An Eyewitness Accounting of the Weekend Rallies From Our Friends At One People's Project
Could our work be any more easier? This is not a good month to be a Nazi. In the past few weeks, we had the National Socialist Movement get slapped around by fellow Nazis and the chairman of the National Alliance getting snatched up on federal civil rights charges. Now the boneheads are going to have to explain why they failed to make an appearence in their much-hyped rally in Buffalo, while those that did rally in Antietam National Battlefield in Maryland did so with a longtime FBI informant! Antifa came out in force to both events, augmented by local people who did not want this crap in their town. That resulted in a little fun and excitement in a supermarket near the battlefield between Antifa and Nazis, and we still are trying to get the full story on that. We provide the information on all the fun at both spots here as Josh Hoyt covered Buffalo, and DLJ represented at Anteitam. We will be talking more about Roy Frankhouser, that FBI informant soon on One People's Radio and on this page. Since it looks like he wants to be active again, we will be beefing up his Gallery entry soon too.
NO Nazis NO KKK NO Show in Buffalo
By Josh Hoyt, One People's Project
BUFFALO, NY--Today (June 10) the National Socialist Movement along with Karl Hand’s group punked out of a confrontation with Antifa. The Buffalo rally had been announced several months ago, and to be honest we thought this thing had the potential to be really big. Central and Western New York have started to have some bonehead problems cropping up, one being Michael Crook announcing that he plans to run for sheriff of Onondaga County (Syracuse.) The NSM had been hyping this event as a prelude to several public rallies that they are planning for this summer. If today was any indication of what we can expect from Bill Whites band of costumed freaks and geeks it is going to be a long cruel summer for them.
Antifa arrived in Buffalo at about 3:00 pm. We were expecting to see Hand and his group march from Lafayette Square at 3 PM and give their speeches at Niagara Square at 4 PM. Well, 3 pm came and passed and the only indication of anything going down was a few cop cars trying to get a count of the group. We decided to head down to Niagara Square where we met up with more Antifa, community members and even a wedding party who were coming across the square. Groups represented were One Peoples Project, The International Socialist Organization, Buffalo Forum, Buffalo Anarchist Collective, The Buffalo Green Party and I guess you could even count the wedding party! (Though that would have bought us up to about 100) In total about 70 Antifa showed up. At one point a van purportedly carrying Hand and a few followers drove by, they yelled something that I couldn’t make out and continued driving. So much for that Aryan bravery they are always going on about! We ended up talking with the wedding party for a few minutes and took some pictures with them. The whole experience was pretty surreal. Unfortunately we didn’t get invited to the buffet and open bar but it was still a good time. In all of my years of doing Antifascist work I have NEVER had the boneheads simply just fail to show. No doubt they will have plenty of excuses.
We do want to thank the fascist scumbags for one thing, however. Buffalo gave us a chance to meet and network with some good people who we will be working with in the future. We suspect that Bill White’s influence may have had something to do with the total lack of turnout. Many boneheads who might have otherwise attended this event were likely turned off by Bill and the NSM’S constant attacks on other bonehead crews. Karl Hand and the NSM were told not to bring their bullshit to upstate New York, and it seems like this time they might have listened to us.
KKKanning the Klan in Maryland
By Daryle Lamont Jenkins, One People's Project
SHARPSBURG, MD-The Klan rally held at Anteitam National Battlefield on Saturday made for a rather unusual event, as a cross section of people, many of whom were not the regular activists that often counter demonstrations like this, came out to call out the white supremacists that came out. It was an event marked by a pre-rally confrontation outside the park as well as the appearance of a veteran Klansman who is also well-known as an FBI informant.
Close to thirty hatemongers gathered in the Mumma Farm section of the park as twice that number gathered across from them in a grove where officials set up a counter protesting area. The two parties were kept apart by fifty police officers who also controlled the arrival of the neo-Nazis, driving them to the area in two small vans from a gathering location somewhere in the park. The neo-Nazis represented members of the World Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, National Socialist Movement (NSM), and reportedly the Creativity Movement. Radio show host Hal Turner also made an appearance, and was the first speaker. He was drowned out by chants and a woman on a megaphone who was particularly angry about the rally being held here. Union and Confederate forces clashed Sept. 17, 1862 on this battlefield which is approximately 40 miles outside Washington. This marked Confederate General Robert E. Lee's first invasion of the North, and with more than 23,000 men on both sides killed, wounded or missing, this was the largest single day loss of lives in the history of American wars. "This is a desecration of this battlefield," The woman shouted. "Men shed their blood here so we can be equal!"
