We here at Citizens Against Hate, One Peoples Radio and One Peoples Project have been so overwhelmed by all of the assistance we have gotten by Bill White in our quest to eliminate organized hate groups that we thought the best way to honor him would be to offer an award in his name. The criteria:
1. The recipient must be a practicing racist.
( Mr. White is spokesman for the National Socialist Movement )
2. The recipient must be active in the hate movement.
( Mr. White is an NSM organizer, a web-host operator and likes his mocha with whipped cream)
3. The recipient must demonstrate a unique ability to create havoc and dissension among the rank and file organizied bigots.
(Mr Whites actions and lies, led to a beating of five of NSM followers by members of an opposing hate group ( Vinlanders).
4. The recipient must be able to stay within the rank and file until such dissension has rendered the movement or an organization impotent.
We here at Citizens Against Hate and One Peoples Radio and One Peoples Project give recognition to Bill White's ability to wreak havoc in the racist right-wing and we encourage him to continue.
ReplyDeleteI thought you would appreciate this, Harry.
ReplyDeleteLMHAO!!!!!!!!!! The statue is perfect!! I think it captures Bill in all of his wannabe adonis like glory.. Bill I know you will be reading this, fat boy. Consider yourself lucky that a shot of your rack wasnt used. Also Bill, you are sucking up to the Stormfront crowd now.. whats up with that?
ROFLMAO ~~~@ Josh! Now, we know everyone has to be somewhere - but I doubt very seriously that Don Black can be courted by Bill White. Although, these Nazi's do have a way of forgetting if the pay-off is right.
ReplyDeleteThe Cleveland Indymedia has done a great article exposing identities of nazis.
One interesting thing is they post information about Mark Martin who appears to be homosexual.
Mark E. Martin
NA Member since August 26, 2001
Paid $10. Monthly Dues
DOB 05-03-1963
PO Box 181
Covington, OH. 45318
9020 West U.S. Rt. 36
Covington, OH 45318
(937) 473-5660
Now, this particular Nazi deserves special attention.
A conflicted, self-hating gay man, culinary artist
Mark E. Martin tried to create a National Alliance unit in
Southern Ohio. He gave an interview to Time Magazine
this week.
According to Internet postings, Martin was kicked out
of the National Alliance for using drugs. He then joined
White Revolution, but was kicked out of that group when
he submitted to a DNA test and it was shown he was
one quarter Cherokee Indian.
Martin, who is obviously not proud of his true race (or his
sexual orientation,) then hooked up with other fellow Nazi
uniform fetishist and joined the National Socialist Movement,
(jokingly called “NS&M” in the racist movement.)
Being gay and racist has caused Martin a lot of trouble in the
hateful, homophobic world of neo-Nazi’s. He has caught hell
for advancing the pro gay-rights agenda. Using the screen
name “nsmdevildog” Martin was recently kicked off of the
racist discussion site, Stormfront, for threatening a fellow
Nazi who had described Martin as:
“A chronically unemployed culinary artist who is also a member of a pro-homosexual group and brags about being a warlock and having the ability to cast spells. What the hell does this guy have to lose by dressing up as a Nazi? He is already on the bottom rung of society.”
In the same thread, the racist poster went on to write:
“You say ‘they are pro-white, that should be enough.’ That is absolutely insane. So I should
follow Mark Martin who is an unemployed, self-proclaimed warlock and pro-homosexual just because he says he's ‘pro-white?’ Get real.”
A fierce, neo-Nazi cat-fight ensued on Stormfront with
Mark Martin sending his fellow racist a Private Message
(PM) threatening him and calling him a “bitch.”
Martin was kicked off of Stormfront within hours. Seems
the Nazi’s aren’t quite ready for gays in the paramilitary
NSM just yet.
Because of his colorful history in the vibrant Dayton gay community and his chronic drug use, Mark E. Martin is generally shunned by most neo-Nazi’s but he still runs
a small NSM chapter out of his mother’s house in Covington, Ohio.
Gay Nazi's, who would have thunk it? LOL!
ReplyDeleteMartin living with his mother explains a lot. Guess he picked up all those sewing tips from her.
Mark Martin has a rap sheet a mile long in Miami County Ohio. Mind you, this is only Miami County. He could have other criminal violations.
ReplyDeleteMichael Blevins is proud of people like this.
Search Miami County Court Records"
28 court records on Mr. Martin, here are some of the better ones.
Case #1987-CR-B-001429-S-TRO
Consumption Alcohol in a vehicle.
Case #1993 TR D 07831 S PIQ
No drivers license, expired tags
Case #1987-TR-C-008716-S-TRO
Driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol - no drivers license
Case #2003 CV F 00621
Sued for $5,629.02 and 10% interest
Case #2003 CV F 02440
Sued for $1,858.97 and 10% interest
Case #1992-TR-C-011467-S-SHE
Driving under influence of drugs & alcohol in excess.
Case #2003 CR B 02525
Assault & criminal trespass
used public defender
Case #2004 TR D 11543
Driving under suspended license
Case #1993 CR A 00437SHER
Trafficking in drugs
Case #1995 CR B 01751 S SHER
Case #1995 CR B 03063 S SHER
Disorderly conduct
Case #1998 TR C 00504 S OSP
DUI - 3rd offense
Case #1993 TR C 08221 S OSP
DUI, open container, no driver license, speeding
Case #1987-CR-B-001310-S-SHE
Case #2004 TR D 11196
Driving under suspended license
Case #2004 CR B 00525
Making False Allegation of Peace Officer Misconduct
Just shows the type of character that the NSM draws.
Seems like Martin and cars just don't get along! Hell, nothing and Mr. Martin get along!
ReplyDeleteSchwartzie- We are waiting the Ohio rap sheet.
ReplyDelete“The reality of Nazism faces everybody else with an alternative: They must smash Nazism or renounce their self‑determination, i.e., their freedom and their very existence as human beings…If they do not acquiesce in such a state of affairs, they must fight desperately until the Nazi power is completely broken.”
ReplyDelete--Ludwig von Mises, “Nazism as a World Problem,” in Omnipotent Government
Keep on keeping on
ReplyDeleteClick on the link I provided.
Search: Mark E Martin
There is your rap sheet.