“Playing” on the internet appeals to a lot of people. The anonymity that the Web offers provides many with the opportunity to play out their fantasies, speak their minds without fear of repercussions, and generally have a good time. While there are those who frequent websites for just these kinds of experiences, there are others who have to take things just a little further. There are those who, realizing the potential, decide to become engaged in internet activities that are malicious and even venomous.
Internet message boards have become wildly popular and attract people worldwide. Usually set up around specific interests messaging is a great way to communicate with others of like minds and to seek and provide information. A newer form of “messaging” that has taken the internet by storm is “blogging.” Journalists and wannabes, as well as special interest groups and everyday individuals, have taken to blogs as a method whereby they can speak out and get feedback.
The huge majority of people who set up a personal blog do so for fun and entertainment. Others, use them because they are easy and practical. But, there are a few individuals who are vengeful and malevolent who are not satisfied with allowing others their rights to freedom of expression or speech. There are those who only wish to create havoc and mayhem for those who oppose them or disagree with them. There are others who are nothing more than a vicious malignancy on the body of those who doing nothing more than enjoying the peaceful co-existence of bloggers merely expressing their views and the right to disagree.
Today, one (perhaps two) of those cancers stepped over the line into the realm of the illicit. The claims of Bill White that photographer Isis told him that journalist Michael Brooks was being reported to the University of Toledo for using a University computer to harass her, threaten her, and make sexually explicit comments to her reeks of vengeance for the many pointed articles that have been written about him and his neo-Nazi adventures. It appears that Bill couldn’t extract his pound of flesh through civil discourse and resorted to nothing more than character assassination and defamation.
Since Isis has been implicated as the person who made these accusations to Mr. White, it would be in her best interest to step forward and either call Bill White a liar or provide the evidence that White says she has. Anything less than that, at this juncture is unacceptable. As Michael Brooks has indicated on his blog that he has, in fact, retained an attorney, I am certain that “Isis” will want to clear her name in this mess and avoid any sort of legal action that may be forth-coming.
If, on the other hand, she fails to either nail the proverbial coffin shut on the nefarious White, and chooses not to offer the “proof” he says she has, then we can all rest assured that our suspicions about the true ideology and nature of Miss “Isis.”
For weeks now, Isis and Bill White have been playing “cutesie” with each other and cavorting around the blog world while giving each other one stroke after another. Michael Brooks, on the other hand, has borne the brunt of Isis’s scorn and ridicule and the maligning of Mr. White who has called his marriage into question as well as his ethnicity and professionalism.
It sickens me to see such malicious behaviors and actions that could prove professionally and personally devastating being carried out by people who lack common decency and morality. It pisses me off to see someone who could put all of this to rest – or could “prove” all that is alleged sitting back and doing nothing. We already know what Bill White is - and so does she. Of course, she thinks that Hal Turner is a nice person and Michael Blevins is just a “shy” kind of guy. So much for that “zoom” lens.
This is it, Isis - either show us the goods - or stand up and be counted. You can't have it both ways.
I totally agree, this has come down to put up or shut up time. Isis- if you indeed are saying these things to Bill White you have a lot of explaining to do. This kind of behavior, if in fact you told Bill this, is ethically and morally wrong. Of all the people in this world, why tell Bill White?
ReplyDeleteBut we must also take into consideration that this might just be another one of Bill's stunts, either way I think he should pay the pipper on this one.
That's right Von, the truth is an absolute defense. That's why you couldn't sue CAH even though good ole' Billy boy said you did when we exposed your Nazi daycare. Yet another lie, big surprise. The truth hurts and what do you do in response? You go on your little radio show and try to insult us with your bizzare notion that we are "dikes". That was the first thing you discussed. Guess we are having an impact on you if that's the best you can muster. Ever heard of civil debate? Must you always reference sex to anyone you don't agree with? Are you 12 or something? LOL
ReplyDeleteThat was a low down dirty shame. It's not right to Fuck with people's livlihoods.
ReplyDeleteI wish you people would leave Isis alone.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy her photo work.