Other speakers followed Turner, including NSM spokesperson Bill White and Ken Krauss, one of the NSM members who was stomped by his fellow Nazis at Nordic Fest Memorial Day Weekend, reportedly because of his association with Bill White. The biggest surprise, however, came when Ku Klux Klan veteran Roy Frankhouser took to the podium. Frankhouser has been in the Klan scene for decades, but he is persona non grata in most white supremacist circles because when he was working for political gadfly Lyndon LaRouche, it was revealed that for many years he was an FBI informant. He had not been heard from in years, and this was the first time since 2000 he has made this public an appearance.
There was a reenactment scheduled at the park today that went on as scheduled. Afterwards, there were a number of reenactors who were dressed as confederates that came over to join the counter demonstrators. This launched the organizer of this rally, Gordon Young of the World Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, into a tirade that was laughed at by those opposing his efforts. The counterdemonstration included not just antifa and the reenactors, but other visitors to the park, and a group of bikers who were the most vocal. One biker called out the neo-Nazis on the megaphone saying, "Get out of my country! You don't belong here!"
There might have been more on both sides but prior to the rally there was an altercation in a nearby supermarket between people from both sides. Although there were not any reports of arrests, police barred those involved from going to the rally. Gordon Young was not aware of the incident, but said to the press that he hoped that those who opposed his rally were stomped.
Young's intent was to focus on black crime with this rally, but when confronted with the fact that many of the groups and individuals he was associating with were themselves criminals - one even sporting a prison tattoo - he dismissed the crimes that may or may not have been committed as possibly them administering "Aryan justice". He even used this dismissal when asked about white supremacist Scottland Belk allegedly killing his own mother.
That's an interesting take on the Sharpsburg rally there by Daryle. AFAIK there have been no publicly available photographs showing numbers on both sides. All the press photos of the NSM and the Klan that were published were close-ups only. Other people on the interwebs state that there were as few as 15 counter-protesters. Since no one seems to agree on numbers, a few honest photos of each protest area should remove all ambiguity. I was there, and would have loved to have issued a accurate count with photograph evidence to back it up, but the NPS would not let me get close.
ReplyDeleteMost (I assumed all) of the re-enacters were stuck with us in the peanut gallery. We couldn't see squat. Check out my blog post here.
There were 52 white activists there, 44 on our side, 8 on the counter side -- and 13 counter demonstrators.
ReplyDeleteThe police brought our activists in on six vans with eight people each, five full, the last half full.
And, Ken Krauss was not at Nordicfest. Like everything reported by the One People's Project and Citizens Against Hate, that is just factually wrong.
Two Vinlanders did show up, but decided not to fight with me and left amiably.
Bill, do not even attempt to claim that anything any one else says is "factually wrong." You lie, spin and fabricate everything in your world.
ReplyDeleteIn some of your early reports you were referring to the vans as "buses." And at one point you said that some of those on the "buses" were independent reporters. The more you lie the bigger your head bumps get.
Also - what happened to the Buffalo rally? Not enough Nazi's show up? Losing your touch, Bill?
ReplyDeleteI didn't say either thing.
ReplyDeleteI've used the term "van" and "bus" interchangably, though they were vans. However, even when they are vans, they still call it "bussing" us -- not "vanning" us -- and I tend to think of it in those terms.
The only reporter who ended up riding with us was Isis.
As to lying, you guys make stuff up, and when I say something true, you then accuse my truthful information, which contradict your stupid fantasy, of being "lies".
Its really quite funny to anyone with enough info to see it.
Believe me Bill - your reputation for lying precedes you. Everyone - and I do mean even your followers know exactly what you are.
ReplyDeleteThere were indeed vans there, I saw either 3 or 4 white identical ones, empty, drive right by me near the area called “bloody lane”.
