Now, the burning question is just who put up the initial investment for all of this, and just who is in charge?
I can't help but laugh when I think of the most likely answer to the two above questions. And, I can't help but anxiously await the outcry when the shopper's personal information is plastered all over the web. Then we will know for sure which ones are the dumbest of the dumb.
Yeah - we were laughing about that last night. Someone will surely "hack" into Bill White's email address and post all of that information!
ReplyDeleteSteve - either post an opinion on the article or shut the hell up.
Come on, Nikki and Josh - when you zre as supremely famous as Bill White, hackers follow you everywhere.
ReplyDeleteRemember - just a few weeks ago Bill let us know that his posts on Nikki's site were the work of hackers, and that he didn't post any of the flirty conversation with Isis.
Damn those hackers!
They must be very, very good, given Bill's stratospheric IQ. A guy that smart must have one heck of a password logarithim procedure to keep them difficult.
Let's rename this blog "Bill's Nest"
ReplyDeleteIt would be proper with Nikki's obsession.
Actually, my whole contribution to this project was contributing to the bulk uploading of the image files -- grunt work.
ReplyDeleteJeff and company had this in the works since long before I joined the NSM.
And, as someone pointed out, the criticisms made on this website and Citizens Against Hate in general sound much more like David Duke and Kevin Strom than any real "anti-racist" objections -- for instance, there are never any criticisms of Don Black or Stormfront, the big topic with the SPLC -- leading some to wonder:
ReplyDeleteIs Nicole Nichols really a pseudonym for Don Black's wife?
Perhaps Nicole should spend a day writing a column responding.
he didn't post any of the flirty conversation with Isis.
ReplyDeleteActually, I think most of the flirty conversation was posted by Isis, not me. :->
And don't be jealous Mike, just because your wife has stopped having sex with you.
You shouldn't rely on DC photographer Isis for your info about me, Bill.
ReplyDeleteShe knows very little about me, and she apparently has fed you a bunch of bullshit to get in close with you.
Live and learn, I guess - be careful who you trust, because they might sell you out for a few minutes with a Nazi.
But hey - truth is not what you are about, so it's no surprise you would post tabloid trash about me.
And, once again, you demonstrate that you cannot have a conversation without it turning to other peoples' sex lives.
What a sad, sad life you must have, Bill.
Also, I guess that means you are backing off your earlier claims that your Blogger account was hacked, Bill?
ReplyDeleteHere's an idea- maybe Bill's mysterious "hacker" is really an alternate personailty in Bill's head that doesn't always keep him informed about what he posts.
ReplyDeleteI have done nothing but praise you (not to mention chauffering you around, getting you exposure for your work) and yet you respond by gossipping about me to Bill White and slagging me on the Internet.
Once again, you respond with all sorts of negative comments about a fellow journalist.
And, once again, I will respond by saying that you are a fine photographer and I wish you well.
Just don't call me, write me, or spread slander about me, with or without Bill White as your mouthpiece.
OK Stevo - let's get this straight. Any more posts throwing racial slurs around or generally trying to derail the conversation will be deleted. Also, any more links to a childish and ridiculous site will meet the same fate.
ReplyDeleteI realize that you are used to "playing" on the internet - but this is not your sandbox. Dump your litter elsewhere. Again - I have saved everything you have written here and have absolutely no problem with forwarding all of it to Road Runner. Now, either post to the topic or leave. It's that simple and I know that you are capable.
You know Nikki, I guess I'll back down again for now. I don't know if I care who you contact. True, I like Road Runner, but IP's are a dime a dozen now; even here in the boonies. My wife is using DSL; so I wouldn't lose broadband over a minute or two. Just the change of one cable and I'd be surfing again.
ReplyDeleteFor the life of me; I just don't know why it's you expect to set here and say anything about anyone and then not take a little too. That's all. I guess that's the way it goes for Nigger Lovers though.
Bill White said...
ReplyDeleteActually, my whole contribution to this project was contributing to the bulk uploading of the image files -- grunt work.
Jeff and company had this in the works since long before I joined the NSM.
Warren Said
Panzerfaust, formerly owned by Anthony Pierpoint supplied merchandise to Jeff Schoep for the NSM.