Stefan, in all honesty I am not trying to "encourage" Michael Brooks to do anything. What I am trying to say, and maybe I haven't said it well, is that IF there is any truth in these claims, then Isis needs to prove that - because most people don't believe ANYTHING that comes from Bill White. AND - if there is NO truth in White's claims, and Isis didn't tell him these things, then by damn she needs to say so and call him the liar that he is.
ReplyDeleteIsis has been playing this coy little game of flirting with Bill et al for too long - she either is or she isn't part of their group and it's now time for show and tell.
I have to watch what I say given the litigious situation in which Mr. White has placed me, but I wanted to say thank you for your kind words.
ReplyDeleteWhite has made a serious error in judgment, and time will tell whether he is making all of this bullshit up or being fed it by someone else.
Either way, I WILL clear my name, rest assured.
DickHead, his wife has a Day Care business. The Nigger Lovers TRIED to get her license pulled, but it didn't work. He he!!!!!
ReplyDeletestefan schmidt said...
I feel that you are encouraging Mike to sue Bill over a petty argument. Suing is never constructive and God knows enough people sue in this society.
Nikki might not be encouraging Mike to sue but I am. Mike if you have the resources sue the pants off the lier. A good reputation comes from a lot of hard work and to have some lying idiot trying to destroy it is worth fighting for.
Maybe if the courts impose stuff enough penalties on that nut then maybe he would think twice about post lies about people.
Mike if you decide to sue this idiot and need to establish a pattern of his consistant lies I would be more than willing to help. I have proof of several lies he's posted on that garbage website of his and if he tries to remove any of the articles they can always be found on the "wayback" website.
He thinks he's safe behind his few dollars he rakes in for the slums he rents but the fool just don't realize that all it takes is a 50 cent bullet that will shut his lies up permenantly. Maybe the next time someone suggest taking a quick trip to Roanoak I may just sit there with a look of expectation on my face rather than trying to be the voice of reason.
And as for isis she's either a little nazi twat, a nazi groupie, or a scrupleless bitch who'd mess over anybody to get a picture. Which by the way none of the photos I've seen on her blog are all that great.
For one who claims not to take sides she sure does do a pretty good imitation.
It's amazing how much mess an ignorant bitch with a K-Mart camera can get started.
Nikki sorry for the flaming but I just have to call em like I see em.
I will give you the same advice as I did Bill, Mr. Blevins:
ReplyDeleteIsis is fully capable of speaking for herself, and the comments that you make can and will be used in litigation, so unless you plan on being her legal representative, I would avoid attributing quotes to her.
That is, unless you wish to be a party to this lawsuit. I have no beef with you, and do not wish to involve you in litigation.
No surprise Citizens Against Hate will stand behind a man engaged in sexual harrassment, stalking, and the posting of pornographic threat, as long as he is a Jew, and he calls himself an "anti-racist".
ReplyDeleteThe real ideology of Citizens Against Hate shines through again and again -- violence, sexual violence, hatred and oppression in pursuit of the Jewish agenda.
And shut the fuck up about your lawsuit Mr Brooks, as the accusations are 100% true and you know it.
ReplyDeleteRoh (Gerry Gooding), of course, chimes in with some badly spelled Negroid chatter.
ReplyDeleteWe need more Roh on this blog for comic relief, methinks.
Roh -- if you're ever out of a job I hear Bumfights is hiring semi-literate Negroes to run around shouting for the amusement of others.
He thinks he's safe behind his few dollars he rakes in for the slums he rents but the fool just don't realize that all it takes is a 50 cent bullet that will shut his lies up permenantly.
ReplyDeleteShut up nigger. If you have balls, come on down. Otherwise, go back to having your white girl whip you and call you Kunta.
Adding it to my file...
ReplyDeleteCan you confirm the IP for me, Nikki? Was this Bill White in Roanoke?
ReplyDeleteBill White will post things via a proxy lot of the time so the fact that the ips don't always match his doesn't mean he didn't post it.
One of most famous things is to imposter himself, he'll use a proxy, then claim someone spoofed him. Or he'll imposter other names trying to stir up trouble.
Bill white probably is hoping you will sue him so he can get the real identity of Isis via the lawsuit.