ReplyDeleteRadio show host Hal Turner also made an appearance, and was the first speaker. He was drowned out by chants and a woman on a megaphone who was particularly angry about the rally being held here.
This is a bit of an exaggeration. I was there for the first speaker and although NPS kept us far enough back that we could only catch one word in three with our hands cupped around our ears, there was only sporadic “drowning out” by the counter-protesters.
...political gadfly Lyndon LaRouche.
Come on now, the Republicans own up to Nixon, isn't it OK to admit that LaRouche is a Democrat?
Afterwards, there were a number of reenactors who were dressed as confederates that came over to join the counter demonstrators.
Other sources gave the number of re-enactors counter-protesters as two. At least half of the re-enactors that I saw were with us in the peanut gallery. Other sources also said it was a Confederate re-enactor group that got the counter-protester permit, and the NAACP requested one, but then withdrew.
If anyone has high resolution, unaltered photographs of the press, the protesters, or the counter protesters, I'd love to get reprint permission to show them in my blog. I want to contrast them with the photos that the professional reporters released and the statements they published. If anyone wants to know my bias, I'm pretty sure that the press is still stuck in it's “We Define Reality” mode. There's a world of difference between just ignoring a protest as “not news” and lying about it. That crap should have died with Rathergate. Republished pictures must clearly show numbers of people in their respective areas. Someone please tell me why the press chooses to say something like “about thirty protesters” when it's obvious that they could just snap a picture and count, if they are not trying to be biased.
The Antietam rally was Bill White's big opportunity and it flunked.
ReplyDeleteBill White even canceled the Buffalo rally to get more NSM to come to Sharpsburg.
It wasn't even the biggest event happening at Antietam during the day. There was other activities that drew 1,000s at Antietam. The klan rally drew 30 and about 30 protestors. Everyone else seemed interested in other things at the park.
Has anyone noticed the number of NSM members showing up for rallies has dropped many fold since White became the leader of the NSM?
Compare Valley Forge and Yorktown vs 2006. They had 300 show up in Valley Forge and 180 show up in Yorktown.
I said...
ReplyDelete"In some of your early reports you were referring to the vans as "buses." And at one point you said that some of those on the "buses" were independent reporters. The more you lie the bigger your head bumps get."
Then Bill said...
"I didn't say either thing.
I've used the term "van" and "bus" interchangably, though they were vans. However, even when they are vans, they still call it "bussing" us -- not "vanning" us -- and I tend to think of it in those terms.
"The only reporter who ended up riding with us was Isis."
The fact of the matter is this was what Bill said in his "Updates:"
Buses Leaving
Not Enough Buses, More People Coming
6/10/2006 1:35:32 PM
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LSN Staff
Sharpsburg, Maryland -- The first set of buses are leaving. The police are clearly unprepared for the number of people showing up, and we just had another half a dozen or more people drive up -- folk are still coming in.
We have more than half the folk here standing waiting to be searched. I'm told I bring the camera, recorders and computer, but not the cases they go in, meaning I need about as many arms as Kali to do it. They also want to search my steel toe boots. Typical police BS.
Nice day, cool enough I can wear my vest with only minimum sweat. Not bad.
THe Hagerstown Herald Mail is photographing me right now for a story. Nice.
In his next update:
At Antietam
Nice Turnout
6/10/2006 1:11:04 PM
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Bill White
Sharpsburg, Maryland -- I'm standing here at Antietam Battlefield. Just watched four new people join the Klan and the NSM. Got about thirty folk who have shown so far, about twnety or so are on their way but its unclear if they're going to get here on time.
Met Gordon Young -- nice guy. Hal Turner is here. There was a brief disagreement with the police over whether or not the press could come in with us, but we squashed that. A Herald-Mail reporter got tossed out but some independent photographers and so on are traveling with us.
1) Nowhere in all of this does he use the word "vans."
2) He also reports that "some" independent photographers (Note that is plural) are traveling with us.
Now...shall we try again to achieve some semblance of truth in reporting. By no accounts, so far, have there been 52 white activists present.
