Martin had a dream - I have a dream also as we celebrate the life of a man who left his footprints on our land and on our hearts.
My dream is quite simple, yet so difficult to achieve. As Dr. King envisioned children of all races together in a world of peace and acceptance, my dream is quite similar. I dream of the day that those who spend each waking moment filling their hearts with hate will begin to see that love is the way and that acceptance is the key. I dream of the day when we never have debates over the racism that so permeates our country because racism no longer exists. I dream of the day when people from all nations and all colors will feel safe in being who they are.
Thank you Dr. King for your vision and your courage.
I haves a dream that all the little black boys' will hold the hands of the little White girls. No, he had a nightmare.
ReplyDeleteYou must be a really unhappy fellow, elmer.
ReplyDeleteThat makes me want to puke. There is no race that equals the White race. Mongrels are not pretty. I wonder what race the Tard Brevard is. It surely can't be White.
ReplyDeleteKing is/was not ever a Dr. You can give a piece of paper to a dog, and he'll still be a dog till he dies.
And no, I'm not unhappy about being White & Proud.
The answer is no in regards to your request for you to suck my Dick in your last post, FuckTard Brevard.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a sexual predator like you. I have no interest in Porn since I remarried.
Yes, the public schools try to Fuck the minds up of young kids. My daughters were both taught to be diversified in their thinking back then. They thought I was a mean Racist, but that all changed when they got older and saw the the real world. They now know how it is with Niggers & other Shit skin Mongrels just as well as I do.
I wish I would feel comfortable home schooling my 14 month old son when he gets old enough. I'll let the school teach him the three R's and I'll teach him the role of Niggers & etc when he gets old enough.
Here we see again a common tactic of the racist right. Can't despute the message with any sane argument attempt to assasinate the the character of the messenger.
ReplyDeleteAnother tactic is the continual reference of Martin Luther King day as a Black(only) holiday. But this is one "national American holiday" that I truely enjoy. The worst enemy of the racist right has become a nation icon.
Poetic justice can sometimes be a wonderful thing. :)
"I too have a dream. That no man is beyond redemption. That no matter how far down the hate filled path one has traveled there is still hope. One doesn't neccessarily have to turn around but merely make a "right" turn at the next entersection."
ReplyDeleteRoh Larin January 14 2006
This holiday is very special to millions of us. It is not a "black holiday," it is a human race holiday. It is a day that we can all come together and share in the knowledge that not only a great man, but a great uniter, had a dream - and people from all walks and all ethnicities came together to make that dream a reality.
ReplyDeleteThis is a holiday marking a time and a spirit where PEOPLE demanded change and the righting of wrongs. It's about US.
I'm glad that Martin Luther King had that dream - and I'm happy that millions around this country shared it.
Happy James Earl Ray Day to the Racially Aware.
ReplyDeleteEverrets Brevard said...
ReplyDeleteIncidently, I hope I enlightened your post about MLK by inciting my Great Hero "Stevo", Nikki. Hope all is well.
That is just it, DickHead. You think you can run your Fucking hole about me and then think I'll sit back quitely and take it. Well Bull Fucking Shit. The more you spew your Shit about me; the more you can expect back in your face, FuckTard Brevard.
Steve Holsten is just jealous that when you compare him to the average black, he falls short in every way.
ReplyDelete1) Steve lives off government handouts while most blacks work
2) Steve has a much lower IQ than your average black
3) Steve is physically crippled while most black men are not.
4) Steve is grossly obese weighing over 300 pounds while most black males are not.
5) The average black male doesn't have to steal DirecTV
6) The average black male doesn't default on 1,000s of dollars in student loans.
In every measureable way, Steve Holsten falls short of the average black male. That's why Steve hates them so much, out of jealousy
Hey you Filty Hook Nose Rat Jew BOY KIKE Schwartzo, I'd rather be like me hundreds of times over before I'd want to be a nasty, stinking, Brillo pad head looking Nigge Ape.
ReplyDeleteOk Kike, here we go.
1. The Niggers I've seen were on Welfare and drove Cadillacs and lived in houses with dirt floors. And you think I'm jealous of that? Bullshit...
2. I have more intelligence in one of my asshole hairs that a dumb Nigger has in his whole Ape looking body.
3. I'd rather have my slight disability and be White instead of a nasty stinking Nigger Ape.
4. You kinda have me on being a little overweight, but I feel I'm far from obese. I'd still rather be fat & white instead of a Fucking Nigger.
5. You're more worrried about DickHeadTV then I am.
As far as Dickhead-TV goes; I don't count that Bullshit as a bill. Those cases are all a bunch of Bullshit. As I must have told you a hundred times before; they'll get more use out of the paperwork by using it to wipe their Asses. Then they can feel like they got something out of it.
I don't know what this has to do with Nigger jealousy. Hell, anyone knows you'd better watch a Nigger's every move while they're on your property.