Bill White though not publicly recognized as a NSM member was a behind the scenes supporter writing slanders against every group except NSM. Specifically Resistance Records affiliated with National Alliance because they were the only direct competition of Panzerfaust. By making public attacks Bill White sought to influence the customers of Resistance and once disgruntled to lure them into becoming customers of Panzerfaust because they knew that White Power music fans are very loyal and supportive of Pro-White vendors and return customers support the business. Later he made a public spectacle out of joining the NSM officially.
What makes you think the arrangement ever stopped just because Anthony Pierpoint went to prison ? The overstocked product of Panzerfaust was being given away to prisoners and through Project Schoolyard to generate some type of return customer sales. Panzerfaust was desperate after everyone realized Anthony really was a half a mexican and stopped buying and encouraging a boycott.
NSM merely absorbed the Panzerfaust stock and now sells it under the name NSM 88 Records. When the free cd's were given out NSM took all they could get, they're now for sale. Selling these created revenue for NSM and the merchandise section began to grow. When Anthony was arrested it was the perfect time to expand the NSM merchandise section by incorporating Panzerfausts remaining stocks. I suspect Pierpoint recieved mere pennies on the dollar to cushion his stay in prison. It's all about supply and demand. Bill White is counting on people buying from Nazi Socialists what they wouldn't buy from a Half a Mexican.
Panzerfausts former owner Anthony Pierpoint and NSM "Commander" Jeff Schoep both live in Minneapolis Minnesota, transfering inventory is only as difficult as driving over and filling the trunk a few times.
Don't be Fooled, Boycott NSM Panzerfaust Records.
Look, Isis:
ReplyDeleteYou are the one who called me two weeks ago and threatened to sue me, even though I had no contact with you since you visited Toledo on Dec. 10 to see the Bill White show.
You are the one who also threatened to sue me in November for using a photograph without expressed approval (even though you downloaded it on my laptop), and who gave my number out to her unknown Washington DC "friends" to call me with "friendly" advice.
You are the one who sought me out in October for assistance in covering the October 15 rally, not the other way around.
Along the way, despite your mercurial episodes, I considered you to be a friend.
I guess that was a mistake on my part. Live and learn.
Anyways, good luck with your fine work as a photographer.
Yes, you have helped me, Isis. I readily acknowledge that, and I have praised your work many times.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, it's a one-way street with you. You have made numerous disparaging comments about me, my work, and my life to anyone who will listen or acept your posts, despite the help I have extended you.
The problem with your photographs is that you will make a statement like "go ahead and use my work - just give me attribution," and then you would get mad when I used the "wrong" one.
One minutes it's okay to use them, the next it's not. That's why I decided to delete every photo from my hard drive that you downloaded.
(You have made similar statements on this and other boards about how people are "free" to use your work with attribution).
I'll be more than happy to never mention the name **** again, but I would expect the same in return from you.
And that goes for every other place you have been spreading BS about me, too.
Like NIM Busters, or Vonbluven's blog, or God only knows where else.
And - for the record once again - I am quite happy with my life, thank you very much.
Also, I guess that means you are backing off your earlier claims that your Blogger account was hacked, Bill?
ReplyDeleteIt turns out it wasn't hacked. Someone just set up a blogger account with the same name that looked like mine.
(Check the comments -- there are two separate "Bill White" blogger accounts posting on that particular thread.)
Bill White though not publicly recognized as a NSM member was a behind the scenes supporter writing slanders against every group except NSM.
ReplyDeleteWarren Scott Robbins:
You are accusing me of ... working for Panzerfaust?
I've talked to Anthony Pierpont once, on the phone, in the context of him calling me to ask some questions about some stuff we'd written on him.
Bill, your accoutn wasn't hacked, it was copied, whether it was done by you as an alt ego or someone who wants to be you, who the hell knows or cares.
ReplyDeleteDid I somewhere say on here that my account was hacked, after it was pointed out to me that it was copied?
Did I respond to Frigid Mike anywhere on this post?
You keep this up and I may have to say something flirtatious about punishing you. :->
Obviously, Bill has found a nerve and will stab at it because he likes to watch you dance.
Yes, and its funny.
I have done nothing but praise you ... and yet you respond by gossipping about me to Bill White and slagging me on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteActually, you dropped her off at an NSM party, cussed her out for going (despite the fact that other reporters, including the Toledo Blade and WTOL, I think, were scheduled to be there), and said you would never speak to her again.