Mischief - I agree that there should be a picture that would depict the numbers. Personally, it doesn't matter to me how many were there - but I would like to see more accuracy in reporting.
ReplyDeleteYou might look at:
She has some nice pictures of the kkk et.al. up - and more to come. The police would not let her into the anti-racist area, but she might have a group shot of the protestors.
dlj: You are in the wrong place if you want to make this Democratic vs. Republicans, because I think they both suck and could care less.
ReplyDeleteFair enough. I'm small "l" libertarian-leaning. And to be fair, the Large "L" libertarians have refused to own up to their blue-skinned party candidates
dlj: Bill, 13 people on the other side? Do you EVER step into reality? I mean EVER?
Bill White: There were 52 white activists there, 44 on our side, 8 on the counter side -- and 13 counter demonstrators.
I wondered about this too. Is he actually claiming 8 people that were sitting on the counter-protester side or is this a code phrase saying that 8 out of 21 counter-protesters were white?
Here's a good picture of some counter-protesters:
The black/red flag is the symbol of Anarcho-syndicalism.
I'm not sure about the pink bandannas. Gay? My gaydar isn't working from this range.
S.M.- I have a photo of the press there, but I was not allowed to take any shots of the counter protesters.
ReplyDeleteNot allowed? Please explain?
And, on the KKK/NSM side there were people coming and going through out the event. There were even a few kids, but I refuse to include them in any photos.
I didn't do any counting, I never do as I don't see the importance of any of that.
My focus is taking photos and giving thanks at the end of every event I cover, no matter what political backround, that I am not in jail, injured or dead, so the numbers mean nothing to me, but getting good photos does.
Coming and going? I thought that they could only arrive via the white vans? Whether there was 50 or 25 protesters really does not matter, but this isn't like the million man march where the they have to estimate from photos. Yet “news” sources varied, 15, a few dozen, etc. That's the source of my curiosity.
When there are kids involved, I'd say you need to take the photos and blank out the faces
As press (even though I am not working for a media source) we all should have the rights and freedoms to cover these events as so the public can really know what is going on AND we can record these happening for the future.
I am disappointed I did not get those shots. I heard there were Confedertate uniforms and Jewish bikers as well as some skinheads hanging around that side, and they would have all made some great photography.
If you read my blog entry you will notice my angle, hoe the NPS go about how they are all into protecting free speech, and then they plan out this event so that ordinary people can't witness the event. I have mixed feelings about the special area for the press. Why are some reporters “more equal” than others? I reported about what I saw, so could I get a press pass? why not? And why the heck were the press put in a pen anyway? I can't recall any rioting by the press in the past.
I, too, was most interested in any SHARP skinheads attending. At the Jacksonville rally a picture of a SHARP being dragged away by three police was prominently displayed by one “news” source. You had to read very carefully to note that he was a counter-protester. Our “free and fair” press has done little to dispel the myth that all skinheads are racist.
Standard Mischief - I agree with you. Most people today DO think that all skinheads are racist. As to the press - at recent rallies, there were several press members harassed and arrested for stepping off a sidewalk or trying to get the best shot.
ReplyDeleteThere is no "freedom of the press" when it comes to these things. If journalists are lucky, they might get a few shots up close before the rally - maybe an interview - but once it starts the police keep them far away.
Sometimes, as in this case, the Nazi's can allow a photo journalist to come with them. Unfortunately, that gives a really bias view. That's no fault of the photographer - they just can't get both sides.
Yes - I understand. I also understand that the police think they are doing their job to "protect" people. But, they are walking all over the press at these things.
ReplyDeleteNumbers really don't matter to me either. But, I do believe that the press should be allowed to do their job and to accurately report - whether in picture or in print - the real story.
Isis said...
ReplyDelete"And, may I add, that the general public seems to have no issue with this as long as they feel safe.
"Little to they realise is that losing our liberties will harm them a lot more than that burned bar that was really the worst of the damage at the Toledo1 riot."
I agree. The general public is way too willing to give it all up to feel "safe." And one of these days they are going to wake up on a runaway train and as they rub the sleep out of their eyes they will say, "hey! How did this happen?"
in Toledo2, they arrested all the big name photographers, while the rest of us small timers ran for our lives back and forth along the barricades while getting quick shots in before getting run down by mounties and arrested.
