Neo-Nazi National Alliance leader indicted in civil rights conspiracy
Shaun Walker and Travis Massey
June 9, 2006 -- A federal grand jury has indicted the top leader of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, once the most feared hate group in America, and charged him and two subordinates with conspiring to deprive non-white people in Salt Lake City of their civil rights, the U.S. Department of Justice announced today.
Alliance Chairman Shaun A. Walker, 38, was arrested at the West Virginia headquarters of the group on Thursday. On the same day, Travis D. Massey, 29, the Alliance's Salt Lake City unit coordinator, and Eric G. Egbert, 21, of Salt Lake City were arrested in Utah. Each man is charged with one count of conspiracy to interfere with civil rights and one count of interference with a federally protected activity.
"These arrests may mark the final stage in what has been a long decline in the National Alliance," said Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project, which has monitored the Alliance since the 1980s. "What was once the most important hate group in America may soon be just a memory."
Prosecutors allege that the three engaged in a conspiracy between December 2002 and March 2003 to provoke fights with non-white persons "in order to make them afraid to appear in public, work and live" in Salt Lake City, prosecutors said. If the men are convicted, they could face up to 20 years in prison apiece.
The indictment alleges two specific attacks -- a Dec. 31, 2002, assault by all three men on a Mexican-American man identified only as "J.B." in O'Shucks, a Salt Lake City bar, and a March 15, 2003, assault on a Native-American individual in a bar called Port O'Call by Massey and an unidentified person.
Shaun Walker was named chairman of the Alliance on April 25, 2005, replacing Erich Gliebe, who was being widely criticized within the group. By his own account, Walker joined the Alliance in 1999, and was named Salt Lake City unit coordinator soon thereafter. He became the Alliance's Western Regional Coordinator in 2002, and was named chief operating officer the next year.
Walker was born and raised in California, but later moved to Utah. He says he served in the Marine Corps between 1986 and 1990, and earned a bachelor's degree from the University of California, San Diego, in molecular biology. Walker also says he has worked in construction and as a lab technician and research scientist.
The National Alliance is a group that has produced a huge number of criminals, including men who have engaged in shootouts with police, robbed banks, carried out assassinations and bombings, and killed suspected informers. Its founder and long-time leader, William Pierce, wrote a novel called The Turner Diaries, which has inspired terrorists including the 1995 Oklahoma City bombers.
Pierce died in 2002, and the Alliance has been in decline ever since. At the time of Pierce's death, the group had more than 1,400 members and 17 full-time, paid staffers, and was grossing about $1 million a year. Today, the group has fewer than 200 members, a small handful of staffers, and a money-losing operation.
I have the indictment in hand, typing it up in short order.
ReplyDeleteShaun Walker of the National Alliance arrested
ReplyDeleteJun 9, 2006 2:07 pm US/Mountain
Federal Hate Crime Charges For Three Utahns
SALT LAKE CITY Three men were charged with federal civil rights violations for a barroom attack on a Mexican immigrant and an assault on an American Indian outside another tavern.
Prosecutors announced the indictment Friday after the arrest of Travis D. Massey, 29, and Eric G. Egbert, 21, both of Salt Lake City, and Shaun A. Walker, 38, of Hillsboro, W.Va.
Investigators said the men were members of the white-supremacist group National Alliance and that they provoked arguments and fights to make minorities afraid to appear in public or live and work in Salt Lake City.
“People are free to espouse whatever foolish and hateful ideas they choose,” said Stephen J. Sorenson, Utah’s acting U.S. attorney, in a statement. “But they are not free to act on those ideas in ways that harm others or intimidate them in the free exercise of basic rights.”
Massey and Egbert pleaded not guilty Friday to charges that could land them up to 20 years in prison. They were being held in federal custody pending detention hearings scheduled for Tuesday.
Walker will be arraigned after U.S. marshals bring him to Utah from West Virginia.
Each defendant faces a charge of conspiracy to interfere with civil rights and a second count of interference with a federally protected activity.
The three men were charged with beating a Mexican-American patron at O’Shucks, a private liquor club, on Dec. 31, 2002.
The other assault occurred on an American Indian outside Port O’ Call, another Salt Lake City club, on March 15, 2003. The indictment said Massey and another assailant who wasn’t identified were responsible for that attack.
Massey’s lawyer, Michael Jaenish, didn’t immediately return a call Friday from The Associated Press.
But Egbert’s appointed lawyer, Fred Meadows, said he wondered why it took authorities so long to bring charges for fights three or more years ago with others who weren’t identified in court papers. A spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s office, Melodie Rydalch, said it took that long to develop the case.