Then she asked you to delete all of her photos from your hard drive, since she borrowed your computer to process them, and you said you would then didn't.
Then you took her photographs and sold them to Clamour magazine without her knowledge or permission, which is a bit more than borrowing them for her blog, which is what she threatened to sue you for -- selling her photographs to a print publication so you could get some of your material published.
Just shut up with this obsession you have to bring me up everytime you have a confrontation with Bill White.
ReplyDeleteBottom line Isis:
Everyone who knows us becomes obsessed with us.
Its our curse. LOL
1. I have never received a dime from Clamor for NSM-related work. Utter lie, and you can check with Jason at Clamor if you have questions. Of course, facts are an impediment to tabloid-trash writers like Bill White. They are a small magazine on the way up, and they don't always have money to pay authors. Isis knows this, and asked that, in lieu of payment, that she get a few Clamor posters, which I have (although I suspect I should use an intermediary to get them to her). Retract your lies, Bill.
ReplyDelete2. There was no "cussing-out" when I dropped her off at Don Pablos, although she might want you to believe that. Actually, I hugged her and wished her well.
3. Funny how if the Toledo Blade and other media were at Don Pablos with you , Bill, that the only coverage exists at NSM88.com.
4. All of her photos are deleted from my hard drive. The photo I used of you on the Clamor blog for the "Year of the Racist Right?" post is all over the Web.
5. Speaking of payment, maybe Isis would like to disclose her funding sources? You might be surprised, Bill.
I guess Isis has been talking with you more than I thought!
Yes, feel free, Nikki.
ReplyDeleteIt's your blog, and you don't have to leave up anything you don't want.
I do find it interesting, though, that Isis - through her silence - is allowing Bill to spew lies, like that I got paid for Isis's photos, or that there was some conflict between us in Don Pablo's parking lot.
She knows these to be bald-faced lies, and yet allows them to stand???
Are you going to let Bill claim we had some fight at Don Pablo's. Isis?
Or that you looked at the posters Clamor offers and picked out a few that you liked in lieu of payment?
If so, you are not only a liar, but despicable, because that means that you value access to Bill White more than your obligation as a journalist.
Very odd.
Unless, of course, your work as a journalist is only a cover for some other career.
Nice try, Isis, in distracting away from the issues.
ReplyDeleteBILL said those things, and YOU let them slide by.
Get it? Your silence means you either agree with him, or are going along with his lies. The other stuff is mostly annoying , but goes to the actual source of the gossip - you.
He is making a serious accusation about me supposedly profitting from your photos. In fact, Isis passed up an opportunity to profit from her work with the Toledo Free Press when she refused to either: a)use her real name; or b) use a pseudonym that sounded more professional.
"Obsession" on my part? Hardly. Don't flatter yourself.
"Drama queen?" That might better fit you, who had a hissy fit when I posted a picture on Nov. 5 of yours. The thing I don't get was how it was OK for One People's Project to run it the same day, but not me.
Oh well; I guess I am just not in the loop as to how you big-city types work, being in the hinterlands like I am. Shucks, we just got runnin' water three weeks ago.
You had several anonymous people in DC call me with "friendly advice" about what I can and cannot write, making dramatic claims as to how "important people" are watching what I write.
But you are right about one thing -Bill is laughing.
Enjoy it while you can, Mr. White. Your 15 minutes of fame has long since run out.
Once again, Isis prefers the ad hominem attack against a fellow journalist than to point out the truth about a few simple lies that Nazi spokesman Bill White has made, and that she could easily clear up.
ReplyDeleteThat's too bad. I used to think you were a person of integrity.
"Fun?" Not a chance. I would much rather be doing more productive things than addressing the bullshit that people have been spreading about me.
Unfortunately, I have to waste my time with getting to the truth, and deciding which parts of this slander and libel are worth pursuing in court.
Bill, with his assertion that I am profitting from the work of Isis, is already in the danger zone. Better rethink that statement, Bill. That is easily disproven, and I am sure that you would absolutely hate having to write a "Jewish scum" like me a check for $5 or $10 grand (or worse, with a sympathetic judge).
All you have to do is retract the bullshit, sir, and then I go away.
Bill, with his assertion that I am profitting from the work of Isis, is already in the danger zone.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel you're being libeled, sue away.
