After yesterday's posting regarding other school records that he claims were turned over to his parents, I had some questions. While I know a lot about mental health - there are some aspects of school psychology that I needed clarification on - that is a whole different entity and one that plays by a totally different set of rules. Consequently, I made arrangements to have lunch today with some people who are in that field and gained some real insight into what might have been going on here. Naturally, I have some very pointed comments on this recent "revelation" of Bill White: CONTINUED...
Finally a new story to cover up that evil Beastality pic with the pretty White gal and that Ape that was on top so long.
ReplyDelete"...many thing it is?..."
ReplyDeleteBetter start proof reading darling Nikki. Don't make me spank you :)
-Black Jesus
Fuck off, Jigger Whigger Nigger Wannabee. Nikki doesn't need any help from you BOY
ReplyDeleteDid you discuss with these psychiatric professionals your obsession with me and what it might mean for your marriage?
ReplyDeleteI think that would make a much more interesting article.
I thought this Josh Idiot had the hots for Bill & Von. Well, I was right again.
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ReplyDeleteSteve, rarely have you been right about anything in your life. You can not even face the facts about your own homosexuality. This is why you relate everything to "penises". I also suspect it is related to your inablity to perform in the bedroom.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if you'd quit masturbating to Hal's manly voice and pictures of Von
maybe you could take care of Shirley and she won't have to step out for some strange with the local brothers. Little Micheal's dark complexion is a direct result of this.
-Black Jesus
ROFLMAO! Yeah - you told me, Josh! Is he just starting to get predictable or what?
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ReplyDeleteIt is amazing to me, Nicole that you allow this sub human, "Black Jesus" aka Afronation to post. I banned him from my message board. He is a trouble maker and insult to the lord almighty which everyone knows to be white. Or maybe you'd want this monkey looking nigger spanking you? Sounds like something you might enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI also know you to be a liar dearest Nicole in that I know that you are not a white woman at all and that everything you've ever posted about yourself is a lie. Isn't that true,
Alecia? Fuck with me anymore and I will release your private phone numbers out on my radio broadcast, bitch.
IS THIS FUCKING CLEAR? Good, I trust I made my point. You mess with me any longer and I will make sure your life becomes a living hell.
Josh Hoyt is my age. He still shaves his head and pretends to be a "skinhead against racial prejudice", still goes around drinking at parties, and still thinks that challenging people to fight him in the streets, when he had no intention of doing so, and calling people silly names are appropriate, mature activities.
ReplyDeleteI think that alone says more about the nature of the anti-racist movement than anything I could respond with. LOL
Mr. Turner - I don't think so. Maybe you think you are omnipotent and can bully your way around the internet - but you need to think again before you make threats like that here, or anywhere for that matter.
ReplyDeleteYou are nothing more than a little man with a big mouth and a marginal player, at best. You have a handful of "followers" and the rest of the movement sees you pretty much the same way they see Bill White and the Hollywood Nazi's - an embarassment. Now, do everyone else a big favor and go back to Mona "The Jews Ate Jesus" and try real hard to wrap your mind around the fact that you just crossed the line.
I'm not a violent man but I wish that little worm Hal would say what he said to Nikki to my face. But he won't, because he is a coward. He couldn't even debate me on the air. The one time I called he became so shook he started studdering on the phone, hung up on me, cancelled his show for that week,
ReplyDeleteand then made up a lie about why there was no show that day. Something about falling down on ice or some such bullshit. Only someone like Steve is stupid enough to not see through Hal Turner.
-Black Jesus
I think a more fitting description of Hal would be impotent. Actually, that just might sum up Bill's problem too if you think about it.
ReplyDeleteHal, the day your "threats" make us shiver will be the day we sign up for a sex change.
The Jigger Whigger Nigger Wannabee said, "I'm not a violent man but I wish that little worm Hal would say what he said to Nikki to my face."
ReplyDeleteNo Jigger, all you're going to do is take a Shit and then fall back in it. You need to shut the Fuck up and mind your own business.
Nobody believes your full of Shit story about you calling Hal and scaring him. Hal would stomp your Ass.
[Smirk] Hal couldn't stomp a sickly roach Steve. He's a short little man almost as pathetic as you. Much like you he is frustrated and impotent. Either you or your hero Hal would piddle themselves just being in the same room with me.
ReplyDeleteImpotent my Ass, you sorry Assed Jigger Whigger Nigger Wannabee. I have a 13 month old son.
ReplyDeleteYour spewed Shit lies are getting old, you Stupid Assed Keyboard Rambo looking Son-Of-A-Bitch.
Most people who suffer from Ankle Palsey become impotent Steve. I'm sure this is the case with yourself in that you are fat and take little care of yourself. Your impotence is why you continuely post pictures of a penis (that and your obivious homosexuality).
ReplyDeleteI doubt Michael came from your loins, Steve. Most likely Shirley was steppin' out. Much like your first wife did with the local brothers. Which would explain Michael's dark tan.
He still stalks women who have no interest in him
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, because I'm stalking ...
Your mom?
Wrong again Jigger Whigger Nigger Wannabee. I know you get off on the thought of my wife bedding down with Niggers, but it just never has been the case. The cures your hope of my son being a Niglet.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad that I don't know where the Fuck you are. I'd like to stomp your Faggot Nigger Wannabee Ass.
Here we Fucking go again. It's all FUCKING alright for that DICKHEAD to post his filth about Hal.
ReplyDeleteFuck You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Attn: Brevard, you Nigger Dick Sucking Son-Of-A-Bitch. Are you so Fucking retarded that you think you would be the first one to get Hal in trouble? Hell, the deleting Winch who owns this Nigger Loving Nigger Dick Sucking Blog has working for years with the One People's Prick trying to bring Hal down.
It's like this FuckTard, you need to shut the Fuck up, leave Hal alone and go on down the Fucking road.
Listen here, you stupid Nigger Dick Sucking Son-Of-A-Bitch. Only a real Child Molestor would come up with a name like Molest A Child Month. So, just how often do you take advantage of little kids, you sic Fucker?
ReplyDeleteYou'd think not reply after I stomp your Fucking Ass off. That is if much was left after Hal kicked your sorry Ass.
Well, Mr. "Everrets Brevard" I'd watch my back were I you. I promise you if my name is used one time in your book for the subliterate I will sue your ass off. I'd also hate it if some of my listeners showed up on your door step with a baseball bat or two. Yes, I'd just hate that.
ReplyDeleteThe Fucker does need his Ass kicked with every thing he was saying about you.
ReplyDeleteHey Hal, if this really is Hal, why do you take offense to being in a book written by Everrets Brevard but not me and Nikki's? HMMM???? LOL, anyhow, good luck with that type of lawsuit Hal.
ReplyDeleteBite my purty Ass Brevard, you Nigger Dick Sucking Son-Of-A-Bitch.
ReplyDeleteWell, since the Nigger Loving Winch likes to use the delete button. I'll let her practice again. She'll leave FuckTard Brevard's spewed Shit post up about their Great Hero, Me!!!!!!
I'll be more than glad to stop this post when his Spewed Shit post about me, but in the mean time, be sure to visit Nikki's two new Blogs, She'd appreciate it very much.