ReplyDeleteOK, I have to say thanks. It's interesting to see this from another angle. I've been assuming that most of the time the press gets a free pass, only occasionally will I hear about one getting arrested.
It doesn't sound like you all work full time for the mainstream media, but tell me, why the heck would the police arrest a reporter from one of the big media outlets? Wouldn't that be like picking a fight with someone who “buys ink by the barrel”?
I do hear about the small independent news getting arrested. Like this:
Oh and those pink bandannas? I think that's a “code pink” antiwar protest.
Ok Isis, you say you don't take pictures of kids at rallies? BULLSHIT all one has to to is go to your site to see that you take pictures of children who don't have racist parents!!
Isis, you will not post your email addy here. You are a racist and I won't allow it. Just like I would not let "Von" post a link for their racist game. Sorry!
ReplyDeletebtw- what about that "god hates fags" photo????
Excuse me but the NSM does not like Phelps either Isis. Birds of a feather...besides, you STILL took a photo of a child Isis explain yourself.
ReplyDeleteYour done here Isis.
ReplyDeleteBill White allowing Isis to join their side in order to get photos should tell you everything you need to know about her.
ReplyDeleteShe has the hots for him and older women like Isis chase younger men like Bill all the time. Only she has horrible taste.
Isis, keep it up, there are laws against what your doing here posting when asked not too.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should share some of your seroquel with Isis.
ReplyDeletedlj said...
ReplyDeleteSM, to give you an idea of how FOS Bill White is, check out the text of his speech...
Oh please. No need to think I'm going over to the dark side.
Look I doubt everybody! The MSN seems to have focused solely on closeup shots so they could put out their biased account. I have not been “seduced” by Bill White, nor the posters in this blog, nor IsisDC.
Like I said in my first comment: "a few honest photos of each protest area should remove all ambiguity". I am extremely frustrated that I could not take those pictures. I wasted a whole day to visit a porkfest, to hear some faraway faint diatribe. I got a good hike out of it though.
There's a video on http://wjz.com/ that had a brief shot of all the protesters. I counted 19, but it is possible some were coming and going. I had a tough time counting from their little bitty flash screen so I pulled a little standard mischief and downloaded the full video. it's pretty good quality. The deep link is here (it's a mms stream, 6.1M):
Unfortunately, there's not a good shot of the counter-protesters either.
Looks like the only numbers that everyone agree on is the cops. Everyone cites ~200.
And just so you know where I'm coming from, my evil black rifle kills fascists. I'm not sure how much luck you are going to have with that guitar.
oh, and here is the "correct" link. Hope you like itty-bitty flash screens:
Bill White is stupid for joining the NSM.
ReplyDeleteAll it takes is one NSM member to foul up, the NSM gets sued, and under the RICO act, Bill White will be finanically responsible for any judgment against the NSM has would all NSM memebers.
Which makes White a fool.
Hey Von, what happened to your website? Hell, what happened to the NSM website for that matter.
ReplyDeleteDLJ : What's up with the federal informant Frankhouser ? Obviously we would be dead holding our breaths waiting for an explanation out of Bill White.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the deal Daryl?
I think they slipped up, the feds didn't think anyone would notice, but you were there and caught it.
Willow wrote, "Isis, you will not post your email addy here. You are a racist and I won't allow it."
ReplyDeleteWhat evidence do you have that Isis is a "racist"? What is your definition of racist? Isis has never shown any bias in favor of whites, from what I've seen.
You people are just as fanatical as G.W. Bush and his "if-you-are-not-part-of-the-solution-you-are-automatically-part-of-the-problem" nonsense, the same type of nonsense that got us into a pre-emptive war in Iraq costing us billions in dollars, thousands in lost lives, and only God knows how much in lost credibility. Just look at Nikki's morbid obsession with Bill White. It's unhealthy.
If you don't want Isis posting her e-mail addy on this site, that's your business. But I think you owe Isis an apology for smearing her. She strives to get the FULL story. That requires accessing BOTH sides.