“We have to see what the basis was for the delay,” said Meadows, who didn’t expect to receive details of the investigation until next week.
The charges came after an investigation by Salt Lake City police and the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. A sealed indictment was issued by a federal grand jury on Wednesday and opened Thursday when the FBI made arrests in Utah and West Virginia.
(© 2006 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)
Count One
ReplyDelete18 U.S.C. Sec. 241
(Conspiracy to Interfere With Civil Rights)
The Conspiracy and its Objects:
1. From in or about December 2002, and continuing until in or about March 2003, in and around the Central Division of the District of Utah,
the defendants herein, together and with others known and unknown to the Grand Jury, did unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly combine, conspire, confederate and agree among themselves and each other to injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate other persons in and around Salt Lake City, Utah, in the free exercise and enjoyment of rights and privileges secured by the Constitution and laws of the United States; that is, the right to full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages and accommodations of any place of public accommodation without intimidation, threat or coercion because of race, color and national origin.
2. It was the plan and purpose of this conspiracy to band as a group of members and go into public settings and public accommodations and provoke and engage in arguments and fights with persons the defendants perceived to be “non-white,” in order to injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate those persons from exercising their protected rights, including by making such persons afraid to appear in public, work and live in and around Salt Lake City, Utah.
3. Overt Acts in Furtherance of the Conspiracy. In furtherance of the Conspiracy, as alleged above, and to accomplish the objects of the Conspiracy, defendants SHAUN A. WALKER, TRAVIS D. MASSEY and ERIC G. EGBERT, and others known and unknown to the Grand Jury, committed overt acts in and around Salt Lake City, Utah, including but not limited to:
4. On or about December 31, 2002, SHAUN A. WALKER, TRAVIS D. MASSEY and ERIC G. EGBERT, and another person known to the Grand Jury intimidated, threatened, and coerced individuals of minority racial and ethnic heritage in a bar doing business as O’Shucks in Salt Lake City.
5. On or about December 31, 2002, SHAUN A. WALKER, TRAVIS D. MASSEY and ERIC G. EGBERT, and another person known to the Grand Jury intimidated, threatened, coerced and assaulted J.B., a Mexican-American male; in or near a bar doing business as O’Shucks in Salt Lake City.
6. On or about March 15, 2003, TRAVIS D. MASSEY and another person known to the Grand Jury intimidated, threatened, coerced and assaulted an individual of Native-American heritage outside of a bar doing business as the Port of Call in Salt Lake City.
All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 241.
18 U.S.C. Sec 245 (b)(2)(c)
(Interference with a Federally Protected Activity)
7. On or about December 31, 2002, in the Central Division of the District of Utah,
the defendants herein, while aiding and abetting one another and others, did by force and threat of force, willfully injure, intimidate, and interfere with, and attempt to injure, intimidate, and interfere with J.B., a Mexican-American male, because of the individual’s national origin, and because he was and had been enjoying employment, and the perquisites thereof, of a private employer.
8. The commission of this offense resulted in bodily injury to J.B., a Mexican-American male.
All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 245(b)(2)(c), and Title 18, United States Code, Section 2.
Sean Walker now joins the list of such "White Power" notables as Matt Hale and David Lane. What I don't get is why? What has racism and bigotry ever gained any of these men aside from a cage and or an early death? What is so threatning about Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, ect that it can make somebody feel justified in random and arbitrary violence? What end are these guys really working for? Has any of this bullshit they have pulled made their lives any better? Has it improved the quality of life for "White people?" And while on that subject I have to ask a question. Who in the hell do Sean Walker, Eric Gliebe, Kevin Strom, Bill White, Jeff Schoup, ect think that they are? Who are they to speak for Whites anyway? Does any sane and rational thinking person believe that White Americans want some costumed freaks and West Virginia geeks spewing bigotry on their behalf?
"Robert F. Weiler Jr" was arrested yesterday in MD because of a pipe bomb he made to blow up an abortion clinic in Prince George's county.
ReplyDeleteI heard one news report that he was once tied in with WN groups.
I tried really hard to find this in print, but could not.
But, what I did find in an article was that he was arrested in 2003 in Utah with very little details on that.
But, that Utah connection is sending up a red flag and I think it might be a possible lead.
Did that article say what part of Utah by any chance?
ReplyDelete"Police also discovered Weiler was convicted in 2003 in Utah for obstructing police, according to the affidavit. It is unclear what his punishment was for that conviction."