Actually I know quite a bit more then you know Vonbluvens about this whole thing.
ReplyDeleteI can't make this public but I know exactly where this is heading and I can promise you, it's not good for Bill White.
Keep thinking otherwise.
Bill said--The real ideology of Citizens Against Hate shines through again and again -- violence, sexual violence, hatred and oppression in pursuit of the Jewish agenda.
Now that's funny Bill! Nice dreamland your living in. Try looking in the mirror buddy.
Blevins says..."BTW- Leave Isis alone"
ReplyDeleteWhy? She's the one who started all of this. Whether it was out of ignorance or bliss - she started the shit. And now it's time for her to say "Yes, I told Billy Boy that Mike was doing those things," OR "Billy Boy is a very big liar."
Why should she be "left alone?"
Bill pulled the article about Historymike off overthrow.com but then reposted it on his personal blog at
He is going to deny ever posting the article in the first place. Just like I predicted.
Oh me. Little Ms Nikki turns out not to be the sweet little Angel. She called her a Bitch.
ReplyDeleteI see that Schwartzo is still running hole.
Elmer, why don't you run you mouse over the names. Gee....two different identities with the same name, but yet you come on and say "Oh me. Little Ms Nikki turns out not to be the sweet little angel. She called her a Bitch."
ReplyDeleteHMMM.....I wonder, could YOU be impersonating Nikki so you could make that comment??? Thoughts to ponder for sure.
Let's get something very clear here. I have never posted on nimbusters or antiracist losers. The person who recently posted here as me - the one that Elmo is gloating over - joined blogspot in January of 2006 - not me.
ReplyDeleteNow, as has been stated, time and again, all is not what it seems in cyber space. And if you think you have some sort of proof that I have said anything on any of these blogs - then, by all means, run with it and prove yourself as foolish as you are seeming right now.
Now, back to the subject at hand.
I don't impersonate others, but Lord knows that I'm impersonated on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteMy Greatness is admired by so many. They can't get enough. They want to be me.
Just in case anyone hasn't noticed - Bill pulled the article off of his site. Of course he published it on his blog - and pulled it - twice. Now, ya gotta know that he is going to put an outrageous spin on this one.
ReplyDeleteNo retraction has been made, however - and Isis remains mute.
Looks like Bill replaced one libelous comment with another one.
ReplyDeleteFrom overthrow88.blogspot.com
Note that today we took down the article on the University of Toledo investigating Michael Brooks (historymike.blogspot.com / toledotales.blogspot.com / others) for harassing Isis (isisimagery.blogspot.com).
The story is true, Brooks has been harassing her, and she is taking action against him. The reason for taking down the story has nothing to do with him threatening me -- he threatens me constantly and I just put him on block. The reason is that, after it was posted, he intensified his harassment of her to the point where she is considering criminal charges, and she asked that the story be taken down so as to not provoke him further.
Looks like the NSM is now officially libeling HistoryMike also.
Since the blog is written as the National Socialist Movement, Schoep and all members of the NSM are fully responsible for the content. (Remember Matt Hale?)
They did add some bullshit about me on top of that article.
No one said he wrote a retraction. He took the article in question off of his website. He then posted it on his blog. Later he took it off - then put it back up - then took it off again with some convoluted story that it had only caused Michael Brooks to become more aggressive, or something like that. He claims that Isis asked him to remove it.
ReplyDeleteNow he is posting emails that were supposedly sent to Isis from someone else claiming to be Michael. As is always true with the delusional Bill White, it is difficult to tell where truth ends and fantasy begins.
The question in all of this is where is Isis? Why doesn't she step forward and accuse Michael or tell Bill what a liar he is? Of course, that would be the honorable thing to do.
If Isis told Bill White this and none of it is true - which I happen to believe - then both Michael Brooks and Bill White are the victims.
If Bill White fabricated it all then both Isis and Michael are the victims.
If it is true then, Isis is the victim and becoming rapidly more so as the story unfolds.
Why is she talking to Bill and not to those seeking to find the truth?
That's right Imposter. You're not happy & gay.
ReplyDeleteYou're a nasty Sodomite Faggot.