6. I printed out paperwork earlier tonight to get a permanent disability waiver from the student loans. Then that'll be one less worry your Hero will have. I'd still rather do that than be a Fucking Nigger Ape Groid.
Thanks, Matt. It's too bad that the Tard may wake up after they mug him.
ReplyDeleteIt's like this Tard. I have pretty well decided not to go back at my age. I'm not doing too bad for myself; especially since I remarried.
ReplyDeleteBut her was a Communist. The Niggers knew their role before he brought their jungle bunny nature out. Hell, they even knew better back then to mess with a White woman. That alone made him a Communist.
ReplyDeleteTypo: he was a Communist
ReplyDeleteMatt said..."But this is typical for you anti-racist losers, you love the ad hominem attack and slander because that's all you really have, your arguments fall apart as soon as anyone examines them close enough. So that's why your ilk have to play these shitty games..."
ReplyDelete"Ad hominem?" "Attack and slander?" Matt, have you read this thread? Go back and read what people have written here. When you are finished, then we can discuss attacks and slander.
As I have said time and again - you guys are looking for a litter-box and you think you have found one here. If you will look at yourselves for a minute, right here on this thread, you will see that the attacks first started on Martin Luther King, and moved to everrets brevard - now they are focused on some stupid game that has originated in the sick mind of Michael Blevins.
Personally, I find this absolutely ridiculous and extremely juvenile. The lack of moral fiber and intelligence is almost astounding. You sound like a bunch of pre-pubescent school boys who just encountered your first Playboy magazine. How old are you people? To be perfectly honest with you, the display of adolescent behaviors here and at your other sites sickens me.
This is why people consider you Nazi's nothing more than the fringe element. Your utter lack of self-respect and your inability to function in society continues to be demonstrated right here on this blog, not to mention across the web. And, in truth, you just keep embarassing white race. You perpetuate the stereotype of white trash rednecks without one ounce of class or couth.
Actually, Matt drudge, Steve Holsten, Hal Turner, Bill White, et. al. really deserve each other - they are cut from the same cloth.
You guys find yourselves and your games so enjoyable - you are the only animals I have ever known who wallow in their own fecal matter.
Everrets, they live in the gutter and they think everyone else does too.
Everrets said-
ReplyDeleteListen Stevo: your fucking hero Hal is a fucking NAZI PIG. You're a parent...How the fuck would you like it if someone killed your children because they were "undesireables"?
Better still,(to Stevo) being a parent would you want your child to see all of the pornograph material that tends to appear in some form or fashion on racist websites? Yeah that's teaching morals.
everrets said-
But take heart: one of these days, you'll die. And when you end up in hell, you may learn some common fucking empathy.
Have you ever seen the movie "Little Nicky"? (sorry Nikki, that's the name of the movie, LOL). Well Hitler had a daily appointment with a pineapple.
Attn: Tard Brevard, Hal is not a Nazi. He is the first to say that Hitler lost and to get over it. I haven't completely adopted the Evil Jew theory yet. I would in a minute if I find that they're all like Schwartzo.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the comments posted here by matt and elmer. I think they should get married and have some pups. It seems Matt is not to far from having Elmers nice trash mouth philosiphy.
ReplyDeleteOn this holiday I will celebrate life. And the fact I can live it happily with my oreo bf and my white children. My chinese friends next door and my White Supremist Aunt. Who ; Yes, respects and loves me despite our differnt viewpoints. (I have never seen White Supremists act the way they have here online and since I attended that Rally. Since I am from a family where my father was A Grand Wizard for the SaintPete, Fl. chapter. I have seen quite a bit.) We will all sit at the same table and eat and be merry. I wish you all a Happy and Safe Martin Luther King Day.
Sometimes I think what makes racial people mad mostly is I am from that KKK background. And I chose the other path. The path of peace and freedom for all races. And I am happy in it.
This is not the real Bill White. Check out the profile.
ReplyDeleteSome DickHeaded Faggot is just trying to cause Bill a bunch of grief.
Elmer's right about one thing - there are mulitple Bill White accounts. Bill is generally too smart to make direct threats, especially under his own name.
ReplyDeleteI suspect that the IP will come from some place other than Roanoke, VA.
I think there are at least 3 Bill White accounts. There is another one showing up on my blog today that has a different profile.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the irony is that White recognizes that people can spoof his Blogger name, but that it can't happen to anyone else.
I have counted three Bill White imposters, Mike. I am getting ready to delete the messages from the ones who are definitely not him. In fairness...Bill doesn't need any help - he gets himself in enough trouble without children pranking on him.
ReplyDeleteI have also deleted the links to known fake blogs and websites. Any further posts by imposters or links to fake sites will meet with a similar fate - so don't waste your time.
ReplyDeleteThose imposters are all Lardass Lloyd Davies' sockpuppets. Hi Lardass!!
ReplyDeleteUnderstood, Von. There is a lot of that going around.
ReplyDeleteDamn Imposter, you sure have a miserable life.