ReplyDeleteI apologise that it is "Faux News", but sometimes we have to get our info where we can.
Josh said...
ReplyDelete"Who in the hell do Sean Walker, Eric Gliebe, Kevin Strom, Bill White, Jeff Schoup, ect think that they are? Who are they to speak for Whites anyway? Does any sane and rational thinking person believe that White Americans want some costumed freaks and West Virginia geeks spewing bigotry on their behalf?"
I have asked that question over and over as well, Josh. Who the hell appointed them to speak for me? No one asked me. They just kinda showed up out there.
I was talking with some college students earlier and they had just watched a video clip of that Lansing rally. What a specimen of humanity, huh? And we are supposed to identify with them? Thank God the majority of white society see it our way - because I would be hurtin' somebody otherwise.
I cannot imagine any one of those people trying to get their hooks into one of my kids. Hell, I cannot imagine one of those people even approaching one of my kids.
One of the NSM "women" - (loosely used) shouted "everything you touch turns to shit." Well...it pretty much looks like it's the other way around - as yet another one bites the dust.
Hey Von, White once printed that you had a thing for black hookers. He only likes you now because you're his little monkey. Don't you have some medication to take, boy?
ReplyDeleteI realize that you "antis", in classic Pavlovian fashion, consider it your mission to reflexively oppose white nationalists simply because they are...white nationalists.
ReplyDeleteBut take a hard look at this so-called "indictment". They're basically facing Federal charges simply because they were in a couple of bar fights. Harsh words are commonly exchanged during bar fights.
If there was really something to this, why weren't the charges filed three years ago? Why didn't the "victims" press state charges? Why didn't the state of Utah charge them with anything? Utah doesn't tolerate lawlessness; it's a hard-core law-and-order Red state.
This whole caper stinks to high heaven. Remember the Paula Jones caper? She was so "offended" by Governor Bill Clinton's conduct that she patiently waited until he acquired the DEEPER pockets of a Presidential salary before she sued him. The question remains - what really motivated the Feds to make an issue of this after THREE years?
This is political opportunism. A typical predatory publicity-seeking US Attorney is trying to make headlines just like the prosecutor in the Duke "rape" case. Shaun Walker and his two cohorts are being prosecuted just because he's a white nationalist. All smoke - no fire.
Oh, and I'll add one more concern. If Shaun Walker is successfully prosecuted and punished, then any white who defends himself or herself physically against a non-white could risk indictment on "civil rights" charges using this case as a precedent. Even if exonerated, you'd still be out the money necessary to hire a defense. That's one of the weaknesses of our justice system - justice is consistently available only to the rich.
ReplyDeleteOff topic & quick update.
ReplyDeleteAbout 25 nazis and 25 protestors showed up in Antietam protected by 100s of police and 4 EMS rescue squads including ours.
Very few onlookers.
White will claim 100 showed up and 5 protestors.
Me and the wife were kept about 400 yards away but were on standby the entire time.
No violence happened. I'm typing this from the local rescue squad.
The local media barely mentioned this rally beforehand happening which kept almost everyone away.
There was also other events happening at Antietam that had nothing to do with the Klan.
I wonder how the Buffalo NSM rally went... or did it?
VONBLUVENS said...1680 articles written about Bill White vs. 1030 that were not on CAH.
ReplyDeleteWell, make that 1031.
I think that is proof you guys are obsessed with Bill White.
It's not a matter of obsessiion. Sometimes when you get a particularly hard nut you just have to keep on pounding on it til it cracks.
By the way how's the day care coming along.
The Nazis did NOT show in Buffalo!! Story will be comming soon. They drove around Niagara square once in a van, saw Antifa and then they booked.. They yelled something that I couldnt understand and that was a day!!
ReplyDeleteSo it was an absolute non-event in Maryland - the NSM couldn't even pull in most of their regional units. And...it was an absolute bust in Buffalo! Nice!
ReplyDeletensm is not news, no one cares what they do except cah. Shaun Walker was news but not many whites even know who he is. Bluvey is pissed the nsm is getting attention here but if not for this there would be a blackout. sometimes you have to take the good with the bad when it comes to making the news. that's why i don't understand why nsm would be angry over anything written here. they should appreciate it. like they always say, any publicity is good publicity. if they really believe that then what's their gripe about?
ReplyDeleteThe National Alliance are federal informants and this is a scam to gain some credibility for their dying cult. No real Whites are even a part of the NA and the cult of 4 is going under. This is a fed scam and there is no real case.