in "militant anti-racist" activities.
It makes sense why "anti-racism" never really challenges the system, but only acts as a violent vanguard for the values that the bourgeois system already holds.
It makes sense that "anti-racist" leaders would help Toledo enforce their court order against the rank and file to stop demonstrations that were threatening the system's illusions about the "anti-racist" movement, while simultaneously sponsoring "anti-racist" violence when such violence can be committed under the cloak of media secrecy.
I left the anti-racist movement because I realized it was part of the power structure I was opposed to. I then came to realize that the power structure I was opposed to was Jewish, and that all Jewish ideas, like communism and anti-racism, feed it. That, then, allowed me to understand that what the Jews call "racism" is actually good for all of humanity -- not just the white race.
And its that kind of thinking that makes you suckers hate me so much -- and I love it.
I think Mao said that if you're enemies aren't fighting you, you know you're doing something wrong.
The person posting the address of my family is Harry Schwartz. He's a pathetic nut.
ReplyDeleteHere's a secret: Jennifer Adams and I have continued to be friends for the past two years. The internet fighting thing was a fake.
You know, I'm trying to read over the fifty or so pages that the anti-racists have written here attacking me, every bit of it filled with lies and just bladfaced ridiculous assertions, and I realize that I'm wasting my time.
ReplyDeleteAs Goebbels said, "The Jew can tell ten lies in the time it takes to refute one."
Anyone is not an insane anti-racist can always come talk to me and find out the truth about matters, as Isis has. My email is dhyphen@yahoo.com. Those who prefer the pathology of anti-racism should go on building their fantasy world. I think the nuttiness of their assertions has been adequately documented here.
Goebbels saved his children and his wife from rape and torture by the Soviets -- criminals like you and the blacks and Jews that you love so much.
And just how long have you wanted to suck all the Dicks of the guys you just listed?
ReplyDeleteNeither of you are contributing anything to this discussion. Please take your childishness somewhere else where you will be appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYou're the one who left his post full of Bullshit. I just posted his motive for it.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever see an episode of Reno 911 on Comedy Central before ?
ReplyDeleteDid you ever wonder what real Cops think when they watch that, (some of you know first hand).
That's how real White Americans feel watching Bill White lead an NSM rally.
ReplyDeleteI am dying here!!! I really hate that you are on the other side - but, hey - I can't help but like your style!
ReplyDeleteYou mean there are actually people here who don't know about Nimbusters?
ReplyDeletePassingly strange.
-Black Jesus, Holsten calls me big daddy.
No Dumbass Faggot. I call you Jigger Whigger Nigger Wannabee