Faked heart-attacks, falls and injuries, and five murders he has claimed to have committed - and he still wants your money. Tonight Hal Turner pulled the plug on his radio show once again becaue $2,700+ was not enough in donations. This isn't the first time that Hal has done this and certainly not the first time that he has begged and berated white nationalists into contributing to his pockets.
What else has he lied about? In a seering expose done last year, Indy Media tells us what is really up with Con Man Hal.
"There is a lot of rumors about Turner also turning over information to federal law enforcement and his local police. In front of Daryle Lamont Jenkins of the One People's Project and the North Bergen Police, Turner turned over a phone list of all his callers on his 1-800 number, a detailed list of all his donors, and all the guns he owned. It also well known that Turner ratted out fellow white supremacist Lovell Wheeler and James McManus. Turner also turned over information about an Aryan Nation meeting in Idaho a few years ago. Hal wrote a letter to his own newspaper thanking the federal government and local police for all their help."
June 28th Program - This week's program is a round table discussion hosted by Floyd Cochran with Nikki and Tony from Citizens Against Hate. This week we expose racist talk show Hal Turner as a con-man and informant, KKK coming to Gettysburg, Why is it Black Men get arrested but White Racists don't ? On June 29th we will be interviewing DLJ and Josh from OPP and Craig from Project for Change. Be sure to read full the "expose on Hal Turner on the Citizens Against Hate website and One Peoples Project website.
ReplyDeleteto hear the June 28 program click here: http://www.onepeoplesradio.com/jun28.mp3
Where did you get that picture?
ReplyDeleteHal looks like he is totally high on something. Probably coke.
The analogy that Floyd made, Chris, was that given the fact that the guys in Miami who were arrested had no bomb making materials yet were still arrested for plotting or planning - then why don't people like August Kreiss or Hal Turner get arrested for the same thing.
ReplyDeleteOh...Chris, you can't really believe that! You are almost funny!
ReplyDeleteWhat about Kevin Alfred Strom's letter to the Iranian government? Is this the next trend being set? Are you guys going to "befriend" those who most consider enemies? And let's say that the movement did hook up with some Middle-Eastern terrorists groups and overthrew the United States government - what then? You turn on each other?
Incidently, did you even consider the possiblity that those who call in to Hal's show or post messages on his comments section might be talking to a federal informant? That is a very real possibility.
Chris said:
ReplyDeleteThey did the same thing that sent Matt Hale up the creak: the talked about it to a federal informant.
Ummm...excuse me Chris were you at Hale's trial? Have you read ANY of the court documents? He did a whole lot more than just talk about it.
STFU Von Blubber!
ReplyDeleteOr, should I say: Moshe Blevins, Yeshiva-bukkha?
You remind me of that character in The Believer. How many self-loathing Jews are actually in the neo-Nazi movement?
I mean, there's You and butt-buddy Bill Weiss.
A new Danny Burros character can't be far behind.
Follow your leader, Vonnie!
Oh, and Chris Drake: don't even start with "we're a bunch of patriotic guys against the war", shit...
ReplyDeleteWhat was that that Herrington said in Lansing?: "Iran has a RIGHT to NUCLEAR WEAPONS".
Yeah, and I hope they drop them on the fucking NSM Headquarters first.
I listen to your pathetic "radio" programs for a laugh, which is all you wasted hillbilly losers are good for.
If a serious war breaks out, though, if I were you, I'd be scared: don't think America won't go the extra mile and step on some toes to insure the survival of this country. If that means detaining backstabbing "patriots" like you until the war is over, you can bet that is what will happen.
The ACLU can go fuck themselves.
ReplyDeleteWho was it that told the group about Gretchen? Have you figured it out yet?
But there is nothing you can do about it has this person has the power to remove you from the NSM.
Blevins - go read the last story I posted and come back and tell me Bill White is good for the NSM. Go ahead - and while you're at it, you might want to reconsider what you said before about not having any reason not to believe him.
ReplyDeleteNow I realize that he pulls your strings and you are nothing more than what your master allows you to be - but, damn, have you been neutered?
EB: "If a serious war breaks out, though, if I were you, I'd be scared: don't think America won't go the extra mile and step on some toes to insure the survival of this country. If that means detaining backstabbing "patriots" like you until the war is over, you can bet that is what will happen.
ReplyDelete"The ACLU can go fuck themselves."
You can take the authoritarian, state-worshipping, "intern the traitors and appeasers", shabbos goy off the blog masthead... but you just can't take the bitch out the ghetto. :)
Well...it looks like Hal has brought in all of $94.00 since his little temper tantrum - if you believe.
ReplyDeleteVon you say Bill is effective?
ReplyDeleteBut effective at what? Making you idiots more of a laughing stock than you are already?
Keep the fat bastard I say. Hey and as long as your at it I think you should make Steve Holsten a somebody in the organization. Maybe make him head of Nazi child care or something. I'm sure he'll be "effective" as well, especially with the young shaved ones.