"Jewish scum" like me
ReplyDeleteAnd you know what, I didn't know you were Jewish -- though that revelation does more to explain your bizarre behavior than anything else you've said to date.
Isis passed up an opportunity to profit from her work with the Toledo Free Press when she refused to either: a)use her real name; or b) use a pseudonym that sounded more professional.
ReplyDeleteThat's strange, because Isis' work has appeared in papers like the Village Voice, credited as just "Isis".
Seems that its professional enough for them.
maybe Isis would like to disclose her funding sources? You might be surprised, Bill.
ReplyDeleteWhat might surprise you is that those sources aren't offended by the likes of me. ;-D
I guess I'm just charming ...
Blevins - I never said I wanted to do anything about it. As a matter of fact, I believe I was anxiously awaiting the fallout - you know, when Bill has his next bout with those hackers who post all of the shopper's info online. No - I want it to stay right there so that we can witness the stupidity of the racist right once again.
ReplyDeleteWarren - that's a pretty interesting read. According to Cechinni, in an email discussion we had back in August, Anthony was still in St. Paul. He also said:
ReplyDelete"Ironically enough he's in business with Resistance, Micetrap, White Devil Industries and most probably White Rider Records. He now fancies himself the "behind the scenes" guy, making t-shirts and (most likely) continuing to press CDs he has no legal right to press. Some of the MN locals get the impression that he involved in "shady" stuff, which I interpreted to mean drugs. And the F.B.I. at one point was looking into his finances. PF was merely a subsidary of Victory Media, Inc., which was not a sole proprietorship, it was a corporation that Pierpont was merely the president of. But lots of money (I found out later) had a way of going from the business bank account straight to his personal account. In fact, one day last June, over $100,000 (in one day) was transferred from the business to his personal account.
I never paid attention to where the money went, as long as I had what I needed for different projects....othewise, I was too busy running things to mess with bookkeeping....."
I have heard from others as well - that Pierpont is still involved, just behind the scenes. And, I have also been told that Schoep and Pierpont are good friends.
OK, Bill. I have given you the opportunity to retract the following defamatory statement:
ReplyDeleteThen you took her photographs and sold them to Clamour magazine without her knowledge or permission, which is a bit more than borrowing them for her blog, which is what she threatened to sue you for -- selling her photographs to a print publication so you could get some of your material published.
Once again, I expect a retraction of the aforementioned defamatory statement.
I will also follow up with an email to your dhyphen@yahoo.com account.
This is your opportunity to do the right thing, Bill. I highly doubt that you would want to be paying a judgment to me for something as silly as this.
Have no doubt about my intentions.
Oh, and by the way - I am not Jewish.
ReplyDeleteThe "Jewish scum" was an ironic reference to the type of slander that you normally use against me.
However, I think Judaism is an interesting religion, and there are many good things about Jewish culture.
By the way - Isis represented herself to me as being of Jewish origin, although I hear that she is now saying to the NSM that she is Romanian.
We had a funny conversation once about Charlie Brown cartoons. She said her favorite was the Great Pumpkin episode, while I held out for the Christmas episode.
In our friendly debate, I suddenly remembered why she didn't like the Christmas one, and that was because she told me earlier of her Jewish heritage.
DUH! I can be a bit slow on the uptake, and I sheepishly apologized for my lunkheaded, Christocentric faux pas.
Romanian, Jew, - ah, what's the difference to a multiculturalist like me?
I should also mention that Erich Gliebe told me that Pierpont has absolutely nothing to do with Resistance Records, in the background or otherwise. Here is what he had to say:
Anthony Pierpont is not working with us, but let's just say that he did
a big favor a while back. You see, some of the same people Anthony
also hate us, so he did us a favor to spite them.
As far as I know, Anthony is out of the WP music business. He told me
(jokingly or not?) that he was going to use his family inheritance to
purchase a small island off of Thailand. In other words, now that he's
been "outed," he's going back to Thailand to do whatever he wants.
January 09, 2006 5:51 PM
Mike, sue him. Lord knows he deserves it for everything he has pulled. Hey Bill, didn't you sue a newspaper that doctored a photo of you and won? What makes you think you could defend a lawsuit and not have that come up?
ReplyDeleteHey Nikki:
ReplyDeleteCan I get the IP address info of those Bill White posts?