As we continue to delve into the ideology and mind-set of the racist, we are brought face-to-face with one of the most atavistic premises of the racist right - that of euthanasia and the determination of who is human and who isn't. The hideous notion of Eugenics and the creation of a master race did not die in 1940's Nazi Germany, but merely metamorphosed into the notion that intellect is superior among the Aryan race and that the gene pool must be protected at the expense of those who are deemed inferior.
Forced sterilization and euthanasia are two examples of how many on the racist right believe that the intellectually diminished should be dealt with. While the IQ figure is generally an arbitrary one when they are attempting to clarify their premise, it is generally believed that anything that falls within the range of mental retardation would be a candidate for one of the two "solutions," and that those falling below that range are not human because they lack the intelligence which sets us apart from animals.
The idea of eugenics has is roots in 19th Century social Darwinism, with all the inherent ideas of "survival of the fittest" and competition for survival. Today, it is perpetuated by racist pundits and funded by archaic institutions like the Pioneer Fund. The belief in eugenics is nothing foreign to the United States as researcher, Daniel Kevles, tells us in his 1999, article, "Eugenics and Human Rights:"
"By the late 1920s, sterilisation laws had been enacted in two dozen American states, largely in the middle Atlantic region, the Midwest, and California. By 1933, California had subjected more people to eugenic sterilisation than had all other states of the union combined. Similar measures were passed in Canada, in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. Almost everywhere they were passed, however, the laws reached only as far as the inmates of state institutions for the mentally handicapped or mentally ill. People in private care or in the care of their families escaped them. Thus, the laws tended to discriminate against poorer people and minority groups. In California, for example, the sterilisation rates of blacks and foreign immigrants were twice as high as would be expected from their representation in the general population."
Eventually, however, many medical people as well as scientists challenged the morality and ethics of such practices, and the world moved into a period that was much more humane and embracing of human rights.
The "not human" prejudice is one with which I have long lived. Those of us who have been the victims of such hate applaud you, Nicole
ReplyDeleteThe fact that people have practiced eugenics in the past does not make the behavior morally acceptable, Matt.
ReplyDeleteThat would be akin to justifying any abhorrent behavior simply because someone once acted in that fashion. Would you then advocate ritualistic cannibalism, infanticide, or slavery, since those have been practiced by human societies in the past?
And, once again, you prefer to attack Nikki rather than debate the issues, which is sloppy argument. You are certainly brighter than that.
Stefan asked...
ReplyDeleteNikki, was the motivating factor behind this story our ‘touching’ conversation?
I have read many things written by the racist right along these lines, however, that discussion last night really pissed me off. So...it was certainly the catalyst for this, and maybe a couple of other things.
Mandatory sterilization, euthanasia, and eugenics are, without a doubt, the most reprehensible activities advocated by Nazi's et. al. Again, I have always said that this is all about power. Fear of the extinction of the white race is not what any of this is about. It's about fear of losing the power of the majority.
Eugenicists, and advocates of euthansia and forced sterilization demonstrate just how far this lust for power will reach. Controlling the environment right down to genetic manipulation and pre-determined breeding is nothing more than power gone mad.
It's despicable. Those who advocate such things are control freaks and totally lacking in morality or ethics.
Historymike ignores most of the anonymous bullshit, Stefan.
ReplyDeleteHe only gets in legal mode when certain high-profile neo-Nazis make defamatory comments on their websites accusing him of criminal actions.
Stefan said..."What use to the world is that ‘Child’ in the picture? With his puzzled chagrin plastered on his face, what do you see in him? He is genetic ‘garbage,’ and it is our duty to recycle. He should be sterilized as well as his parents."
ReplyDeleteWell...let's see, Stefan...the young man's name is Stephane Ginnsz, and Stephane is an actor. Here is his resume:
Walter Johnson High School, High-School Diploma (May 2003)
- Academic Achievement Award, Walter Johnson High-School
"Special Recognition To These Truly Dedicated Students For Their Diligence, Perseverance, and Determination"
- President's Awards for Outstanding Educational Achievement, Walter Johnson High-School (Gold Certificate)
Film Work:
"Duo" - Lead Role(1996)
co-starring Eden Riegel, directed by Alexandre Ginnsz.
I was the first actor with Down syndrome to ever star in a film. Duo was produced with the cooperation of Martin Scorsese and Warner Bros Pictures, It was an official entry at the 23rd Academy Awards (Student Category), finalist at the Chicago International Children's Film Festival, and nominated for a TASH Award.
Duo official website
Commercial Work:
"Too Much" - Featured (2002)
spec commercial for a perfume by Guerlain. Directed by Alexandre Ginnsz and produced by AGF
Theater Work:
I performed in two theater productions during high-school, and was a member of the Walter Johnson High School Drama Club.
Print Work:
See gallery
Would you like to tell me what you have done for this world lately?
Stefan...you asked what use to the world that 'Child' was. While he may not be a college graduate, or the great hope for finding a cure of a dreaded disease, I would proffer that right now, at this point in his very young life, he has contributed more to the human race than many have.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, the majority of mainstream America would take great issue with your characterization of him as "freak."
I could present you with many others who have led functional and happy lives in spite of the kind of ignorance you are spouting. You said..."The fact that I had no knowledge of him, the fact that >99% of the American public does not either, is a sign of his anonymity and thus his worthlessness." Many more than you would think know who Stephane is. How many know who you are? How "anonymous" are you?
You slag on someone who looks different or has a low IQ - but what about you, Stefan? PDD generally limits one's social skills and others look at those afflicted somewhat askance and can certainly be cruel. Is it because you are so miserable in your own temple that you wish to burn down the temples of others?
Actually, the prejudice, in general, against those with physical and mental handicaps is one area that is not touched on nearly enough.
ReplyDeleteStefan...parents who have children with disabilities don't want to throw their children away. They raise them to be everything that they can be and want them to reach whatever level of self-sufficiency that they can. And while doing that, they love these children every bit as much as any "normal" offspring that they may have.
The very suggestion that such a human being be euthanized renders the suggestor a horrible lout.
Yes Stefan - I do believe that your willingness to discuss your disorder says a lot about you. What I have trouble grasping is your absolute disdain for others who are impaired in some way. Generally speaking, I get the feeling that you engage in some sort of self-flagelation because of your short-comings. And I really hate that for you.
ReplyDeleteYou indicated that you were in some sort of special classes when you were in elementary school. If you were not served after that, I can only assume that your educational problems were minimal and that you have learned how to deal with a lot of things. And that, in and of itself, is admirable.
Again generally speaking, it has been my experience that people with any sort of handicapping condition can be quite bitter about their lot in life - but most also have a great deal of compassion for others who are afflicted in any way.
I'm not saying you are hypocritical, only that I am trying to understand what has caused you to hate so deeply.
The "Woger" poster is acutally Lloyd Austin Davies of Athens, AL, he is a 32 year old virgin who can only work as a pizza delivery boy because he is ill-educated.