This sort of educating doesn’t always answer their question as to why I do what I do, but it does help to build a little more awareness about what hate groups and their members are all about. Certainly, we are all products of the past and our own personal experiences. We either trudge or dance through life molding and reworking our thoughts, opinions, values, politics, and ethics. Humans are in a constant state of flux, and are generally always searching and reaching for that which is just out of our grasp.
Like most people, my life experiences are what propel me. Yet, the more involved I become with all of this and the more I learn – the more I seem to be driven by the sheer irreverence of the “movement,” that and the knowledge that while many on the racist right strive to become more “mainstream” in their message, the underpinnings remain as reprehensible as ever.
Of course, as the hate movement continues spill it’s bilge on the internet and in our communities, it is understandable to most of us that this so-called movement mainly attracts those with little or nothing to lose. Generally speaking, those who are enticed to join a group whose ideology is hate, anti-Semitism, and anti-everything are pretty much those people who have no where else to go – no future – and filled with fear. While some of the self-appointed “leaders” are striving for a more “civilized” approach their presentation there are the detractors who will never let that happen. In many ways, those detractors help people like me a lot. However, it is those same detractors who pose the most immediate problems to both sides.
Something that has become patently clear with the emergence of these groups on the internet is that, almost to a man, those who are the “renegades” of this movement are inevitably crass, crude, uncouth and Philistine in their efforts to gain attention and to make what they believe is a point.
Those who speak out in direct opposition to the hate-filled ideology being proffered from the racist right, as well as those within the movement who dare to disagree, are well aware that they will be immediately labeled a “traitor” or a “Jew.” However, when among the dregs of the groups, you can pretty much bank on the gutter spewing over. Now, if we are all products of our life experiences, we might not even want to imagine what kind of life these pitiful people have led.
One example is Bill White, a marginal player in the grand scheme of things, and as I have been reminded on numerous occasions, not representative of all those furthering the racist agenda. White, while articulate most of the time, reverts to very primitive discourse and presentation when he becomes rattled or shaken – which seems to happen more and more frequently these days.
I am often reminded, when dealing with the likes of Bill White, of a racist who called himself “Stevo” and frequented anti-racist message boards for the sole purpose of posting black and white pornography – sometimes homosexual pornography. Stevo was problematic in that the stuff he posted was not for general consumption and the racist group would often try to stop him because he was a constant embarrassment.
Many, on both sides, have commented on Bill White’s penchant for sexual commentary and photo shopped pictures. We all remember the “Nationalist Enquirer” site that Bill claimed no affiliation with but had his fingerprints all over it. We also remember the ridiculous attempt by White to paint Daryle Lamont Jenkins as a homosexual.
When it comes to outcasts and misfits, we can’t forget Jeff Schoep the so-called “Commander” of the National Socialist Movement. When dealing with Schoep, a woman can first expect to be labeled a “race traitor” and then a “whore.” Of course, if there is any truth to the rumors about Schoep and his friendship with Anthony Pierpont we can see how his life experiences have led him in that direction.
Then there is Michael Blevins of VonBluvens notoriety. Blevins is almost a whole

other country all by himself. His latest diatribe, along with the returning Michael “Doc” Schnieder, has been leveled against myself. Hell, I even got a personal invitation to hear what they had to say about me. I must say that they really don’t seem to like me very much if you can imagine that.
Blevins and the Doc have been around for a few years and are well known for their “shock effects.” Their uncouth castigation of others is something that a handful of Nazi’s tune in to hear simply because it tickles their funny bones to hear someone saying the things that they are afraid to say. This recent volley of sewage, however, demonstrates precisely why they are considered pariahs to most of the racist right. In an attempt to insult and to demean me, they have done nothing other than to disparage themselves and to further prove that the racist right is still as atavistic as ever.
To be a product of your environment and you life experiences is also to be reflective of that from whence you came. To claim “white pride” while attempting to vilify another through using pejorative language replete with depictions of sexual encounters, ethnic genitalia, racial slurs, and suggestions of rape and torture is simply oxymoronic. If I wanted to persuade someone NOT to get involved in the movement that self-deprecating screed that was produced would be the first thing I would introduce them to.
Every organization and group has their own pariah. It just seems that the racist right has an abundance of people who serve no other purpose than to embarrass and to place them in their rightful place within a society that has little tolerance for them to begin with. We can generate a little solace from all of this, only if there is any truth to the old saying “Cream rises to the top,” because the antithesis of that would be “Shit rolls downhill.” And that is precisely where these people belong – at the bottom of the fecal matter pile.
Ya know, I was listening to some music tonight and this song is just so damn fitting right about now!
ReplyDeleteBLAME- by Collective Soul
You pushed me down
For all the world to see
I guess that's your price
For my loyalty
So while you're tasting sin
And swallowing pain
Don't look at me
To take your blame
When you're willing to render
To the guilt you concede
When truth is your reason
Then lay that blame on me
When you unveil a conscience
And with peace you agree
When love is your constant
Then lay that blame on me
You lay me out
In hopes that I'd wilt away
But strength rained down
And love provided shade
So while the pageant of lies
Still glow from your tongue
Don't blame me for
Your Kingdom Come
When you're willing to render
To the guilt you concede
When truth is your reason
Then lay that blame on me
When you unveil a conscience
And with peace you agree
When love is your constant
Then lay that blame on me
Question your answers
Truth has no anger
Gather up your words
Redemption now offered
Nikki's obsession has shifted a bit. Now she's obsessing over Von.
ReplyDeleteNikkis obsession is with her own blog and the fact people are paying attention to her.
ReplyDeleteI hope her obsession continues.
Hal claims that the FBI came to his door today because of his threats toward the Federal Reserve. And then he gloats - "I'm still here. My website is still up! I'm still broadcasting!" There has to be some reason that he doesn't get shut down. Look at what he did with publishing the information on those other federal judges after the Lefkow murders!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that I can say is that he must be worth more to them running loose and untethered than locked away where he belongs. That's the only thing that makes any sense.
Here is Nikki's latest obsession, Vonbluvens.
ReplyDeleteHe's no informant. The FBI has been helping me for months keep tabs on him and build a case for harassment since the Kingston Rally and the physical/verbal and cybernetic abuse he has given me and my family.
ReplyDeleteI think if Hal is informing anything it is showing the world what an idiot he is.
He seems REALLY good at that.
FuckTard Brevard still wants to to suck the Dicks of all WP guys. This Mother Fucker is an oxygen wasting piece of Shit.
ReplyDeleteI've been following Michael Blevins for years now, from the time he praised the 911 attacks in New York to now.
ReplyDeleteHe's been in the psych ward at least 8 times and he so inept, he isn't even allowed to see his two biological children.
Hal lies a lot about the feds visiting him.... it's more like the other way around.
everrets said-PS: Heard Mike Blevins show finally. It's not much to speak of. He is proud of that drivel?
Yes and its sad isn't it?
FuckTard Brevard spews his Nigger Loving Shit about Hal & Von. He is showing his desire to suck their Dicks.
ReplyDeleteNo Mother Fucker. I'm not the one with serious issues of obsession. Any Tard like Brevard who is ate up with two other men like he is definetely a Faggot.
ReplyDeleteI see the Tard Brevard is admiring my Greatness again. Given the choice of being great like me or being a Nigger Loving Dumbass like you is far too simple. I'll take me any day of the week.
ReplyDeleteI use my profanity for the disdain that I have for a dumbass like you. I'd also rather be crude than be a Nigger Lover. I'm not a sexual degenerate.
I know all about Adult Education. I almost finished an AA degree before I needed to work more at the time. I just never have went back. I'm sorry, but I'm not the back woods uneducated idiot that you want me to be.
I have all the understanding about like that I truely need & want.
Listen here, pile of Shit Dumbassdom. Just because I say that Faggots like you suck Dicks doesn't make me a Fucking Faggot like you...
ReplyDeleteStefan Schmidt:
ReplyDeleteThank you sooo much. I am not a "regular" poster here. I was reading and posting off and on due to the harassment (which I think has more to do with the Ayran (sp?) Union then Hal himself admittedly). I was just a curious Kingston Mom. Dating my FIRST colored love. And very new at all of this racial bickering. I respect others opions. I believe that every person (not just american mind you) is entitled to how they feel and wish to live. And to fight for what they have faith in. I just do not want to be threatened.
Nikki - I miss your blog. My absence from reading it is nothing anyone here has done or you Miss Nikki. I am just attempting to slip back into my quiet life of poetry and graphics. Children and school. And hopefuly freedom of choice.
I found a nice house to rent in a quiet part of town. I have found that since dating my black lover. I have had a hard time with LandLords. I was dumped (yes im bi-sexual.. another reason for folks to b*tch about me eh?) by my beautiful girlfriend of 7 years because she could not kiss me since I kissed a black man. My own White family has complained to one another (got back to me through family gossiping) about my dating a black man. So there are obvious sad downfalls to my choice of a mate. What is a tad sadder is he is only 1/3 black. He is indian and white. If I had one wish. I would have everyone see each other for what we all are. Human. We bleed red blood. We break when people hurt us. We cry. We laugh. We are all at fault and we are all to blame.
And Elmer.. wash your mouth out with some soap. The way you trash talk instead of using good human communication shows your low IQ and lack of maturity in just speaking with other people. Wether they are against your viewpoint or for it. I saw where you told all these other bloggers to take apart my small small account here on blogger.com .. do you know why they haven't?
I do. I give respect to the white movement. I do not TRASH it. I just do not understand it either.
No Winch, I have never asked anyone to bother you or anyone else. I do alright for myself. Some of my Imposters have such a great admiration of me that they pull Bullshit like that.